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Recent content by thisthingcantbedeleted

  1. T

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 3

    Ersun feels tired, most of all things. There is no order and no guidance here, an ironic complaint from him, given his relationship with authorities, but maybe something of his militarist tribe did rub off on him. He leans onto their makeshift table and listens to Aust's introduction into their...
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    Dark Days in Sion pbp ALL THINGS OOC

    See you some other time Hillsy! I catched up with the ongoings, and can write a post tomorrow.
  3. T

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 3

    Ersun is faced with either retort or giddynes at Bill's outburst, and what eventually bulges out of him is just a smile, and does not comment on it. He is sure someone is bound to find that offensive, but at this moment he will not care. Such giddy little things can be light in darkness, and...
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    Dark Days in Sion pbp ALL THINGS OOC

    Hey! I wont be home until friday evening. Will try to write my post then. Sent from my [device_name] using EN World mobile app
  5. T

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 3

    Down the basement "I barely knew him, having just met, but his act spoke more of character than anything else could. To Jabbar." Ersun added to the salute. There was a queer tingling in the air, or so it seemed to him. A battle that could have been fought better, a death, and a gathering of...
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    Dark Days in Sion pbp ALL THINGS OOC

    Alright. I was a bit confused about how this adds up in timeline too. Especially since my assumption was Narayan was going to skip until dawn, not just into the shop. If I understand correctly, the current conversation is some hours after they came back to the shop, so some of the resting is...
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    Dark Days in Sion pbp ALL THINGS OOC

    If I understand right the one-hour rule and the less-than-one can be combined into one: Sum(spell level x spell slot) minutes, but with an upper limit of one hour (yes, I understand the DC is larger for the one-hour type, but until someone would have 60 mins of spells to prepare it is not really...
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    Dark Days in Sion pbp ALL THINGS OOC

    That was rather cinematic indeed. Eagerly awaiting how this will unfold. As for Ersun it would be foolish to try to find Ren or Rasul in the sewers. He can not even know if they are still there. Previously he did send a message to Thiara about not being able to leave Jabbar's place, hoping she...
  9. T

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2

    Ersun was just about to strike down the wererat as the javelins struck and Ren ran off, with Burrai calling out their names in an attempt to reorganise them. He has to process and make decisions in the blinks of a few raindrops. In retrospect calling their names in the presence of the vulkyrie...
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    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2

    Ersun quickly assets the situation: one rhat gets burned, Ren rushes ahead and seems to handle the other so far, which is good, but the wererat, that seems to be a tough one... He makes a swift tally of his options and decides to bring some more of his arcane skills against it. He drops the wand...
  11. T

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2

    Ersun watched the dwarf charge past him as he cast his wand, and smirked: glad that Burrai followed up on his actions. On the other hand he was not really sure what he meant by pushing them back, probably to get them off the poor girl he figured. He figured if they seem threatening enough to...
  12. T

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2

    Ersun decides not to sneak As Ersun spots the situation unfold up ahead he pauses for a moment, it seems things are escalating quickly. Within a few blinks he makes a hard choice between sneaking closer or making a stand against them, hoping to get their attention off the poor girl. He decides...
  13. T

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2

    Ersun, to investigation As Ersun steps outside he picks up a distinct sound from the rest of the night: a cry and sounds of struggle. Maybe he noticed due to his race being accustomed to relying on their ears, maybe he is especially aware to everything due to the new and exotic environment, or...
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    Dark Days in Sion pbp ALL THINGS OOC

    Happy new year! I am back home and ready to go on if everyone is.
  15. T

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2

    Ersun: Listen check: 24 (natural 20) Spot check: 14