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The Road to Discovery


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
The Hunting Spiders: Veera

Having less strength than her brother, but also being less prone to frustration, Veera will again try to knock her spider away.
OOC: Speed of Attack: Reaction Time - Hindrance
Renyaveer: -36 - 80(clothing) = -116
Spider: -32 - 50(minimum) = -82

OOC: Opposed Strength Check: ((Body + Strength1 * 10) + d100) - ((Body +Strength2 * 10) + d100)
Rekyavik: 130 + 84 = 214
Spider: 80 + 87 = 167

GM: Renyaveer's spider is, once again, able to bite before she can act.

OOC: Physical Assault: attack + precision + fury + d100
Spiders: 10 + 10 + 0 + 85 = 105
Renyaveer: 12 + 18 + 11 + 75 = 116

Physical Defense: defend + preservation + konokoro + d100
Renyaveer: 11 + 18 + 13 + 42 = 84
Damage: 105 - 84 = 21% * 3 = 1 * 2(2nd spider)
Body: 10 - 2 = 8: hurt
Spider: 10 + 10 + 0 + 77 = 97

OOC: Muddle Venom: (effectiveness - resistance)% * 10
Spider: 20 + 93(d100) = 113
Renyaveer: 13(conditioning) + 95(d100) = 108

GM: All of Renyaveer's efforts are still ineffective. Though she takes some pain, she shakes off the venom.

Vik, freed of his spider, moves to help his sister.
[sblock=NPC Data]SpiderA1: Body: 6 - 2 = 4: hurt, running away
SpiderA2: Body: 6 - 14 = -8: dead
SpiderN: Body: 6 - 1 - 7 = -2: incapacitated
SPiderM1: Body: 6 - 4 = 2: injured
SpiderQ1: Body: 6 - 9 = -3: incapacitated[/sblock]
[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
Abrine: Body: 10 - 2 = 8: hurt
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: Body: 10 - 2 = 8: hurt
flint arrows: 7
bone arrows: 10
Quill: Body: 10 - 4 = 6: injured
javelins: 6[/sblock]
[sblock=Sequence of Attack]
Nalvis: -183
Mekric: -129
Arbrine: -84
Vik: -164
Veera: -116
Quill: -100
Spiders: -82
OOC: Arbrine is next.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Feeling confident from her early success, Arbrine will step and punch the next closest spider, channeling Way when her fist connects to Heat it.

OOC: roll: 88


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
The Hunting Spiders: Arbrine

Feeling confident from her early success, Arbrine will step and punch the next closest spider, channeling Way when her fist connects to Heat it.
OOC: roll: 88
Quill will attempt to heat her second spider, while Veera will desperately try to shake her spiders loose.
OOC: Speed of Attack: Reaction Time - Hindrance
Arbrine: -84 - 110(clothing) = -194
Quill: -100 - 110 = -210
Renyaveer: -116 - 80 = -196
SpiderA: -82 - 50(minimum) - 20(injured) = -152
Spiders: -82 - 50(minimum) = -132

GM: Having decimated her second spider, Arbrine proceeds after the first, but quickly realizes that it is much faster, even injured, and she will not be able to catch it. Quill still has a spider trying to bite her while Veera still has two.

OOC: Physical Assault: attack + precision + fury + d100
Spiders: 10 + 10 + 0 + 20 = 40

Physical Defense: defend + preservation + konokoro + d100
Quill: 13 + 13 + 13 + 55 = 94
Renyaveer: 11 + 18 + 13 + 64 = 106

Opposed Strength:
Veera: 120 + 70 = 190
Spiders: 80 + 33 = 113

Quill: 27 + 55 = 82
Spider: 10 + 22 = 32
Damage: 82 - 32 = 50% * 10 = 5
Body: 6 - 5 = 1: injured

GM: Renyaveer grabs both spiders by a leg and shakes vigorously, dislodging both in the process and flinging them away. Quill significantly injures her second spider, which drops from her body.

[sblock=Sequence of Attack]
Nalvis: -183
Mekric: -129
Arbrine: -194
Vik: -164
Veera: -196
Quill: -210
Spiders: -132
[sblock=NPC Data]SpiderA1: Body: 6 - 2 = 4: hurt, escaped
SpiderA2: Body: 6 - 14 = -8: dead
SpiderN: Body: 6 - 1 - 7 = -2: incapacitated
SpiderM1: Body: 6 - 4 = 2: injured
SpiderM2: full health
SpiderQ1: Body: 6 - 9 = -3: incapacitated
SpiderQ2: Body: 6 - 5 = 1: injured
SpidersV: fleeing[/sblock]
[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
Abrine: Body: 10 - 2 = 8: hurt
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: Body: 10 - 2 = 8: hurt
flint arrows: 7
bone arrows: 10
Quill: Body: 10 - 4 = 6: injured
javelins: 6[/sblock]
OOC: Mekric is next.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Seeing that others are having more success without weapons, Mekric releases her staff and attempts to deal with the spiders with her bare hands. She will attempt to dislodge or attack the most aggressive spider in her proximity.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
The Hunting Spiders: Their End

Seeing that others are having more success without weapons, Mekric releases her staff and attempts to deal with the spiders with her bare hands. She will attempt to dislodge or attack the most aggressive spider in her proximity.
GM: Spiders have a very specific mode of behavior. Though they are fearless to attack any potential food source, even preferring larger prey, self-preservation is the priority instinct. Once injured or deterred, they will leave to seek easier targets. Mekric, between Nalvis and Arbrine, is able to free herself from her spiders with no further danger, Arbrine even heating another as it is loosed. The group has not only survived its first assault, it has succeeded in overcoming the threat with little injury to itself. The spider that can flee, do so. The four that cannot are readily killed.

[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
Abrine: Body: 10 - 2 = 8: hurt
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: Body: 10 - 2 = 8: hurt
flint arrows: 7
bone arrows: 10
Quill: Body: 10 - 4 = 6: injured
javelins: 6[/sblock]
OOC: Each character receives a total of 24 XP.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
The group will search the spiders and claim any useable pieces from the corpses.

Nalvis will search the area in and around the combat to see if anything interesting is about, maybe something dropped from earlier prey.

Mekric will look at where they were ambushed to determine what made this a likely spot and how they can avoid such dangers in the future. "Our parents told us stories about creatures like this, and many that are more fearsome. When we left home I thought our only opponents would be the murderers we seek, but now I wonder at what we will find in these untamed lands."

Arbrine inspects the seeping holes that the bite left in her flesh. If Way can help her burn things, perhaps it can make her spider bite heal faster.
OOC: roll: 91


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Hunting Spiders: The Aftermath

OOC: All characters except Renyaveer can now actively manipulate Way. They will sense this ability instinctively and will need to practice it, but will not need specific training.

The group will search the spiders and claim any useable pieces from the corpses.
GM: Of the four downed spiders, the group is able to successfully collect 2 pair of fangs. The legs are large enough that Rekyavik decides to cook them to see if they are edible, which they happen to be.

Kwargrow said:
Nalvis will search the area in and around the combat to see if anything interesting is about, maybe something dropped from earlier prey.
GM: These spiders have evidently been successfully ambushing this area for some time. Back out of the main path, Nalvis finds the borrows of the spiders strewn with debris from a variety of previous victims. Fortunately for Nalvis, the spiders they fled the attack area have either gone into hiding elsewhere or have moved on to find a new location, for they are not within their burrows. He picks through bones and hair and feathers. After poking around to his satisfaction, Nalvis returns to the group with his collection of interesting items, 2 pair of incisors almost as long as his finger, probably from a nutria, some tail feathers from a harvester bird, some tail feathers from a songbird, a dark purplish stone, and a shiny metal ingot.

Kwargrow said:
Mekric will look at where they were ambushed to determine what made this a likely spot and how they can avoid such dangers in the future. "Our parents told us stories about creatures like this, and many that are more fearsome. When we left home I thought our only opponents would be the murderers we seek, but now I wonder at what we will find in these untamed lands."
GM: Mekric walks back and forth through the area, taking a look at it from different angles. She determines that this particular spot on the game trail provides a natural ambush site for predators such as hunting spiders. People or larger predators would not be able to make such use as the path is too narrow for them.

Kwargrow said:
Arbrine inspects the seeping holes that the bite left in her flesh. If Way can help her burn things, perhaps it can make her spider bite heal faster.
OOC: roll: 91
OOC: Render Aid:
  • Mend (Collegiate Task) +
  • Mind + Knowledge +
  • Commercial
Time: 10 days * Loss / (Target Health + Target Confluence + Effectiveness + d100)
This active task is applied to an attempt to restore a person to full capacity after sustaining bodily damage. This may be applied once per day, per victim, per person rendering aid and the results are additive.
Range: Touch
  • Essence + Confluence + Collegiate
By actively manipulating Way, this increases the natural rate of recovery of the loss of Body in the intended target. This is used to augment the Commercial Task of Render Aid. There is no random aspect to this task.
Arbrine: 18(mend) + 13(aid) = 31
Time: 10 days * 2 / (2 + 4 + 31 + 91) = 3 hours, 45 minutes
Quill: 19(mend) + 15(aid) = 34
Time: 10 days * 4 / (3 + 4 + 34 + 95 + 33) = 5 hours, 41 minutes
Time: 10 days * 2 / (3 + 1 + 34 + 95 + 33) = 2 hours, 54 minutes

GM: Arbrine is pleased to to find that she can fluctuate the natural Way lines within and about her own body to paranormally speed her natural healing process, changing what would have taken days into mere hours.

Quill will tend to her own body and then assist Veera. For her part, Veera squeezes the bite marks on her side to make sure there is no lingering venom, but she has yet to develop any talent for manipulating Way.

Quill when she approaches her says, "Move your hand. Let me take a look at that. You are too clinical. You need to develop some sensitivity to things."
[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
Abrine: Body: 10 - 2 = 8: hurt
recovery time: 3 hours, 45 minutes
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: Body: 10 - 2 = 8: hurt
recovery time: 2 hours, 54 minutes
flint arrows: 7
bone arrows: 10
Quill: Body: 10 - 4 = 6: injured
recovery time: 5 hours, 41 minutes
javelins: 6[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Spider Fangs: 2 pair: ?
Incisors: 2 pair: ?
Harvester Tail Feathers: 1 set: ?
Songbird Tail Feathers: 1 set: ?
Purplish Stone: 1: ?
Shiny Metal Ingot: 1: ?[/sblock]
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Nalvis and Mekric examine Arbrines wound and see that it is mending quickly. They marvel at this new power and when they see Quill also utilizing it they decide to speak with their new friends about it.

Arbrine says to Quill, "I have not met anyone before that could do the things I could. I am glad to know you, and I wonder what other things we could discover together."

Mekric says, "I don't think we are still in danger, but let's move on from this place. It makes me uncomfortable."

While they travel Nalvis and Mekric will discuss these abilities and how to use them, taking the first steps to becoming Way users themselves.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Making Camp

Nalvis and Mekric examine Arbrines wound and see that it is mending quickly. They marvel at this new power and when they see Quill also utilizing it they decide to speak with their new friends about it.

Arbrine says to Quill, "I have not met anyone before that could do the things I could. I am glad to know you, and I wonder what other things we could discover together."
Quill nods and bobs her head some, choosing her words.
"My talent first manifested when I started adolescence. At first, I thought is was some gifts from the Gods to compensate for my being so much smaller than all of my adopted tribe. Vik and Veera took to protecting me as we have long been friends. I would start cookfires just by touching the kindling, or I could speed the healing of our frequent nicks and cuts. I feel like I could do other things, but the way the elders talk about Blighters, I would never try anything unless we were away on one of our hunting trips.

I later realized that I could sense the talent in Vik and Veera, especially if Vik is angry, so I know it is not some gift for us little people. The other two have not yet learned to manifest the talent, but I think Vik is close. It is so nice to find companionship with this
Kwargrow said:
Mekric says, "I don't think we are still in danger, but let's move on from this place. It makes me uncomfortable."
Veera fiddles with some of the feathers Nalvis found before handing them back.
"I do not know why, but I feel them same compulsion to hold those feathers as I do these from that crow I shot. I agree with Mekric. Let us move on a bit before we camp."
Kwargrow said:
While they travel, Nalvis and Mekric will discuss these abilities and how to use them, taking the first steps to becoming Way users themselves.
Quill joins in with Nalvis and Mekric as if a burden has been lifted from her shoulders. Renyavik listens but offers no thoughts of his own. Quill says,
"I think our tuning to these Way lines, that seems a good name for it, will be different for each of us. For me it is like catching the scent of smoke on the wind. The smoke has a different scent depending on what is burning. It is like I can smell the potential of what can be."

OOC: Game Mechanics:
Sense of smell is the primary sense for those with a proclivity toward Academics. Theologic will be visual, and Aberrative will be tactile. Quill's new archetype is that of an Academic.

GM: All the characters feel an acute curiosity to examine the items that Nalvis collected because they drew his fascination. Arbrine and Quill are more than fascinated. Both think there is some purpose or advantage to possessing one or more of the curios items.

[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
Abrine: Body: 10 - 2 = 8: hurt
recovery time: 3 hours, 45 minutes
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: Body: 10 - 2 = 8: hurt
recovery time: 2 hours, 54 minutes
flint arrows: 7
bone arrows: 10
Quill: Body: 10 - 4 = 6: injured
recovery time: 5 hours, 41 minutes
javelins: 6[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Spider Fangs: 2 pair: ?
Incisors: 2 pair: ?
Harvester Tail Feathers: 1 set: ?
Songbird Tail Feathers: 1 set: ?
Purplish Stone: 1: ?
Shiny Metal Ingot: 1: ?[/sblock]
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Gamer Extraordinaire
I would start cookfires just by touching the kindling

When the group stops to camp Nalvis and Mekric will enthusiastically attempt to start the campfire with Way.

Arbrine will sort through the objects Nalvis found to see if any feel special to her. She will focus on the spider fangs since they are the freshest items.

Mekric will fashion the feathers together to wear in her hair. Nalvis will carry the purple stone as a good luck charm.

Voidrunner's Codex

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