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Starfinder The Paizo Third Party Publisher Roundup With Extra Starfinder

Welcome back, my most content-famished readers, it’s time for the PAIZO NEWS ROUNDUP! Here, we bundle up the latest juicy deets from the Golem. Following last edition’s in-depth focus on Paizo’s newest player supplement, it is once again time to shine the spotlight on the little guys. That’s right, it’s time for another Third Party Extrrrravaganza!

Welcome back, my most content-famished readers, it’s time for the PAIZO NEWS ROUNDUP! Here, we bundle up the latest juicy deets from the Golem. Following last edition’s in-depth focus on Paizo’s newest player supplement, it is once again time to shine the spotlight on the little guys. That’s right, it’s time for another Third Party Extrrrravaganza!

Rogue Genius Games has two new offerings for players looking to mix it up a little bit in their spacefaring games with their newest Star Logs! Star Log.EM-013 provides players (and GMs who want to give their beleaguered NPCS a helping hand) a bevy of equipment perfect for your Starfinder campaign. I hope you’re comfortable becoming MORE MACHINE THAN MAN or WOMAN or LIZARD ALIEN because there are augmentations and upgrades galore. Always want a handy gun? Fuse your favorite pistol to your hand and always have a pun in the chamber! Decide you want to be the best bird-alien-bounty-hunter in the stars? New phase emitter armor upgrades lets you schlorp into a ball and roll around into those tight spaces hiding that just-out-of-reach loot.

That’s not the only Star Log recently released. Star Log.EM-014 updates an old classic for your Starfinder game: the legacy prestige class Eldritch Knight! Bounce from star to star with steel in your hand and a spell on your blade. Show off your skill with both shot and spell when you fire off extra spells on a critical hit!

Star Log.EM-014 also has some feats and options that sync well with the idea of a mobile, disruptive gish. Several feats focus on giving characters options to disrupt, counter, or dispel the efforts of enemy spellcasters. If you’re a fan of the Rogue Genius in-house campaign setting Blood Space, you can find a passage that describes how Eldritch Knights fit into that cosmology.

Necromancers of the Northwest just started a new publication of supplements for your Starfinder called the Spacefarer’s Digest. These aim to give you more control over the kind of Starfinder you want to be.

Spacefarer’s Digest 001 offers four digitially-focused themes to customize your Starfinder character. The Blogger theme gives characters different tools for sniffing out the truth in the murky world of the space internet, and can use the digital realm to shape public opinion. The Hacker theme makes your character a computer expert that can bypass or dominate any known cybersecurity. The Transhumanist theme is for characters who want to transcend their frail shell with a fusion of technology and magic. Finally, the VR Junkie theme makes me feel right at home: a character who is prepared for adventure through extensive experience playing games.

Spacefarer’s Digest 002 provides four more character themes focused around the harder physical sciences. The Astronavigator theme is for characters who don’t want some dumb pile of silicon to tell them the best way from star A to star B. The Polymeric Engineer is capable of synthesizing and machining their own equipment. The Theoretical Physicist theme uses the adage of “knowledge is power” literally, taking advantage of their intimate knowledge of the workings of the universe to gain an edge on their foes and rivals. Last but certainly not least is the Toxicologist theme, for characters who prefer to remove obstacles in all manner of poisonous or contagious ways.

Another new publication from Necromancers of the Northwest is the Horizontech Catalogue, catering to that most important piece of a Starfinder’s arsenal: the starship! Since it’s a catalogue, let’s do this in Infomercial Voice.

Step right up to Horizontech Catalogue 001 and see all the latest and greatest in starship systems offered by the corporation of the future, Horizontech Industries. Whether you’re in the market for hyperspace communication arrays, attack drones, or tachyon projectors, Horizontech Industries has got it and more! Horizontech Industries: Look To The Stars!

But wait: there’s more! Just got swindled out of that freighter you’ve been hot-rodding in a rigged game of chance? Get your ship impounded by an overzealous bureaucrat? Worry no longer! Horizontech Catalogue 002 presents five of the latest innovations from Horizontech Industries! Turn the tables with the Gold Drift Casino luxury craft, or keep one step ahead of ne’er-do-wells with the Planet Hopper! Best of all, they’re 100% compatible with Horizontech Industries starship systems. Horizontech Industries: Look To The Stars!

Well I think that’s enough of Infomercial Voice; and just like that, it’s also the end of this edition of the PAIZO NEWS ROUNDUP! Stay tuned for more news from the Golem, and more.

contributed by Ben Reece

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