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[Adventure] New Cyre Borderlands (Judge: )

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Grys (KarinsDad), Eladrin Hybrid Swordmage Wizard 4 (Defender|Controller)
Ryda (Mezegis), Half-Orc Ranger 4 (Striker)
Unit 16 (evilbob), Warforged Warden 4 (Defender)
Jarren Star Gazer (Antithetist), Shifter Shaman 4 (Leader)
Mythra Stelwart (Luinnar, Eladrin Wizard 4 (Controller)

Major Quests: To be discovered

Minor Quests: To be discovered

XP Awarded: 0 XP

Treasure Awarded: None

Date Started: April 16, 2010
Judge: To be determined

Rules of Play:

I don't have many rules of play. My main ones are to try to post at least once every other day (with the possible exception for some people of weekends and holidays) and have fun. Let me know via PM if you have any issues with either of these (i.e. cannot post, or something is bothering you about the game).

I prefer conversations to be in character and not out of character. Please discuss in combat tactics in character (or ahead of time in character). If you want someone to flank for you, tell him to do so, or set up a code word to do so. I realize that people can PM each other to discuss tactics out of character, but I prefer that we don't do that.

Please pick a unique color "This is conversation" for your PC's talking and normal white for non-conversation descriptions. If you can, make the conversation color a brighter color.

Please use [sblock=OOC]This is for OOC, Actions, etc.[/sblock] for OOC, Actions, etc.

That's basically it.


[sblock=Kudos to KarinsDad]
For the above. I have copied it from him.[/sblock]

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The morning after the mysterious note from the elvish lad in the tavern you move throughout Sharn towards Tavick's Landing and the lightning car station there. The rain continues and a light fog rolls through the city. For some of you, this is a recent and familiar sight.

[sblock=Into King's Forest crew]
You were just here right?I should ask you what it looks like ;)[/sblock]

The crowds are milling about and you see a man sitting atop a solid black warhorse, a middle-aged man wearing a well-made set of armor with the symbol of Cyre emblazoned on it. The armor has certainly seen better days though. He looks over the crowd and spots you, he calls you over to him.

[sblock=Man on Horse]

As you approach you see someone standing next to the man on horse. Near him, standing in a puddle by the road, is a dour human smoking a pipe. Rain pours off his wide-brimmed hat. He looks up as you approach, but the man on the horse speaks first.

[sblock=dour human]

[sblock=History DC 10]
The dragonmark on the man's face is the Mark of the Sentinel, House Deneith.
[sblock=DC 15]
House Deneith

Mark of Sentinel:
Defenders Guild: Protection
Blademarks Guild: Hirelings and mercenaries
Race: Human
Heraldic beast: Chimera
Month/Moon: Olarune (Late winter, ~February, second moon)
House Deneith operates under a strict military hierarchy. Since all houses have vowed to stay neutral in conflicts, House Deneith supplies to both sides of a conflict. It is also the only house allowed to maintain an active army.
Dragonmark Abilities: The Mark of Sentinel grants various powers related to personal protection.[/sblock][/sblock]

You recognize the man, he fought with you when you were battling alongside the House Deneith regiment during the Last War. His eyes stare at you from under his hat. [/sblock]

"Greetings, I am Captain Nathan Faringray of the New Cyre Guard. As you read in the note, we need help. I came here looking for aid after having failed in Wroat, getting caught up in bureaucratic red tape. Bastards" he spits, "Before I tell about the problem, tell me a bit about yourself, I like to know who's working for me" the man says.


"Gentlemen. I am Grys Valaera. These are my companions Ryda, Jarren Star Gazer, Susan, and Mythra Stelwart. I'll let them speak for themselves. As I was during the war, I am still a Fire Mage. As I was during the war, I am still for hire, the only difference being that House Deneith no longer commands my service and loyalty, but must purchase it. That being said, my code is the same as when I worked for the house: neutrality, service, and loyalty. Once given, my word is still my bond." Grys responds from under his cloak, the water seeming to stream off of it without it getting wet.

"You have a proposition for us?" Grys asks after the others introduce themselves.


[sblock=lightning car]Unit 16 will offer his shield again as a makeshift umbrella to Ryda and Jarren if they wish to accept it. Two could fit under it but barely; one would be easier. If they're not interested, he'll simply go along with the ride and enjoy the view.[/sblock]
After listening to Nathan and Grys, Unit 16 offers, "My name is Susan. I am what I appear to be. I also fought in the last war, although it was not by choice. But that no longer matters now. And I like to know what task is to be performed before I agree to work." His words are direct but not confrontational, spoken simply and plainly.

[sblock=two things for everyone]Should I use something lighter than gray for my voice, or can everyone read that ok?

Also, just to let everyone know: I will be out of the country with little or (more likely) no internet access from around May 29 to about June 13 (about two weeks, starting Memorial Day weekend for us yanks). It's a ways away but I just wanted to let folks know up front since adventures often take that long. I am totally fine with being NPCed during that stint. If this is going to be a problem please let me know.[/sblock]


[sblock=two things for everyone]Should I use something lighter than gray for my voice, or can everyone read that ok?

Also, just to let everyone know: I will be out of the country with little or (more likely) no internet access from around May 29 to about June 13 (about two weeks, starting Memorial Day weekend for us yanks). It's a ways away but I just wanted to let folks know up front since adventures often take that long. I am totally fine with being NPCed during that stint. If this is going to be a problem please let me know.[/sblock]

[sblock=two things]
I can read your gray fine today, but it's sometimes more difficult when I'm in a room with brighter lights. Us old people. I do have a problem with Luinnar's DarkRed. I was hoping that he could bold it or change the color so that I do not have to highlight it in order to read it. You could try bolding yours as well.

"My name is Susan." would show up as "My name is Susan.". For Luinnar, "My name is Mythra." would show up as "My name is Mythra.". Up to you two, but I know it would help me some.

As for you being out of town, I can offer to NPC your PC if you'd like. Or, anyone else here could run the warforged.


First Post
Jarren refuses Susan's offer of an umbrella with a grateful smile. The rain soaks him thoroughly, but he doesn't seem to mind at all.

"My name is Jarren," he says when it comes his turn to introduce himself. "I spent time as a mercenary in the War as well, as a squad healer."

[sblock=OOC]Fairly muddy colour here as well, is it okay? I can bold it if anyone prefers.

While we're on the subject of holidays, I'll be on holiday from the 23rd of this month - that's next Friday - until May 2nd. There's a good chance I'll still be able to post at least every couple of days, but if not, I hope it won't be a big problem to NPC Jarren.[/sblock]


First Post
Mythra remains silent; his background is of no business to the human.

[sblock= history 32 and ooc]History 32 check (invisible castle OK to use?)

Also I will try to post in bold; please anyone let me know if you still have trouble reading it :)[/sblock]


First Post

Ryda accepts Unit 16’s rain shield with a smile, and is content to let Grys head the group in the negotiations. Name’s Ryda, and I did my best to stay out of the war. Adjusting her great bow slung across her back, she comments, And I think this speaks for what I do well. Like Susan, I’m curious what our task will be before I officially sign on.

[Sblock=OOC]I too have a dark color, and have no problem switching. I could either go to brown like my barbarian, or light blue. I'm leaning towards the blue since we don't have someone using blue.

I can also run someone during an extended absence. [/sblock]


Mythra remains silent; his background is of no business to the human.

Not being able to read Mythra's mind or his intent, Grys looks at Mythra with a raised eyebrow, waiting for his response before continuing. When one is not forthcoming, Grys turns back to the humans.

"Mythra summons cats. Nasty business cats." Grys states wryly.

"You have a proposition for us?" Grys asks.


[sblock=color options]text option 1 text
text option 2 text
text option 3 text
text option 4 text
text option 5 text
text option 6 text

Preferences? Or I can switch to something else entirely, like plum or pale turquoise or whatever, really.[/sblock]
[sblock=ooc]Also, here's my mini-stats, below.

And just so that I am sure, ooc, since I think I missed some descriptions in the tavern: the two PCs who aren't Ryda and Jarren are both eladrin? And they're a wizard and a wizard/swordmage hybrid.[/sblock]
[sblock=Unit 16]
Unit 16 Warforged Warden 4
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Senses: Normal
AC:22, Fort:18, Reflex:14, Will:14
HP:57/57, Bloodied:28, Surge Value:14, Surges left:13/13
Action Points/Daily Item Uses/Milestones: 1/0/0
Font of Life
Nature's Wrath
Warden's Fury / Warden's Grasp
Weight of Earth
Earth Shield Strike

Warforged Resolve
Roots of Stone
Earthgrasp Strike
Warden's Tempest
Second Wind

Form of Winter's Herald - Form of Winter's Herald Attack
Potion of Clarity

Important Stuff:
- makes lots of immediate interrupts/reactions/OAs


Full sheet: Unit 16[/sblock]

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