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D&D 4E It's official -- 4e in Autumn 2006! :D

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Registered User
hhmmmm...that's stange-
I heard that WotC new resolution system was going to be a "bidding system"

It'll break my non-disclosure agreement but:

Basically there will be an "on-line"/"phone-in" resolution, and a "not online"/snail mail version.
With both the "online” and "phone-in" versions (the fastest way to resolve things) you can just call WotC resolution department(TM) and give them your bid over the phone to be applied against your credit/debt card or online using paypal. And with snail mail you can mail cash, money order, or cashiers check to Wotc. Which ever player in the registered group bids the highest amount of $ will be the successful one!
Simple really....

pretty soon everybody will start using this system.
I guess Games Workshop is working on a variation of this too.

shush now don't let where you heard this....
Last edited:


First Post
This is a joke

This thread looks like it is supposed to be a joke. It looks like one or two posters didn't notice the "comic" tag on this thread.

So consider this a joke until the original poster states it isn't or you see this press release on WOTC's website.

paulewaug said:
hhmmmm...that's stange-
I heard that WotC new resolution system was going to be a "bidding system"

It'll break my non-disclosure agreement but:

Basically there will be an "on-line"/"phone-in" resolution, and a "not online"/snail mail version.
With both the "online” and "phone-in" versions (the fastest way to resolve things) you can just call WotC resolution department(TM) and give them your bid over the phone to be applied against your credit/debt card or online using paypal. And with snail mail you can mail cash, money order, or cashiers check to Wotc. Which ever player in the registered group bids the highest amount of $ will be the successful one!
Simple really....

pretty soon everybody will start using this system.
I guess Games Workshop is working on a variation of this too.

shush now don't let where you heard this....

Looks like somebody has been reading "Knights of the Dinner Table" ! :D


Registered User
No I don't read "Knights" very often, not often enough to take the poll to see which one I would be. Guess I would fit right in though!

Now I'm going to have to start reading it regularly! :D

Either great minds think alike,
or more likely
"There are no new ideas." ;)

Guess I need to make a trip to the FLGS, they have a bunch of back issues.

Or could it be that Wotc gets there ideas from KotDT?! :eek:


Suneater said:
if all this is true, the 4th edition will be the worst D&D. They are changing the role game by a miniature game. I now the rules are almost the same, but the miniatures must be complement for the game, and not basic pieces of the game like the dices or manuals.
I don´t know if will be good for my games use game table with battle squares.

If i want toplay a miniatures game, i never think in D&D, becouse this is my favorite role playing game.


Nice one! :D


First Post
I believe they'll try to incorporate Dragon Dice back in the mix of things, but this time make 2 different lines:

1) "Class" dice: Sold in starters and boosters, each class has special color coded dice. How many packs will it take for you to collect all the dice you need to play that Wizard you've been dying to run??

2) "Traditional" line with a twist: The d3, 5, 7, 9, 11, & 13 mixed with your favorites and the ever elusive ultra rare d30! Collect them all!

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