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Niko and Archangel's journey...


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"With the recent opening of my dojo and the winning of four successive matches, I am ready to become Oathbound with you, if you should desire it as well. I believe I have expunged the shame of my former defeats by acquiring a winning record."
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Niko steps forth from the shadowy space between two trees near the Mighty Sly Dagger Dojo. Smiling at Sabaron, Niko approaches and then bows to the Dojo Master.

"I congratulate you on your victories, Sabaron. Even if I had the power to refuse you, I would not deny you the boon that you seek. Hold forth your right arm to receive that which you have requested."

As Sabaron holds his right arm forth, Nikodemus grasps it just under the elbow while Sabaron ends up holding Niko's forearm near the elbow as well, thus leaving the insides of both forearms pressed together in a warriors handshake.

Closing his eyes, Niko whispers the ancient words of spirit bonding which were passed to him in deep meditation with the ancestors. An energy forms and grows from the point of physical contact between the two fighters. Racing up their arms and into the rest of their bodies, the heat and light seems to pour through them illuminating their souls. Then the flow reverses itself and both fighters feel their souls being pulled back to the center point where their arms touch.

Then with a strange wrenching that causes a moment of fear for both, they find their souls flowing into the body again, but when they open their eyes they find that they are staring at their own body through the eyes of the other! Then with another wrench, they fall again back into their proper place and body. Still the energy grows at the contact point until it seems to burn with a white hot fire in their skin.

Shining like a star right before them, the light is so bright that the figures which suddenly appear are nothing but shadowed silhouettes. The image of a man-sized rat is joined by a hawk circling above along with a falcon and then a glowing dagger floats out of the light to join the other figures. Niko stares in wonder at seeing the hawk in this place when suddenly it turns to fly straight upward and disappears in a flash of even brighter light with a loud and echoing hawk-cry.

As Nikodemus and Sabaron shield their eyes from the explosion of light, the hawk's cry transforms in to a growl or an angry scream that seems to bring with it an end to the light. As the images disappear, the fighters are plunged into utter blackness until they open their eyes again and find themselves back in the real world sprawled on the ground.

"That wasn't normal! That hawk was Sineater!! I knew that I still retained a connection to the part of his spirit which he shared with me, but I never thought to see his avatar in the spirit world like that in another joining. And that hawk-cry transforming into such an angry and dark response. Yet another mystery for me to ponder."

Looking down at his forearm, Sabaron sees a new tattoo there where the energy was burning them. It appears to be a circle with a rat at the center surrounded by a falcon, a dagger, and the faded image of a hawk. Niko sees the same new image imprinted on his forearm and stares at it with questioning eyes.

"Good luck with your dojo and your future fights. Please keep me informed of any victories you gain or losses that you suffer, for my stature will rise and fall with yours from this time onward. Welcome to the ranks of the Oathbound, Sabaron. I must go seek answers to these new questions now, but I will see you later I'm sure. Farewell for now."


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ooc: Wow! Nice writing there. :) I don't know how to respond to that IC, so I'll add something when I think of it. Thanks!


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ahhh...well done sabaron..... you have joined me in the oath with niko....I'm am proud of you..... and it also looks like you're fairing MUCH better than be in battle lately too...

*archangel smiles*

niko....I have to talk to you....... it's about me returning very soon...... you know.... returning... *points to the sky* I have been told that I may grant one person the oppertuinty to return with me........ with the option to stay "up there" or return afterwards....... and I am offering this oppertuinty to you..... seeing as how you have questions for sineater..... that may help you reach him more easily..... as well...you may be able to see him one last time if you do in fact go with me........

think about it and let me know if you want to journey with me back to my home.....

*archangel sighs happily at the thought of returning home*


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"Archangel, I am humbled and honored by your offer. More than that though, I accept this offer. When the time comes for you to return to the heavens, I will journey there with you.

"It may be that I can then find Sineater as well as answers to some of these new questions. But if the answers are what I am guessing them to be, then I will not be able to find Sineater in the heavens above at all. Even that would be an answer of sorts though.

"I must also confess that I have a more selfish motive for ascending to the heavens as well. My love, the Lady Tsin, will shortly journey to the heavens herself. And I would cherish the opportunity to go with her at the earliest possible time so that we are not seperated. If I later decide to stay in heaven and forsake the mortal realm, she will be the reason behind that decision. Who knows, perhaps after a rest in heaven for a time, she and I may come back to the mortal world and be together again. Stranger things have happened."


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*archangel smiles a humbling smile*

I am glad you are joining me niko..... one it will be a sight to behold for you the heavens I mean and two I will have someone to travle with... the trip sometimes gets a little lonely...

*archangel laughs*

now..... niko..... I am ready to go anytime.... just let me know when you are ready....... and we shall leave.......


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"Perhaps in a few days, Archangel. Now that I know I will be leaving, I have some goodbyes to say and other possible loose ends to tie up. I also hope to see my Lady again before I go. She has been so busy delivering her gifts to the other fighters that I feel as though I have not seen her for many days now! It has been very tiring for her as well, but I know that she does what she must and that she is strong enough to bear the burden herself. I will help her when I can and be here for her when she needs me.

"I'll meet you back here when I am ready Archangel, then we can start the ascent. Is it a long trip, I wonder? I'm sure the beauty of the heavens will be overwhelming. I just hope there is a waterfall that I can meditate under somewhere up there."


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yes niko....it is somewhat of a long journey...it feels likes days...... you have to travel throug many planes and homeworlds to get to the heavens.... it not just a strait shot into the sky like most people think....... there are tests as well..... to see if you are ready for the heavens...but I have thought of that and know you will be able to pass these tests..... givin some thought and hard work...... in a few days it is niko......see you here then...I'm off now too to say my goodbyes...

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