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IC [Dungeon World] The Seven Reaches



Seven Reaches/Western Valley/Halfpoint
Day 6/Late Afternoon

Warris nodded to the elf. “Nae reason the halflings cannae start on the barricades, at least,” he said. “Ye go’ anyone wi’ a ‘ead f’r construction?” he asked Filip. “Get ‘em started on drawin’ up some plans f’r th’earthworks. I’ll see wot I c’n dae when we get back. Start organizin’ the work gangs. Anyone no’ oot on patrol shuild ‘ave a shovel in one ‘and an’ a sword in th’other. Anyone no’ fightin’ shuild be diggin’. Women an’ children c’n ‘elp.”



[sblock=Warris Stats]
Warris Ironfoot

ARMOUR 3 (Chainmail 1, Shield 1, Boar 1)
XP earned (bad rolls): 0


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Ilrec had watched and listened to the others. As usual, Ilrec was silent until his input was needed.

"I agree that we should bolster current defenses," the elf says. "But our responsibility should be to find a weakness in the gnolls' forces and strike there. We must break the gnolls' resolve and carve a path out of Halfpoint."


Half-Jack and Rat

Half-Jack nodded in agreement with Ilrec. "I'm not too sure about stone-toting or wall-building or ditch-digging but carvin' through the gnolls' weakness... now that sounds like a good bit of fun. Take the fight to them, I say!"

He glanced over at Rolff and frowned. "But then we need to get word to the Lord and Lady Hengistbury about the treachery Ringwood suffered." He scowled. This was a thorny situation: too many fires to put out and not enough men to do it. Made a halfling glad he wasn't commander of this unit. "And we haven't reported to Wintercliff, yet."



Seven Reaches/Western Valley/Halfpoint
Day 6/Late Afternoon

Warris nodded to Half-Jack and considered. “We might jus’ ‘ave t’ content ourselves wi’ sendin’ messengers t’ Wintercliff regardin’ our activities if there’s this much gaein’ on in the valley,” he said. “We’ll chase doon the Ringwood lead once the gnolls’re dealt with,” he promised.



[sblock=Warris Stats]
Warris Ironfoot

ARMOUR 3 (Chainmail 1, Shield 1, Boar 1)
XP earned (bad rolls): 0




Seven Reaches/Western Valley/Halfpoint
Day 6/Late Afternoon

Warris nodded to Half-Jack and considered. “We might jus’ ‘ave t’ content ourselves wi’ sendin’ messengers t’ Wintercliff regardin’ our activities if there’s this much gaein’ on in the valley,” he said. “We’ll chase doon the Ringwood lead once the gnolls’re dealt with,” he promised.



[sblock=Warris Stats]
Warris Ironfoot

ARMOUR 3 (Chainmail 1, Shield 1, Boar 1)
XP earned (bad rolls): 0


First Post
Arafel nods. "We'll eat the meal on our plate before cooking the next, yes?"

"So...which way will we find this gnoll camp again?"


Day Six, Early Evening, Halfpoint Hall

Filip listens carefully to your suggestions. Defensive walls he explains have been considered. But they are not viable given the sheer length of wall required to encircle the town. Traps and local barricades to funnel the gnolls towards the traps is something they could do, he notes. Ideally, he would like Warris to stay and oversee their construction. But he does not push the issue. Especially after the decision is made to take the fight to the gnolls.

"It will be dangerous. The gnolls can smell you a mile away and track your scent days after you have passed. Once they suspect that you are in the hills, I expect that they will make no small effort to hunt you down. Are you sure that you want to do this?"

Filip wipes his brow.

It has become uncommonly hot in the hall. Holtson has lit the third brazier and is standing warming his hands in front of the fire. No, not in front of ... they are in the fire. Red hellish flames caress his arms. He notices your gaze and smiles, a smile full of wicked sharp teeth. The flames in each of the three braziers turns deep hellish red. You smell sulphur. Raw energy of the Abyss boils out of the three braziers carrying with it a dozen boney toothy imps. "Get the spawn of the Crone!" growls the thing that was Holtson. Squealing with glee they scatter around the hall, hurling flames, half of them at Filip, a boiling maelstrom of flame directed at the heart of the defence of Halfpoint. The rest of the Imps direct their efforts at you.

What do you do?

[sblock=OOC]Half of the Imps target Filip. Surely no-one can survive such an assault unassisted?

As for the rest of the Imps: Roll D6. On a 5 or 6 you are targeted by an Imp. If so, before you do anything else:

DD: Roll+DEX
10+ You evade the flames.
7-9 You can evade the flames if you choose to. But one of the others in the hall is struck and incapacitated. You choose who and name them: roll 1d6 damage. Newstone, Earthwood and Westweir (the area commanders), Hornstone (the quartermaster), Manus (from Hegistead), Fletcher (the hunter), Sworntree (the Light) or Rolff. Otherwise take the damage yourself.
6- Suck it up.

Imp: Horde, Planar, Intelligent, Organized
Flame gout (d6 damage, ignores armour) 7 HP, 1 Armour
Close, Near, Far.

Over to you. You along with everyone else is positioned somewhere around the central table.

Holtson is near in terms of range.

The iMps do their best to remain outside melee range. They are not stupid, and they are fast. To engage in melee, Roll 1d6:
1 no Imps are within reach.
2-4, you can close on an IMP, but first DD (DEX) to avoid their gouts of fire.
5-6, Stupid IMP never saw you coming. You can Hack and Slash at will. If you take damage from an IMP during H&S, its only claws and teeth: 1d6 does not ignore armour.[/sblock]


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    map_Halfpoint Hall 800x585.jpg
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Seven Reaches/Western Valley/Halfpoint
Day 6/Late Afternoon

Warris listened to Filip’s concerns. He thought they were a bit invalid. After all, there was plenty of earth to create earthworks; they just needed the manpower. But at least they were willing to listen to the idea of the barricades.

And then Holston turned into some sort of...creature, summoning several imps.

“Forge-Father!” the dwarf invoked, swinging his shield from his back as several imps shot flames at Filip. He yanked the halfling defender behind him in an attempt to defend him from the hellspawn.

Imp attacks: 1D6 = [3] = 3
So not targeted by an imp.

Defend Filip: 2D6+1 = [6, 2]+1 = 9
I will redirect the attack to me. So how messed up am I? LOL Do I Defy Danger, or just take it?


[sblock=Warris Stats]
Warris Ironfoot

ARMOUR 3 (Chainmail 1, Shield 1, Boar 1)
XP earned (bad rolls): 0



Ilrec spins in place, bow at the immediate ready, to see the imps appear. He says nothing, letting the bow speak for him. The elf fires several shots at the nearest imp who, in return, tries to engulf Ilrec in eerie flames. For his part, Ilrec dances away from the flames.

[sblock=Moves]Imp Roll: 1D6 = [5] = 5
Ilrec is targeted by an imp.

I believe that Ilrec's "Shoot First" move would give him a chance to act before the imps do anything. If so, he would make another Volley attempt.

Defy Danger: 2D6+2 = [5, 3]+2 = 10
Ilrec manages to avoid the flames.

Ilrec shoots the imp that tried to immolate him.
Volley: 2D6+2 = [1, 4]+2 = 7
This hits. Due to the 7-9 result, Ilrec chooses to mark ammo.
Damage: 1D10+1D4 = [4]+[2] = 6
Ilrec's weapon has piercing 2, so it ignores the imp's armor. It takes 6 damage.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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