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Recent content by Hillsy7

  1. H

    Dark Days in Sion pbp ALL THINGS OOC

    OK – well I’ve be trying not to, but I have to accept that just a minor shift in my work-life mix and I’m really struggling for the time, or the headspace, to carry on at the moment. So I’m going to call it quits here, for a bit at least, which I hope will free up space in the game for someone...
  2. H

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 3

    Burrai Steelborn Burrai cleared his throat. It wasn’t a loud sound, but years of easy command dropped it in the perfect space to be heard, and gave it enough of an edge to draw attention. He looked up at everyone and folded his arms on the cask, and waited for them to look down. That had been...
  3. H

    Dark Days in Sion pbp ALL THINGS OOC

    Apologies guys.....works been full on and it's just been sucking up all of my brain bandwidth at the moment. I'll try and get a post up in the next couple of days....
  4. H

    Dark Days in Sion pbp ALL THINGS OOC

    Personally I've no real issue if, for expedience, Aletia had nipped to Kayote's first - dunno if Narayan was planning any RP there or not..... Obviously I was just trying to round up the group for a team building chat together....not really had one yet....all been a bit 100mph
  5. H

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 3

    Burrai stood in the corner, shield and axe leaned carefully by his feet against the wall, staring across the room at Elloral. Jabbar lay on the table, Elloral in attendance looking him over. No, not Jabbar - his corpse. Judging by Elloral’s manner, his sould had already started it’s journey...
  6. H

    Dark Days in Sion pbp ALL THINGS OOC

    Ugh - apologies...I've been both a bit busy the last week AND my alerts for this thread appear to have been turned off, so I didn't get a kick in the shins from enworld to check in..... Anyways - Agreed I think Hoovering up all the evidence and dumping it in Jabbar's basement is probably the...
  7. H

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2

    .........I'm still in shock a little bit. Brutal.....
  8. H

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2

    Burrai Steelborn With two solid thuds everything changed. Jabbar fell, clutching at the pole jammed into his shoulder, and Aletia squawked in shock and pain behind him - and in his head all the pieces and priorities slid and shifted in a moment. No longer was it simply a case of driving a wedge...
  9. H

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2

    As the thing grabbed for whatever hung from his neck, Burrai saw the opening immediately. With a quick flouish of his shield his heavy axe looped beneath the rim so he could pivot, and put all his weight into a backhand blow that connected meatily with the Wererat's other arm. (Attack Roll =...
  10. H

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2

    Burrai Steelborn Burrai shielded his eyes as the thick bar of fire bore it’s way into the other Rhat. It fell, eyes smoking for a moment like some awful demon, then collapsed. A moment later Ren scuttled between his knees brandishing a tiny blade, slashing maniacally at the Rhat he’d flattened...
  11. H

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2

    Just in case you didn't see it on Rolz - Burrai got a 5 for initiative
  12. H

    Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2

    Burrai Steelborn The Night sat heavy in the streets of Cabarda; the clouds that brought the rain gave the air almost palpable weight, making Burrai sweat a little beneath his armour despite the temperature. The quiet susurration of raindrops on roofs and cobbles, the dull clatter on his armour...
  13. H

    Dark Days in Sion pbp START HERE!

    Wahoo! Level 6!
  14. H

    D&D 5E The Fighter Extra Feat Fallacy

    Indeed - a Fighters mechanics get out of the way of the character. It is almost the opposite of the Warklock. Yes, this can invoke the paradox of choice because it doesn't have the prompts and abilities to use as starting points. It does however mesh with anyone, from any background, with any...
  15. H

    High Strength Monk

    You can still dual-wield if you want, it's just your bonus action attack is dependent on it. Also if its an unarmed attack, you still get Ability Modifier damage, so technically 12 rather than 2. But yes, you will take a damage dip if you stuck to punching and didn't pick up tavern brawler. But...