Recent content by nimisgod

  1. nimisgod

    Bribing Players during PCGen

    In the last campaign I ran I had the following rules for Chargen: Ability Scores: 22 Point buy Additional bonuses for point-buy: +2 points for writing a back-story (Deadline: December 14) +2 points for writing a strong connection to Surrion (the God of True Light) +2 points for writing a...
  2. nimisgod

    Am I the Only One Totally Apathetic About Power Sources?

    I can't really explain why I feel excited about new power sources, but I have to say that I do. Also, I agree that there's a distinct pattern or theme to each power source - at least, mechanically, although they're subtle enough for me to appreciate them. And there's a part of me that would...
  3. nimisgod


    That's an interesting viewpoint for me, esp. since currently I'm writing up rules for a LARP here in south NJ. I don't think that a system like that is as much a flaw as it is a feature. I think that you should be able to prosper/function somewhat as a starting character if you're great at...
  4. nimisgod

    ENWorld Edition Bias

    Definitely slightly more anti-4E to me. I used to go to the General RPG discussion forum "alls the times." But nowadays, certain threads drive me to seclusion in the 4E rules forum/cave more often than not. :(
  5. nimisgod

    Do you not play WOW? Forked Thread: Wil Wheaton plays and reviews 4th.

    I stopped playing WoW about a few months ago, but not because I "hated" it. I like the game and the social aspect of it, especially since most of my players play it. In order for me to actually win at PvP (which is the only end-game activity that interests me), I needed a lot of time... time...
  6. nimisgod

    Problem player in my group

    That is really odd. I actually had a player who had nearly the same "idiosyncracies" as this "Fred" of yours (I also have a player named Fred, but he's awesome). "Had" of course, is the operative word since I've since stopped playing with him. His attitude just kept bringing everyone down. My...
  7. nimisgod

    MP ranger ?

    Beast Companions only have 2 Surges, but you can sacrifice your healing surges for them as a standard action (I think).
  8. nimisgod

    Thoughts on STR cleric

    I'm playing a Str cleric of Kord as well, except my cha is 12 and I have enough con to get plate. I do pretty well for myself and my party of three (chaladin and artful rogue). I don't really run out of healing for the most part (we're level 6 and I could've taken bastion of healing) and I do...
  9. nimisgod

    How does my dwarf fighter have the lowest ac of my party?

    I think I understand what is happening here. the OP is adding scale + shield + 1/2 level his friends are adding dex +1/2 level + armor + 1/2 level. They might be thinking that "dex mod" means "dex + 1/2 level"... Which is wrong (if this is the case).
  10. nimisgod

    D&D 4E Who's going to dump WoW for 4E?

    If I had to choose between the two with my money, I'd pick D&D. But right now, I'm off the GM chair and PvPing like a maniac with my [Merciless Gladiator's Greatsword]. I hate being Horde (though I do like the Forsaken and BEs) but I love having no queue-time for BGs. Most of the players at my...
  11. nimisgod

    Niobe's Dilemma (Manzanita Judging)

    Will does not like what he hears from within the room. "My comrades! To me at once!" Will moves toward the door and attempts to smash the hinges* so that it cannot be closed against him. He also positions himself so that only one can engage him. Thrice-damned! Ogrin... hang in there...
  12. nimisgod

    D2: Lost Manor (nimisgod judging)

    ao'Thuir leads Lucien and Richard away from the Meijer residence and toward their trap. Through the winding streets does their path lead. They are noticed, certainly, even in cosmopolitan Orussus. But they are undisturbed. Richard and ao'Thuir's appearances make sure of that. Between the Wood...
  13. nimisgod

    Niobe's Dilemma (Manzanita Judging)

    OOG: Sorry, I've Interweb connection problems in the home. I'll be gone on vacation. Different location but access in destination will be unreliable. Will peers at the darkness beyond the door. It's a trap. Goddess knows it's a trap. But I cannot turn away now, not when our only clue awaits...
  14. nimisgod

    E1: Tomb of Chaos [Judge: Patlin] [Concluded]

    OOG: It was a remove curse. I think someone (not ishmael) should keep the CLW potion though. Always handy. I don't really want anything from the loot pile.
  15. nimisgod

    D2: Lost Manor (nimisgod judging)

    OOG: Message received. Will move the plot along on Christmas Day though, when I get a break.