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[Adventure] The Paper Chase (Judge: renau1g)


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We could take you there to see the place yourself, for a fee of course. It might be of scholarly value to see such a place. If you don't go insane with the dark arcane power permeating the place that is, like Barnaby... or wherever his name was. Mythra waves his hand dismissively.

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And yes, I'm aware you said he was more a colleague or even rival then a friend. I was trying to be polite." - Orsik is somewhat surprised at such lack of manners from a scholar.

"On the contrary," Farrow says with a long-suffering manner, "I believe I made it perfectly clear that he was nothing of a rival whatsoever, and could very accurately be described as a friend."

He gives a wave of his hand. "Regardless, we are not here to quibble. This... 'unaccountable presence'... sounds somewhat significant. It requires further investigation, but that's something that can be undertaken in due time."

We could take you there to see the place yourself, for a fee of course. It might be of scholarly value to see such a place. If you don't go insane with the dark arcane power permeating the place that is, like Barnaby... or wherever his name was. Mythra waves his hand dismissively.
"Thank you, that won't be necessary,"Farrow says with a wry smile through his cigar smoke.

"For now, it is growing late; I suggest that you all go and celebrate today's success."
He pushes the coin purse over the desk towards the group with a polished ebony cane that rested against his chair. "Come back tomorrow, if you are so inclined, and I will certainly be able to make use of you - on similar terms to this last task. If you can find competent new blood to replace your missing comrade, that might not go amiss. Now, if you don't mind, I have some recalcritant equations to whip into shape before I break for dinner, and my stomach already grows restive."

Hopping to his feet, he opens the door and ushers the party out.

Bar Room Brawl: 1100 xp (x2, /6) = 366 xp each
Temple Guards: 1225 xp (x2, /6) = 408 xp each
Necromancer: 1652 xp (x2, /5) = 660 xp each
Quest Complete: 875 xp (x2, /5) = 350 xp each

Total: 1784 xp each

Copied from post #648:

Mythra gets the ritual book, which contains the level 6 rituals Undead Servitor and Wizard's Escape, plus 920gp worth of additional rituals which you can choose freely. Total market value is 1800gp, equivalent to a level 6 (n+2) item.

Grys has already received his level 4 parcel, and is therefore feeling unaccountably generous when it comes to the division of loot today.

The rest of the loot, to be split between the three remaining members of the party, is as follows:

Magic Items lifted from the necromancer's corpse with a resale value of 1480gp

244gp in miscellaneous gemstones, coins and residuum, found in the necromancer's den

1 Dhaakani Bronze Urn, value 1000gp

Total Worth = 2724gp, split 3 ways will be 908gp each for kal'Tarron, Serris and Orsik once you've had a chance to liquidate (this represents a parcel of gold equal to the price of a level n item for each of you, plus 68gp of your bonus gold for level 4)
Plus 120 gp each as a quest reward (assuming an equal split of Baracus's unclaimed share).

Mythra: 1 Ritual Book (net worth 1800 gp) + 120 gp
kal'Tarron: 1028 gp
Serris: 1028 gp
Orsik: 1028 gp
Grys: 120 gp

Reward Points: 23rd June - 25th October = 4 months, 4 RP[/sblock]

OOC: Cheers guys, good job. Those of you who are in for the next installment, I recommend heading back to the Tavern to see if you can recruit a new teammate or two - there will be a short delay while the next adventure is finalised and approved.
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"Thankyou. I must rest and meditate now, and I will see you tomorrow," kal'Tarron says to the professor as he pockets his share. To the rest of the party, he says "Shall I see you at the tavern in the morning? I'm sorry you won't be joining us Serris."

OOC: Thanks for a great adventure. I look forward to the next installment


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Mythra takes his money without a word and walks out. He never did get this artifact that was talked about. Perhaps pursuing this foolish chase again will lead to it.

OOC: Great adventure, looking forward to part 2! :)



OOC: Wow. I totally skipped past that. I read the wealth reward, but not the XP one. Thanks.

Antithetist, Grys will be using 5 RP to level up to level 6.

2 RP from the New Cyre Borderland adventure and 3 RP from this one.

That's 3750 XP (original) + 1000 XP (NCB reward) + 1784 XP (this reward) + 1000 XP (5 RP at level 5) = 7534 XP for level 6.

Note: Mythra can also level up to level 6 if he wants since he too was on the New Cyre Borderland adventure.

Voidrunner's Codex

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