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WOIN N.E.W. Space Opera [OOC]...


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I have settled on using the WOIN N.E.W.

Using standard 'Character Creation Walk Through' on N.E.W. page 14 for how to create a new character. All species listed in the book along with Careers are open. Within civilized space Technology is around 9 A & B. C and D items are going to be rare or unavailable for purchase without some weird reason (like a Laser Sword but those are part of a package Career item). Out on the Frontier most Tech is 8 or less.

The setting is somewhat based on the Ashen Star (GUMSHOE system)/Star Frontiers (the old TSR game)/Killjoys (SciFi show) sort of setting where out on the bleeding edge of frontier space the heroes are working for a space agency that contacts out law enforcement (and bounty hunting). They have their own ship and face outlaws, pirates, crazies, etc. There has also been a recent discovering of some ancient Forerunner like destroyed worlds just beyond "known space". If the big stellar governments back in civilization were able they would outright ban and outlaw anyone going into this area but they are busy dealing with some war with another space nation on the other side of civilized space. The reason of course is that this tech is super dangerous and even trinkets discovered in the past have proven lethal to the 'tomb-raiders'. But there is a big market for this stuff and the agency out here is trying to keep a lid on it. Then of course their are also rumors of some new alien menace invading from this region of space.

XP and Advancement
OK just too formally spell this out…
Too advance a Career Grade is the Grade x5 in XP
For Incremental Upgrades...
**To raise an Attribute is the new level x2 in XP (raising STR from 9 to 10 costs 20XP, while increasing a skill rank from 2 to 3 costs 6XP)
**To purchase a new Universal Exploit (cannot purchase career exploits separately) cost half the price of a new grade (I'm going to make that x2 XP; so at present it cost 10XP to purchase a new Universal Exploit)


Basic Outline for the game....
The Allied Union of Worlds (or simply the Union) is the human dominate government but has a number of various independent alien worlds have tentatively joined for the mutual benefit of all. But each non-Human race still also includes their own area of controlled space that they govern independently of Humanity (except maybe the Felans as they were a pre-stellar civilization prior to being discovered by Humanity). Especially the Venetian who hold themselves apart from most of the other races.

The PCs are called Regulators, semi-independent freelance law enforcers/bounty hunter operating in a remote sector called the Reach. This space has only been recently colonized by the Union within the last twenty years. The Regulators jobs is to help maintain law and order out here on the frontier by hunting down criminals, search and rescue missions, solving mysteries, fix thorny problems and even exploring the strange corners of space.

The Headquarters for the United Frontier Authority (UFA), the company that issues bounties and contracts for the Regulator units, is located in the Arden Yesser Meteor Belt in the Gamdee System. Regulators congregate here to get gear, get new bounties and contracts and collect on them.

The Union was pouring resources into the region until about five years ago when a new threat to Humanity and the other races appeared on the other side of Known Space. A hostile and extremely aggressive force known as the Zenth Empire started an all-out invasion of Union space! The Union has been able to stop the Empire at least temporarily but the imports into the Reach have dried up. And now, not only have resourced stopped coming but now the Union has started pushing the Reach to provide rare materials for the war effort. Unfortunately most of the planets here are just too young to have the capacity to export much.

To add to the Reach’s woes, a new hostile alien has been making appearances – the Klicks – a spider-crab-like creatures that refuses all forms of communication with others and is extremely hostile and violent with all deals with the civilizations here. In fact the name Klicks is simply the name that those whom have had encountered these aliens in the past as no information is available on what they might call themselves, how they communicate with each other, what their desires or intensions are, etc.

And then there is the Guff of the Dead – just beyond the furthest colonies within the Reach is a region of space where the ruins of some ancient Forerunner species can be found. At least a dozen worlds so far are said to contain these ancient tombs, huge unknown structures with deadly secrets. But there could also be technology beyond even what the Venetians have achieved and there is a growing demand for even the simplest of trinkets. This has created something of a mini-treasure-rush like situation and one that the UFA would like to stamp out!

History of Union Space.
Throughout the 21st century, many First World Nations and Megacorporations set their sights on the resources of Space that lead to something of Resource-Rush and an explosion of space explorations. By the end of the century there were large colonies on both Earth’s Moon and Mars and there was extensive mining happening within the Asteroid Belt. New relative rockets allowed for fairly safe and steady speeds to move personal and products between these areas and made it profitable for those corporations that could afford the initial investments.

However, during this same century on Earth, the various world governments were increased hit with the burdens of overpopulations, dwindling resources, pollution and radical climate change. A number of “limited” Resource-Wars, super-flues pandemics and world-wide economic crashes, nearly lead to an all-out collapse of many of the First World counties. It was only when the UN step up, with the backing of a number of very powerful Megacorporations that these diseased did not lead to extinction on a planetary scale. Only with a combined Human effort was total disaster avoided.

From the ashes of these social, economic and environmental disasters did most of the Earth governments consider to relinquish power to the newly formed Allied Union of Worlds (or simply the Union; officially formed on January 1st, 2106). An outgrowth and dream of both the UN general assembly and one man – Justin Fuller, CEO of Titan World Industries. Fuller was able to outmaneuver both the US and China into eventually capitulating into joining the Union and once that happened it was inevitable that the rest of the world had little choice but also joining.

Then in 2138, alien ruins were discovered on Mars. While much of who or what these beings were is still a mystery, certain technological items were reversed engineering allowing Humanity to develop Faster-Then-Light travel (through Hyperspace gateways). This lead to an explosion of exploration and colonization of Humans into neighboring space. 60 years later the first living aliens were encountered, the Felans. These aliens had not yet developed space travel themselves, having only made it into a late industrial level at the time of first contact. But they were highly adaptive and quickly advanced with Human influence (for good or ill). The Borians Mining Guilds were next encountered when the Union came up a number of exploitative operations. Peaceful contact was made early on and various trade agreements eagerly signed by both parties.

The next two alien first contacts were not as peaceful for the Humans though, with first being pirate attacks by Ogron Star-Clan raiders. However the superiority of Union technology over them meant that they were quickly brought to the peace tables. In the years since the Ogron have gained a lot of technology that they probably should not have and as such have again started up pirate raiding on the edges of Union Space. Encounters with Spartan Imperium warbands were next and far more deadly, as they were technologically near equal to the Union military. A bloody two-year war was only ended with the intervention of yet another alien first contract – the Venetian Combine. For the first time Humans and Spartans had encountered a technologically superior race and these aliens meant to enforce a peace in their region of Space. And so they did.

Over the next fifty years or so the Union has expand its borders in many directions, encounter number other species, but none as advanced at they were (or more advanced like the Venetian). The Felans are completely assimilated into Union society and adapted much of Human culture and social norms as their own. A number of Borians Guild worlds and Ogron Clans along with a few independent worlds of Spartans have all joined the Union and become full citizens of the organizations. Many other minor species have also joined, either whole heartily or as individuals or family groups. Of the Venetian, only a few individuals have actually joined the Union to become citizens with the understanding that certain ‘information’ is private for these individuals and not to be shared with the government.

Union Space is made of a various sectors of explored and settled space. The oldest colonies and the homeworld of bot the Union and the Felan make up the Core Worlds. It spreads out about 20 parsecs from Terra in roughly a circle in all directions and includes some separate 200 systems. These worlds enjoy the highest standards of living and comforts. The Earth has been recovered to a near paradise world again and the people’s standards of living are unmatched in any time in Human history.

Beyond that is the Inner Frontier Worlds extend out some 20 to 30 parsecs beyond the Core and include some fifteen subsectors. Most of these sections expand into the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, although three also extended towards the galactic core. These colonies are fairly advanced and developed and the citizens here tend to have good standards of living and lots of open/empty space around them. Some of the Inner Frontier World subsectors border both Borian and Ogron controlled space.

Farthest out are the Outer Frontier Worlds which have been settled within the last 40 or so years. They extend Union controlled space out a further 30 or 80 parsecs, one of the farthest out being the Reach. Again most of these extended out along the Orion Arm, with only one extending towards the galactic core. It was this outer subsector that had faced the full force of the armies of the Zenth Empire. All the colonies in this subsector have been lost to the Union and they have only managed to stop the Empire’s advancements within the borders of the three Inner Frontier Worlds subsectors of that region. For reasons unknown, the Venetian Combine has not seen fit to interfere with this particular war as they did with the Unions conflict against the Spartans. Venetian and Spartan controlled space also border various subsectors in this region.

This is the current situation with the Union, forcing them to throw all of their resource towards the galactic core and leaving many of the colonies out on the Orion Arm to themselves.

More on the Regulators

This organization is responsible for law enforce and civil control for over a hundred colonies and hundreds (if not thousands) of minor outposts, mining operations, research facilities, start-up colonies, etc. spread over 300 systems within a region that is some 30 by 50 parsecs across. The closes Union Core Systems (the homeworlds and major old colonies of the Humans, a number of Borian and Ogron associated colonies, the Felan homeworld and sponsored colonies, and a few colonies that have also joined the Union from the Spartans and one semi-member colony world of Venetian. Androids don’t have any colonies of their own but within Union space sentient AI are granted some civil rights. They tend to have more out on the frontier though) are about 80 parsecs away (Sol itself is 112 parsecs away).

There are just over a 5,000 Regulators working for the UFA, broken down into teams that range from a pair of individuals to larger sections that max out around 20 or so members. The larger teams tend to work on the larger patrol boats that operate on the Reaches Fringe (attempting to stop smuggling of Forerunner technology out of the Guff of the Dead systems). Most other teams are 3-5 members who work together to collect on bounties the UFA offers on various criminals for various crimes and other quasi-enforcement style jobs (which include but are not limited to – looking for lost or stolen merchandise or individuals, aiding in the solving of various mysteries, protection of groups or individuals for limited events or during exploration, anti-terrorism, etc.). As one might imagine the Regulators are spread very thin and most who are looking for almost any type of work can find it at the UFA main facility. Most corporations operating within the Reach have their own security forces and often hire mercenaries to beef up their forces when needed. Most colonies and outposts will also have some form of peace keeping force assigned to their region but these are mostly to maintain order and solve simple disputes. Anything more dangerous and they contract out to the Regulators.

The UFA has a Reputation of 20 (5d6), Locate Info is Difficult [16] and a Requisition Cap of 1,800cr in most intendance (exceptions being starcraft). The UFA has a Trait of “Disciplined” (even though they are not really that strongly tied together as an over-all organization, individual teams are extremely loyal to each other). This means that so long as there are least 3 member of a team operating together they gain a +1d6 to their Initiative.

Extra Gear provided to the Regulators. They can also requisition other items on a case by case bases (up to the base Reacquisition amount of 1,800cr).

Disruptor Pistol: Damage 2d6+2 heat, Range 12, Cost 100cr, Size S, Wt. 3, Availability 8B, Special: Sidearm.

Mesh Lining Longcoat: Soak 4; Cost 50cr; Type Light; Wt. 8; Availability 9A; Inneffective – Blunt

Survival Tool Kit (Wt. 4, Cost 25cr) includes a compass, electronic mapping devices, emergency rations, a small selection of 10 spray dressings, 10 chemical light-sticks, and a portable laser stove.

The UFA has purchased a number of older, very used Junk-Scouts from the old Union Shipyards. They assign these ships to most of their Regulator teams for use in getting around the Reach. NOTE that I did not completely follow the rules for ship building. Most of the technology level (AL) is around 9, although mostly 8 out on the frontier. But the starship computer navigation stuff is "better" somewhat like those at level 10. Hence FTL speeds are faster and distances are farther. Just because I want the average FTL-X speed to be around a 8 (512 C). There is going to be Interstellar Communications also, but it is not instant. It is probably up around a FTL-X of 20 (8,000 C) such that messages take 3 hours per Parsec. The UFA will normally pay for fuel and upkeep, or reimburse Regulator teams that have to pay for such themselves out on some lonely planet.


Xern Junk-Scout Type II
This is a longer range, updated junk-scout vessel used by the United Frontier Authority (UFA) for standard Regulator transports. It based on an older model Union Scout (at least a hundred years out of date) with various upgrades. It carries no weapons but its range allow for Regulators to move about within the Reach with little difficulty. This ship is not suitable for patrol or anti-pirate work.
Weight: 429 tons; Cargo Units: 15 (0 available; capacity 0.2 tons)
Hull Class: 0-II (INIT +1d6)
Traits: none
Crew: 2 (cost 400cr/m); Passengers: 4 (standard)
Command & Control Systems
Computers: 1x Highwatch SM-1 Computer (CPU cycles 8; max FTL 8; checks +0d6)
Sensors: Chen-Collins SS-2 (range 4; checks +0d6)
Engine & Power Data
Subluminal: 1x Star Corporation SF-2 Fusion Reactor (power 12; Speed 11; fuel efficiency 1.2)
FTL: 2x Cui-Green Alliance SH-1 Hyperdrive (power 4ea; FLT-X 8.0; fuel efficiency 0.8)
Operational Range: 30 parsecs; Travel Increments ​8 parsecs
Defensive Data
Superstructure: 6; DEFENSE 28; E-DEFENSE 10
Shields: 1x DayCorp Systems SSN-2 Navigational Shield Generator (power 1; SOAK n/a)
Luxury: 100% (adequate; +0d6)
Facilities: Brig (2), Double Cabins (3), Messhall (6)
General Systems
Fueling 2x Fuel Bay Alteration
Market Value: 48.2 MCr (used 24.1 MCr)
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First Post
I'd love to try WOIN! I was in a game using the playtest rules that sadly never quite got fully started, but it was really interesting.

I'd be up for Savage Worlds as well. The others I haven't seen before.


First Post
So to better sell the setting, I am using the overall ‘implied’ setting of the core N.E.W. rules, with Humans and Ogrons, Venetians, Borians, Androids, Spartans and Felans. I have the Starship Recognition manual, which adds a lot to the implied setting (along with the Starship Construction book). I am going to add and change some too it but it’s the early 24th century. The Allied Union of Worlds (or simply the Union) is the human dominate government but has a number of various independent alien worlds have tentatively joined for the mutual benefit of all. But each non-Human race still also includes their own area of controlled space that they govern independently of Humanity (except maybe the Felans as they were a pre-stellar civilization prior to being discovered by Humanity). Especially the Venetian who hold themselves apart from most of the other races.

The PCs are called Regulators, semi-independent freelance law enforcers operating in a remote sector called the Reach. This space has only been recently colonized by the Union within the last twenty years. The Regulators jobs is to help maintain law and order out here on the frontier by hunting down criminals, search and rescue missions, solving mysteries, fix thorny problems and even exploring the strange corners of space.

The Headquarters for the United Frontier Authority (UFA), the company that issues bounties and contracts for the Regulator units, is located in the Arden Yesser Meteor Belt in the Gamdee System. Regulators congregate here to get gear, get new bounties and contracts and collect on them.

The Union was pouring resources into the region until about five years ago when a new threat to Humanity and the other races appeared on the other side of Known Space. A hostile and extremely aggressive force known as the Zenth Empire started an all-out invasion of Union space! The Union has been able to stop the Empire at least temporarily but the imports into the Reach have dried up. And now, not only have resourced stopped coming but now the Union has started pushing the Reach to provide rare materials for the war effort. Unfortunately most of the planets here are just too young to have the capacity to export much.

To add to the Reach’s woes, a new hostile alien has been making appearances – the Klicks – a spider-crab-like creatures that refuses all forms of communication with others and is extremely hostile and violent with all deals with the civilizations here. In fact the name Klicks is simply the name that those whom have had encountered these aliens in the past as no information is available on what they might call themselves, how they communicate with each other, what their desires or intensions are, etc.

And then there is the Guff of the Dead – just beyond the furthest colonies within the Reach is a region of space where the ruins of some ancient Forerunner species can be found. At least a dozen worlds so far are said to contain these ancient tombs, huge unknown structures with deadly secrets. But there could also be technology beyond even what the Venetians have achieved and there is a growing demand for even the simplest of trinkets. This has created something of a mini-treasure-rush like situation and one that the UFA would like to stamp out!


First Post
That sounds pretty rad, not gonna lie.

Thinking about an android, perhaps...formerly 'owned' by a space pirate clan, escaped and went legit into law enforcement, but got disillusioned with that and went solo as a bounty hunter before signing up with the Regulators. Still looking for that 'niche' to fit into.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Just butting my head in, but the Galactic Sentience Catalog of over 40 new races is coming out very soon.

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