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Kickstarter Ramen Sandwich Press: 5E-compatible Tomb Raiders of Orek and Into the Royal Tombs now on Kickstarter!


Ramen Sandwich Press is back on Kickstarter with two more Places by the Way location modules, compatible with D&D 5E: Tomb Raiders of Orek and Into the Royal Tombs. They can be run in conjunction, with the latter as sequel to the former, or by themselves. Loosely inspired by the ancient Egyptian town of Deir-al-Medina, the village of Orek houses workers and artistans employed to build out the nearby royal necropolis as needed. However, they only get paid when a new tomb is needed, and nobody important enough to be buried there has died in a while. They resort to tomb-robbing and less drastic (but still extra-legal) means to make ends meet. When your party pulls into town they have choice: Do they protect the locals from the authorities or rat them out? Do they fight a few undead and save the hapless tomb raiders from themselves, or do they leave them to their fate?

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We're funded! Less than halfway through the campaign, and we hit our mark. Thank you to all of our backers to date, and there's still time left to get in on the fun and plenty of room in the bandwagon!

Work on both modules progresses nicely. The manuscript for Places by the Way #11: Tomb Raiders of Orek went into layout on Monday, along with the maps. Places by the Way #12: Into the Royal Tombs is outlined and the actual writing began yesterday. We're on our way!


While everyone is having fun at GenCon, we're hard at work getting Places by the Way #12: Into the Royal Tombs ready for layout. Such is the life of an indie designer/publisher. The good news is that we expect to get it into layout shortly after the Kickstarter campaign ends a week from today, so we're very much on schedule. If you still have cash in your pocket left after the con, stop by the campaign page and kick in — just $5 will get you PDF copies of both Tomb Raiders of Orek and Into the Royal Tombs!


The Kickstarter is over, and thank you to everyone who backed it! The party continues at Backerkit, so if you missed out it's not too late to get the pre-order discount on Tomb Raiders of Orek and Into the Royal Tombs — plus markdowns on everything in our catalogue, as well some items of interest from Ramen Sandwich Tees!

Voidrunner's Codex

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