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[Adventure] Murder Most Foul! (Judge: EvolutionKB)


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"Cowards! They are all cowards in this lower levels. That murderer, than the vampire and finally that wizard... My list of job to finish starts to be long." tells Artemus, looking at Horan escaping.

Tirial move under the chimney. "Let's me try finish him." He shots two arrows and after a moment, he sees them fall back a few feet from him.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Twin Shot vs AC on Horan (1d20+12=14, 1d12+3=7, 1d3=1, 1d20+12=15, 1d12+3=12, 1d3=1, 1d6=5) Wrong square both, anyway, they would have missed.[/SBLOCK]

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"HOME!" Knoepf shouts at the fleeing Horan "YOU HAVE NO HOME HERE!"

"Cowards! They are all cowards in this lower levels. That murderer, than the vampire and finally that wizard... My list of job to finish starts to be long." tells Artemus, looking at Horan escaping.

Aye...agreed Artemus. The day will come when we will kill all of them. They have no place in this world! Looking at the slain beholders, At least these two will bother no one anymore.


Both of Tirial's shots miss, so Horan gets away.

The first chest contains a wide variety of clothing, coins, and other items. Some of them are magical. It appears that these three would sometimes kill people and keep anything of value in this chest. There's probably an exit above the chimney where at least the smaller two could get out to hunt. It's evident that the warm air from the forges slowly moves up and out of this chimney. But, it looks like they either haven't been at it for too long, or had difficulty doing so based on the amount of good clothing and other items in the chest. If they had been at it for years, it would seem that they should have acquired more goods. It's likely that they only did it occasionally to supplement the Beholders' diet of fish from the water and possibly on occasion for some other nefarious reasons known only to Horan and the Beholder.

The second chest contains 150 GP worth of Sanctified Incense and certain other ritual apparatuses and what appears to be some form of robes dedicated to the Shadow. It's likely that Horan was either performing rituals, or about to do so.

It's also a good guess that one or both of the Beholders actually ate whomever they captured. It's likely that there might be some body parts in the murky water. The arm in the basket has a signet ring on one finger. However, the design is unfamiliar to everyone.

After checking out the area, it's also noticeable that this is a small temple dedicated to the Shadow. Horan's Spiritual Weapon spell visibly displayed as a quarterstaff, so that pretty much guarantees that he is a worshipper of the Shadow.

The water is also fairly unsavory. It's likely that anyone who would have fallen into it might have gotten sick doing so.

[sblock=What's next?]
I will be posting experience in the next day or two. Everyone will be leveling to level 6 (I think. I’m pretty sure of that, but I don’t have the XP numbers in front of me).

If you do not have a wish list, please PM me with anything that you might want at this level. The parcels for this level will be in the first chest.

Because RickRoll and Farce are MIA, I'm going to cut to the chase here. I was originally going to run a skill challenge to get down the rock wall, but since Artemus and Boruuk are such good climbers, I'll just rule that everyone ties everyone else together and the group slowly makes its way down the rock.

If we want to continue the adventure, the PCs themselves will need to enter the Tavern and recruit other PCs since there is no patron. It would be best to have a 5 PC group.

The players can proceed directly to the Tavern right away unless anyone wants to roleplay a conversation here. Tirial and Boruuk will not be heading to the Tavern.


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Once the group is out of the place, Artemus stretch his body. "Finally, out of here. Perfect, we can now rest. I'll tell you, that trekking have been interesting, but I find out that working with a group is not my style at all. I prefer to act my way. It's been more successful for my health.

Our way might cross again, I would even say likely if you go after one of those bastards who fled us. I'll finish the business my way if you don't do it your way. But until then, farewell!"

[SBLOCK=OOC]As I have talked about to KD, I'm retiring Artemus. His build is not great with this group, and taking a look at many other group I have been, most of the time, I would be frustrated. I'm too dependent on other to place my Sneak Attack.

Also, it wasn't the most interesting personality to play for me. But you'll be welcome to recruit an elven avenger lvl7 that will show up soon in the tavern. I'll spend Artemus RP and some DMing RP to make it lvl 7.[/SBLOCK]


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Once the group is out of the place, Artemus stretch his body. "Finally, out of here. Perfect, we can now rest. I'll tell you, that trekking have been interesting, but I find out that working with a group is not my style at all. I prefer to act my way. It's been more successful for my health.

Our way might cross again, I would even say likely if you go after one of those bastards who fled us. I'll finish the business my way if you don't do it your way. But until then, farewell!"

Aye Artemus...good luck with your travels and adventures. Bring death to those who are evil my friend and continue to seek out those have an oath to the lady of silver flame. We are all over this world and wont hesitate to come to your aide. Knoepf chuckles. And most of us are in better shape than yours truely. He pats his large stomach, which in recent events has shrunk some. He sighs and then says outloud: I'm looking foward to pint of ale and some beef stew. That's first one my to-do list when I get to the Shard.

With that, Knoepf turns to waves good bye to the others and heads back to the shard.

[sblock=treasure parcel]


Knoepf will take the n+2 parcel. How doesn't this work? Do I tell you the item I want or do you choose the item


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[SBLOCK=OOC]KD is the only person to choose the parcel he want to give you and what to give you from that parcel. But unless he want to be evil, he will probably follow your suggestion, that's why we suggest to add a wishlist to your character sheet.[/SBLOCK]

Voda Vosa

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Hasifar is still shaken when he comes out to the daylight.
"That's been enough for me! I thought that my mental tricks would do the difference once I learned them, but they didn't. Papa Murdof was right, this city is insane. I'll go back to the country, leave this behind. It was a pleasure to meet you all, specially you bellyboy, heh. Farewell."

OOC: I'll want to come to a similar agreement as Artemus. I was already thinking on retiring Hasifar, but didn't want to drop out. Good game.


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[SBLOCK=OOC]Only Knoepf left... that's not the greatest thing, but at least, there will be some continuity...[/SBLOCK]


[sblock=treasure parcel]


Knoepf will take the n+2 parcel. How doesn't this work? Do I tell you the item I want or do you choose the item

I prefer that each player give me a wish list of 3 items and I'll typically pick one of the three.

Artemus is being totally replaced and dropped, so I don't have to do it for him.

I'm not sure is Hasifar is being replaced and dropped, or if VV is just pulling in a second PC. If the latter, than I will need to pick an item for Hasifar.

Mostly, I just need the wish list from Knoepf. Either that, or I'll just pick something if you'd like.

Also, since Knoepf is the only one who knows about the adventure and is the only one sticking around, it's up to him to go recruit adventurers in the tavern if we are going to continue.

Voidrunner's Codex

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