• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

(5E) D&D/Moorcock Multiverse Inspiration PBP


Josiah inched the door open, pistol at the ready. He could see even though the street outside was dark. It was still raining hard. Lightning flashed, momentarily illuminating the small figure in the door. It was Kaylee.

"I'm not afraid of you. We need to talk, Gatekeeper." It was the same child from before. She was wearing Josiah's badge. Yet, when she spoke, something seemed strange. Jones felt a strange gravity emanating from the kid.

Without waiting for an answer she pushed past him into the little shack. She looked around regarding everything curiously, touching surfaces, staring peculiarly at the shabby surroundings.

She turned slowly to look at him then glanced back outside at the storm.

"We haven't much time now..."

* * *

Thunder cracked intensely and, from his angle moving towards the corral, Ralph could see the door to the stable fly open again. Orland shouted a curse as he ran after the animals scattering into the rain and mud.

For some reason Ralph looked over his shoulder as he turned to head into the corral. The farm was out in a remote place, far from the nearest village and no one would be out in this terrible storm, yet, in the distance, Ralph spotted a figure, marching through the muck.

Sir Crenshaw did a double take, ducking under the protection of the corral's over-hanging roof. The figure was waving at him. Maybe shouting too.

Even from this distance, Ralph could tell it was an older person, weighed down with a large pack under his cloak, which gave the appearance of a hunch back.

The man waved again, shivering in the wet.

* * *

Eovin couldn't help but feel a little resentful. The caravan had been traveling for almost a week and the storm was worse and worse. It was hard to fly. It was bumpy and uncomfortable and her little box kept filling with water.

To make matters worse, Laynard had been starting and stopping for the last few hours, complaining that he couldn't see the road. He even turned all of the wagons all the way around then back again, cursing to himself and the storm.

Eovin wasn't sure they were following the road at all. The woods seemed to be getting thicker and more gnarled. Visibility was at an all time low. A dense fog hung in the air.

Behind them they heard a crash. The rear wagon had overturned on a particularly large root jutting into the path. Boxes of supplies and Laynard's son Jim were splayed about in the mud.

The father immediately tried to halt his own horses, and they slowed as he teetered off the side of the wagon, but then sped up again causing the old man to fall on his face into the muck.

Eovin couldn't even see the third horse-drawn cart anymore.

This sucked.

* * *

As Selythin flew along the storm grew more disturbing. The winds became erratic. The rain became a full on downpour. Thunder deafened his sensitive ears. The clouds and whipping wind forced him low.

Just as he was contemplating his fate. Perhaps wondering why he had left in such haste. Pondering what lie ahead. Selythin saw a huge shape coming through the clouds. No, lots of shapes coming together. A giant horde of creatures.

It was impossible to get his bearings, it was that bad, the cloud cover was that thick. But, as far as the cursed elf could ascertain, the horde was moving toward his abandoned homeland.

Before he could think, one of the creatures, he could only assume the same kind, came crashing through the fog directly at the tainted elven prince. It gave a high pitched screech, all teeth and claws and some hairy parts that resembled an ape and a bird all at once. A creature made from pure chaos.

It swooped directly at Selythin, swiping with razor sharp nails as it careened by, but the dark prince managed to dive out of the way.

(Roll initiative and any other rolls to accompany a round of actions.)

* * *

"Princess? Uh...Damnit...Al O? Al...Allll-Ann! All-Anne! That's how these damn things sayit I think..."

Some crazy lady, completely soaked, wide-brimmed hat flopping over her face, dress weighing her down with extra water weight, slogged along down the line. Occasionally she stopped, pulling back her hat to peek at another person passing sand bags. Nobody liked her pokes and prods or weird stares.

"All Anne? Help? Can anybody help me find Al O?" She sounded nuts.

Alan was just trying to sort out what all that meant, through the haze of the storm, when some bloke stepped out of line and grabbed the old woman, shoving her into a sizable puddle.

She screamed. "Princess! Help! Oh jah zee!" And then a big splash.

The man was laughing, standing over her. A lot of the townsfolk had stopped working to gather around the scene. The crowd seemed divided on whether what was happening was entertaining or disturbing.

"Get the hell outta here, you old bat! Can't you see we're trying to save the town here!? You don't even make no sense!" The brute spit into the puddle to punctuate the sentiment.

* * *
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Steve Gorak

As Selythin flew along the storm grew more disturbing. The winds became erratic. The rain became a full on downpour. Thunder deafened his sensitive ears. The clouds and whipping wind forced him low.

Just as he was contemplating his fate. Perhaps wondering why he had left in such haste. Pondering what lie ahead. Selythin saw a huge shape coming through the clouds. No, lots of shapes coming together. A giant horde of creatures.

It was impossible to get his bearings, it was that bad, the cloud cover was that thick. But, as far as the cursed elf could ascertain, the horde was moving toward his abandoned homeland.

Before he could think, one of the creatures, he could only assume the same kind, came crashing through the fog directly at the tainted elven prince. It gave a high pitched screech, all teeth and claws and some hairy parts that resembled an ape and a bird all at once. A creature made from pure chaos.

It swooped directly at Selythin, swiping with razor sharp nails as it careened by, but the dark prince managed to dive out of the way.

(Roll initiative and any other rolls to accompany a round of actions.)

OOC: initiative [roll]1d20+2[/roll]
Arcana or Nature to ascertain what these creatures are [roll]1d20-1[/roll]

Speaking both to himself and the creature: “I accept your challenge, beast!”. He readies his shield, as he flies further towards the ground, thinking that the odds will be more in his favour on firm footing.

OOC: double move towards the ground. Let’s assume that he was [roll]3d100[/roll] feet above ground, ok?
Item interaction: ready shield (the rapier will be next round)


Josiah looked at the kid, then checked outside. No one else. He took a deep breath. This is what he gets for showing an interest.

"Ok, kid, that's great and all, but I don't baby sit," he said, replacing his revolver in its holster. "I said come and look for me when you're older. You're not older. Get out and let me get some sleep."


"Princess? Uh...Damnit...Al O? Al...Allll-Ann! All-Anne! That's how these damn things say it I think..."

Some crazy lady, completely soaked, wide-brimmed hat flopping over her face, dress weighing her down with extra water weight, slogged along down the line. Occasionally she stopped, pulling back her hat to peek at another person passing sand bags. Nobody liked her pokes and prods or weird stares.

"All Anne? Help? Can anybody help me find Al O?" She sounded nuts.

Alan was just trying to sort out what all that meant, through the haze of the storm, when some bloke stepped out of line and grabbed the old woman, shoving her into a sizable puddle.

She screamed. "Princess! Help! Oh jah zee!" And then a big splash.

The man was laughing, standing over her. A lot of the townsfolk had stopped working to gather around the scene. The crowd seemed divided on whether what was happening was entertaining or disturbing.

"Get the hell outta here, you old bat! Can't you see we're trying to save the town here!? You don't even make no sense!" The brute spit into the puddle to punctuate the sentiment.

Alan frowned at the scene, and then did a double-take. What was she doing...?

Then the man threw her, and Alan flinched - confused or mistaken or not, she didn't deserve that. He spoke. "Excuse me - "

When the man didn't respond, Alan interspersed himself in between him and the old woman. "Hey, back off. Just... back off. I'll take care of this."

Alan then turned to the woman, offering her a hand up - the bracers he wore all the time now visible underneath his shirt cuffs as he did so. "No princesses here. But I'll get you somewhere safe. I'm Alan O - "

He paused. "... what was that name you were looking for, again...?"

In her former life he had spent a lot of time around horses and carts. Deliveries of wheat and flour were always transported by horse carts. But as the miller's son, he never really had to drive a cart or ride a horse. He knew how to groom a horse, how to saddle a horse, and horse to hitch a horse to a cart. But ride it? Guide the cart? That was for those who delivered the goods to and from the mill.

She flew from her perch under the tarps and found the winds were worse when the horses were running full speed. She crawled onto the coach seat and saw the reins disappear under the cart. No matter, she thought. No way I'm strong enough to get the horses' attention with the reins anyway. She crawled as close to the edge of the deck as she could and called out to the horses in their own language. "Stop! Stop, now! You must stop running before you slam into a tree!"

OOC: She casts speak with animals instinctively.

If they can't hear her over the wind. She will attempt to climb up their backs closer to their heads.

Also, I updated the image in charsheet to correct her skin color and add some scale to the image.


Selythin covered about half the distance to the ground, swooping back and pulling out his shield, but not before the snarling creature dove again into another clawed swipe.

Luckily, the blow went over the elven prince's head as he was already descending.

He looked at the fanged thing, and beyond at the hundreds, maybe thousands, of similar beasts flying toward his homeland.

There was no doubt in Selythin's mind that these horrible monstrosities came from some dark corner of the abyss itself. These were creatures spawned from pure chaos.

There was also no doubt to the prince that MOST, probably ALL, of the people back in the city and court of the imperials deserved whatever was coming to them.

(The beast rolled higher on initiative and took its action. Your turn again!)

* * *

Kaylee held her ground, staring Josiah Jones straight in the eye.

"We don't have time for this, Gatekeeper. You need to listen now. We're safe for the time being, but we'll be found out soon enough." She went to the only chair in the little shanty and pulled it out from the only table, gesturing for the cowboy to sit.

She stared at Jones until he closed the door.

"I want you to keep an open mind, Gatekeeper. Things aren't as meets the eye. I need you to believe me, because everything you stand for is about to be challenged. This world is not for long. Deals are being made and a new age is beginning as we speak. I...Infiri...need your help."

Kaylee continued to hold the gaze as she let the last words sink in.

Jones still felt that strange energy emanating from the small girl.

SOMETHING weird was going on...

* * *

"Al O? Is that you?" The old woman looked up from her puddle, pushing her soaked hat brim and hair back, pulling herself back out of the mud.

She completely ignored the brute as he laughed again, casually sticking out a foot and tripping her again. Some people laughed and the guy turned and walked away, elbowing some other men as he got back into line.

This time she stumbled straight into Alan, getting mud all over his doublet and shirt, although she barely noticed that either as her eyes wandered over Alan's facial features. She put her muddy hands on his elbows, more smearing, putting her weight on him.

"It... It is you... Look...I shouldn't have come.. We were trying to wait. They told me DON'T GO! But, it's all happening too fast... If we don't DO SOMETHING all is lost. It might already be too late! Oh dear me-oh-my!"

The woman's eyes got big and she started to cry, right there on the spot, holding Alan in the mud.

* * *

Eovin shouted at the horses from the edge of the moving cart. They must've heard immediately because they both clattered to a sudden stop. Some boxes of supplies flew out the front, narrowly missing the reluctant pixie.

The horses both shouted back. "Whu? What's happenin' back thar, little lady?" Hey! What's the big deal? Tryin' ta work here!" They talked over one another. These horses weren't too well mannered in a conversation.

They attempted to look back, but being hitched to the wagon, and wearing blinders to boot, prevented the animals from seeing what was going on.

"What gives?" "We doin' this or what?" They kept grumbling.

* * *

Steve Gorak

Selythin covered about half the distance to the ground, swooping back and pulling out his shield, but not before the snarling creature dove again into another clawed swipe.

Luckily, the blow went over the elven prince's head as he was already descending.

He looked at the fanged thing, and beyond at the hundreds, maybe thousands, of similar beasts flying toward his homeland.

There was no doubt in Selythin's mind that these horrible monstrosities came from some dark corner of the abyss itself. These were creatures spawned from pure chaos.

There was also no doubt to the prince that MOST, probably ALL, of the people back in the city and court of the imperials deserved whatever was coming to them.

(The beast rolled higher on initiative and took its action. Your turn again!)

OOC: Since the beast flew past him,I am assuming it is much faster than he his. This means also that Selythin gets an attack of opportunity. He hasn’t acted this round yet, so is still unarmed, but he will kick the darn thing (using str, since unarmed)
attack of opportunity: 9

As the creature swooped past him, Selythin reacted on instinct and kicked it, but missed by a huge margin. He was too focused on getting closer to the ground. He drew his rapier, and stood ready for the next flyby attack.

OOC: again, I am assuming that the creature is too fast to be reached:
Item interaction: draw rapier
Move: straight to the ground (30 ft), distance left 40 ft
Action: ready action for the next flyby attack, next round, the goal is to strike before the beast does
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Eovin looks around to find out how far from the caravan she is now. In this pea soup fog, she can see them. She isn't even sure if the horses ran straight or at an angle. She flies closer to the horses' heads and lands. "I think we need to turn around. Go slowly to the right." She expects it to take time to explain directions to the horses. Once she thinks they've turn around she gets them to go straight. She is patient with the horses and she hopes to hear Laynard's voice calling out soon. Very soon, the storm is not letting up and I can't really drive a cart by myself.


As the girl talked, Josiah got more angry. He wasn’t used to dealing with children. If this one didn’t leave him be he was going to tan her hide.

Until she said she was Infiri. That stopped him cold. He sat in the preferred chair, listening.

Voidrunner's Codex

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