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Magic Items Vai Wondrous Items I-Z


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Incense of Meditation: This small rectangular block of sweet smelling incense is visually indistinguishable from nonmagical incense until lit. When it is burning, the special fragrance and pearly-hued smoke of this special incense are recognizable by anyone making a DC 15 Spellcraft check.
When a divine spellcaster lights a block of incense of meditation and then spends 8 hours praying and meditating nearby, the incense enables him to prepare all his spells as though affected by the Maximize Spell feat. However, all the spells prepared in this way are at their normal level, not at three levels higher (as with the regular metamagic feat).
Each block of incense burns for 8 hours, and the effects persist for 24 hours.
Moderate enchantment; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Maximize Spell, bless; Price 4,900 gp;Weight 1 lb.
Instant Fortress: This metal cube is small, but when activated by speaking a command word it grows to form a tower 20 feet square and 30 feet high, with arrow slits on all sides and a crenellated battlement atop it. The metal walls extend 10 feet into the ground, rooting it to the spot and preventing it from being tipped over. The fortress has a small door that opens only at the command of the owner of the fortress—even knock spells can’t open the door.
The adamantine walls of instant fortress have 100 hit points and hardness 20. The fortress cannot be repaired except by a wish or a miracle, which restores 50 points of damage taken.
The fortress springs up in just 1 round, with the door facing the device’s owner. The door opens and closes instantly at his command. People and creatures nearby (except the owner) must be careful not to be caught by the fortress’s sudden growth. Anyone so caught takes 10d10 points of damage (Reflex DC 19 half ).
The fortress is deactivated by speaking a command word (different from the one used to activate it). It cannot be deactivated unless it is empty.
Strong conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, mage’s magnificent mansion; Price 55,000 gp.
Ioun Stones: These crystalline stones always float in the air and must be within 3 feet of their owner to be of any use. When a character first acquires a stone, she must hold it and then release it, whereupon it takes up a circling orbit 1d3 feet from her head. Thereafter, a stone must be grasped or netted to separate it from its owner. The owner may voluntarily seize and stow a stone (to keep it safe while she is sleeping, for example), but she loses the benefits of the stone during that time. Ioun stones have AC 24, 10 hit points, and hardness 5.
Market Price
Sustains creature without food or water
4,000 gp
Dusty rose
+1 insight bonus to AC
5,000 gp
Deep red
+2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity
8,000 gp
Incandescent blue
+2 enhancement bonus to Wisdom
8,000 gp
Pale blue
+2 enhancement bonus to Strength
8,000 gp
+2 enhancement bonus to Constitution
8,000 gp
Pink and green
+2 enhancement bonus to Charisma
8,000 gp
Scarlet and blue
+2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence
8,000 gp
Dark blue
Alertness (as the feat)
10,000 gp
Vibrant purple
Stores three levels of spells, as a ring of spell storing
36,000 gp
Sustains creature without air
18,000 gp
Pale lavender
Absorbs spells of 4th level or lower1
20,000 gp
Pearly white
Regenerate 1 point of damage per hour
20,000 gp
Pale green
+1 competence bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks, and ability checks
30,000 gp
+1 caster level
30,000 gp
Lavender and green
Absorbs spells of 8th level or lower2
40,000 gp
1 After absorbing twenty spell levels, the stone burns out and turns to dull gray, forever useless.
2 After absorbing fifty spell levels, the stone burns out and turns dull gray, forever useless.
Regeneration from the pearly white ioun stone works like a ring of regeneration. (It only cures damage taken while the character is using the stone.) The pale lavender and lavender and green stones work like a rod of absorption, but absorbing a spell requires a readied action, and these stones cannot be used to empower spells. Stored spells in the vibrant purple stone must be placed by a spellcaster but can be used by anyone (see ring of minor spell storing).
Moderate varied; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be 12th level.
Iron Bands of Binding: When initially discovered, this very potent item appears to be a 3-inch-diameter rusty iron sphere with bandings on the globe.
When the proper command word is spoken and the spherical iron device is hurled at an opponent, the bands expand and then contract to bind the target creature on a successful ranged touch attack. A single Large or smaller creature can be captured thus and held immobile until the command word is spoken to bring the bands into spherical form again. The creature can break (and ruin) the bands with a DC 30 Strength check or escape them with a DC 30 Escape Artist check. Iron bands of binding are usable once per day.
Strong evocation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, grasping hand; Price 26,000 gp;Weight 1 lb.
Iron Flask: These special containers are typically inlaid with runes of silver and stoppered by a brass plug bearing a seal engraved with sigils, glyphs, and special symbols. When the user speaks the command word, he can force any creature from another plane into the container, provided that creature fails a DC 19 Will save. The range of this effect is 60 feet. Only one creature at a time can be so contained. Loosing the stopper frees the captured creature.
The command word can be given only once per day.
If the individual freeing the captured creature speaks the command word, the creature can be forced to serve for 1 hour. If freed without the command word, the creature acts according to its natural inclinations. (It usually attacks the user, unless it perceives a good reason not to.) Any attempt to force the same creature into the flask a second time provides it a +2 bonus on its saving throw and makes it hostile. A newly discovered bottle might contain any of the following:
Demon (glabrezu)
Large air elemental
Demon (succubus)
Devil (osyluth)
Large earth elemental
Devil (barbazu)
Devil (erinyes)
Large fire elemental
Devil (cornugon)
Celestial (avoral)
Large water elemental
Celestial (ghaele)
Adult tojanida
Formian myrmarch
Chaos Beast
Arrowhawk, elder
Formian taskmaster
Demon (vrock)
Demon (balor) or devil (pit fiend)—equal chance for either
Demon (hezrou)

Strong conjuration; CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, trap the soul; Price 170,000 gp (empty);Weight 1 lb.
Lantern of Revealing: This lantern operates as a normal hooded lantern. While it is lit, it also reveals all invisible creatures and objects within 25 feet of it, just like the spell invisibility purge.
Faint evocation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility purge; Price 30,000 gp;Weight 2 lb.
Lens of Detection: This circular prism enables its user to detect minute details, granting a +5 bonus on Search checks.
It also aids in following tracks, adding a +5 bonus on Survival checks when tracking. The lens is about 6 inches in diameter and set in a frame with a handle.
Moderate divination; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, true seeing; Price 3,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Lyre of Building: If the proper chords are struck, a single use of this lyre negates any attacks made against all inanimate construction (walls, roof, floor, and so on) within 300 feet. This includes the effects of a horn of blasting, a disintegrate spell, or an attack from a ram or similar siege weapon. The lyre can be used in this way once per day, with the protection lasting for 30 minutes.
The lyre is also useful with respect to building. Once a week its strings can be strummed so as to produce chords that magically construct buildings, mines, tunnels, ditches, or whatever. The effect produced in but 30 minutes of playing is equal to the work of 100 humans laboring for three days. Each hour after the first, a character playing the lyre must make a DC 18 Perform (string instruments) check. If it fails, she must stop and cannot play the lyre again for this purpose until a week has passed.
Faint transmutation; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate; Price 13,000 gp;Weight 5 lb.
Mantle of Faith: This holy garment, worn over normal clothing, grants damage reduction 5/evil to the character wearing it.
Strong abjuration [good]; CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin; Price 76,000 gp.
Mantle of Spell Resistance: This garment, worn over normal clothing or armor, grants the wearer spell resistance 21.
Moderate abjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, spell resistance; Price 90,000 gp.
Manual of Bodily Health: This thick tome contains tips on health and fitness, but entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of six days, he gains an inherent bonus of from +1 to +5 (depending on the type of manual) to his Constitution score. Once the book is read, the magic disappears from the pages and it becomes a normal book.
Strong evocation (if miracle is used); CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, wish or miracle; Price 27,500 gp (+1), 55,000 gp (+2), 82,500 gp (+3), 110,000 gp (+4), 137,500 gp (+5); Cost 1,250 gp + 5,100 XP (+1), 2,500 gp + 10,200 XP (+2), 3,750 gp + 15,300 XP (+3), 5,000 gp + 20,400 XP (+4), 6,250 gp + 25,500 XP (+5); Weight 5 lb.
Manual of Gainful Exercise: This thick tome contains exercise descriptions and diet suggestions, but entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of six days, she gains an inherent bonus of from +1 to +5 (depending on the type of manual) to her Strength score. Once the book is read, the magic disappears from the pages and it becomes a normal book.
Strong evocation (if miracle is used); CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, wish or miracle; Price 27,500 gp (+1), 55,000 gp (+2), 82,500 gp (+3), 110,000 gp (+4), 137,500 gp (+5); Cost 1,250 gp + 5,100 XP (+1), 2,500 gp + 10,200 XP (+2), 3,750 gp + 15,300 XP (+3), 5,000 gp + 20,400 XP (+4), 6,250 gp + 25,500 XP (+5); Weight 5 lb.
Manual of Quickness of Action: This thick tome contains tips on coordination exercises and balance, but entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of six days, he gains an inherent bonus of from +1 to +5 (depending on the type of manual) to his Dexterity score. Once the book is read, the magic disappears from the pages and it becomes a normal book.
Strong evocation (if miracle is used); CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, wish or miracle; Price 27,500 gp (+1), 55,000 gp (+2), 82,500 gp (+3), 110,000 gp (+4), 137,500 gp (+5); Cost 1,250 gp + 5,100 XP (+1), 2,500 gp + 10,200 XP (+2), 3,750 gp + 15,300 XP (+3), 5,000 gp + 20,400 XP (+4), 6,250 gp + 25,500 XP (+5); Weight 5 lb.
Marvelous Pigments: These magic emulsions enable their possessor to create actual, permanent objects simply by depicting their form in two dimensions. The pigments are applied by a stick tipped with bristles, hair, or fur. The emulsion flows from the application to form the desired object as the artist concentrates on the desired image. One pot of marvelous pigments is sufficient to create a 1,000-cubic-foot object by depicting it two-dimensionally over a 100-square-foot surface.
Only normal, inanimate objects can be created. Creatures can’t be created. The pigments must be applied to a surface. It takes 10 minutes and a DC 15 Craft (painting) check to depict an object with the pigments. Marvelous pigments cannot create magic items. Objects of value depicted by the pigments —precious metals, gems, jewelry, ivory, and so on— appear to be valuable but are really made of tin, lead, paste, brass, bone, and other such inexpensive materials. The user can create normal weapons, armor, and any other mundane item (including foodstuffs) whose value does not exceed 2,000 gp.
Items created are not magical; the effect is instantaneous.
Strong conjuration; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, major creation; Price 4,000 gp.
Mask of the Skull: This ivory mask has been fashioned into the likeness of a human skull. Once per day, after it has been worn for at least 1 hour, the mask can be loosed to fly from the wearer’s face. It travels up to 50 feet away from the wearer and attacks a target assigned to it. The grinning skull mask makes a touch attack against the target based on the wearer’s base attack bonus. If the attack succeeds, the target must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or be struck dead, as if affected by a finger of death spell. If the target succeeds on his saving throw, he nevertheless takes 3d6+13 points of damage. After attacking (whether successful or not), the mask flies back to its user. The mask has AC 16, 10 hit points, and hardness 6.
Strong necromancy and transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, finger of death, fly; Price 22,000 gp; Weight 3 lb.
Mattock of the Titans: This digging tool is 10 feet long. Any creature of at least Huge size can use it to loosen or tumble earth or earthen ramparts (a 10-foot cube every 10 minutes). It also smashes rock (a 10-foot cube per hour). If used as a weapon, it is the equivalent of a Gargantuan +3 adamantine warhammer, dealing 4d6 points of base damage.
Strong transmutation; CL 16th; Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, move earth; Price 23,348 gp; Cost 13,348 gp + 800 XP; Weight 120 lb.
Maul of the Titans: This mallet is 8 feet long. If used as a weapon, it is the equivalent of a +3 greatclub and deals triple damage against inanimate objects. However, the wielder must have a Strength of at least 18 to wield it properly. Otherwise, she takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls.
Strong evocation; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, clenched fist; Price 25,305 gp; Cost 12,305 gp + 480 XP; Weight 160 lb.
Medallion of Thoughts: This appears to be a normal pendant disk hung from a neck chain. Usually fashioned from bronze, copper, or nickel-silver, the medallion allows the wearer to read the thoughts of others, as with the spell detect thoughts.
Faint divination; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect thoughts; Price 12,000 gp.
Mirror of Life Trapping: This crystal device is usually about 4 feet square and framed in metal or wood. It can be hung or placed on a surface and then activated by giving a command word. The same command word deactivates the mirror. A mirror of life trapping has fifteen nonspatial extradimensional compartments within it. Any creature coming within 30 feet of the device and looking at its own reflection must make a DC 23 Will save or be trapped within the mirror in one of the cells. A creature not aware of the nature of the device always sees its own reflection. The probability of a creature seeing its reflection, and thus needing to make the saving throw, drops to 50% if the creature is aware that the mirror traps life and seeks to avoid looking at it (treat as a gaze attack).
When a creature is trapped, it is taken bodily into the mirror. Size is not a factor, but constructs and undead are not trapped, nor are inanimate objects and other nonliving matter. A victim’s equipment (including clothing and anything being carried) remains behind. If the mirror’s owner knows the right command word, he can call the reflection of any creature trapped within to its surface and engage his powerless prisoner in conversation. Another command word frees the trapped creature. Each pair of command words is specific to each prisoner.
If the mirror’s capacity is exceeded, one victim (determined randomly) is set free in order to accommodate the latest one. If the mirror is broken, all victims currently trapped in it are freed.
Strong abjuration; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, imprisonment; Price 200,000 gp;Weight 50 lb.
Mirror of Mental Prowess: This mirror resembles an ordinary looking glass 5 feet tall by 2 feet wide. The possessor who knows the proper commands can cause it to perform as follows.
Read the thoughts of any creature reflected therein, as long as the owner is within 25 feet of the mirror, even if those thoughts are in an unknown language.
View other places as if with clairvoyance, but vision extends even onto other planes if the viewer is sufficiently familiar with them.
Use it as a portal to visit other places. The user first views the place with the clairvoyance function, then steps through the mirror to the place pictured. Others can follow her through the mirror if they like. An invisible portal remains on the other side where she arrives, and she can return through that portal. Once she returns, the portal closes. The portal closes on its own after 24 hours (trapping the user if she’s still in the other place), and the user can also close it with a command word. Creatures with Intelligence of 12 or higher might notice the portal just as they might notice a magical sensor from a scrying spell. Any creature who steps through the portal appears in front of the mirror.
Once per week the mirror accurately answers one short question regarding a creature whose image is shown on its surface (giving answers similar to those from the legend lore spell).
Strong conjuration and divination; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect thoughts, clairaudience/clairvoyance, gate, legend lore; Price 175,000 gp; Weight 40 lb.
Mirror of Opposition: This item resembles a normal mirror about 4 feet long and 3 feet wide. It can be hung or placed on a surface and then activated by speaking a command word. The same command word deactivates the mirror. If a creature sees its reflection in the mirror’s surface, an exact duplicate of that creature comes into being. This opposite immediately attacks the original. The duplicate has all the possessions and powers of its original (including magic). Upon the defeat or destruction of either the duplicate or the original, the duplicate and her items disappear completely. The mirror functions up to four times per day.
Strong necromancy; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, clone; Price 92,000 gp;Weight 45 lb.
Necklace of Adaptation: This necklace is a heavy chain with a platinum medallion. The magic of the necklace wraps the wearer in a shell of fresh air, making him immune to all harmful vapors and gases (such as cloudkill and stinking cloud effects, as well as inhaled poisons) and allowing him to breathe, even underwater or in a vacuum.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, alter self; Price 9,000 gp.
Necklace of Fireballs: This device appears to be nothing but beads on a string, sometimes with the ends tied together to form a necklace. (It does not count as an item worn around the neck for the purpose of determining which of a character’s worn magic items is effective.) If a character holds it, however, all can see the strand as it really is—a golden chain from which hang a number of golden spheres. The spheres are detachable by the wearer (and only by the wearer), who can easily hurl one of them up to 70 feet. When a sphere arrives at the end of its trajectory, it detonates as a fireball spell (Reflex DC 14 half ).
Spheres come in different strengths, ranging from those that deal 2d6 points of fire damage to those that deal 10d6. The market price of a sphere is 150 gp for each die of damage it deals.
Each necklace of fireballs contains a combination of spheres of various strengths. Some traditional combinations, designated types I through VII, are detailed below.
Market Price
Type I



1,650 gp
Type II



2,700 gp
Type III




4,350 gp
Type IV




5,400 gp
Type V





5,850 gp
Type VI




8,100 gp
Type VII




8,700 gp
If the necklace is being worn or carried by a character who fails her saving throw against a magical fire attack, the item must make a saving throw as well (with a save bonus of +7). If the necklace fails to save, all its remaining spheres detonate simultaneously, often with regrettable consequences for the wearer.
Moderate evocation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, fireball.
Orb of Storms: This glass sphere is 8 inches in diameter. The possessor can call forth all manner of weather, even supernaturally destructive storms. Once per day she can call upon the orb to use a control weather spell, Once per month, she can conjure a storm of vengeance. The possessor of the orb is continually protected by an endure elements effect.
Strong varied; CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, control weather, endure elements, storm of vengeance; Price 48,000 gp;Weight 6 lb.
Pearl of Power: This seemingly normal pearl of average size and luster is a potent aid to all spellcasters who prepare spells (clerics, druids, rangers, paladins, and wizards). Once per day on command, a pearl of power enables the possessor to recall any one spell that she had prepared and then cast. The spell is then prepared again, just as if it had not been cast. The spell must be of a particular level, depending on the pearl. Different pearls exist for recalling one spell per day of each level from 1st through 9th and for the recall of two spells per day (each of a different level, 6th or lower).
Strong transmutation; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be able to cast spells of the spell level to be recalled; Price 1,000 gp (1st), 4,000 gp (2nd), 9,000 gp (3rd), 16,000 gp (4th), 25,000 gp (5th), 36,000 gp (6th), 49,000 gp (7th), 64,000 gp (8th), 81,000 gp (9th), or 70,000 gp (two spells).
Pearl of the Sirines: This normal-seeming pearl is beautiful and worth at least 1,000 gp on that basis alone. If it is clasped firmly in hand or held to the breast while the possessor attempts actions related to the pearl’s powers, she understands and is able to employ the item.
The pearl enables its possessor to breathe in water as if she were in clean, fresh air. Her swim speed is 60 feet, and she can cast spells and act underwater without hindrance.
Moderate abjuration and transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement, water breathing; Price 15,300 gp.
Periapt of Health: The wearer of this blue gem on a silver chain is immune to disease, including supernatural diseases.
Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, remove disease; Price 7,500 gp.
Periapt of Proof against Poison: This item is a brilliant-cut black gem on a delicate silver chain. The wearer is immune to poison, although poisons still active when the periapt is first donned still run their course.
Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, neutralize poison; Price 27,000 gp.
Periapt of Wisdom: Although it appears to be a normal pearl on a light chain, a periapt of wisdom actually increases the possessor’s Wisdom score in the form of an enhancement bonus of +2, +4, or +6 (depending on the individual item).
Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, owl’s wisdom; Price 4,000 gp (+2), 16,000 gp (+4), 36,000 gp (+6).
Periapt of Wound Closure: This stone is bright red and dangles on a gold chain. The wearer of this periapt automatically becomes stable if his hit points drop to between –1 and –9 inclusive. The periapt doubles the wearer’s normal rate of healing or allows normal healing of wounds that would not do so normally. Hit point damage that involves bleeding is negated for the wearer of the periapt, but he is still susceptible to damage from bleeding that causes Constitution loss, such as that dealt by a wounding weapon.
Moderate conjuration; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, heal; Price 15,000 gp.
Phylactery of Faithfulness: This item is a small box containing religious scripture affixed to a leather cord and tied around the forehead. There is no mundane way to determine what function this religious item performs until it is worn. The wearer of a phylactery of faithfulness is aware of any action or item that could adversely affect his alignment and his standing with his deity, including magical effects. He acquires this information prior to performing such an action or becoming associated with such an item if he takes a moment to contemplate the act.
Faint divination; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law; Price 1,000 gp.
Phylactery of Undead Turning: This item is a boon to any character able to turn undead, allowing him to do so as if his class level were four levels higher than it actually is.
Moderate necromancy [good]; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, 10th-level cleric; Price 11,000 gp.
Pipes of Haunting: This magic item appears to be a small set of pan pipes. When played by a person who succeeds on a DC 15 Perform (wind instruments) check, the pipes create an eerie, spellbinding tune. Those within 30 feet who hear the tune must succeed on a DC 13 Will save or become frightened for 4 rounds. Creatures with 6 or more Hit Dice are unaffected. Pipes of haunting can be sounded twice a day.
Faint necromancy; CL 4th; Craft Wondrous Item, scare; Price 6,000 gp;Weight 3 lb.
Pipes of Pain: These appear to be like any other standard set of pipes with nothing to reveal their true nature. When played by someone who succeeds on a DC 15 Perform (wind instruments) check, the pipes create a wondrous melody. All within 30 feet must make a DC 14 Will save or be fascinated by the sound. (This is a mind-affecting sonic compulsion.)
As soon as the piping stops, all those affected are stricken by intense pain at even the slightest noise. Unless a character is in a totally silent area, she takes 1d4 points of damage per round for 2d4 rounds. During this time, damage from sonic attacks is doubled. Thereafter, the least noise causes an affected character to become shaken (except when she is in a totally silent area). This hypersensitivity is a curse and therefore hard to remove (see the bestow curse spell).
Faint enchantment and evocation; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have the bardic music class feature, sound burst; Price 12,000 gp;Weight 3 lb.
Pipes of the Sewers: These wooden pipes appear ordinary, but if the possessor learns the proper tune, he can attract 1d3 rat swarms if rats are within 400 feet. For each 50-foot distance the rats have to travel, there is a 1-round delay. The piper must continue playing until the rats appear, and when they do so, the piper must make a DC 10 Perform (wind instruments) check. Success means that they obey the piper’s telepathic commands so long as he continues to play. Failure indicates that they turn on the piper. If for any reason the piper ceases playing, the rats leave immediately. If they are called again within a day, the Perform check DC is 15.
If the rats are under the control of another creature, add the HD of the controller to the Perform check DC. Once control is assumed, another check is required each round to maintain it if the other creature is actively seeking to reassert its control.
Faint conjuration; CL 2nd; Craft Wondrous Item, charm animal, summon nature’s ally I, wild empathy ability; Price 1,150 gp;Weight 3 lb.
Pipes of Sounding: When played by a character who has the Perform (wind instruments) skill, these pipes create a variety of sounds. The figment sounds are the equivalent of ghost sound (caster level 2nd).
Faint illusion; CL 2nd; Craft Wondrous Item, ghost sound; Price 1,800 gp;Weight 3 lb.
Portable Hole: A portable hole is a circle of cloth spun from the webs of a phase spider interwoven with strands of ether and beams of starlight. When opened fully, a portable hole is 6 feet in diameter, but it can be folded up to be as small as a pocket handkerchief. When spread upon any surface, it causes an extradimensional space 10 feet deep to come into being. This hole can be picked up from inside or out by simply taking hold of the edges of the cloth and folding it up. Either way, the entrance disappears, but anything inside the hole remains.
The only air in the hole is that which enters when the hole is opened. It contains enough air to supply one Medium creature or two Small creatures for 10 minutes. The cloth does not accumulate weight even if its hole is filled. Each portable hole opens on its own particular nondimensional space. If a bag of holding is placed within a portable hole, a rift to the Astral Plane is torn in that place. Both the bag and the cloth are sucked into the void and forever lost. If a portable hole is placed within a bag of holding, it opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The hole, the bag, and any creatures within a 10-foot radius are drawn there, the portable hole and bag of holding being destroyed in the process.
Moderate conjuration; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, plane shift; Price 20,000 gp.
Restorative Ointment: A jar of this unguent is 3 inches in diameter and 1 inch deep and contains five applications. Placed upon a poisoned wound or swallowed, the ointment detoxifies any poison (as neutralize poison). Applied to a diseased area, it removes disease (as remove disease). Rubbed on a wound, the ointment cures 1d8+5 points of damage (as cure light wounds).
Faint conjuration; CL 5th;Craft Wondrous Item, cure light wounds, neutralize poison, remove disease; Price 4,000 gp;Weight 1/2 lb.
Ring Gates: These always come in pairs—two iron rings, each about 18 inches in diameter. The rings must be on the same plane of existence and within 100 miles of each other to function. Whatever is put through one ring comes out the other, and up to 100 pounds of material can be transferred each day. (Objects only partially pushed through and then retracted do not count.) This useful device allows for instantaneous transport of items or messages, and even attacks. A character can reach through to grab things near the other ring, or even stab a weapon through if so desired. Alternatively, a character could stick his head through to look around. A spellcaster could even cast a spell through a ring gate. A Small character can make a DC 13 Escape Artist check to slip through. Creatures of Tiny, Diminutive, or Fine size can pass through easily. Each ring has a “entry side” and an “exit side,” both marked with appropriate symbols.
Strong conjuration; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, gate; Price 40,000 gp;Weight 1 lb. each.
Robe of the Archmagi: This normal-appearing garment can be white (01–45 on d%, good alignment), gray (46–75, neither good nor evil alignment), or black (76–100, evil alignment). Its wearer, if an arcane spellcaster, gains the following powers.
+5 armor bonus to AC.
Spell resistance 18.
+4 resistance bonus on all saving throws.
+2 enhancement bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance.
If a white robe is donned by an evil character, she immediately gains three negative levels. The reverse is true with respect to a black robe donned by a good character. An evil or good character who puts on a gray robe, or a neutral character who dons either a white or black robe, gains two negative levels. While these negative levels never result in lost levels, they remain as long as the garment is worn and cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells).
Strong varied; CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item, antimagic field, mage armor or shield of faith, creator must be of same alignment as robe; Price 75,000 gp;Weight 1 lb.
Robe of Blending: When this robe is put on, the wearer intuitively knows that the garment has very special properties. A robe of blending enables its wearer to appear to be part of his surroundings. This allows him a +10 competence bonus on Hide checks. The wearer can adopt the appearance of another creature, as with the disguise self spell, at will. All creatures acquainted with and friendly to the wearer see him normally.
Moderate illusion; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Price 30,000 gp;Weight 1 lb.
Robe of Bones: This handy item functions much like a robe of useful items for the serious necromancer. It appears to be an unremarkable robe, but a character who dons it notes that it is adorned with small embroidered figures representing undead creatures. Only the wearer of the robe can see the embroidery and recognize them for the creatures they become, and detach them. One figure can be detached each round. Detaching a figure causes it to become an actual undead creature (see the list below). The skeleton or zombie is not under the control of the wearer of the robe, but may be subsequently commanded, rebuked, turned, or destroyed. A newly created robe of bones always has two embroidered figures of each of the following undead:
Small goblin skeleton
Medium human commoner skeleton
Medium wolf skeleton
Small goblin zombie
Medium human commoner zombie
Medium wolf zombie
Moderate necromancy [evil]; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead; Price 2,400 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Robe of Eyes: This valuable garment appears to be a normal robe until it is put on. Its wearer is able to see in all directions at the same moment due to scores of visible, magical eyelike patterns that adorn the robe. She also gains 120-foot darkvision.
The robe of eyes sees all forms of invisible or ethereal things within 120 feet.
The wearer of a robe of eyes gains a +10 competence bonus on Search checks and Spot checks. She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC even when flat-footed, and she can’t be flanked. However, she is not able to avert her eyes or close her eyes when confronted by a creature with a gaze attack.
A light or continual flame spell cast directly on a robe of eyes causes it to be blinded for 1d3 minutes. A daylight spell blinds it for 2d4 minutes.
Moderate divination; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, true seeing; Price 120,000 gp;Weight 1 lb.
Robe of Scintillating Colors: The wearer of this robe can cause the garment to display a shifting pattern of incredible hues, color after color cascading from the upper part of the robe to the hem in sparkling rainbows of dazzling light. The colors daze those near the wearer, conceal the wearer, and illuminate the surroundings. It takes 1 full round after the wearer speaks the command word for the colors to start flowing on the robe. The colors create the equivalent of a gaze attack with a 30-foot range. Those who look at the wearer are dazed for 1d4+1 rounds (Will DC 16 negates). This is a mind-affecting pattern effect.
Every round of continuous scintillation of the robe gives the wearer better concealment. The miss chance on attacks against the wearer starts at 10% and increases by 10% each round until it reaches 50% (total concealment).
The robe illuminates a 30-foot radius continuously.
The effect can be used no more than a total of 10 rounds per day.
Moderate illusion; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, blur, rainbow pattern; Price 27,000 gp;Weight 1 lb.
Robe of Stars: This garment is typically black or dark blue and embroidered with small white or silver stars. The robe has three magical powers.
It enables its wearer to travel physically to the Astral Plane, along with all that she is wearing or carrying.
It gives its wearer a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws.
Its wearer can use up to six of the embroidered stars on the chest portion of the robe as +5 shuriken. The robe grants its wearer proficiency with such weapons. Each shuriken disappears after it is used.
Strong varied; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, magic missile, astral projection or plane shift; Price 58,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Robe of Useful Items: This appears to be an unremarkable robe, but a character who dons it notes that it is adorned with small cloth patches of various shapes. Only the wearer of the robe can see these patches, recognize them for what items they become, and detach them. One patch can be detached each round. Detaching a patch causes it to become an actual item, as indicated below. A newly created robe of useful items always has two each of the following patches:
Bullseye lantern (filled and lit)
Mirror (a highly polished 2-foot-by-4-foot steel mirror)
Pole (10-foot length)
Hempen rope (50-foot coil)
In addition, the robe has several other patches. Roll 4d4 for the number of other patches and then roll for each patch on the table below to determine its nature.
Bag of 100 gold pieces
Coffer, silver (6 in. by 6 in. by 1 ft.), 500 gp value
Door, iron (up to 10 ft. wide and 10 ft. high and barred on one side—must be placed upright, attaches and hinges itself)
Gems, 10 (100 gp value each)
Ladder, wooden (24 ft. long)
Mule (with saddle bags)
Pit, open (10 ft. by 10 ft. by 10 ft.)
Potion of cure serious wounds
Rowboat (12 ft. long)
Minor scroll of one randomly determined spell
War dogs, pair (treat as riding dogs)
Window (2 ft. by 4 ft., up to 2 ft. deep)
Portable ram
Multiple items of the same kind are permissible. Once removed, a patch cannot be replaced.
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate; Price 7,000 gp;Weight 1 lb.
Rope of Climbing: A 60-foot-long rope of climbing is no thicker than a wand, but it is strong enough to support 3,000 pounds. Upon command, the rope snakes forward, upward, downward, or in any other direction at 10 feet per round, attaching itself securely wherever its owner desires. It can unfasten itself and return in the same manner.
A rope of climbing can be commanded to knot or unknot itself. This causes large knots to appear at 1-foot intervals along the rope. Knotting shortens the rope to a 50-foot length until the knots are untied but lowers the DC of Climb checks while using it by 10. A creature must hold one end of the rope when its magic is invoked.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, animate rope; Price 3,000 gp;Weight 3 lb.
Rope of Entanglement: A rope of entanglement looks just like any other hempen rope about 30 feet long. Upon command, the rope lashes forward 20 feet or upward 10 feet to entangle a victim. An entangled creature can break free with a DC 20 Strength check or a DC 20 Escape Artist check.
The rope has AC 22, 12 hit points, and hardness 10, and it has damage reduction 5/slashing as well. The rope repairs damage to itself at a rate of 1 point per 5 minutes, but if a rope of entanglement is severed (all 12 hit points lost to damage), it is destroyed.
Moderate transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, animate rope, entangle; Price 21,000 gp; Weight 5 lb.
Salve of Slipperiness: This substance provides a +20 competence bonus on all Escape Artist checks, meaning that it is almost impossible to grapple such a character or to tie or chain him up. In addition, such obstructions as webs (magical or otherwise) do not affect an anointed individual. Magic ropes and the like do not avail against this salve. If it is smeared on a floor or on steps, the area should be treated as a long-lasting grease spell. The salve requires 8 hours to wear off normally, or it can be wiped off with an alcohol solution (even wine).
Salve of slipperiness is needed to coat the inside of a container that is meant to hold sovereign glue (see below).
Faint conjuration; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, grease; Price 1,000 gp.
Scabbard of Keen Edges: This scabbard is fashioned from cured leather and fine silver. It can shrink or enlarge to accommodate any knife, dagger, sword, or similar weapon up to and including a greatsword. Up to three times per day on command, the scabbard casts keen edge on any blade placed within it.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, keen edge; Price 16,000 gp;Weight 1 lb.
Scarab of Protection: This device appears to be a silver medallion in the shape of a beetle. If it is held for 1 round, an inscription appears on its surface letting the holder know that it is a protective device.
The scarab’s possessor gains spell resistance 20. The scarab can also absorb energy-draining attacks, death effects, and negative energy effects. Upon absorbing twelve such attacks, the scarab turns to powder and is destroyed.
Strong abjuration and necromancy; CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, death ward, spell resistance; Price 38,000 gp.
Scarab, Golembane: This beetle-shaped pin enables its wearer to detect any golem within 60 feet, although he must concentrate (a standard action) in order for the detection to take place. A scarab enables its possessor to combat golems with weapons, unarmed attacks, or natural weapons as if those golems had no damage reduction.
Moderate divination; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect magic, creator must be at least 10th level; Price 2,500 gp.
Shrouds of Disintegration: These burial wrappings look to be made of fine, embroidered materials. When a body is placed inside, a command word will turn it to dust. The magic of the shrouds is usable only once, after which the wrappings become ordinary, fine cloth.
Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, disintegrate; Price 6,600 gp; Weight 10 lb.
Silversheen: This substance can be applied to a weapon as a standard action. It will give the weapon the properties of alchemical silver for 1 hour, replacing the properties of any other special material it might have. One vial will coat a single melee weapon or 20 units of ammunition.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item; Price 250 gp.
Slippers of Spider Climbing: When worn, a pair of these slippers enable movement on vertical surfaces or even upside down along ceilings, leaving the wearer’s hands free. Her speed is 20 feet. Severely slippery surfaces—icy, oiled, or greased surfaces— make these slippers useless. The slippers can be used for 10 minutes per day, split up as the wearer chooses.
Faint transmutation; CL 4th; Craft Wondrous Item, spider climb; Price 4,800 gp;Weight 1/2 lb.
Sovereign Glue: This pale amber substance is thick and viscous. Because of its particular powers, it can be contained only in a flask whose inside has been coated with 1 ounce of salve of slipperiness, and each time any of the bonding agent is poured from the flask, a new application of the salve of slipperiness must be put in the flask within 1 round to prevent the remaining glue from adhering to the side of the container. A flask of sovereign glue, when found, holds anywhere from 1 to 7 ounces of the stuff (1d8–1, minimum 1), with the other ounce of the flask’s capacity taken up by the salve of slipperiness. One ounce of this adhesive covers 1 square foot of surface, bonding virtually any two substances together in a permanent union. The glue takes 1 round to set. If the objects are pulled apart (a move action) before that time has elapsed, that application of the glue loses its stickiness and is worthless. If the glue is allowed to set, then attempting to separate the two bonded objects has no effect, except when universal solvent is applied to the bond. (Sovereign glue is dissolved by universal solvent.)
Strong transmutation; CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, make whole; Price 2,400 gp (per ounce).
Stone of Alarm: This stone cube, when given the command word, affixes itself to any object. If that object is touched thereafter by anyone who does not first speak that same command word, the stone emits a piercing screech for 1 hour that can be heard up to a quarter-mile away (assuming no intervening barriers).
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, alarm; Price 2,700 gp;Weight 2 lb.
Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals: A stone of this nature is typically an oddly shaped bit of roughly polished rock.
The possessor of such a stone need but utter a few words of summoning, and a Huge earth elemental comes to the summoner. The summoning words require 1 full round to speak, and in all ways the stone functions as the summon monster VII spell. (If sand or rough, unhewn stone is the summoning medium, the elemental that comes is Large instead, and the stone functions as the summon monster VI spell.) The elemental appears in 1d4 rounds. Only one elemental can be summoned at a time. A new elemental requires a new patch of earth or stone, which cannot be accessed until after the first elemental disappears (is dispelled, dismissed, or slain).
Strong conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster VI, summon monster VII; Price 100,000 gp;Weight 5 lb.
Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone): This stone is typically a bit of rough polished agate or some similar mineral. Its possessor gains a +1 luck bonus on saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks.
Faint evocation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, divine favor; Price 20,000 gp.
Stone Horse: Each item of this nature appears to be a fullsized, roughly hewn statue of a horse, carved from some type of hard stone. A command word brings the steed to life, enabling it to carry a burden and even to attack as if it were a real horse of the appropriate kind.
A stone horse can carry 1,000 pounds tirelessly and never needs to rest or feed. Damage dealt to it can be repaired by first using a stone to flesh spell, thus causing the stone horse to become a normal horse that can be healed normally. When fully healed, it automatically reverts to its stone form. While in its stone form, it can be fed gems, healing 1 point of damage for each 50 gp worth of mineral it is given.
There are two sorts of stone horses.
Courser: This item has the statistics of a heavy horse as well as having hardness 10.
Destrier: This item has the statistics of a heavy warhorse as well as having hardness 10.
Strong transmutation; CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item, flesh to stone, animate objects; Price 10,000 gp (courser) or 14,800 gp (destrier);Weight 6,000 lb.
Stone Salve: This ointment has two uses. If an ounce of it is applied to the flesh of a petrified creature, it returns the creature to flesh as the stone to flesh spell. If an ounce of it is applied to the flesh of a nonpetrified creature, it protects the creature as a stoneskin spell.
Strong abjuration and transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, flesh to stone, stoneskin; Price 4,000 gp per ounce.
Strand of Prayer Beads: This item appears to be a normal string of prayer beads until the owner casts a divine spell. Once that occurs, the owner instantly knows the powers of the prayer beads and how to activate them. Each strand includes two or more special beads, each with a different magic power.
Special Bead Type
Special Bead Ability
Bead of blessing
Wearer can cast bless.
Bead of healing
Wearer can cast his choice of cure serious wounds, remove blindness/deafness, or remove disease.
Bead of karma
Wearer casts his spells at +4 caster level. Effect lasts 10 minutes.
Bead of smiting
Wearer can cast chaos hammer, holy smite, order’s wrath, or unholy blight (Will DC 17 partial).
Bead of summons
Summons a powerful creature of appropriate alignment from the Outer Planes (an angel, devil, etc.) to aid the wearer for one day. (If the wearer uses the bead of summons to summon a deity’s emissary frivolously, the deity takes that character’s items and places a geas upon him as punishment in the very least.)
Bead of wind walking
Wearer can cast wind walk.
A lesser strand of prayer beads has a bead of blessing and a bead of healing. A strand of prayer beads has a bead of healing, a bead of karma, and a bead of smiting. A greater strand of prayer beads has a bead of healing, a bead of karma, a bead of summons, and a bead of wind walking.
Each special bead can be used once per day, except for the bead of summons, which works only once and then becomes nonmagical. The beads of blessing, smiting, and wind walking function as spell trigger items; the beads of karma and summons can be activated by any character capable of casting divine spells. The owner need not hold or wear the strand of prayer beads in any specific location, as long as he carries it somewhere on his person.
The power of a special bead is lost if it is removed from the strand. Reduce the price of a strand of prayer beads that is missing one or more beads by the following amounts: bead of blessing –600 gp, bead of healing –9,000 gp, bead of karma –20,000 gp, bead of smiting –16,800 gp, bead of summons –20,000 gp, bead of wind walking –46,800 gp.
Faint, moderate or strong (many schools); CL 1st (blessing), 5th (healing), 7th (smiting), 9th (karma), 11th (wind walking), 17th (summons); Craft Wondrous Items and one of the following spells per bead, as appropriate: bless (blessing); cure serious wounds, remove blindness/ deafness, or remove disease (healing); righteous might (karma); gate (summons); chaos hammer, holy smite, order’s wrath, or unholy blight (smiting), wind walk (wind walking); Price 9,600 gp (lesser), 25,800 gp (standard), 95,800 gp (greater).
Sustaining Spoon: This unremarkable eating utensil is typically fashioned from horn. If the spoon is placed in an empty container the vessel fills with a thick, pasty gruel. Although this substance has a flavor similar to that of warm, wet cardboard, it is highly nourishing and contains everything necessary to sustain any herbivorous, omnivorous, or carnivorous creature. The spoon can produce sufficient gruel each day to feed up to four humans.
Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water; Price 5,400 gp.
Tome of Clear Thought: This heavy book contains instruction on improving memory and logic, but entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of six days, she gains an inherent bonus of from +1 to +5 (depending on the type of tome) to her Intelligence score. Once the book is read, the magic disappears from the pages and it becomes a normal book. Because the tome of clear thought provides an inherent bonus, the reader will earn extra skill points when she attains a new level.
Strong evocation (if miracle is used); CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, miracle or wish; Price 27,500 gp (+1), 55,000 gp (+2), 82,500 gp (+3), 110,000 gp (+4), 137,500 gp (+5); Cost 1,250 gp + 5,100 XP (+1), 2,500 gp + 10,200 XP (+2), 3,750 gp + 15,300 XP (+3), 5,000 gp + 20,400 XP (+4), 6,250 gp + 25,500 XP (+5); Weight 5 lb.
Tome of Leadership and Influence: This ponderous book details suggestions for persuading and inspiring others, but entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of six days, he gains an inherent bonus of from +1 to +5 (depending on the type of tome) to his Charisma score. Once the book is read, the magic disappears from the pages and it becomes a normal book.
Strong evocation (if miracle is used); CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, miracle or wish; Price 27,500 gp (+1), 55,000 gp (+2), 82,500 gp (+3), 110,000 gp (+4), 137,500 gp (+5); Cost 1,250 gp + 5,100 XP (+1), 2,500 gp + 10,200 XP (+2), 3,750 gp + 15,300 XP (+3), 5,000 gp + 20,400 XP (+4), 6,250 gp + 25,500 XP (+5); Weight 5 lb.
Tome of Understanding: This thick book contains tips for improving instinct and perception, but entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of six days, she gains an inherent bonus of from +1 to +5 (depending on the type of tome) to her Wisdom score. Once the book is read, the magic disappears from the pages and it becomes a normal book.
Strong evocation (if miracle is used); CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, miracle or wish; Price 27,500 gp (+1), 55,000 gp (+2), 82,500 gp (+3), 110,000 gp (+4), 137,500 gp (+5); Cost 1,250 gp + 5,100 XP (+1), 2,500 gp + 10,200 XP (+2), 3,750 gp + 15,300 XP (+3), 5,000 gp + 20,400 XP (+4), 6,250 gp + 25,500 XP (+5); Weight 5 lb.
Unguent of Timelessness: When applied to any matter that was once alive this ointment allows that substance to resist the passage of time. Each year of actual time affects the substance as if only a day had passed. The coated object gains a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws. The unguent never wears off, although it can be magically removed (by dispelling the effect, for instance). One flask contains enough material to coat eight Medium or smaller objects. A Large object counts as two Medium objects, and a Huge object counts as two Large objects.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item; Price 150 gp.
Universal Solvent: This substance has the unique property of being able to dissolve sovereign glue and tanglefoot bags. Applying the solvent is a standard action.
Strong transmutation; CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, disintegrate; Price 50 gp.
Vest of Escape: Hidden within secret pockets of this simple silk vest are lockpicks that provide a +4 competence bonus on Open Lock checks. The vest also grants its wearer a +6 competence bonus on Escape Artist checks.
Faint conjuration and transmutation; CL 4th; Craft Wondrous Item, knock, grease; Price 5,200 gp.
Vestment, Druid’s: This light garment is worn over normal clothing or armor. Most such vestments are green, embroidered with plant or animal motifs. When this item is worn by a character with the wild shape ability, the character can use that ability one additional time each day.
Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph or wild shape ability; Price 10,000 gp.
Well of Many Worlds: This strange, interdimensional device looks just like a portable hole. Anything placed within it is immediately cast to another world—a parallel world, another planet, or a different plane (chosen randomly). If the well is moved, the random factor again comes into play. It can be picked up, folded, or rolled, just as a portable hole can be. Objects from the world the well touches can come through the opening just as easily as from the initiating place. (It is a two-way portal.)
Strong conjuration; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, gate; Price 82,000 gp.
Wind Fan: A wind fan appears to be nothing more than a wood and papyrus or cloth instrument with which to create a cooling breeze. By uttering the command word, its possessor causes the fan to generate air movement duplicating a gust of wind spell. The fan can be used once per day with no risk. If it is used more frequently, there is a 20% cumulative chance per usage during that day that the device tears into useless, nonmagical tatters.
Faint evocation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, gust of wind; Price 5,500 gp.
Wings of Flying: A pair of these wings might appear to be nothing more than a plain cloak of old, black cloth, or they could be as elegant as a long cape of blue feathers. When the wearer speaks the command word, the cloak turns into a pair of bat or bird wings that empower her to fly with a speed of 60 feet (good maneuverability).
Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, fly; Price 54,000 gp;Weight 2 lb.

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