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D&D 5E Firearms help needed please


First Post
Yes, guns arrived because - like crossbows before them - they were easier to use than a sword or a longbow. Not because they did super damage.

I don’t agree that a bullet wound is harder to treat; a sword will mangle up your insides just fine; and you’re not reattaching a dismembered hand. But I’m not a doctor, so if any doctors here say otherwise I’ll take their word for it.

Savage wounds from either type will obviously kill, but not all sword attacks are going to be that savage. Your opponent can still move out of the way (or try), and armor can protect even more. End result is a lot of cuts and stabs that -- provided they didn't directly hit something important -- can be treated pretty effectively. Guns, on the other hand, have bullets that enter the body and then tumble around into various muscles, bones, and organs, usually resulting in pretty major blood loss and often pneumothorax if it's the chest. Unlike with swords, you can't really dodge bullets and the effectiveness of armor is overall weaker compared to the attack. Furthermore, when talking about rifles, you might not be dealing with a *single* wound. You could be hit several times in different places with that one pull of a trigger. You're also talking about a weapon that can bypass the "natural" defenses your body has to protect internal organs much more effectively (rib cage, arteries nestled within muscle and tissue, etc). A sword cut to the leg needs to be pretty deep to turn lethal. A gunshot just needs to hit and it has a good chance.

Another way to look at this would be (assuming we eliminate the obvious insta-kills like a headshot or beheading) to compare treatment methods. Stabbing and slashing wounds often involve stitches and possibly minor surgery. Gunshot wounds usually always involve intensive surgery.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Bullets tend to impart a lot more kinetic force to the target than a sword or arrow does, causing waves of concussive force that travel through the body and can amplify the wound (Hydrostatic Shock).

It's even uglier if the bullet hits a bone instead of passing through - then it can ricochet inside the body or limb, doing devastating damage.

And swords tend to cut things off!


Rules Monkey
And swords tend to cut things off!

Well, that's actually kind of rare outside of movies. They cut and mangle, and limbs get amputated afterward if dealing with primitive medical abilities.

But once again, it really depends on playstyle: Do you want Grim and Gritty, or Hollywood Cinematic? Either can be fun.

Tony Vargas

. I’d be very interested in seeing some studies about the comparative amount of damage to the human body from a bulletproof or being slashed with a sharp sword.
Thanks to the 2nd Amendment & American politics there have been plenty of studies contrasting the GSW with the effects of other lethal weapons (though not so much swords, specifically), and plenty of controversy about them.

The reason guns are better is because they are easier to use, require less training than a sword, and are ranged
The 'equalizer' meme, yes.

But if you stand there and take a solid blow from a sword, there will be a catastrophic amount of damage to your body.
The actual energy in both cases is limited by the strength of the wielder - you can only lift so heavy a sword, or handle so much recoil.

There’s a reason you have a single headsman, but a firing squad.
Apropos of nothing, its anonymity. The headsman wears a hood, any given member of a firing squad may not have hit the victim.


Rules Monkey
Apropos of nothing, its anonymity. The headsman wears a hood, any given member of a firing squad may not have hit the victim.

Didn't they also randomly load one of the guns in the firing squad with a blank, so not even the men firing the guns knew if they fired the lethal shot? Or is that just a myth?


I don't see the problem with guns having insane damage compared to a bow. They DO have insane damage compared to a bow. An entire Seal team can be taken out with surprise and four well placed bullets. Wielded by children, if they're trained well enough.

I find it surprising that there are complaints that the Monsters in the Monster Manuel become unbalanced when introducing guns. EVERYTHING becomes unbalanced when introducing guns. A horde of kobolds who all have firearms would mow down any small team, period, the end. A creature's CR becomes obsolete the moment you introduce firearms. The only creature's who will be hard to kill are those who are resistant/immune to firearms.

Firearms make magic combat obsolete. Anyone can blow a person's head off as long as they know how to pull a trigger. It's why we don't wear swords and axes anymore for protection. Or even bows or crossbows. Firearms are easily concealed, and take less skill to wield effectively.

If you're going to have firearms be common place, people will have to adjust their thinking on what "difficulty" means. Everything is at the same time easier and harder. Easier to kill, but easier to die. Everyone should be using guns as a last resort. It makes people more willing to talk. Unless they have the numbers, then they'll likely die.

Your group needs bulletproof armor. Have Mage Armor also give a huge reduction to ballistic damage, as if it were bulletproof, or mostly bulletproof.

If you are going to use something as broken in real life as firearms, and modern ones at that, then you have to be prepared to suffer the consequences of that. There is no way that any gun is doing only slightly better damage than a crossbow bolt.

As in real life, firearms. Change. Everything.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I don't see the problem with guns having insane damage compared to a bow. They DO have insane damage compared to a bow. An entire Seal team can be taken out with surprise and four well placed bullets.

Or four well placed arrows. Nobody alive can shrug off an arrow in the eye.

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