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Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 3



[Search body, taking 20, +1 Aura, +3 Skill, +2 Aid Another by Folg = 26]

Half Orc Equipment________________________________________

-Chain Shirt
-Daggers x2
-Desert Garb
-9 GP
-12 SP
-13 CP
-Small Green Opal (33 GP)(Hidden in secret pocket)
-Small Piece of Amber (23 GP)(Hidden in Secret pocket)
-Parchment (Contract with Masoud Trading Company for 2 months work)


The main entrance opens into a common room with two hearths, a stage, four tables and a bar that seats six. There is a backdoor opposite the main entrance on the rear wall beside one of the hearths. Another door opens directly into the common room from the kitchen. A staircase rises to the second floor beside the bar. Behind the bar is a larder that features a pass-through to reach the kitchen where they store barrels and casks of drink. Another backdoor services the bar for supplies. The air smells of exotic food with underlying hints of perfume and dung burning in the hearths.

It isn't the fanciest place by any means, but out here in no mans land it is about as luxurious as it gets. Everything looks old and well-used past its prime. The floorboards, tables and chairs all creak with age. Each hearth has a low fire burning of camel dung and coals that does little for light but gives out sufficient warmth. Five lanterns hang from the ceiling giving light for the stage and tables with one more behind the bar to help the bartender do his work.

There's a guard standing by the backdoor by the stage. Three patrons are seated at the bar, and six more are seated at the tables. (3 men at each of two tables). On the stage are two scantily-clad ladies of mixed origins dancing seductively as a trio of halfling musicians play a tune on drums, flute and gittern. (Two more patrons stand near the stage ogling the girls up close.) A man you recognize as the one who escorts the girls too and from the barn is seated at the bar as well.

The bartender is a huge Mgorongoron with a beard and a bald head. He looks strong enough to crush a mug in one hand if he tried too. Most of the patrons are akhenatens, yet there are some maharathans and a couple mgorongorons as well. Three serving girls carry trays of hot food in and out of the kitchen. One of them approaches as you enter.

Serving Girl: -Speaking Common- "Welcome to the Restless Sands! My name is Tylia." She says with very striking golden eyes and a pretty smile. Probably in her mid twenties.

Svexyn:"Where can I buy some camping gear? And once I'm done with that, Drasus and I need a drink, if you can point out where he is."

Serving Girl: "Ask Gedeon, the guard, about getting gear and speaking with Drasus." She says pointing him out to you. "Drasus is upstairs in the private seating area." She gestures to the staircase to the left of the bar. "You'll need Gedeon's permission to go up there unless your invited. Or, if you ask me nicely, I could go up there and tell him your here?".

[Svexyn: What do you do?]

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Alic, Bax, Kryslogious, Malic, Ordechai, Wrenwil

~ A Keu! ~

The cleric was relieved to see his companions were relatively unscathed by the ordeal he'd failed to share in. He'd missed the action, but it seemed clear that a general consensus had been agreed, that the Keu was to be saved... somehow. Using his staff to support weary knees, Wrenwil crouched down next to the creature and murmured something about not being a veterinary physician.

It was all up to Pentos now. He softly stroked the poor thing's feathery head and called for assistance, mercy, and a a reward for bravery in the dangerous skies.

[Cast Cure Moderate Wounds for 18 HP - Assuming the poor thing isn't a goner.]

Unfortunately the Keu is definitely past the point where healing magic would save him. All that's left to do for the poor creature is prepare its burial and unravel it from the net.

Alic: "The Keu spoke your name Wrenwil, I swear I heard it! Kryslogious can vouch for that."

After you search its body you find the following:

Keu Equipment_______________________________

- 1 PP
- 2 GP
- 7 SP
- 8 CP
- Ring of Sustenance
- Potions of Cure Light Wounds (x2)(In Belt Pouch)
- Alchemical Silver Dagger (Small Size, in wrist sheath)
- Cold Iron Dagger (Small Size, in wrist sheath)
- Sack (Tied to belt)
- Spell Component Pouch
- Spellbook (In Pouch, Contains Spells for my Summoner Class - See Obsidian Portal Wiki for details)
- Flask of Alchemists Fire (In Belt Pouch)
- Vial of Acid (In Belt Pouch)
- Sunrod (In belt Sheath)
- Tindertwig (In Sack)
- Scrollcase (Contains five sheets of parchment, a Vial of Ink and an Inkpen)
- Waterskin
- Two days rations (In Sack)
- Whetstone (In Sack)

You also find a letter tucked inside its vest containing a wax medallion bearing someones personal seal. Unfortunately the writing appears to be smeared so badly its illegible.

[Wrenwil: You immediately recognize the seal as Jarahdrins and you realize this letter was written with a magical ink Jarahdrin uses whenever he writes about a subject matter too sensitive to be intercepted. In order to decipher the writing all you need to do is hold the parchment up before a natural flame and flip it over so you can't see the ink, back-lighting it. When you do so the writing becomes legible at that angle and you can read the following.]

Jarahdrins Letter____________________________________________

Old Friend,

I pray my small winged messenger is able to find you safely before you make your way into Vulkh. The grand city by the Arosis river, Masaeus, was swallowed in bloodshed last night as
dozens were slain (perhaps as many as two hundred) by Vulkyrie killing anyone who resisted arrest. Whats worse, they were also attacked by some sort of dragon! My sources say it is a truly abominable creature, beholden to one of the Vulkyrie mages.

Baron Zomok held an audience this morning, shortly after dawn, where he postulated the violence was necessary to quash a recent rebellion. As usual he urged all loyal citizens to be vigilant and dutiful in service to their Vul lords. Nevertheless, a mass exodus of visitors to the city was already underway using any means at their disposal to flee for their lives.

My sources also tell me there was an unprecedented infiltration of the Vulkyrie dungeon beneath their headquarters, shortly before dawn, where a prisoner was rescued. They say the Vulkyrie Prince is furious and promises the streets will run red with rebel blood until the prisoner is recovered. Take care to avoid that city at all costs for the time being.

I'm told the river was crowded with ships departing their docks under full sail this morning. Take heed that river-travel may be especially risky for a few days. I recommend great caution on your journey. Seek out the office of my trading company in Tabba and ask for an escort to Cabarda. My personal seal contained with this letter will ensure their cooperation. Be sure to burn this letter as soon as you read it and destroy my seal to aid deniability of any association with me if you are captured.

Of course if such a thing were to happen, be assured I would use every resource at my disposal and every bit of political influence I have to see you freed.

God be with you,



After you search the Vul Hunter you find the following.

Vul Equipment_______________________________________________

- Longspear
- Net
- Bone-handled knife
- Hide Vest
- 10 ft. of high quality sinew-cord.
- Needle & Thread
- 2 square ft. of high quality supple leather
- Flint & Steel
- Pouch of Jerky
- Waterskin
- Scrollcase (Contains a copy of the Laws of Vulkh and a high quality map of Vulkh)
- Vial made of bone with a wooden-stopper as a lid. Contains an unknown pungent-smelling sappy-substance?

[Kryslogious, Wrenwil:
What do you do?]
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Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Svexyn, Mogan and Folg


The inn was what he expected, for the most part. Tables, a bar, a stage for the women, and even a private area. As the serving girl came by, he noted her golden eyes. Could this be a sign?

Serving Girl: "Ask Gedeon, the guard, about getting gear and speaking with Drasus." She says pointing him out to you. "Drasus is upstairs in the private seating area." She gestures to the staircase to the left of the bar. "You'll need Gedeon's permission to go up there unless your invited. Or, if you ask me nicely, I could go up there and tell him your here?".

"So I can either talk to some guard named Gedeon, or decide to ask a lovely beauty like you? Doesn't seem fair to Gedeon, wouldn't you say? How about this. I still need gear, so I have need of talking with Gedeon. But once I am done with that, I would love to ask you nicely to inform Drasus that I am here."

Svexyn hopes that the agreement is taken, as he then moves to Gedeon. "Tylia says you are the one to ask regarding gear. After Drasus's quick work outside, I've recently come into a need for a shovel, tents, maybe a mule, and some other various items. That half-orc isn't going to bury himself. Do you carry stock around here for that type of stuff?"

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Billanverthorne Reveals All

Jabbar: "You cant be serious? Jarahdrin was helping your father investigate the Black Network? Forgive me but thats hard to believe. Jarahdrin is one of the corrupt merchant elite! He's never demonstrated any care for the miseries of the common people. Why would he help your father so far away while ignoring the plight all around him?"

He paused then as his eyes unfocused while he focused inwardly on a thought.

"Unlessss..." He says with a slight smile. "...his cold demeanor is just a ruse? I should certainly understand the need for appearances in this land, plagued as it is with so much evil!" He remarks, focusing his gaze at you once again Billanverthorne.

Bill decides to reveal all of what he knows about Jarahdrin to Jabbar. ~Perhaps the minor biographical details to which I am privy might have more significance to Jabbar; perhaps these details will reveal to him something that I was unable to deduce.~

"My new-found friend," Bill says to Jabbar, "I have found the following information from credible sources: Jarahdrin is half-Ahkenaten / half-Grey Elf, son of an Ahkenaten trader named Hadi Masoud, who married a Grey Elf named Kyesti Sumoro. Jarahdrin's parents met in the kingdom of Seillon while Hadi was buying goods in the market. After a brief romance (which was highly frowned upon) Kyesti began to carry Hadi's child..."

Bill pauses a moment, then continues:

"The Sumoro family is part of the Merchant-house caste and are thus very rich and influential in Seillon. They forbade Kyesti to marry a human. Nor was Hadi or his son allowed to remain in Seillon indefinitely. Eventually they were pressured to return to Vulkh after Jarahdrin was old enough to leave his mother. House Sumoro did support Jarahdrin's upbringing with a small fortune which Masoud invested in the most prestigious boarding schools. Jarahdrin spent most of his adolescence with other privileged youths of various merchant lords and wealthy officials."

Bill refills his tea, takes a long drought, and continues:

"Meanwhile Hadi's trade business grew quite prosperous and eventually he hoped to leave the reigns to Jarahdrin when he was old enough to retire. Jarahdrin had other plans however because he was altogether enthralled with the mysteries of history and obscure lore. He had no interest in the family business but Hadi insisted he involve himself. Therefore, Jarahdrin did a fair amount of trade throughout the kingdom by his fathers side but he quickly grew bored with it and began to travel further abroad on speculative trade ventures. He did this for several years, rather unsuccessfully because he was busier investigating local lore and exploring than actually making deals happen."

Bill smiles as he concludes the brief biographical lesson:

"Eventually his father became too infirm to manage the business properly and called for Jarahdrin to take over. Jarahdrin only did so until his father passed away twenty years ago, than he left the management in the hands of a small group of merchants while continuing to collect the lions share of the profits for himself. Things have remained that way ever since and most people aren't even aware of Jarahdrins' ownership of the Masoud Trade Company... So you see, my friend, Jarahdrin is a merchant in name only, for the sake of his father's dying wishes, and for the sake of having enough money to live well and pursue his own interests, that being the obscure lore I spoke of earlier. It is this hobby of his, this passion for obscure lore, which interests me. I suspect that my father Terrandar, knowing of his knowledge, went to him for advice and consultation, once he began to discover things..."

Bill pulls two scraps of paper from his pouch. One is his father's letter to Jarahdrin. The other is the partially burned journal page.

"Read these, my friend." Bill says.


So glad you got a chance to read The Definitive Guide to the Olympian Glades of Arborea,
I found the chapter regarding wine making very amusing! Surely that could not be true!

I'm still working on your copy of The Mating Habits of the OwlBear. I'm not sure whats
more frightening, the material or imagining how someone managed to observe that behavior
so closely and lived to write about it!

I'll send it back to you when I'm finished, although I must say I hope your next
offering is something of a lighter read.



*unreadable* ...with him briefly this morning. I didn't even... *unreadable* ...my suspicions before he confirmed them. He says the enemy may sometimes know our routes before we leave on patrol. There must be spies or informants in our midst!

*unreadable* ...prove this... *unreadable* ...perhaps some of the ambushes... *unreadable* ...particular soldiers who say the wron... *unreadable*

Bill allows Jabbar and Avar to peruse the papers for a minute or two, before continuing:

"The Definitive Guide to the Olympian Glades of Arborea is obviously a reference to information gathered about the Elves, perhaps about the Gray Elves in particular.

The Mating Habits of the OwlBear is a reference to what my father had discovered about the humanoids of the Skull Mountain Hegemony.

I'm not sure whats more frightening, the material or imagining how someone managed to observe that behavior so closely and lived to write about it! This is obviously Jarahdrin expressing his concern about what Terrandar knew or suspected, and he is obviously hoping that Terrandar is mistaken, or perhaps exaggerating somewhat. I suspect that this is wishful thinking on Jarahdrin's part."

Bill gets a look of deep concentration on his face as he speaks. "I will tell you what I think it all means, in a nutshell. I think it means that the Grey Elves are somehow in league with Skull Mountain. Consider carefully the following facts:"

"1: My grandfather was killed on the slopes of Mt. Gythmora 400 years ago along with all his men. After the mountain went dark and no word was getting out the court feared the worst. my grandfather (Billanverthorne Sr.) was sent to recover a gray elven wizard sent by the court to the stronghold of Kurukshetra (capital of the former Dwarven kingdom of Whurgythmora).

2. Those same scouts reported a dwarf (matching the description of a Whurgythmoran prince named Beloch) lured my grandfather and his men into an ambush of hobgoblins. Bill Sr. managed to seize Beloch and demand he release his men, but a hobgoblin assassin backstabbed him. The rest of his men fought on and they all perished.

3. The court sent word to Torgrimm IronAxe about an inner-clan betrayal and demanded compensation for the loss of their soldiers.

4. Torgrimm IronAxe amassed an army with the other dwarf lords and marched on Mt. Gythmora.

5. The high elves called to assemble the army and join Torgrimm, both to avenge the deaths of Bill sr and company and prevent a strong evil from occupying the mountain. But that call to arms was vetoed by the gray elves."

Bill gets a grim look on his face. "Number 5 is what bothers me the most. Why would the Grey Elves be so reluctant to act against Skull Mountain? It is a mystery that I am hoping that Jarahdrin has already looked into... and hopefully has found answers to..."

Bill sighs, long and slow. He rubs his eyes with his fists, and then runs his fingers through his hair, the way people do when they are exhausted, and are trying to stay focused.

"There you have it, Jabbar, Avar... You now know everything that I do. I will not rest until my father and grandfather have been avenged. And more importantly, until justice has been served! I also intend to find the taint within the Grey Elf kingdom, and remove it like an amputation of a rotten limb. The vastness of their network be DAMNED... I WILL HAVE MY DAY OF RECKONING!"
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The inn was what he expected, for the most part. Tables, a bar, a stage for the women, and even a private area. As the serving girl came by, he noted her golden eyes. Could this be a sign?

"So I can either talk to some guard named Gedeon, or decide to ask a lovely beauty like you? Doesn't seem fair to Gedeon, wouldn't you say? How about this. I still need gear, so I have need of talking with Gedeon. But once I am done with that, I would love to ask you nicely to inform Drasus that I am here."

Svexyn hopes that the agreement is taken, as he then moves to Gedeon.

As you move across the common room you feel eyes on you sizing you up. Gedeon is in his late thirties, well-tanned, dressed in a short-sleeve chain shirt with a warhammer and a short sword on his hips. His stance and facial expression are relaxed but his golden eyes are alert as you approach.

"Tylia says you are the one to ask regarding gear. After Drasus's quick work outside, I've recently come into a need for a shovel, tents, maybe a mule, and some other various items. That half-orc isn't going to bury himself. Do you carry stock around here for that type of stuff?"

Gedeon: Reaches over to the backdoor and bangs on it twice. Another guard standing outside opens the door a moment later. "This patron wants some gear. Get Tamas." The other guard nods and shuts the door again. "It'll be a minute. Have a drink if you like." Gedeon says in a bored but polite tone of voice.

At that moment there's a break in the music as one of the dancing girls take center stage and starts to sing. Her dusky complexion and features could only be Maharathan, with a beautiful figure and long dark hair that hangs down to her hips, yet not so pretty as Tylia. Those two men who are oggling her are also Maharathan so you guess her song is for their benefit as the lyrics are in their tongue.

The man who escorts them seated at the bar smiles, obviously pleased she's taken the initiative to start pulling on the hook and waits patiently for his moment to approach and seal the deal.

[Svexyn: What do you do?]

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Svexyn, Mogan and Folg


~What's with the golden eyes. It's not going to be easy to find this guy, considering everyone here seems to have the same eyes...~

Svexyn nods to Gedeon, as he sits at a nearby table and awaits Tamas. He motions for Tylia to come take his order, as he asks, "What type of food do you carry? I have two helpers outside that are hungry. Figured they could do with something warm to bring them. If you have something for the road, can you make three of them and have them ready for when I am finished talking with Drasus? And what type of drink would you recommend? What's Drasus's preferred drink?"

He then sits and waits, hoping that this night would at least prove fruitful in some information on where to look next. While he sits, he listens to the singing, but also scans the room as well for a note on who is in here, and a rough idea of what to expect should things not go so well.


Burrai, Elloral, Rol

Quoted from from Part 1: Act 3 Scene 1________________________________

Approximate Time = Noon

At the Twelve Apple Alehouse in Cabarda

Burrai closes his eyes,takes a deep breath. ~Damn fool. Can't just shut up and follow orders~. It wasn't a trait bestowed solely on merchants; Burrai had worked with a lot of men who had died because others couldn't just let go of the reins when they didn't know better. History too was replete with it.

"Look....Rol." He draws the name out, articulating his annoyance. "First, I'm not a Gods Damned moron. I'm not going to let you stay in my home if I think there's the slightest chance someone's going to get eviscerated inside it. They flushed me out of the place, meaning it may well be as good a hiding place as any. Especially if I'm running around causing trouble. And I won't know for sure until I've scouted it out. So, for now, that's my working plan."

"Second, you don't get my respect. You earn it. And if you want to make a start, stop acting like a skittish rodent caught between a cat and the farmer. I don't have the time, nor the trust in you, to waste on explaining myself, so if you want to learn something get a grip on your nerves and keep your ears open. You're a merchant, so you understand trade - and you just made a deal with me: your information, for me keeping your skin intact. If you want to know how good your end of the bargain is, go down the local mercenary company and ask about Burrai Steelborn."

Burrai lowers his voice and narrows his eyes. The lamps of the alehouse pour dark ink into his scars. "Lastly, some free advice on staying alive from one who knows pretty well how it's done." He counts the points off on scarred, calloused fingers. "One, learn who knows a subject better than you and listen to them. Two, exercise patience when you're not in immediate danger, and trust instinct when you are. And Three - " Burrai's voice drops to a low hiss "- keep your Gods Damned voice down! Especially, when the words out of your fool lips are about the Vulkyrie and the Network. Or so help me I'll throw you so hard out this door they'll arrest you for flying. Understand?"

[Intimidate Check: 1d20+7 = 20]

Burrai leans back in his seat, palms face down on the table. "So if you've anything more to share you think relevant, I'll gladly hear it. If not, then wait and you'll learn plenty in the next hour....Oh don't look at me like that Elloral. If I'm going to keep him safe, I'm not bargaining with him. He does what I say, or he walks. At least until I trust him."

Burrai turns his scowl on the door the the Twelve Apple Alehouse, brushing away his annoyance and picking through Rol's facts. ~One thing at a time, Burrai. Deal with Jabbar, get a translator for the Journal. After that you can play hero for Rol if you can.~


<End of Quote>

Rol: Swallows and slowly nods speaking in a lower voice.
"I'm sorry I've just never been so frightened before!"

Elloral: Places a comforting hand on his.
"We're all frightened, but we have to see this through do we not? If it makes you more comfortable we could hire some men to escort you to Burrai's cabin and wait there for us to get you later? Just to be sure its safe."

Rol: Nods quickly.
"That would make me feel safer, if you think they'll be trustworthy?"

Elloral: Smiles
"No self-respecting mercenary would botch a job paid for by the 'Mercenary Prince' in this town. They'll keep you safe or rue the day!"

Rol: Takes a deep breath.
"That makes me feel a lot better. I suppose I'll just wait here then and eat something until these mercenaries come for me. How much will it cost? I have coin!"

Elloral: "I'd say forty gold pieces sounds fair for a pair of good men to guard you for a week or so."

Rol grabs a couple handful of coins from his purse and hands them over to her discretely.

Elloral: "Take care not to speak too much with strangers from now on. We'll tell the mercenaries that Burrai wants to sell his property. Your the potential buyer named Egrig. That should keep them polite and keep their questions to a minimum."

Rol: "Egrig... ok got it. Thank you both." He says.

Elloral: "It is we who should thank you, your information means a lot. Take care Egrig!" She repeats one more time with a smile and moves to leave with Burrai.


Approximate Time = 1pm

Drehd's Devils Mercenary Company

From there you head directly to the Drehd's Devils Mercenary Company to purchase a pair of hired guards for Rol. Elloral hands you the coin Rol gave her and decides to wait at the inn while you do so.

Drehd's Devils was established about sixteen years ago by Omar Drehd, a famous ex-gladiator who won his freedom from the local Arena. Omar himself died about ten years ago.
You met Omar briefly in his final days. A brave man and a great warrior. His son Kadar assumed command after his passing. Kadar is a much wiser leader, though perhaps not so great a warrior as his father was.

He's more interested in making a profit than risking everything for a glorious victory. His practical mindset has earned more money for his company over recent years than his father ever did, but the fearless reputation of the devils isn't easy to maintain when he actually refuses work. In fact your own reputation grew faster for that fact when you accepted work Kadar refused.

The devils headquarters is smaller than you might think. It is a sturdy stone structure consisting of one great hall, an armory/storeroom, a practice yard and an office. There is no guard at the door, but there is a knocker you use to herald your arrival.

One of the younger mercenaries looks a little shocked when he opens it. Inside are four other mercenaries eating lunch in the hall. (It is known the Devils always get their food and drink from The Smiling Demon tavern next door. The owner of the tavern was a friend of Omar.)

Mercenary: "...Mr. Steelborn?"

What do you do?]
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Avar, Billanverthorne, Jabbar

Jabbar: Frowns. "So elves aren't immune to their evil either it would seem."

Avar: Slowly shakes his head. "It's worse than we thought."

Jabbar: "It usually is... yet confirmation of that is good thing. Now we can form a better plan." Looks back to Billanverthorne "I must say I'm impressed with all you know about Jarahdrin. It is true he's reclusive, and a lore master, but never in all my years have I heard it said he's working to investigate the black network. Makes me wonder how long he's been at it?"

Avar: "Sounds like a coward to me. Someone with that much wealth and influence could do a lot more."

Jabbar: "Indeed. But we won't know until we ask him. We need to learn all we can and gather allies before we take the next step."

Avar: Snaps his finger. "That reminds me! Burrai Steelborn wants a meeting with you Jabbar. I ran into him this morning at Putyuks and left a message saying we'll meet him after we return."

Jabbar: Raises a brow. "The dwarven mercenary? Interesting. What does he want with me?"

Avar: Shrugs. "Hard to say. He had an older dwarven woman with him. It looked like they were in some sort of trouble and traveling together. He mentioned meeting someone named Rol and trying to 'buy information about you' from the Drehds Devils Mercenary Company before he realized I was listening."

Jabbar: Scoffs. "Hah! Fat chance. Kadars father Omar and I go way back. I helped him escape the arena and create his mercenary company. Kadar owes me for everything he has."

Avar: Continues. "The strange thing was how on edge he was. By all accounts, Burrai is a great warrior renowned for bravery. Whatever's got him spooked might be of interest to us."

Jabbar: Nods. "Ok lets meet him. Lets also be smart about it. You say he's expecting us at Putyuks? It'd be good to have someone there before we show up to be sure its safe." Looks back to Billanverthorne. "I don't suppose you speak dwarven?"

[Billanverthorne: What do you do?]
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Billanverthorne Agrees To Help

Jabbar: Nods. "Ok lets meet him. Lets also be smart about it. You say he's expecting us at Putyuks? It'd be good to have someone there before we show up to be sure its safe." Looks back to Billanverthorne. "I don't suppose you speak dwarven?"

[Billanverthorne: What do you do?]

To Jabbar, In Dwarven: "Of course I do, I'm an Elf of many talents." Bill smiles at Avar as he says this.

To Jabbar, In Common: "A word of advice... don't be so sure of Kadar's loyalties; allegiances shift in the mercenary business. There are very few of US, that is, very few who value honor, loyalty, friendship, and courage above money. So, I'm to be the scout? I'm in. What do I need to do? How should I signal you, if at all? Or am I just to pretend to be part of the background? Let me know what you want me to do, and I will do it. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's this sort of thing. I won't let you down."
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Kryslogious of Anasteria

Unfortunately the Keu is definitely past the point where healing magic would save him. All that's left to do for the poor creature is prepare its burial and unravel it from the net.

Alic: "The Keu spoke your name Wrenwil, I swear I heard it! Kryslogious can vouch for that."

After you search its body you find the following:

Keu Equipment_______________________________

- 1 PP
- 2 GP
- 7 SP
- 8 CP
- Ring of Sustenance [Kryslogious wish to claim]
- Potions of Cure Light Wounds (x2)(In Belt Pouch)
- Alchemical Silver Dagger (Small Size, in wrist sheath)
- Cold Iron Dagger (Small Size, in wrist sheath)
- Sack (Tied to belt)[Kryslogious wish to claim]
- Spell Component Pouch
- Spellbook (In Pouch, Contains Spells for my Summoner Class - See Obsidian Portal Wiki for details)
- Flask of Alchemists Fire (In Belt Pouch)
- Vial of Acid (In Belt Pouch)
- Sunrod (In belt Sheath)
- Tindertwig (In Sack)
- Scrollcase (Contains five sheets of parchment, a Vial of Ink and an Inkpen)
- Waterskin
- Two days rations (In Sack)
- Whetstone (In Sack)[Kryslogious wish to claim]

After you search the Vul Hunter you find the following.

Vul Equipment_______________________________________________

- Longspear[Kryslogious wish to claim]
- Net[Kryslogious wish to claim]
- Bone-handled knife[Kryslogious wish to claim]
- Hide Vest[Kryslogious wish to claim]
- 10 ft. of high quality sinew-cord. [Kryslogious wish to claim]
- Needle & Thread[Kryslogious wish to claim]
- 2 square ft. of high quality supple leather [Kryslogious wish to claim]
- Flint & Steel [Kryslogious wish to claim]
- Pouch of Jerky
- Waterskin[Kryslogious wish to claim]
- Scrollcase (Contains a copy of the Laws of Vulkh and a high quality map of Vulkh)[Kryslogious wish to claim]
- Vial made of bone with a wooden-stopper as a lid. Contains an unknown pungent-smelling sappy-substance?[Kryslogious wish to claim]

[Kryslogious, Wrenwil:
What do you do?]

Kryslogious stands steady as a stone after his confrontation.

~So these art the vul I hast herd of. they hast not impress'd me yet.~

He thought to himself studying the slaughtered corpse of his enemy. His master had arrived to tend to the Keu in which he inquired.

"mine lord wilt that gent liveth?"

A pause, then a negative answer. This only brought up questions, It must have been no longer then a minute since it was just living. He confirmed once more with his master that such a fact reigns true.

"what couldst hast caus'd him to die so yarely?"

He began getting to work searching the corpse of the Vul as his master set to looking through the Keu's belongings. Kryslogious worked quickly to clear through the items on the Vul. Stowing away useful things and then crossing the bone vial. He raised his visor to look it over, its prominent smell souring his nasal.

"Has anyone seen such an item before?" he questioned the group.

after hearing their answers he then states.

"We must dispose of this body. I say we cast it to the river and let what dwells there handle the rest, but I want to keep its skull as a trophy to those who need hope."

Voidrunner's Codex

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