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RPG Crowdfunding News – Fiasco, Shadow Profiteer, Resist & Remember, and more

There are at least twenty-four RPG and RPG-related Kickstarters that end between August 30th to September 5th. In this article, I try to list them all and share a closer look at six of them.

There are at least twenty-four RPG and RPG-related Kickstarters that end between August 30th to September 5th. In this article, I try to list them all and share a closer look at six of them.

The Shadow Profiteer.png
The Shadow Profiteer by Halsbren Publishing LLC
  • END DATE: Fri, August 30 2019 10:10 PM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): Dungeons & Dragons 5e
  • PROJECT TYPE: Adventure
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $6 for the PDF of the adventure, maps, and all digital stretch goals
Shadow Profiteer is a one-shot adventure for the fifth edition of the world’s greatest role-playing game. Upon the players entering into a sleepy little town, it is quickly overtaken by a bizarre fog. As people come in contact with this fog, they become afflicted with a hideous malady that turns them into murderous husks of their former selves, rampaging and killing anything living. As members of an adventuring group, the players are recruited by a mysterious mage working to find a man within the town who may know more about their current plight, and to rescue him, if necessary, so they can prevent this unknown malevolence from sweeping through the nation. Shadow Profiteer is designed to be played in a single gaming session, or if you want an exciting and spooky mystery to add to your existing campaign. It is scaled for four to six players from 1st through 4th level, although it could be easily modified to play up to 7th level.”

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Astral Tides: A Break Kickstarter Supplement for 5E! By James Streissand
  • END DATE: Sat, August 31 2019 7:16 PM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): Dungeons & Dragons 5e
  • PROJECT TYPE: Sourcebook
“Vehicles, classes, races, locations, and other rules and settings for planes-hopping adventurers. For the fans, by the fans. The time has come to bring planeshopping adventures, ships, races, etc back to life, using 5e. We've been rather starved for content that isn't generic fantasyland, up until the releases of a paid setting playtest and MTG conversion from Wizards. It's time we, the playerbase, had access to a new and exciting plurality of mechanics and settings, not simple gazetteers. Within this book you'll have planes-sailing ship mechanics (I've already done localized airships, so this is a literal cakewalk) in addition to other exotic vehicles (which I've also done in the past).You'll explore at least 4 or 5 worlds with a few major locations and brief histories set up, worlds a GM can actually run in. I want them to have unique racial setups with as little overlap as possible, providing at least a dozen new player races. These will have their own planeswalking/sailing setups, along with unique weapons, takes on magic, etc. You'll also (finally) get large races!”

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Resist & Remember: Weimar - An Anti-Fascist RPG by End Transmission Games
  • END DATE: Sun, September 1 2019 2:00 AM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): d20 variant
  • PROJECT TYPE: Core rulebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $15 for the PDF
Resist & Remember is an anti-fascist tabletop roleplaying game dedicated to honoring, memorializing, and commemorating those who stood up in the face of fascism, bigotry, and tyranny--and all too often paid the ultimate price--by interactively telling their stories. Resist & Remember: Weimar--is a roleplaying game built into five narrative Acts. The first four of these Acts cast the PCs as artists, barflies, Communist and Anarchist partisans, filmmakers, performer, socialites, writers, and other assorted trouble makers weathering the sea change in culture and society in Berlin from the last days of Weimar Republic through the rise of Nazi Germany. There, you will rub elbows with German artists, thinkers, creators, and other personalities, whose life trajectories parallel those of your characters: some will make it out alive, others will not be so lucky. Weimar Berlin at the end of the 1920s and beginning of the 1930s was a progressive, liberal cultural hotbed of radical new ideas in art, music, architecture, and writing, as well as a divided political battleground with Anarchist, Monarchist, and National Socialist partisans fighting in the streets (the early 20th Century equivalent of Black Lives Matter clashing with Trump supporters, although nearly every day). The New Woman shook up the societal landscape, with German girls that were more sexually liberated and independent than ever before. At the same time, cabaret performances and theater were racier and more politically controversial than ever, and people of color were the trendiest musical acts at bars and night clubs. In many ways, the Weimar Republic was much like the modern West. In any case, Weimar Berlin was one huge party, until the party was over. All of this "Divine Decadence" was viewed by the Nazis as degenerate.”

Break Kickstarter- The Fall of Mith- the Siege, 5E.jpg

Break Kickstarter: The Fall of Mith: the Siege, 5E by Tim P. GMing
  • END DATE: Sun, September 1 2019 2:59 AM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): Dungeons & Dragons 5e
  • PROJECT TYPE: Adventure
“The sequel to the successful Kickstarter backed 5E compatible adventure, the Fall of Mith: Mithos Manor. This is a 5E compatible adventure designed to take four characters of sixth level through the first major efforts to consolidate the forces of Mith after they were attacked. The adventure is designed to run about four, four-hour sessions. Though it follows the previous adventure Mithos Manor, it can be dropped into any campaign as a combination of four individual side quests or one with four parts like the main version. It follows the adventure after Mithos Manor the players will meet again any of the friends they managed to save from that adventure. They are then given a quick overview of the current situation the mithians find themselves in and given a choice of three tasks they can undertake to assist the mithians. They are of course promised what material rewards the mithians can. The mithians are a rich people and even with their besieged status they can scrounge up coin and art pieces to pay off the adventurers for their assistance. The party will have the time to attempt the three tasks given to them (and one more they discover as they travel.) Though they will have time to rest as they travel they will not have time to tarry over long. For the siege of mith is ongoing, and every moment matters. Assuming the group survives the story, it culminates with three possible endings. One, the party, having failed have made no serious contributions to the mithian war effort. Two, the party, succeeding in at least a few of their tasks have the thanks of the mithians for their assistance, as well as the promised rewards. Three, the party, succeeding on all the tasks have greatly helped the mithians, and set them up to be in an advantageous position for the retaking of mith in the upcoming adventures.”

Tales From the Sorcerer Under the Mountain.jpg

Tales From the Sorcerer Under the Mountain by D101 Games
  • END DATE: Sun, September 1 2019 7:00 AM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): Dungeons & Dragons 5e or Swords & Wizardry
  • PROJECT TYPE: Sourcebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: £15 for both books in PDF and POD
“An OSR rule book and 5th Edition adventure that is my tribute to all the British Fantasy Role-Playing material that I was blessed to grow up with. Things like the early Fighting Fantasy books, the TSR UK adventures and the old issues of White Dwarf. Tales from the Sorcerer Under the Mountain, an A5 hardback OSR rule book, which as well as a concise version of the Swords & Wizardry rules, with a chapter which holds the House Rules I use in my games, and contains the adventure with OSR stats. Overall it weighs in about 230 pages, with black and white art throughout, cover by Jon Hodgson. The Sorcerer Under the Mountain, 5th Edition Adventure module in 8″ by 11″ format, black and white art throughout.”

Fiasco- The Cinematic Game of Plans Gone Wrong.jpg

Fiasco: The Cinematic Game of Plans Gone Wrong by Bully Pulpit Games
  • END DATE: Wed, September 4 2019 9:37 AM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): Fiasco
  • PROJECT TYPE: RPG card game
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $75 + S/H for Pre-release Playtest Draft, Final Digital Edition, Boxed Edition, and 3×Expansion Sets
“A new card-based edition of Fiasco, the classic game of powerful ambition and poor impulse control. The original Fiasco is an award-winning, GM-less game for 3-5 players, designed to be played in a few hours with six-sided dice and no preparation. During a game you engineer and play out stupid, disastrous situations, usually at the intersection of greed, fear, and lust. It’s like making your own Coen brothers movie, in about the same amount of time it’d take to watch one. Fiasco is inspired by cinematic tales of small-time capers gone disastrously wrong – inspired by films like Blood Simple, Fargo, The Way of the Gun, Burn After Reading, and A Simple Plan. You play ordinary people with powerful ambition and poor impulse control. We’ve tossed out all the dice and index cards and replaced them with playing cards. Setup elements? On cards. Tilt, Aftermath and positive and negative Outcomes? On cards. It speeds up play, adds intuitive, strong visual appeal, and just plain improves the play experience.”


Pathos: War of Gods The Tabletop Roleplaying Game by SamuraiDog
  • END DATE: Sat, August 31 2019 3:21 PM EDT.
  • Pathos is a tabletop roleplaying game about ancient cultures, heroes, legends, magic, and deciding between worshipping or slaying a god”
Temple of Misfortune: A D&D 5e Adventure by Menagerie Press
  • END DATE: Sat, August 31 2019 6:00 PM EDT.
  • “A D&D 5e level 1-3 adventure: The adventurers are hired to resolve a grudge between two halfling families.”
Living on Stolen Time by Advantage Roleplay
  • END DATE: Sun, September 1 2019 10:00 PM EDT.
  • “A 5e One-Shot Adventure for 4 PC's of 7th level”
The Titans Trail by Kyle Cheney
  • END DATE: Wed, September 4 2019 10:50 AM EDT.
  • “A unique tabletop RPG set in a fantasy world of Mechs, Kaiju, and political intrigue. FireFly+Downton Abbey+Pacific Rim=TheTitans Trail
Terrorformer: Create Endless New Monsters for RPG! by Game Tile Warehouse
  • END DATE: Wed, September 4 2019 11:37 PM EDT.
  • “A Fantasy Grounds Monster Generator for 5e DND & Pathfinder. Create unforgettable monsters for special occasions or every occasion!”
Collateral Damage: The Roleplaying Game by Daniel Salcido
  • END DATE: Thu, September 5 2019 3:00 AM EDT.
  • “A fast-paced storytelling tabletop roleplaying game for players of all skill levels who will try to survive three acts of movie mayhem!”

Dice Spell Tracker by Stephens Woodworks
  • END DATE: Fri, August 30 2019 9:01 AM EDT.
  • “Custom Spell Trackers using dice and made with exotic hardwoods”
Naughty Dice Jail by Mick McArt
  • END DATE: Fri, August 30 2019 6:30 PM EDT.
  • “Are disobedient dice thumbing their noses at you? This new dice jail will have them thinking twice!”
The Complete Illustrated Book of Necromancy by Phil Stone
  • END DATE: Sat, August 31 2019 12:15 PM EDT.
  • “A complete book of illustrated Necromancy spells for Dungeons and Dragons 5e
HandyMaps - Town & Village A5 Card Handouts for RPGs by MonkeyBlood Design & Publishing
  • END DATE: Sat, August 31 2019 3:31 PM EDT.
  • “Double-sided, A5 town & village map card handouts by Gold ENnie Award-winning cartographer, Glynn Seal. For all role-playing games.”
ALEA! Collectable RPG Dice: DEEPWOOD edition (Phase 02) by Good Ideas...
  • END DATE: Sat, August 31 2019 4:05 PM EDT.
  • “A collectable series of dice for role playing games inspired to nature, elements, mith and folklore!”
No More Damsels Launch and RPG Night by No More Damsels
  • END DATE: Sat, August 31 2019 7:00 PM EDT.
  • “At NMD we're empowering women and non-binary people, starting with an RPG night for all, with all women and NB game masters!”
City Builder: Platinum Edition by Skirmisher Publishing LLC
  • END DATE: Wed, September 4 2019 1:13 AM EDT.
  • “Platinum edition re-release of "City Builder: A Guide to Designing Communities"
TribeMeet 2020 by MancInventor
  • END DATE: Wed, September 4 2019 6:28 AM EDT.
  • “A weekend of Necromunda gaming”
Meeples' Corner: Bigger & Better by Meeples' Corner - Christoph Reis
  • END DATE: Wed, September 4 2019 3:00 PM EDT.
  • “With our move into a new shop we have managed to achieve the bigger, now we need your help to make our shop better!”
Cursed & Blessed D20 Dice by Kathryn Poduska
  • END DATE: Thu, September 5 2019 10:47 AM EDT.
  • Cursed & Blessed D20 Dice for tabletop gamers.
Immersive D&D™️ Adventure Boxes by RealmSmith Inc.
  • END DATE: Thu, September 5 2019 7:00 PM EDT.
  • “Help us take our curated, fully immersive D&D adventure boxes to the next level.”
The Dice Bag Rolling Tray by Two Vikings Custom Creations
  • END DATE: Thu, September 5 2019 11:34 PM EDT.​
  • “Custom Dice Bag and Rolling Tray”​

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Egg Embry

Egg Embry


Kobold Enthusiast
I'm honestly curious where all of these setting and (yet another) tabletop RPG Kickstarters go. Are there groups that enjoy trying out lots of different things all the time? My group is pretty stick-in-the-mud one ruleset/setting at a time.

Maybe I'm just a little jealous of groups that get Pheonix Dawn, Tales from the Loop, etc. out.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I'm honestly curious where all of these setting and (yet another) tabletop RPG Kickstarters go. Are there groups that enjoy trying out lots of different things all the time?

Hell yeah! We play whatever anybody wants to GM. When it comes down to it, somebody wanting to GM it is the most important factor in a fun game.

The club in my town runs short "seasons" of about 6 weeks. New games start up every six weeks. All sorts of games.

aramis erak

I'm honestly curious where all of these setting and (yet another) tabletop RPG Kickstarters go. Are there groups that enjoy trying out lots of different things all the time? My group is pretty stick-in-the-mud one ruleset/setting at a time.

Maybe I'm just a little jealous of groups that get Pheonix Dawn, Tales from the Loop, etc. out.

I've not run D&D in the last year or longer.

In the last 18 months, I've run a beta run of Robotech, the Sentinel Comics Starter Kit, a lot of L5R 5E, 3 sessions of My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria, a campaign of D6 Star Wars (FFG Reprint), finished off a more than 1 year campaign of FFG NDS Star Wars, run a couple one-shots of star trek and am going into session 6 of a campaign thereof, run the Alien Cinematic Adventure... run a one-shot of Feng Shui 2...

Most of the one-shots have been at local conventions... but i was running 3 sessions a week for much of it. 2 FTF, and one via VOIP.

I handed off GMing the L5R to one of the players (my eldest daughter, now age 20) last month.
I stopped the sunday skype game due to summer SCA obligations.

aramis erak

My youngest is 3... guess that's part of my answer!
I should also note - My daughter and I are the only GMs routinely running something other than D&D 5E at our FLGS. Everyone else running non-D&D does so as a home game, and plays or runs D&D at the store. Most of the home games are also D&D or PF... albeit not all 5E. I know there's one PF2 game, at least 1 PF1 game, 1 D&D4 game, and a bunch of D&D 5 games. THere's a Tales of the Loop group, a Mongoose Traveller 1E group, and, in the last 2 years, I can add somoene's playtest of their own game, a campaign of Dresden Files (I played in that one), and at least two starfinder campaigns. Oh, and one L5R 4E game from someone who apparently thinks L5R5 and 3 both sucked...Those are just the ones I'm hearing about...

Being a college town, games tend to change at semester breaks. Most of the GM's tend to be local. The newest GM at the store, after 3 weeks with a LOT of tweens and teens at her table, just left for college... enthusiastic about having been able to run a game that was fun and engaging. She was running D&D.


Kobold Enthusiast
Being a college town, games tend to change at semester breaks. Most of the GM's tend to be local. The newest GM at the store, after 3 weeks with a LOT of tweens and teens at her table, just left for college... enthusiastic about having been able to run a game that was fun and engaging. She was running D&D.

I'm jealous. I have fond memories of running D&D 4E release for kids at my LFGS back when I was in graduate school. The owner had opened shop to make the hobby friendlier to younger kids and girls especially. He was a great guy and it was a great shop.

aramis erak

I'm jealous. I have fond memories of running D&D 4E release for kids at my LFGS back when I was in graduate school. The owner had opened shop to make the hobby friendlier to younger kids and girls especially. He was a great guy and it was a great shop.
My current routinely showing group of Trek players are all females... my daughters, 2 of their friends, and one mother of one of those 2... We've 1 guy who shows about half the time., and lost the other guy to having gotten a job...


Peace Among Worlds
Thanks so much for featuring my game in this! I really appreciate the shout-out. Sorry I failed to notice earlier, like, four months earlier!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Thanks so much for featuring my game in this! I really appreciate the shout-out. Sorry I failed to notice earlier, like, four months earlier!
We mentioned it in our podcast too. Which is why we were so delighted when you ranted about our own Kickstarter.

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