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Rogue's Gallery for Wrath of Righteous

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First Post
Neutral Good Human Urban Skirmisher Ranger 6
Str 10
Dex 19 10
Con 14 5
Int 10
Wis 14 5
Cha 10

[sblock=Description]Thorn is lean and wiry in build; tall for her weight, and is fairly young...perhaps her early twenties. She keeps her dark hair short so it can't be easily used against her in a fight. Since she usually just hacks it off with a knife, it tends to be messy and unkempt. Her eyes are a strange pale shade of blue that almost seems to glow when light hits them; her skin is only slightly darkened from the sun. She dresses in dark neutral shades...navy blues and charcoal greys. Even her expensively-made mithril armor has been laquered a dark grey that can sink effortlessly into shadows. Weapon blows sometimes break pieces of the laquer off, exposing the silvery sheen of the metal beneath. She has several pouches, on her belt and attached to the straps of her armor, where vials and other materialsare stored for quick access.

[sblock=Personality]Thorn is a woman possessed by a drive bordering on obsession, and has few interests that do not relate to that obsession. She fills her time training and practicing, planning and reviewing. She hates nothing more than feeling as if moments of her life are slipping away unaccounted for; Thorn is acutely and constantly aware that her moments are numbered, and that she has a great deal she wants to do before running out. Her sense of humor is sharp and biting; more of a weapon than a source of fun. Despite her no-nonsense demeanor, Thorn has a soft spot for anything that can be considered innocent; animals and young children. She has a deep-seated cynicism about human nature though, having seen too many oaths broken to easily believe people can live up to them. As such, Thorn is reluctant to associate openly with causes or organizations. She prefers to go her own way, coordinating when feasible, but without constraining herself to vows or commitments she might have to violate before her self-imposed mission is complete.

Despite the darkness and bleakness of her personal journey, she has a star to guide her; the memory of a priestess, or possibly paladin, of Desna who rescued her from demonic cults as a child. Though she knows almost nothing of the woman, she has come to symbolize everything good about humanity to Thorn, and represents the positive aspect of what Thorn is fighting for; a polar antipode of her darker motivations of revenge and self-worth. It is Thorn's dream to one day travel the world freely, once her duty is done, and find this guiding light again. What happens next, she can't say...but the thought gives her something to cling to, when all other hope is lost..[/sblock]

AC 22 (10 + 4 Dex + 6 armor + 1 dodge + 1 deflection)
HP 66
BAB +6
CMB +6 (+10 w/spiked chain)
CMD 20 (10 + 6 + 4)
Init +4
Fort +9
Ref +13
Will +6
Speed 30'

Race (Human)
+2 Dex
Bonus Skill points
Bonus Feat
Favored Class: Ranger
- +6 skill points

Class (Urban Skirmisher Ranger)
Favored Enemy
- Outsiders (Evil) +4
- Outsiders (Native) +2

Tracking (+6 to Survival to track)
Wild Empathy
Combat Style (Two Handed Weapons)
- Shield of Swings (1/2 dmg, +4 AC on full attack action)
- Power Attack (-2 atk, +4 dmg)

Trapfinding (+3 to find and disarm traps; disarm magic traps)
Hunter's Bond (Group)
Favored Community
- Kenabres +2
Hunter's Tricks 5/day
- Tangling Attack

Mythic Tier 1
Hard to Kill, Mythic Surge +1d6
Mythic Power 5/day
Path: Trickster
Attack: Fleet Charge
- Deadly Dodge
- Mythic Weapon Finesse

B Weapon Finesse
1 Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Spiked Chain
3 Dodge
5 Mobility

- Chance Encounter (Trickster):
== +2 Trait to Reflex saves
== Spend 1 mythic power to take 20 on any Acrobatics, Bluff, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth check, and the
check takes only the normal (not taking-20) time to perform.
== +2 to Perception skill.
== +5 HP

- Suspicious (+1 Sense Motive, it is a class skill)
- Strong Willed (+2 trait vs Charm and Compulsion effects)

Skills 48 ranger
Acrobatics +10 (6 + 4)
Climb (Str) +6 (3 + 3)
Disable Device (Dex) +13 (6 + 4 + 3)
Intimidate (Cha) +6 (3 +0 + 3)
Knowledge (Geography) (Int) +6 (3 + 0 + 3)
Perception (Wis) +13 (6 + 2 + 3 + 2)
Sense Motive (Wis) +12 (6 + 2 + 3 + 1)
Stealth (Dex) +13 (6 + 4 + 3)
Survival (Wis) +11 (6 + 2 + 3)
Swim (Str) +6 (3 + 3)

Cash 8gp

Cold Iron Spiky Chain of Doom +1, +11/+6 atk, 2d4+7 dmg, disarm/trip, 10lbs, 4350gp
Masterwork Longbow, +11/+6 atk, 1d8 dmg, 100' rng, 3lbs, 375gp
- 20 Cold Iron Arrows, 2gp
- 5 Dye Arrows, 5gp
- 2 Raining Arrows, 60gp

Mithril Breastplate, +6 AC, Max Dex +5, ACP 0, 15lbs, 4200gp

Ring of Protection +1, 2000
Cloak of Resistance +2, 4000
Traveler's Anytool, 250
Potion of Resist Fire (10), 300
Silversheen, 250
Fungal Stun Vial x2, 150
Antitoxin, 50

[sblock=Background]Thorn is from a small settlement near Kenabres, where her father was a ranking officer in the garrison tasked with defending the town. Near the end of the Fourth Crusade, a large force of demons en route to the front destroyed the town. Thorn survived because her father...with his access to tactical intel from his position...decided to abandon his post and flee with his wife and daughter; knowing the defenses wouldn't hold. She was still quite young at the time, but old enough to know what was happening.

Unfortunately, one warrior and his wife weren't enough to make it through to Kenabres. A scout party of cultists caught them, and executed both the parents after questioning them. What they had planned for Thorn we'll never know, because she was rescued by the guile and archery of a strange, beautiful woman bearing the symbol of Desna. She escorted the young girl past the front into Mendev only to vanish just before a patrol appeared and picked her up. She was fostered in Kenabres, another orphan of the Crusade.

Thorn struggled as she grew up to deal with what had happened to her, her family, and her home. Anger and despair would have led her down a dark road indeed, but for the one beacon of light in her memory; the savior who had come so unexpectedly. Even as Thorn renamed herself (Thorn is not her birth name) and sought to learn to fight...most especially to fight demons and their allies...so too did she seek news of this woman. But no one had heard of someone of her description...it was as if she'd been an angel of Desna herself, sent to help her. Though Thorn found it likely that her heroine had followed Desna's ways and moved on to other parts of the world, she used her memory of her as a moral compass to keep the black tide of hate for demonkind from swallowing her whole.

And so Thorn became balanced between two opposing poles. The darkness of her need for revenge against demonkind, which always pulled her into the Worldwound, and her desire to prove that her salvation had had meaning...that her life, bought with the shameful treachery of her father, had been worth the terrible price that had been paid for it. That was one. The other was her memories of gentleness and kindness...of old eyes in a young face that carried a strange sadness that made her seem both vulnerable and invincible to the young Thorn. Without the memory of her rescue, Thorn would almost certainly have been driven to recklessly throw her life away against foes beyond her skills. Had it not been for her need to answer the depravity of the demons, she would inevitably left the Worldwound to pursue rumors of the noble soul who had saved her.

It hasn't escaped Thorn that in this way, the priestess (or paladin?) of Desna had saved her not once, but twice.

In time, Thorn thought, when the job here in the Wound was done, she could venture out into the world and seek her out again. But not before then.[/sblock]
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Vakeva Kiihko
Male Dwarf Monk (Zen Archer) 6/Champion 1
LG Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Init: +2; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft; Perception +15

AC: 21, T: 19, FF: 19 (+2 Dex, +2 Armor, +7 Untyped)
HP: 66 (6d8+23) (+5 for Iomedae's Smile)
Fort: +9, Ref: +8, Will: +11 (+2 vs Poison, Spells, SLAs)
Defensive Abilities: Defensive Training (+4 Dodge Bonus to AC vs Giants), Hard to Kill

Speed: 40 ft.
Ranged: Raivo (+1 Adaptive Evil Outsider Bane Composite Longbow) +12 (1d8+5/×3 [+2d6 vs Evil Outsiders])
Melee: Dagger +6 (1d4+2/19-20)
. . . . . . . Unarmed Strike +6 (1d8+2)
Special Attacks: Flurry of Blows, +1 on Attack Rolls vs Goblinoid & Orc Humanoids, Ki Strike (Magic), Mythic Power (5/day, Surge +1d6), Zen Archery

Str: 14, Dex: 14, Con: 14, Int: 12, Wis: 22, Cha: 10
Base Atk: +4; CMB: +6; CMD: 25 (29 vs Bull Rush, 29 vs Trip)
Feats: Deadly Aim, Deadly Aim [M], Extra Ki, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Unarmed Strike, Perfect Strike, Point Blank Master, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Longbow), Weapon Specialization (Longbow)
Traits: Grounded, Militia Veteran, Stolen Fury
Skills: Acrobatics +13 (+17 Jump, +19 to High Jump, +15 on Balance-related Checks), Climb +6, Craft (Bows) +12, Knowledge (History +8/+10 on Checks that Pertain to Dwarves or their Enemies; Religion +8; The Planes +2), Linguistics +3, Perception +15, Profession (Trapper) +10, Profession (Wilderness Guide) +10, Survival +15, Swim +6; Racial Modifiers: Lorekeeper
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Dwarven, Orc, Varisian
SQ: AC Bonus, Fast Movement, High Jump, Ki Archery, Ki Arrows, Ki Defense, Ki Pool, Rock Stepper, Slow Fall, Unarmed Strike
Gear: Raivo (9400), Efficient Quiver (1800), Arrows (Silver, Blunt, Durable - 20) (60), Arrows (Cold Iron, Durable - 100) (100), Dagger (Cold Iron) (4), Backpack (MW) (50), Bracers of Armor (+2) (4000), Wand (Cure Light Wounds - 30) (450), Bowyer's Tools (MW) (55), Survival Kit (MW) (50), Hammock (.1), Bedroll (.1), Coffee Pot (3), Mess Kit (.2), Coffee (Ground, 5 lb) (.4), Trail Rations (Dwarven, 10 Days) (20), Waterskin (2) (2)
Money: 5 gp, 2 sp
Special Abilities
AC Bonus +7 The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Deadly Aim -2/+6 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs monsters of the Giant subtype.
Fast Movement (+20') The Monk adds 10 or more feet to his base speed.
Flurry of Blows +4/+4/-1 (Ex) Make Flurry of Blows attack as a full rd action.
Grounded +2 trait bonus on balance-related Acrobatics checks.
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Hatred +1 Gain a racial bonus to attacks vs Goblinoids/Orcs.
High Jump (+6/+26 with Ki point) (Ex) +6 to Acrobatics checks made to jump.
Improved Precise Shot Ignore AC bonuses and miss chance from anything less than total cover/concealment.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Ki Archery (Su) 1 Ki point: +50' range increment for bows.
Ki Arrows (Su) 1 Ki point: bow deals the same damage as unarmed strike.
Ki Defense (Su) A monk can spend 1 point from his Ki pool to give himself a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
Ki Pool (Su) You have a Ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Wisdom modifier.
Ki Strike, Magic (Su) If you have Ki remaining, unarmed strikes count as magic to overcome DR.
Longevity (Su) You don't take penalties to physical ability scores due to aging.
Lorekeeper +2 for Knowledge (History) checks relating to dwarves and their enemies. These checks can be made untrained.
Mythic Power (5/day, Surge +1d6) Use this power to perform your mythic abilities.
...Mythic Surge (1d6) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
...Mythic Charge (Ex) As a swift action, use 1 power to move speed & attack (+1 bonus, bypass all DR).
Perfect Strike (2d20) (6/day) With certain weapons, roll twice, higher is attack, lower is confirmation roll.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Rock Stepper Ignore rubble, broken ground, or steep stairs when taking 5 ft step.
Slow Fall 30' (Ex) Treat a fall as shorter than normal if within arm's reach of a wall.
Stolen Fury +2 trait bonus to CMB vs. Demons. Gain a +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saves. By expending one use of mythic power as a swift action, ignore a single demon's damage reduction for 1 minute, and increase the critical multiplier of any weapon wielded against that demon by 1.
Unarmed Strike (1d8) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
Zen Archery (Su) Use WIS instead of DEX for ranged attacks with a bow.
- Vakeva Kiihko ('Keva to his Friends)
- Born in Lastwall
- Age 50 to 83: Fought the Belkzen Hordes
- Age 84 to 108: Wilderness Sabbatical, learning to be a Priest (Monk) of Erastil, live off the land and make his own bows & arrows
- Age 108 to 253: Guided Adventurers and Worldwound Refugees through the wilderness of Ustalav and Belkzen to Lastwall
- Age 253: Captured by Demons on the Ustalav/Worldwound border and subjected to torture
- Age 253 to 256: Escaped from Demons, made his way across the Worldwound to Mendev.

After he'd spent over 30 years fighting the Orcs in Lastwall, Vakeva found himself growing more and more world-weary and cynical. He left the crusades against the orcs and went into self-imposed isolation in the wilderness. There he eventually felt called to the service of Erastil. He spent the next 20 years (or so) coming to peace with himself, learning to live off the land, and growing his connection to 'Old Deadeye.'

When he was ready to reenter the world, Erastil's calling led him to serve against evil in a different way - by providing aid to those too weak to fight, showing them to safety, and fighting where he could.


In his ascenscion, 'Keva was blessed with renewed vigor. After 169 years of service to his God, he was growing old and frail. When he was captured and tortured, it took it's toll on his already battered body.

The fall into the bowels of the earth from Kenabres and the subsequent escape of the group almost did him in . . . But Erastil saw fit to bless 'Keva with renewed vigor, and charged him with the mission to fight the invasion.

[sblock=Post Formatting][section]

IC content goes here.
"I speak in Teal!"
"I shout in Bold!"
"I think in Italics!"

[SIZE=+1]Vakeva Kiihko[/SIZE]
HP: 66/66, Speed: 40' Perception: +15 (Darkvision 60')

Ki Pool: 11/11
Mythic Surge: 05/05

AC: 21, Touch: 19, Flat-footed: 19, CMD: 25 (29 vs Bull Rush/Trip)
Fort: +9, Ref: +8, Will: +11 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs)
Defensive Abilities: Defensive Training (+4 Dodge Bonus to AC vs Giants), Hard to Kill

BAB: +4, CMB: +6 (+8 vs Demons)
  • Raivo (+1 Adaptive Evil Outsider Bane Composite Longbow):-----+12/+12/+7 (1d8+ 5 (20/×3))
    --------------------------------------------------------------+14/+14/+9 (1d8+ 7 (20/×3) +2d6 vs Evil Outsiders)
    ---------------------------------------(Ki Extra Attack): +12/+12/+12/+7 (1d8+ 5 (20/×3))
    ----------------------------------------------------------+14/+14/+14/+9 (1d8+ 7 (20/×3) +2d6 vs Evil Outsiders)
    --------------------------------------------(Deadly Aim):-----+10/+10/+5 (1d8+11 (20/×3))
    --------------------------------------------------------------+12/+12/+7 (1d8+13 (20/×3) +2d6 vs Evil Outsiders)
    ---------------------------------------(Ki + Deadly Aim): +10/+10/+10/+5 (1d8+11 (20/×3))
    ----------------------------------------------------------+12/+12/+12/+7 (1d8+13 (20/×3) +2d6 vs Evil Outsiders)
  • ------------------------------------------Unarmed Strike:------------ +6 (1d8+ 2 (20/×2))
  • --------------------------------------------------Dagger:------------ +6 (1d4+ 2 (19/×2))

Weapon in Hand: Raivo

Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 22, Cha 10

Condition: None

[sblock='Keva Earns the Righteous Medal of Valor]
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[sblock=Jack Randlay]
[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Human
Class: Fighter/Champion
Level: 6/1
Alignment: Lawful Good
Languages: Abyssal, Common (Taldane)
Deity: Iomedae[/sblock]
STR: 15 (17)
DEX: 18
CON: 14
INT: 12
WIS: 9
CHA: 10[/sblock]
HP: 68 = [6d10=45] + 12 (CON) + 5 (misc) + 6 (favored class)
AC: 21 = 10 + 9 (armor) + 0 (shield) + 2 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
AC Touch: 12 = 10 + 2 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
AC Flatfooted: 19 = 10 + 9 (armor) + 0 (shield) + 0 (misc)
INIT: +4 = +4 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
BAB: +6/+1 = +6 (fighter)
CMB: +9 = +3 (STR) + 6 (BAB)
CMD: 23 = 10 + 3 (STR) + 4 (DEX) + 6 (BAB)
Fort: +7 = +5 (base) + 2 (CON)
Reflex: +6 = +2 (base) + 4 (DEX)
Will: +1 = +2 (base) - 1 (WILL) (+ 2 vs charm and compulsion)
Speed: 20 ft.
Damage Reduction: N/A
Spell Resistance: N/A
Spell Failure: N/A[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
+1 Evil Outsider Bane RHC (ranged): +13/+8 = +6 (BAB) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (feat) + 2 (misc)/ DMG = 1d10+4(P), CRIT 19-20x2, RNG 120 ft
- vs. Evil Outsiders: +15/+10 = +6 (BAB) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (feat) + 4 (misc)/ DMG = 1d10+2d6+6(P), CRIT 19-20x2, RNG 120 ft
MW Dagger (melee): +10/+5 = +6 (BAB) + 3 (STR) + 0 (feat) + 1 (misc)/ DMG = 1d4+3(P or S), CRIT 19-20x2
[sblock=Racial Traits]
+2 Dex, Bonus Feat, Bonus Skill Point/Level[/sblock]
[sblock=Class Features]
Proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons, and all Armour and Shields
Bravery +2, Armour Training 1, Weapon Training 1 (Crossbows)[/sblock]
[sblock=Mythic Path Features]
Hard to Kill, Mythic Power 5/day, Surge +1d6
Champion's Strike (Distant Barrage), Armour Master 1
+5 HP, +2 Perception[/sblock]
[sblock=Feats & Traits]
Bonus Human- Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Repeating Heavy Crossbow)
Bonus Fighter 1st- Weapon Focus (RHC)
1st lvl- Rapid Reload
Bonus Fighter 2nd- Point Blank Shot
3rd lvl- Precise Shot
Bonus Fighter 4th- Weapon Specialation (RHC)
5th lvl- Rapid Shot
Bonus Fighter 6th- Crossbow Mastery
Champion 1st- Mythic Rapid Shot

a) Child of the Crusade
b) Armour Expert
c) Focused Disciple[/sblock]
Skill Ranks: 24 = [2 (class) + 01 (INT)] x 06 (LvL) + 06 (misc) + 00 (Favored Class)
Max Ranks: 6
ACP: -3

() = class skill
^ = trained only
Total                      Stat   Rank  CS  Misc  ACP
+01 =  Acrobatics          +04    +00   +0  +00   -3   DEX
+01 =  Appraise            +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+00 =  Bluff               +00    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+00 =  Climb               +03    +00   +0  +00   -3   STR
+10 =  Craft: Armour       +01    +06   +3  +00        INT
+10 =  Craft: Weapons      +01    +06   +3  +00        INT
+00 =  Diplomacy           +00    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+na =  Disable Device^     +04    +00   +0  +00   -3   DEX
+00 =  Disguise            +00    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+01 =  Escape Artist       +04    +00   +0  +00   -3   DEX
+01 =  Fly                 +04    +00   +0  +00   -3   DEX
+na =  Handle Animal^      +00    +00   +0  +00        CHA
-01 =  Heal                -01    +00   +0  +00        WIS
+00 =  Intimidate          +00    +06   +3  +00        CHA
+na =  Know:Arcana^        +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Dungeoneering^ +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Engineering^   +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Geography^     +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:History^       +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Local^         +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Nature^        +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Nobility^      +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Planes^        +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Know:Religion^      +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+na =  Linguistics^        +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+10 =  Perception          -01    +06   +3  +02        WIS
+00 =  Perform:_____       +00    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+na =  Profession^:_____   -01    +00   +0  +00        WIS
+01 =  Ride                +04    +00   +0  +00   -3   DEX
-01 =  Sense Motive        -01    +00   +0  +00        WIS
+na =  Sleight of Hand^    +04    +00   +0  +00   -3   DEX
+na =  Spellcraft^         +01    +00   +0  +00        INT
+01 =  Stealth             +04    +00   +0  +00   -3   DEX
-01 =  Survival            -01    +00   +0  +00        WIS
+00 =  Swim                +03    +00   +0  +00   -3   STR
+na =  Use Magic Device^   +00    +00   +0  +00        CHA
Equipment                    Cost        Weight
Soldier's Uniform                  -      5 lbs.
MW Full Plate                    550 gp  50 lbs.
Belt of Giant Strenght +2       4000 gp   1 lb.
Masterwork Dagger             100.67 gp   1 lb.
RHC Efficient Quiver            1800 gp   2 lbs.
- +1 Evil Outsider Bane RHC  8233.33 gp  12 lbs.
  - Loaded Cold Iron Clip        6.7 sp   1 lb.
- 15 RHC CI Clip                  10 gp  15 lbs.  
2 Bandoliers                       1 gp   -
- 4 RHC CI Clips                2.67 gp   4 lbs.  
Masterwork Backpack               50 gp   4 lbs.
- Ioun Torch                      75 gp   -
- Soul Soap                      200 gp   2 lbs.
- Traveller's Any-Tool           250 gp   2 lbs.
- Bedroll                          1 sp   5 lbs.
- Flint & Steel                    1 gp   -
- Gold Holy Symbol of Iomedae    100 gp   1 lb.
Waterskin                          1 gp   4 lbs.

Total weight carried: ~83 lbs. (~96 lbs. w/ RHC in hand)
Treasure: 60 pp, 24 gp, 5 sp, 6 cp Gems:

Carrying Capacity:
light- 100
medium- 200
heavy- 300 [/sblock]
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 202 lbs.
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Not Quite Pale
Appearance: Rugged
Demeanor: Pleasantly Rough[/sblock]
[sblock=Background]The first Randlay to join the Mendevian Crusades was not, at the time, a Randlay at all. Jack's grandmother, Jezelle Kerrvan of Galt, was engaged but not wed to Calros Randlay, a some-time merchant and minor state official. Jezelle was a fearsome and indomitable woman, possessed with strength and skill in combat as well as the sense of conscience and duty required to volunteer for a war one would likely not come back from in a far off land. But survive she did, helping to hold the line against the demon armies as the ward stones were being constructed. After the Second Crusade came to an end she returned home to Galt to find that Calros had never lost faith with her in those long intervening years. So they settled down (relatively speaking, for one just as Jezelle) and began a family.

By the time the Third Crusade had begun the Randlay elders had left Galt with their family, sensing the coming political storm, and found a new home in Eastern Mendev on the shores of the Lake of Mists and Veils. Calros contacts from office had afforded him the foresight to see what was headed their way in Galt, but by this time Jezelle had not been a crusader for a good many years and thus was not in the know of how they had left a land on the brink of figurative witch hunts for a land with actual witch hunts. Those were some rough years for the Randlay family, as Jezelle and her older daughter both at times came under scrutiny, but they endured.

Jack Randlay was born during the period between the Third and Fourth Crusades to Jarot Randlay and his wife Olevia. Jarot was the third son of Jezelle and Calros, their fourth child overall, and had grown up having to fight a little bit harder to be heard. When the Fourth Crusade was called, Jarot was the first of his many siblings to enlist. Jack was twelve at the time, plenty old enough to understand the necessity of his father leaving. But he was still very unhappy to see his father go.

Jarot Randlay was a brave warrior, taking after his mother in this regard perhaps more than any of his other siblings. In two years of fighting he distinguished himself several times on the battlefield, earning a solid reputation. But his bravery would end up costing him his life, though not without good cause. A particularly deadly vrock by the name of Vorimeraak had been carving a bloody swath through the ranks of the crusaders for years, and as such became a priority target for defeat in battle. When notice went out that a squad was being assembled to deal with her, Jarot volunteered. Setting back out to the front, they soon found an opportunity to confront the vrock during a particularly brutal battle. Jack's father led his men into combat, but Vorimeraak summoned reinforcements and the tide of battle quickly turned against the crusader hit squad. His comrades falling into disarray under the demons onslaught, Jarot made the heroic decision to engage the vrock in single combat, fighting ferociously to pin her down while his comrades regrouped and fought a retreating action. The decision would cost him his life, as he would succumb to Vorimeraak's scythe like claws, but the wounds he inflicted were nearly as grievous and the vrock was forced to retreat herself rather than pursue the other crusaders.

No matter how heroic the sacrifice however, losing a father can be a crushing blow to a boy. For years afterward Jack was plagued by nightmares of Vorimeraak, and while these caused him fear in no small amount, his hatred of the vrock only grew with each passing night. And unfortunately, without his father's income, Jack was not able to begin training for the day when he might have his revenge. His aunts and uncles, several of whom survived the Crusade, made sure that he was looked after. But now seemingly destined for an ordinary trade, it would be a long time before he could afford to outfit himself for war.

But them something happened; the second most defining thing in Jack Randlay's life. Now fifteen, Jack was in the midst of one of his nightmares. He was on a rocky bluff looking over a terrible battle between ragged crusaders and a demon army. The crusaders were clearly overmatched, being cut down at an alarming rate. Here and there a crusader would momentarily appear to have his fathers face, or a demon would suddenly look like what he imagined his nemesis Vorimeraak appeared as. Suddenly though on a ridge a short distance away a figure appeared, dressed in bulky armour that looked at least as heavy as any knight's and carrying what appeared to be a huge crossbow - without the bow. The figure waved his arm forward and just then a whole phalanx of like soldiers crested the hill. The first silently yelled, "Fall back!" to the beleaguered crusaders below, who seemed to hear him even without sound. The crusaders began to retreat towards the ridge, and that it was when it happened: the mysterious soldiers raised their weapons and opened fire on the advancing horde. It may have been just a dream, but Jack could swear he had never seen arrow fire quite like this. The bulky soldiers fired projectile after projectile without pausing to reload. Demons were falling fast, and then the original force of crusaders rallied and reformed ranks at the base of the ridge. The demons advanced and their own artillery began focusing on the strange soldiers, some of whom fell under the return fire. But as demons clashed with crusaders below, the other men, like something out of a tale from Numeria, continued to rain fire down upon their foes. A fast moving force of the demons flanked the ridge and charged up to tear apart the soldiers, but the purpose of their heavy armour came clearly into play as the drew knives and engaged in melee.

The dream ended abruptly as Jack was woken for breakfast, but the impression left upon him would last a lifetime. Jack Randlay would become like those warriors with their counter-intuitively matched armaments, he would master a new style of fighting. Before that night he had never expressed an interest in working with a hammer and anvil, but as the reality of the incredible cost of outfitting himself such sunk in he realized he would have to be able to forge his specialized gear himself. In his fevered imagination he could already see himself holding a completed repeating crossbow in his hands, and immediately he dropped what he had been learned to newly apprentice to a smith.

Owing to the skills he had come to late and the vast sums of money his plan would require, the end of the Fourth Crusade came and went before Jack was ready to enlist. But Crusade or not Crusade Jack Randlay was not to be stopped. He was in Kenabres the night before his enlistment in the army. The night everything went deep South. For a man eager to see real combat to test out his theories, opportunity was had come to knock. Hard.[/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Notes] None yet[/sblock]
[sblock=Level Ups]
Level 7
BAB: +0 to +0
Fort: +0 to +0
Ref: +0 to +0
Will: +0 to +0
Class Features:
HP: +?? = (1d?? - 2 = ?) + 0 [CON] + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Skill Ranks: +?? = +?? (Class) + 0 (misc) + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Favored Class Bonus:[/sblock] [/sblock]
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Banaq, Elf Sorcerer

[sblock=Banaq - Elf Sorcerer L6 - Archmage T1]
Banaq [means roughly 'Can't Get Right']
Elf, N/G, Favored Class – Sorcerer
Sorcerer L6 [Arcane Bloodline] | Archmage T1
15,000 XP [fast]

[sblock=Ability Point Buy, 20 pts]
S12 (2pts)
D12 (2pts)+2=14
C14 (5pts)-2=12
I12 (2 pts)+2=14
W12 (2 pts)
C15 (7 pts=15) +1 L4

Final Ability Scores:
S12 +1
D14 +2 – Initiative: +2+2[trait]=+4
C12 +1
I14 +2 Languages: Elvish, Common, Draconic, Celestial
W11 +0
C16 (18 w/ item) +3 (+4)

1. Riftwarden Orphan [Campaign Trait] +2 on Concentration checks
2. Resilient [+1 on Fort saves]
3. Reactionary [+2 on Initiative]

BAB: +3

AC: 14 [10+2(dex)+2(BondedAmulet)], 18 w/ mage armor, 22 w/ MA+Shield
HP: 42 [6+1+1]+[4+1+1]+[4+1+1]+[4+1+1]+[4+1+1]+[4+1+1]+[3+1]

Fort +3
Ref: +4
Will: +5
+2 to save vs. Enchantment effects
Immune to magical sleep effects
+2 Caster level checks to overcome magic resis.
+2 on saves vs. insanity, confusion, charm (stacks with racial bonus), or possession

SKILLS 2+2=4 pts /Level, 24 @ L6
Bluff 1 rank +4 Cha+3 CS = +8
Disguise 1 rank +4 Cha +3 CS = +8
Knowledge (Arcana) 6 ranks +2 Int +3 CS = +11
Knowledge (Planes – class skill) 3 rank + 2 Int +3 CS = +8
Perception 2 ranks +2 racial +0 Wis =+4
Spellcraft 5 ranks +2 Int +3 CS =+10 [+2 racial bonus to id prop of magic items=+12 total]
Use Magic Device 6 ranks +4 Cha +3 CS = +13

Weapon Proficiencies (mostly racial)
Composite Longbow
Composite Shortbow
All Simple Weapons

Eschew Materials [Sorcerer bonus feat]
Arcane Strike [swft action for +1 to all wpn dam/5 caster lvls (+2@L6) and wpns considered magical]
Point Blank Shot [+1 att & dam if target w/in 30 feet]
Weapon focus, Composite Longbow [for his M/W, mighty weapon: Att=+3[BAB]+2[DEX]+1[WF]+1M/W=+7,+8 if targ <30ft, Dam=1d8+2, +3<30ft]

Feat: Extra Mythic Power (+1)
Hard to Kill
Mythic Power per day = 5+1+2 = 8 [expended: 3 ]
Surge +1d6 to roll just made [cost: 1 use of mythic power]
Mythic HP: 3
T1 Archmage Arcana: Arcane Surge [cost: 1 MP, swift action to cast one spell without using spell slot]
[non-mythic targets roll save twice and use the worse roll, and if SR I roll twice and take the higher]]
T1 Path Ability: Extra Mythic Power (+2 MP uses for 8 total) [Universal Path Ability, p. 50]

Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes)
Bonus Spells: Identify, Invisibility
Arcane Bond (Item): Amulet [Natural Armor, +2, –4,000 gp crafting cost, spell stored: Invisibility]

SPELLS [known at L6: 7/4/2/1][Per day at L6: L0 – At Will, L1:7 [_1_], L2:6 [_2_], L3:4[_1_]]
[spell DC=10+4+SL]

L0, DC 14
Dancing Lights - 0
Detect Magic – 0
Light - 0
Mending - 0
Message - 0
Mage Hand – 0
Read Magic - 0

L1, DC 15
Burning Hands – 1 [15 ft. cone a/e, 5d4 damage, Ref save halves]
Identify [bloodline spell, 3rd] – 1 [+10 on spellcraft checks to id magic items, d. 3rounds/level]
Mage Armor – 1 [Conj., +4 armor bonus to AC, d. 1hr/level]
Magic Missile – 1 [3 missiles @ L6, 1d4+1 each]
Shield - 1 [Abj. +4 AC bonus, blocks magic missiles, stacks with mage armor, d. 1min/level]

L2, DC 16
Mirror Image - 2
Summon Monster II – 2
Invisibility [bloodline spell, 5th] – 2 [d. 1 min./level]

L3, DC 17
Lightning Bolt [6d6 damage]

GP 975
SP 143
CP 42

Sorcerer's Bonded Item (Amulet – see above) [4,000gp]
Headband of Alluring Charisma, +2 [4,000 gp]
Ring of Feather Falling [2,200gp]
Mighty [+1 Str] Composite Longbow +1 [2,500 gp., Att +7, +8<30Ft, Dam 1d8+2(+3<30Ft)]
Quiver, 40 [39] cold iron arrows [4 gp]
Masterwork Cold Iron Dagger [+1 attack only] [317 gp, Att +3BAB+1Str+1MW=+5, Dam 1d4+1Str +2Feat=1d4+3]
Masterwork Cold Iron Longsword [+1 attack only] [330 gp, Att.+3BAB+1Str+1MW=+5, Dam 1d8+1 Str +2 Feat=1d8+3]
Wand of Color Spray [10 charges, CL1] [150gp]
Wand of Magic Missile [10 charges, CL 5, 3 missiles per charge][750 gp]
Potion, Cure Lt. Wnds x8 -1 used (CL 1, 1d8+1 hp cured) [clear pink liquid][@50gp ea, 400gp]
Potion, Cure Mod Wnds x2 (CL 3, 2d8+3 hp cured) [effervescent brownish liquid][@300gp ea, 600gp]

Extra Gear for Expedition:
2 mules
1 lt. horse, combat trained
riding saddle & tack + 2 pack saddles
8 waterskins
8 weeks' rations
8 weeks' grain for animals
300 feet of hemp rope
150 feet silk rope
Large Tent (paid 3 X book price)
20 large sacks
quiver of cold iron arrows [40]
Masterwork longsword
Total for extra gear=575 gp, 2 sp, 8 cp [already deducted from funds]

History: Banaq is not your typical Elf.  His name means, essentially, 'Can't Get Right' in Elvish.  Orphaned as an infant in an attack by orcs, Banaq was given his name by other Elves who found him, and then he was adopted by the Human ambassador to his village who was one of very few survivors of the attack.  His adoptive father instilled in Banaq a great appreciation for social interaction as well as Elvish art, literature, culture, and language.  He was raised in a home where Elvish was spoken almost exclusively, so he considers it his native tongue even though he was taught it by Humans instead of Elves.  Banaq's study of Elvish culture sparked his great interest in magic, but he did not have the overwhelming intellectual aptitude that he would have wished in order for him to pursue wizardly studies.  He made do by apprenticing himself to a Half-Elf Sorcerer.  He did receive the usual Elvish instruction in swordplay, however. Banaq once fell under the Fear effect of a Dretch demon that he was battling just after the Worldwound opened. He suffered the fear only briefly before Sir Sheldon DeBir, his Paladin ally, rallied him back into the fight. Banaq, upset over his slip, smote the Dretch down with one mighty blow.

Awarded the Righteous Medal of Clarity for gathering intelligence about the Worldwound and delivering it to the Crusaders. [+2 sacred bonus on saves vs. insanity or confusion effects.]
Awarded the Righteous Medal of Spirit after feeling the Fear effect of a Dretch demon before being rallied by Sir Sheldon DeBir, Paladin companion. [+2 sacred bonus vs. Charm and possession.]


Description of Banaq:
Banaq looks quite youthful, as most elves do, but his shoulder-length hair is snow white, whether from mere genetics or a shock received in his formative years is a matter for speculation. The comfortably fitting elvish garb that he customarily wears is made from a light and supple, yet strong and warm fabric said to be woven from the webs of great spiders, or perhaps an even more exotic source. These garments are of a greenish-blue hue, with a coppery sheen visible in certain light. Banaq wears a tunic, leggings, and a cloak all made of this substance. He also customarily wears a veil or mask over the lower part of his face, as both a guard against unwanted familiarity and a sign of mourning for his family who are presumed lost.

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure

Sir Sheldon deBir - Paladinus Potens
lawful good human paladin 6 / champion 1

initiative: +1; Perception: +7;  detect evil: 60 feet
Mythic power: 5/5
Lang: common, infernal

Age: 16 years old; 5' 9"; 145 lbs or 175.26 cm.; 65.9 Kg

Diety: Iomadae

[B]STR[/B]   14 +2  3 pts
[B]DEX[/B]   12 +1  2 pts
[B]CON[/B]   14 +2  5 pts
[B]INT[/B]   12 +1  2 pts
WIS   13 +1  3 pts
[B]CHA[/B]   16 +3  5 pts

[B]HUMAN ADJ[/B]  cha +2
[B]LEVEL 4 ADJ[/B]  str +1

[U]Champion's strike[/U]: Sudden attack [ex]
[U]Champion's Path[/U]: Mythic smite [su]
[B]Bonus Hit Points[/B]: Whenever you gain a champion tier, you gain 5 bonus hit points. These hit points 
stack with themselves, and don't affect your overall Hit Dice or other statistics.

[U]Champion's strike[/U]: Sudden attack [ex]

As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to make a melee attack at 
your highest attack bonus.  This is in addition to any other attacks you make this 
round. When  making a sudden attack, you roll twice and take the better result,  
adding your tier to the attack roll. [+1]
Damage from this attack bypasses all damage reduction.

[U]Champion's Path[/U]: Mythic smite [su]

As a free action, you can expend one use of mythic power to regain one use of your 
smite evil ability. 
For the rest of your turn, your successful attacks against evil 
creatures bypass all damage reduction. You must have the smite evil class feature 
to select this ability.

Hit Points: 5+5+10+7*5+1*6+2*6  =  73

                 Armor       max
[U]Armor            bonus Magic dex  ACP speed Weight type[/U]
Breast plate      +6   +1    +3   -3   20   30    Medium 
+1  hvy shld      +3*  +1    --   -1   --    7.5   [1170] sv [850]
*shield focus

AC        22
TOUCH     15

[B]SAVES[/B]   base  abil  misc  total
Fort     +5    +2    +6  = +13 *
Reflex   +2    +1    +4  = +7 *
Will     +5    +1    +4  = +10 * [also: +4 vs fear]
MISC: CLOAK +1; Divine grace +3; smile of Iomadea on fort +2
* trait: +1 for 1 round, 1/day not included

[U]BAB:[/U] +6/+1; [U]MELEE:[/U] +8/+3; [U]RANGED:[/U] +7/+2; [U]CMB:[/U] +8; [U]CMD:[/U] 19 [vs demons: CMB +10 CMD 21]

[U]WEAPON            ATT  DAM       CRIT     RNG  TYPE  NOTES[/U]
LONGSWORD +1      +10  1d8+3     19-20/*2 ---   s [U]wpn focus[/U]; 
    Bonded weapon +11  1d8+4     19-20/*2 ---   s [U]dur. 1min/ pal lvl[/U] Can + pwr att / demon bane
    Demon bane    +12  1d8+2d6+5 19-20/*2 ---   s
    power att      +8  1d8+7     19-21/*2 ---   s 
    Demon bane    +10  1d8+1d6+9 19-20/*2 ---   s w/ [U]power attack[/U]
Morning star       +8  1d8+2       * 2    ---   b/p  cold iron
Dagger             +8  1d4       19-20/*2  10   p/s  cold iron

Demon Smiter - [COLOR=#ff0000]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/combat-traits/demon-smiter-combat[/COLOR]
Once per day when fighting demons, you gain a +4 trait bonus on a single attack roll.

Blessed -[URL="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/faith-traits/blessed"][COLOR=#ff0000]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/faith-traits/blessed[/COLOR][/URL]
Once per day as a swift action, you gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws for 1 round.

Stolen Fury - 
You were forced to take part in a demonic ritual as a youth after having been 
captured by cultists. Whatever the ritual’s purpose may have been, it didn’t work out 
the way your captors envisioned—rather than corrupting your soul, you absorbed the 
ritual’s energy and made it your own before you escaped to safety. Ever since, you’ve 
been haunted by strange nightmares about the ritual, and have long felt that the 
energies it bathed you in have changed you. 

Recently, those energies have changed — it’s as if you’ve finally managed to come to 
terms with your past and have turned the ritual’s aftereffects to your advantage, 
following the old adage of what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You’ve been  
unable to learn more about the ritual or what it was for, but the question lingers in 
the back of your head to this day. 
This nagging has instilled in you a fury against demonkind.

Today, when you face demons in combat, those energies bolster your fury, [B][I][U]granting 
you a +2 trait bonus on all combat maneuver checks against demons[/U][/I][/B]. 
A[U][I]ssociated Mythic  Path[/I][/U]: Champion. Multiple Characters: You and any other PC 
who takes this trait were all part of the same ritual, and it was only by working 
together that you managed to escape —further, the support of your fellow ritual 
survivors has played a key role in your coming to terms with it, and you retain 
a close bond

The PC gains a +2 trait bonus on Fortitude  saves. By expending one use  of mythic 
power as a swift action, she can  ignore a single demon's  damage reduction for 1
minute, and increases the  critical multiplier of  any weapon she wields against
that demon by 1.

You may add a permanent +2 untyped bonus to the skill of your choice.

* You may add 5 permanent hit points to your total.


human: Weapon Focus - +1 att
level 1: Shield Focus - [SIZE=3]Increase the AC bonus granted by any shield you are using by 1.[/SIZE]
level 3: Power Attack - -2 ATT GIVES +4 DAM
level 5: Saving Shield - give +2 shield bonus to adjascent ally's a/c
mythic 1: Shield Focus [mythic] bonus+enchantment to touch; plus more
Add your shield bonus and your shield's enhancement bonus to your touch AC. 
As an immediate action, you can expend one use of mythic power to add your shield 
bonus and your shield's enhancement bonus on a Fortitude or Reflex save just 
before you roll it.

weapon focus [mythic][URL="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/mythic/mythic-feats/weapon-focus-mythic"][COLOR=#ff0000]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/mythic/mythic-feats/weapon-focus-mythic[/COLOR][/URL]
Mythic Martial Wpn prof [Mythic]

SKILLS:[/B]   {2+1 [RACE]+1 [INT] } * 6 = 24

[B][U]SKILL                     RANKS  CS  ABIL  MISC  TOTAL[/U][/B]
Craft (Int)                1     +3   +1   ---   +5
     siege weapons
Diplomacy (Cha)            4     +3   +3   ---   +10
Handle Animal (Cha)        1     +3   +3   ---   +7
Heal (Wis)                 1     +3   +1   ---   +5
Knowledge (Engin) (Int)    1     ---  +1   ---   +2
Knowledge (nobility) (Int) 3     +3   +1   ---   +7
Knowledge (religion) (Int) 3     +3   +1   ---   +7
Perception( wis)           4     ---  +1    +2   +7 untyped from diety
Profession (Wis)           1     +3   +1   ---   +5
Ride (Dex)                 1     +3   +1   ---   +1 acp -4
Sense Motive (Wis)         3     +3   +1   ---   +7
Spellcraft (Int)           1     +3   +1   ---   +5

  [B]RACE[/B] [Human]

  [B]CLASS[/B] [Paladin]
    [B]Aura of Good [ex][/B] [COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Aura-of-Good-Ex-"][COLOR=#ff0000]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Aura-of-Good-Ex-[/COLOR][/URL]
    [B]Detect evil [sp][/B] [COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Detect-Evil-Sp-"][COLOR=#ff0000]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Detect-Evil-Sp-[/COLOR][/URL]
    [B]Smite Evil [su ][/B] 2/day[COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Smite-Evil-Su-"][COLOR=#ff0000]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Smite-Evil-Su-[/COLOR][/URL]
    [B]Divine Grace [su][/B] [COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Divine-Grace-Su-"][COLOR=#ff0000]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Divine-Grace-Su-[/COLOR][/URL]
    [B]Lay on Hands [su] [/B]3d6; 6/dayused 4[COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Lay-On-Hands-Su-"][COLOR=#ff0000]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Lay-On-Hands-Su-[/COLOR][/URL]
    [B]Aura of Courage [su][/B] [COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Aura-of-Courage-Su-"][COLOR=#ff0000]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Aura-of-Courage-Su-[/COLOR][/URL]
    [B]Divine Health [ex][/B] [COLOR=#ff0000]
    [B]Mercy [su] [/B][COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Mercy-Su-"][COLOR=#ff0000]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Mercy-Su-[/COLOR][/URL]
- - level 3: Shaken -[URL="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Shaken"][COLOR=#ff0000]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Shaken[/COLOR][/URL]
- - level 6: Dazed - [URL="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Dazed"][COLOR=#ff0000]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Dazed[/COLOR][/URL]
    [B]Channel Positive Energry [su] [/B]uses 2 lay on hands[COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Channel-Positive-Energy-Su-"][COLOR=#ff0000]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Channel-Positive-Energy-Su-[/COLOR][/URL]
    [B]Divine bond [sp] [/B][weapon][COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Divine-Bond-Sp-"][COLOR=#ff0000]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Divine-Bond-Sp-[/COLOR][/URL]

equipment: 16,000
Armor                1350 gp
  +1 Breastplate      
Shield               1170 gp
  +1 heavy steel shield    
Long Sword           8315 gp
  +1 demon bane [outsiders: demons] 
Morningstar            16 gp
  Cold iron
Dagger                  4 gp
  Cold iron
Cloak                1000 gp
  resistance +1
Muleback cords       1000 gp
[U]Handy Haversack      2000 gp[/U]
total:             14,855

field supplies:
Horse, heavy war-trained      300 gp [see lt riding horse, add simple advanced template] [URL="http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/horse"]light riding horse[/URL]
Donkey, mule or ass           8 gp
pack saddle                   5 gp      15 lb
barding                       *4 price     *2 weight
bit/bridle                    2 gp     1 lb
feed                          5 cp/day     10 lb/day
military saddle              20 gp     30 lb   **
saddle bags                   4 gp     8 lb    capacity: 5 cubic ft./250 lb

**+2 circumstance bonus on Ride checks related to staying in the saddle.  If the rider is knocked unconscious while in a military saddle, he has a  75% chance to stay in the saddle.


Caster Level: 3
DC 13 + spell level
level 1: [1+1]
devine favor, lessor restoration
level 2: [0+1]

He was called. From his childhood he was called to the faith, then he heard a call to arms from the temple against the infadel cult that threatened the crown-a cult of demon summoning culprits, quite possibly the same ones who kidnapped him as a child. The actions of valor brought to attention of the Queen The mighty works of the temple guards. They were kept at her side until the Magno Incurso of demonic hoards.

Once again he was called. Queen Galfrey personally put out a call to many, And he answered from her own ranks. She actually expected at least one of her personal guard to step up, He was it. To battle he ran!

note on medel earned:
Banaq once fell under the Fear effect of a Dretch demon that he was battling just after the Worldwound opened. He suffered the fear only briefly before Sir Sheldon DeBir, his Paladin ally, rallied him back into the fight. Banaq, upset over his slip, smote the Dretch down with one mighty blow.

Sir Sheldon is a human, just a normal everyday human. Except he has been called by Iomadea to spread righteous acts through out the land. His very presence has brought courage to the people who are very near to him, and when you are battling dark forces from within the world wound that is a good thing to have around. Such as what happened between Banaq and he. Te courage is not his own though. He drew upon the courage give him during his childhood when he and so very many others were held captive for the purpose of being sacrificed. for it was the dwarvin monk Keva taht was his courage then. This time Sheldon was able to pass on that courage to Banaq.


Tough, Squarejawed and shouldered. Battle scarrs on al of his exposed skin. He kind of resembles a Bull dog - and has an equivalant attitude. Pushy at times, but it is always nowen it is for the best interestof the one being 'pushed' He makes no qualms about not tolerating evil as he has had to exicute field justice to captured urepentant cultists of all races. He still waits for a follower of evil to actually wish to change, that mercy can be given.

he stands about 6' tall and has a lean frame [185 lbs]. Though not immensely strong, he can hold his own in any fight with his skill with arms. One look in his eyes show a bullheaded determination that is admired in any leader, but a haunting look lurks in the bck. when someon asks him about it he glances away and says nothing, but his glance always locks on Vakeva Kiihko as a son would look to his father as a hero of his. Always.

Stolen Fury (Champion): The PC gains a +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saves. By expending one use of mythic power as a swift action, she can ignore a single demon's damage reduction for i minute, and increases the critical multiplier of any weapon she wields against that demon by 1.

permanent +2 untyped bonus to the skill of your choice.

add 5 permanent hit points to your total.


Righteous medal of the spirit:

Sir Sheldon saw His team members as they moved in the dim shadowy light. He tried to look into the umbral corners and cracks, but his eyes just were not made for it. The under folk who lead them in the dark passages beneath the city are adjusted to it. Suddenly it all changed, his eyes saw in the black and white, but of the utmost clarity. He tried to look about but he could no longer move his head. His pace and stance changed - he could feel an overwhelming wrongness permeating his very being reaching to his core.

His hand reached for his sword and his body started walking toward the lead of the under folk's scout, raising his arm he was about to strike when a sudden burst of will caused him to utter a loud cry. He lowerd his sword weakly as he looked to his travel companions. He had just been possessed and was able to fight it off before he could tarnish his morality.

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Height 6’ 6”; Weight 240# ; Hair: Black ; Age 21; Patron Deity: Gorum
Sex: Male Race: Human(Kellid) Class: Warpriest/Mythic Hierophant Level:6/M1
Alignment: Chaotic Good Size: Medium Type: Humanoid
Init +5; Senses Perception +2
Languages : Common,

AC 21, touch 10, flat-footed 21
HP 77 (HD: 8 +5d8@6 + 12 Con +6 Favored Class +6 Tribal Scars + 6 Toughness + 4 Hierophant + 5 DM Bonus)
Fort +9 , Ref +3 , Will+8
Speed 30ft.
Melee +8
Ranged +3
Base Atk +4 (+6 with greatsword); CMB +8 ; CMD 18
Special Actions
Combat gear: None

Abilities Str 18 (20), Dex 10, Con 14 , Int 10, Wis14, Cha 13
Combat Stats:
Greatsword: +13/+8 (+6 BAB +5 Str +1 WF + 1Sword)/ 2d6 +8
PA: +11/+6 (+6 BAB + 5 Str + 1 WF +1 Sword -2PA/) 2d6+17
Racial Traits: [sblock]
Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
• Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
• Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
• Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
• Skills: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Class Abilities: [sblock]
Aura (Ex): A warpriest of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly powerful aura (as a cleric) corresponding to the deity’s alignment (see the detect evil spell for details).
Blessings: 6/day
Glorious Presence (minor): At 1st level, as a standard action you can touch an ally to grant it a glorious blessing. For 1 minute, the ally becomes mesmerizing to her opponents. This functions as sanctuary, except if the ally attacks, it only breaks this effect with respect to that opponent. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Destructive Attacks (minor): At 1st level, as a standard action you can touch an ally to bless her with the power of destruction. For 1 minute, the ally gains a morale bonus to damage equal to half your level (minimum 1).
Focus Weapon: At 1st level, a warpriest receives Weapon Focus as a bonus feat (choosing any weapon, not just his deity’s favored weapon).

Orisons: Warpriests can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table 1–13. These spells are cast as any other spell, but aren’t expended when cast and may be used again.

Sacred Weapon: BAB is WP level; +1 enchantment bonus 6 rounds/day
Spontaneous Casting: Cure spells
Fervor: 2d6 4/day [Heal other as Standard action. Heal self as Swift Action. Cast prepared spell on self as swift action with no somatic components or AoO]
Bonus Feats: 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th Combat Feats Only
Channel Energy: 2d6, 2 uses of Fervor

Mythic Hierophant Abilities: Hard to Kill, Mythic Power 5/day, Surge +1d6
Divine Surge: Inspired Spell
Path Abilities: Sustained by Faith : You require no food, water, or sleep. If you have abilities or class features that require rest before they can be regained, you can choose to regain them once per day by spending 1 hour in uninterrupted meditation. If you are 3rd tier or higher, you can expend one use of mythic power in order to also not need to breathe for 24 hours.

Feats : Tribal Scars (Bear Belt)(Human), Weapon Focus (Greatsword) (Class 1), Toughness (Lvl 1), Power Attack (-2 to hit, +6 damage 2H or +4 damage 1H) (Class 3), Intimidating Prowess (lvl 3), Improved Initiative (Lvl 5), Cornugon Smash (Damage an opponent with Power Attack, make an immediate Intimidate check as a free action to attempt to demoralize). (Class 6)
Mythic Feats: Mythic Power Attack [When you use Power Attack, you gain a +3 bonus on melee damage rolls instead of +2. When your base attack bonus reaches +4 and every 4 points thereafter, the amount of bonus damage increases by +3 instead of +2. In addition, the bonus damage from this feat is doubled on a critical hit, before it's multiplied by the weapon's critical multiplier. You can expend one use of mythic power when you activate Power Attack to ignore the penalties on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks for 1 minute.]

Traits: Touched By Divinity (Campaign) [sblock]Touched by Divinity (Hierophant): The PC can select a second domain granted by his affiliated deity. He can use the 1st-level spells of both domains as spell-like abilities a number of times per day each equal to his mythic tier. By expending one use of mythic power, he may use any of these two domains' spells as a spell-like ability, but may only use spells of a level equal to or less than his mythic tier.
Begin play with silver holy symbol, Strength Domain, Destruction (Rage) 1st lvl spell 1/day as a spell-like ability: Enlarge Person 6 min or True Strike [/sblock]

Veteran of Battle [sblock] You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative checks, and if you are able to act during a surprise round, you may draw a weapon (but not a potion or magic item) as a free action during that round.[/sblock]
Demon Slayer (Regional) [sblock] You gain a +2 trait bonus on weapon damage against demons, evil fey, and plants and animals corrupted by evil. [/sblock]

Skills 18 Skill Points ACP-6
+4 Craft (Blacksmith) (1 rank + 0 Int + 3 CS)
+ 5 Diplomacy (1 rank +1 Cha +3 CS)
+ 6 Heal (1 rank + 2 Wis + 3 CS)
+17 Intimidate (6 rank +1 Cha + 3 CS + 2 Tribal Scars + 5 Intimidating Prowess)
+5 Kn (Religion) (2 rank +0 Int + 3 CS)
+2 Kn (Planes) (2 ranks +0 Int)
+6 Profession (Herdsman) (1 rank +2 Wis +3 CS)
+4 Ride (1 rank +0 Dex +3 CS)
+8 Sense Motive (1 rank +2 Wis +3 CS + 2 DM Bonus)
+4 Spellcraft (1 rank + 0 Int +3 CS)
+6 Survival (1 rank + 2 Wis +3 CS)
Spells Prepared:
0 level: Create Water, Detect Poison x2 , Light, Read Magic
1st level: Bless, Clarion Call, Comprehend Languages, Remove Fear, Swallow Your Fear,
2nd level: Align Weapon, Bull’s Strength, Effortless Armor, Spear of Purity

Equipment: 215 gp
+2 Full Plate 5,650 gp
+1 Cold Iron Greatsword: Gorum-var (Gorum’s Arm) 4,400 gp
Belt of Giant Strength +2 4,000 gp
Cloak of Resistance +1 1,000 gp
Explorer’s outfit (free)
Backpack MW 50 gp
3 potions Enlarge Person 150 gp
2 Heatstones 40 gp
200 ft silk rope 40 gp
4 flasks of Holy Water 100 gp
Silver Holy Symbol (Sword) 25 gp
2 packets of Troll Styptic 200 gp
10 Sunrods 20 gp
Masterwork Armor and Sword maintenance kit 55 gp
Background: [sblock] Far to the north, on the frigid plains of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, Denir came to be called to the service of Gorum, The Iron Lord. Denir was a member of the Bear Pelt tribe and grew up near Tolguth. Denir saw both the giant mammoths on the open plain and the strange giant lizards that inhabited the valley near the walled village. As a young boy Denir watched over the goats outside the village walls and brought them in every night. Until the ominous day when the horrors of the Worldwound spilled over into Tolguth. The demons came roaring over the hills, and Denir forgot his goats and made for the wall. He made it inside the village gates just before they were closed. The goats may have at least slowed down the demons as they stopped to devour them. But as often happens the demons breached the wall. Demons were dying left and right under the weapons of the Kellid defenders, but still many demons were loose, chasing down people between the wood and hide homes. Denir was being chased by a slavering, fanged monstrosity when he was cornered behind a wooden building. He was just 12, and not a warrior. He was a goat herder. Yet, for some reason he did not understand, his eye, his focus was drawn to a fallen warrior. That warrior was holding a large sword in his lifeless hand. The sword called to him, spoke to him, drew him in. He picked it up and felt the cold iron in his hands, felt the power in the iron, the power in the sword. He was no longer scared, no longer felt he needed to run, no longer wanted to. Even though the sword was bigger than he was and weighed half as much as he did, if felt light in his hands. He felt another pair of hands within his hands, something powerful. Those hands, both pairs swung the sword and connected with the demon just as it was about to bite into him. The sword clove the beast in two. Denir stood there panting as the feeling of otherworldly hands left him. He looked down at the sword, on the guard was a symbol, a mountain with a sword sticking out of it. The symbol of Gorum. When Denir emerged from the alley, with a bloody sword, dragging a demon head behind him it was clear he was no longer going to be a goat herder.
From then on Denir trained with the warriors. He held onto that sword he found and used it, even when it was still too big for him. He traveled by himself into the Tusk Mountains to find the original Temple of Gorum. He did not find the legendary temple, but he did find a temple. He spent a few years in the temple learning to wield the sword and give proper respect to Gorum. At times, Denir could feel the presence of Gorum through the sword.
At age 18 he returned to Tolguth to take his warrior trials. He had grown into a tall, strong man, well deserving of the Bear Pelt clan. He passed the trials with ease, and was induced as a full warrior of the tribe. To symbolize his new status, the shaman took a bear’s paw, and using the sharp claws of the paw, the shaman drew the claws across his chest twice, across his back twice and down each arm from shoulder to wrist. Denir stood and made no sign as the ritual was done. For the next month in the wounds from the scars, fresh ash and boiled sheep urine was rubbed into the scars. These caused the scars to be black as they healed up without getting any pus.
As a full warrior of the tribe he routinely patrolled near the Worldwound. He made sure that the demon incursions were minimized. His constant exposure led to him being contaminated and corrupted several times from the demonic emanations from the Worldwound. One time he even grew horns. He underwent several ritual purifications. They made the warrior trials look like riding a mammoth. The pain was severe. It only strengthened his resolve however.
Then one day a bad incursion had occurred. He was part of a war party chasing the demons down to prevent them from getting to Tolguth. The demons had kidnapped a family and were bringing them back for sacrifice or corruption. The party followed the demons as far as they could. The mammoths would not go into the Worldwound nor would the rest of the warriors. Denir shrugged and continued on. He had caught three of the demons and slew them and freeing three children who ran back to the war party. Denir ran after the last demon, a huge beast who was carrying the parents. Out of nowhere another demon appeared, summoned most likely. He carried a staff that glowed a sickly green. He swung it and connected with Denir. A flash of green light and then blackness. Denir awoke alarmed, but he was no longer in the Worldwound. Somehow he was Brevoy he discovered. He has spent many months traveling back to his home of the other side of the Worldwound. While in Mendev, he fell in with some other travelers and found himself fighting against the forces of evil with them. He still plans to return home. But for now, these people have become his friends, the only ones east of home. So he has stayed to help them finish what was started.
One time, the female sorcerer Meliara asked him why he was trying to stop the demons if his god encouraged battle. Denir answered “Yes, Gorum reveres battle. But if the demons take over, they will destroy everything and there will be no more battle. They will lay waste to the land then leave. There will be no more battle. Demons have no honor, they only slaughter. Gorum celebrates battle, the skill of the sword, the bravery, the honor of facing a foe and defeating them. Gorum does not flee from a fight, but neither does he start them. Yes, worship of Gorum comes in the ringing of sword against sword. In combat, determined, combat, not the slaughter of innocents, in that there is true honor for Gorum.”
Appearance: [sblock] Denir looks like many of his Kellid brethren. He is tall and muscular, his skin is a deep tan that all Kellids have. His black hair hangs about his face, through he sometimes wears a leather cord around his head to keep the hair out of his face. His arms, chest and back are covered with the scars of his ritual of manhood, deep raised scars cross his back and chest forming an “V” on each side. Four long scars drag down each arm from shoulder to wrist. All three sets of scars meet at the shoulder. The scars appear as though a bear had mauled him, although all the scars are black against his brown skin. His dark eyes flash with a fierce light, either from his upbringing or his faith. His armor is a dull iron, battle worn, but extraordinarily functional. The Sword and Mountain of the Iron Lord is on the chest of his armor.
Denir appears as a grim, dour man. Until you get to know him. He has a streak of laughter in him, deeply hidden, but it comes out at times, with those he trusts as clan-worthy. Though when he is in battle, he does often smile for it is then that he serves The Iron Lord as best he can. Battle and Destruction for the Glory and Honor of Gorum.
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First Post
Im sorry... what were the previous questions?

Ok, here is what I have for Denir. I am still waiting for answers to previous questions to finalize him, but you can start examining him.

Height 6’ 6”; Weight 240# ; Hair: Black ; Age 21; Patron Deity: Gorum
Sex: Male Race: Human(Kellid) Class: Warpriest/Mythic Hierophant Level:6/M1
Alignment: Chaotic Good Size: Medium Type: Humanoid
Init +1; Senses Perception +2
Languages : Common,

AC 22, touch 10, flat-footed 22
HP 72 (HD: 8 +5d8@6 + 12 Con +6 Favored Class +6 Tribal Scars + 6 Toughness + 4 Hierophant)
Fort +8 , Ref +2 , Will+7
Speed 30ft.
Melee +8
Ranged +3
Base Atk +4 (+6 with greatsword); CMB +8 ; CMD 18
Special Actions
Combat gear: None

Abilities Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14 , Int 10, Wis14, Cha 12
Combat Stats:
Greatsword: +12/+7 (+6 BAB +4 Str +1 WF + 1Sword)/ 2d6 +7
PA: +12/+5 (+6 BAB + 4 Str + 1 WF +1 Sword -2PA +2 FF –first only) 2d6+13
Racial Traits: [sblock]
Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
• Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
• Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
• Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
• Skills: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Class Abilities: [sblock]
Aura (Ex): A warpriest of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly powerful aura (as a cleric) corresponding to the deity’s alignment (see the detect evil spell for details).
Blessings: 6/day
Glorious Presence (minor): At 1st level, as a standard action you can touch an ally to grant it a glorious blessing. For 1 minute, the ally becomes mesmerizing to her opponents. This functions as sanctuary, except if the ally attacks, it only breaks this effect with respect to that opponent. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Destructive Attacks (minor): At 1st level, as a standard action you can touch an ally to bless her with the power of destruction. For 1 minute, the ally gains a morale bonus to damage equal to half your level (minimum 1).
Focus Weapon: At 1st level, a warpriest receives Weapon Focus as a bonus feat (choosing any weapon, not just his deity’s favored weapon).

Orisons: Warpriests can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table 1–13. These spells are cast as any other spell, but aren’t expended when cast and may be used again.

Sacred Weapon: BAB is WP level; +1 enchantment bonus 6 rounds/day
Spontaneous Casting: Cure spells
Fervor: 2d6 4/day [Heal other as Standard action. Heal self as Swift Action. Cast prepared spell on self as swift action with no somatic components or AoO]
Bonus Feats: 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th Combat Feats Only
Channel Energy: 2d6, 2 uses of Fervor

Mythic Hierophant Abilities: Hard to Kill, Mythic Power 5/day, Surge +1d6
Divine Surge: Inspired Spell
Path Abilities: Sustained by Faith : You require no food, water, or sleep. If you have abilities or class features that require rest before they can be regained, you can choose to regain them once per day by spending 1 hour in uninterrupted meditation. If you are 3rd tier or higher, you can expend one use of mythic power in order to also not need to breathe for 24 hours.

Feats : Tribal Scars (Bear Belt)(Human), Weapon Focus (Greatsword) (Class 1), Power Attack (-2 to hit, +6 damage 2H or +4 damage 1H) (Lvl 1), Toughness (Class 3), Furious Focus (lvl 3), Toughness (Lvl 5), (Class 6)
Mythic Feats: 1
Traits: Touched By Divinity (Campaign) [sblock] Begin play with silver holy symbol, Strength Domain 1st lvl spell 1/day as a spell-like ability: Enlarge Person 6 min [/sblock]
Veteran of Battle [sblock] You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative checks, and if you are able to act during a surprise round, you may draw a weapon (but not a potion or magic item) as a free action during that round.[/sblock]
Demon Slayer (Regional) [sblock] You gain a +2 trait bonus on weapon damage against demons, evil fey, and plants and animals corrupted by evil. [/sblock]

Skills 18 Skill Points ACP-6
+8 Climb (1 rank + 4 Str +3 CS)
+4 Craft (Blacksmith) (1 rank + 0 Int + 3 CS)
+ 5 Diplomacy (1 rank +1 Cha +3 CS)
+ 6 Heal (1 rank + 2 Wis + 3 CS)
+10 Intimidate (4 rank +1 Cha + 3 CS + 2 Tribal Scars)
+5 Kn (Religion) (2 rank +0 Int + 3 CS)
+2 Kn (Planes) (2 ranks +0 Int)
+6 Profession (Herdsman) (1 rank +2 Wis +3 CS)
+4 Ride (1 rank +0 Dex +3 CS)
+7 Sense Motive (2 rank +2 Wis +3 CS)
+4 Spellcraft (1 rank + 0 Int +3 CS)
+6 Survival (1 rank + 2 Wis +3 CS)
Spells Prepared:

Equipment: 670 gp
+3 Full Plate 10,650 gp
+1 Cold Iron Greatsword: Gorum-var (Gorum’s Arm) 4,400 gp
Explorer’s outfit (free)
Backpack MW 50 gp
3 potions Enlarge Person 150 gp
2 Heatstones 40 gp
200 ft silk rope 40 gp

Background: [sblock] Far to the north, on the frigid plains of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, Denir came to be called to the service of Gorum, The Iron Lord. Denir was a member of the Bear Pelt tribe and grew up near Tolguth. Denir saw both the giant mammoths on the open plain and the strange giant lizards that inhabited the valley near the walled village. As a young boy Denir watched over the goats outside the village walls and brought them in every night. Until the ominous day when the horrors of the Worldwound spilled over into Tolguth. The demons came roaring over the hills, and Denir forgot his goats and made for the wall. He made it inside the village gates just before they were closed. The goats may have at least slowed down the demons as they stopped to devour them. But as often happens the demons breached the wall. Demons were dying left and right under the weapons of the Kellid defenders, but still many demons were loose, chasing down people between the wood and hide homes. Denir was being chased by a slavering, fanged monstrosity when he was cornered behind a wooden building. He was just 12, and not a warrior. He was a goat herder. Yet, for some reason he did not understand, his eye, his focus was drawn to a fallen warrior. That warrior was holding a large sword in his lifeless hand. The sword called to him, spoke to him, drew him in. He picked it up and felt the cold iron in his hands, felt the power in the iron, the power in the sword. He was no longer scared, no longer felt he needed to run, no longer wanted to. Even though the sword was bigger than he was and weighed half as much as he did, if felt light in his hands. He felt another pair of hands within his hands, something powerful. Those hands, both pairs swung the sword and connected with the demon just as it was about to bite into him. The sword clove the beast in two. Denir stood there panting as the feeling of otherworldly hands left him. He looked down at the sword, on the guard was a symbol, a mountain with a sword sticking out of it. The symbol of Gorum. When Denir emerged from the alley, with a bloody sword, dragging a demon head behind him it was clear he was no longer going to be a goat herder.
From then on Denir trained with the warriors. He held onto that sword he found and used it, even when it was still too big for him. He traveled by himself into the Tusk Mountains to find the original Temple of Gorum. He did not find the legendary temple, but he did find a temple. He spent a few years in the temple learning to wield the sword and give proper respect to Gorum. At times, Denir could feel the presence of Gorum through the sword.
At age 18 he returned to Tolguth to take his warrior trials. He had grown into a tall, strong man, well deserving of the Bear Pelt clan. He passed the trials with ease, and was induced as a full warrior of the tribe. To symbolize his new status, the shaman took a bear’s paw, and using the sharp claws of the paw, the shaman drew the claws across his chest twice, across his back twice and down each arm from shoulder to wrist. Denir stood and made no sign as the ritual was done. For the next month in the wounds from the scars, fresh ash and boiled sheep urine was rubbed into the scars. These caused the scars to be black as they healed up without getting any pus.
As a full warrior of the tribe he routinely patrolled near the Worldwound. He made sure that the demon incursions were minimized. His constant exposure led to him being contaminated and corrupted several times from the demonic emanations from the Worldwound. One time he even grew horns. He underwent several ritual purifications. They made the warrior trials look like riding a mammoth. The pain was severe. It only strengthened his resolve however.
Then one day a bad incursion had occurred. He was part of a war party chasing the demons down to prevent them from getting to Tolguth. The demons had kidnapped a family and were bringing them back for sacrifice or corruption. The party followed the demons as far as they could. The mammoths would not go into the Worldwound nor would the rest of the warriors. Denir shrugged and continued on. He had caught three of the demons and slew them and freeing three children who ran back to the war party. Denir ran after the last demon, a huge beast who was carrying the parents. Out of nowhere another demon appeared, summoned most likely. He carried a staff that glowed a sickly green. He swung it and connected with Denir. A flash of green light and then blackness. Denir awoke alarmed, but he was no longer in the Worldwound. Somehow he was Brevoy he discovered. He has spent many months traveling back to his home of the other side of the Worldwound. While in Mendev, he fell in with some other travelers and found himself fighting against the forces of evil with them. He still plans to return home. But for now, these people have become his friends, the only ones east of home. So he has stayed to help them finish what was started.
One time, the female sorcerer Meliara asked him why he was trying to stop the demons if his god encouraged battle. Denir answered “Yes, Gorum reveres battle. But if the demons take over, they will destroy everything and there will be no more battle. They will lay waste to the land then leave. There will be no more battle. Demons have no honor, they only slaughter. Gorum celebrates battle, the skill of the sword, the bravery, the honor of facing a foe and defeating them. Gorum does not flee from a fight, but neither does he start them. Yes, worship of Gorum comes in the ringing of sword against sword. In combat, determined, combat, not the slaughter of innocents, in that there is true honor for Gorum.”
Appearance: [sblock] Denir looks like many of his Kellid brethren. He is tall and muscular, his skin is a deep tan that all Kellids have. His black hair hangs about his face, through he sometimes wears a leather cord around his head to keep the hair out of his face. His arms, chest and back are covered with the scars of his ritual of manhood, deep raised scars cross his back and chest forming an “V” on each side. Four long scars drag down each arm from shoulder to wrist. All three sets of scars meet at the shoulder. The scars appear as though a bear had mauled him, although all the scars are black against his brown skin. His dark eyes flash with a fierce light, either from his upbringing or his faith. His armor is a dull iron, battle worn, but extraordinarily functional. The Sword and Mountain of the Iron Lord is on the chest of his armor.
Denir appears as a grim, dour man. Until you get to know him. He has a streak of laughter in him, deeply hidden, but it comes out at times, with those he trusts as clan-worthy. Though when he is in battle, he does often smile for it is then that he serves The Iron Lord as best he can. Battle and Destruction for the Glory and Honor of Gorum.

Voidrunner's Codex

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