• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Adv: The Path of Light; DM: ScorpiusRisk; Judge: Ozymandias79


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=OOC]Incarnation's oblivious. Hopefully someone else isn't. :)[/sblock]The warlock puts up his hands in a peacemaking gesture then removes his hood, revealing the mark of Mauros on his head. Peace. Disrespect is not intended. I needed to know what you know of me. It appears it is as much as I know of myself: Nothing.

He looks at the gathered, then to his companions. It is my doom it seems to walk over the steps Mauros once trod. This seems too now to include these seals. I will assist, but I cannot speak for my companions. What would you have them do so they may make their own choice?[sblock=Arcana/History]See what I know about the Seals (16/10) and his Academy (26/29)[/sblock]

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Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]I'm back! I'll be editing this post shortly with a real post, once I've caught up with the thread and assembled my thoughts. I trust Raiyek is still in one piece ;)

For posterity's sake, everything after this post is edited in.

A couple OOC thoughts. First, did anyone else want the cloak? If not, I suppose Raiyek will take it. Second, I see Raiyek is still in one piece, so thanks (not that there seemed to be much risk while I was gone ;)).

Thirdly, Raiyek can passively notice the Warden's doubts, so no worries :)

Fourthly, some checks.
Insight on eladrin (1d20+10=23). Mainly to see if the eladrin is at all familiar to Raiyek, or if he recognizes or reacts to Raiyek in any special way. He is still technically MIA from the Imperial Legion, after all. Guess it's a good thing that the only part of his gear left from that part of his life is his shield. :)
Perception (1d20+12=17) (so Passive 22) to see if there's anyone/anything else hidden around the clearings.
Arcana 14, History 17, Nature 22, Religion 17, as they relate to the Seals and what, specifically, they're sealing against.[/sblock]
Raiyek spends the first few moments of conversation evaluating the sizeable group in the clearings, especially the eladrin wearing clothing from the Imperium.

After Incarnation's last question, Raiyek nods in agreement before adding his thoughts. "I, too, am curious as to the assistance the rest of us are to provide. Incarnation seemed to know of myself and my friend," he motions to Georg, "before meeting us, and claimed that we were fated to aid him in his next task." After this statement, the paladin's words strengthen, showing a conviction to to back his words. "That task appears to be what you ask of him, though I'm unsure what role I am to play. Do not fear, though, Warden. I, at least, will aid you and Incarnation in this, in whatever way I can."
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First Post
The Warden's eyes shift to the Eladrin behind him who suddenly seems defensive. "Just because we live in the middle of the woods trying to fend off the bleeding of planar fields does not mean we should not read the newspaper!"

The shifter tests his boundaries. "It almost s-s-sounds like you r-r-resent your t-t-task. Perhpas the l-lack of r-r-real companions-s-ship has made y-you ornery." The shifter glances toward Dane and the other dwarf, a half smirk on his face.

With the talk of gates and planar fields, Rurdev follows up his earlier statement with a serious subject. "W-We have already dealth w-w-with this. An ab-ab-aberrant threat a-a-appeard below Daunton, due to the S-S-Sibylline Idol. We closed a p-portal in the sewers below the c-city. My f-f-fate is tied to this one," he says indicating Incarnation, "he has brought me h-here. My axes are y-your weapons."


First Post
This is a finished post. -Scorpius

The shifter tests his boundaries. "It almost s-s-sounds like you r-r-resent your t-t-task. Perhpas the l-lack of r-r-real companions-s-ship has made y-you ornery." The shifter glances toward Dane and the other dwarf, a half smirk on his face.

The Eladrin merely glares at Rurdev and crosses his arms. The young dragonborn and the human with two swords also seem particularly displeased with the comment.

The warlock puts up his hands in a peacemaking gesture then removes his hood, revealing the mark of Mauros on his head. Peace. Disrespect is not intended. I needed to know what you know of me. It appears it is as much as I know of myself: Nothing.

He looks at the gathered, then to his companions. It is my doom it seems to walk over the steps Mauros once trod. This seems too now to include these seals. I will assist, but I cannot speak for my companions. What would you have them do so they may make their own choice?

Raiyek spends the first few moments of conversation evaluating the sizeable group in the clearings, especially the eladrin wearing clothing from the Imperium.

After Incarnation's last question, Raiyek nods in agreement before adding his thoughts. "I, too, am curious as to the assistance the rest of us are to provide. Incarnation seemed to know of myself and my friend," he motions to Georg, "before meeting us, and claimed that we were fated to aid him in his next task." After this statement, the paladin's words strengthen, showing a conviction to to back his words. "That task appears to be what you ask of him, though I'm unsure what role I am to play. Do not fear, though, Warden. I, at least, will aid you and Incarnation in this, in whatever way I can."

[sblock=Raiyek's Insight]You don't recognize this man specifically but you would guess he comes from Prime. His eyes have lingered on you at times. No doubt taking notice of an Elven Paladin of Palldys, something he likely hasn't seen recently.[/sblock]

With the talk of gates and planar fields, Rurdev follows up his earlier statement with a serious subject. "W-We have already dealth w-w-with this. An ab-ab-aberrant threat a-a-appeard below Daunton, due to the S-S-Sibylline Idol. We closed a p-portal in the sewers below the c-city. My f-f-fate is tied to this one," he says indicating Incarnation, "he has brought me h-here. My axes are y-your weapons."

The Warden's eye raises at when the Sibylline Idol is mentioned but he does not mention it for now. "I must return to the Jade Empire to find out what I can. There are those that might seek us out to stop us if they knew what we were doing. I am of need of protection and cannot spare my students to do so." He looks sternly at the young dragonborn. "They are the only ones who have seen my work here and any effort to slow the Fey approach will be useful to our task."

He continues. "Also, once we get there and find what we're looking for, I may need some help in their interpretation." He looks to Incarnation and then to Georg. This causes the Eladrin to dig the toe of his foot into the ground. The dwarven female loudly clears her throat. "And we will of course bring them back here so others might look at them as well."


Arga's Seals

[sblock=History 10]About 50 years ago Arga the black enacted a great ritual to seal off all portals from Arcadia or the Feywild to Daunton, bringing great peace to the island.[/sblock]

[sblock=History 16]For many generations, some say as long as humans were on Daunton, it's great woods were known as being connected to Arcadia. The people of Daunton were not only under constant threat from its strange and powerful creatures.

Even more troublesome however, is that the Savage Land was also connected to Arcadia. The savage goblinoids there had long ago learned how to navigate the Feypaths, using it to raid the Dauntonian settlements.[/sblock]

[sblock=History 21]The Great Seal is easily what Arga the Black is most well known for in Daunton and is often sighted as the reason her statue was erected. It is unknown exactly how she enacted the ritual but documents recall that before she was succesful she had disappeared from Daunton for weeks.

Her seals were said to be permanent at the time.[/sblock]

[sblock=History 26]Arga never actually said she had enacted a permanent solution, only that the people of Daunton were safe for now. It is believed she had some kind of plan for the Seals to stay in place and many believe that involved her famous pupil Mauros Esthanapiros.

Some shifter clans tell tales of a time before other on Daunton, before the planes every began to merge.[/sblock]

[sblock=Arcana 10]About 50 years ago Arga the black enacted a great ritual to seal off all portals from Arcadia or the Feywild to Daunton, bringing great peace to the island.[/sblock]

[sblock=Arcana 16]Arcadia is one of the closest planes to our own. It is not uncommon for rifts to appear, or bleeding as it often referred to, not just in Daunton but in all the isles.

Daunton seems particularity susceptible to it however, to the point that some Arcanists have concluded their must be some additional influence causing the issue.

Arcadia, of course, is also the home to the original Eladrins and some believe the gnomes as well.[/sblock]

[sblock=Arcana 21]The Great Ritual of Sealing was of Arga's own creation and a copy of it never resurfaced after her death, to the shock and embarrassment of Dauntonian Librarians.

Many believe Mauros must have inherited it but most of his possessions were lost with him. It is said he had several hidden retreats and laboratories, the most famed one somewhere in Arcadia itself.[/sblock]

[sblock=Arcana 26] Some believe that Arga did not create the Ritual of Sealing at all, only helped to complete it. That might explain why a copy was never found, and why it may be failing now.[/sblock]

On the Academy

[sblock=History 10]There are many academies found throughout the shifting seas. Many regions are known for different types and they will often specialize into a particular area of knowledge or a branch of training.[/sblock]

[sblock=History 16]He is likely referring to the Academy of Radiant Truth. Located in the Jade Empire it takes individuals with clear combat talent and puts them through a strict regiment of training, both in body and mind.

They focus on direct fighting but among the martial they also assist swordmages, bards, wardens and the like. Many students leave possessing minor skills in unusual areas.[/sblock]

[sblock=History 21]The Warden trained at the Academy of Radiant Truth and was hailed as a prize pupil, his Master being the famed Grand Master Estergrin.

Upon graduating students are often placed in areas of leadership or special service in the Platinum Shogun's army.[/sblock]

[sblock=History 26]The Academy keeps a small staff and about sixty students at any one time. It takes about three years to complete training there and only about 70 % graduate.

In the Jade Empire, simply being selected to attend is a great honor, and even those who do not finish are generally well respected.[/sblock]

[sblock=Arcana 10]There are many academies found throughout the shifting seas. Many regions are known for different types and they will often specialize into a particular area of knowledge or a branch of training.[/sblock]

[sblock=Arcana 16] While the Jade Empire does hold some small schools of magic, the Warden is likely referring to the Academy of Radiant Truth. While it is not know as a place of Arcane traditions it teaches balance and many swordmages and bards have attended and taught there.

Many students leave with a small amount of arcane skill even if that is not their specialty.[/sblock]

[sblock=Arcana 21]The Warden is known to have studied under Grand Master Estergrin a swordmage of some power. The Warden is said to be one of his greatest students.[/sblock]

[sblock=Arcana 26]Due to the nature of the Oni threat the students of the Academy of Radiant Truth often learn group rituals that they can attempt to teach others while in the field.[/sblock]

The Warden's Grove

[sblock=Nature 14] You notice runes of nature etched into the ground and trees. There are others of a different kind as well.[/sblock]

[sblock=Nature 19] The runes appear to be those of protection as well as designed to hold something back.[/sblock]

[sblock=Arcana 14] You notice runes of nature etched into the ground and trees. There are others of a different kind as well.[/sblock]

[sblock=Arcana 19] The runes are connected to the Feywild in some way, but are unclear, as if in a new style you have not studied.[/sblock]
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First Post
"I cannot tell if the seals are fading on their own, or if something is tearing them down." Says the Warden. "My best guess is there is more than one issue at work. One of the reasons, I believe, I have been unsuccessful in renewing them."

"Fate has them falling regardless." The dwarf says looking up at the sky. It was growing later.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
-''I am not sensing a whole lot of confidence from you, mister warden. You seem worried.'' Hadrak comments casually. ''Either you doubt we are up to the task, or you expect trouble at the academy...''


First Post
"Both actually." The Warden replies. "We are attempting something only one or two people have actually succeeded in doing before, relying on information that may not exist where we are looking, risking a great deal in traveling to that place, and, of course, once we get there, we have to find it. To my knowledge no one's found my Master's study yet."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=Grove Knowledge]Arcana 21, History 19[/sblock]Incarnation regards the clearing and something that it seems only he can see. You have been working on seals in the grove, it seems; this will be what your allies and students will maintain. He turns back to his allies and the Warden. Agras and your master Estergrin were not the only involved, if the stories of Mauros' maintenance are true; with him dead, there are none left. But we have less hope of infiltrating the Tower of the Five than we have finding the lost study of the Grand Master. There is danger is us doing, but only ruination if we do nothing. Ask the legions of Daunton's dead from the Age of Steel.

Incarnation looks to the others, taking a slight step towards the Warden. I am bound by this by means beyond my knowing. Let us prepare while we can.[sblock=OOC]No more questions from me for now other than what's next?[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Knowledge Checks] I used passive knowledges, so only the 10's for Dane[/sblock]

If da seals keep da peace, mi help. Plus I kinda like her . . . like it her'.

So we stayin' her' til ye come back or we gonni' wit ya to da impire? Mi not picky.

[sblock=OOC] I'm a bit lost, even reviewing the other pages. I guess that is OK since Dane would be lost too. I have no other questions, ready to move on when you guys are.[/sblock]

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