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ZEITGEIST How to get the new APs: Zeitgeist and Santiago


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Will either/both/neither of the new EN World Adventure Paths be available to Community Subscribers?

If not, where will we be able to purchase them?

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Are the respective websites not clear enough? I'd hate to think this info wasn't clear - it's on the main AP page, and on the individual AP pages. I really want to be sure the right info is being communicated!


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Heh heh.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
It was a serious question - it's hard getting the right info across, and when someone like you comes along, it helps to know where the information transmission is breaking down so that I can make any changes I need to make.

For example - had you only heard mention of the APs on the boards and had not realised there were websites for them? Or did you look at the websites and the information wasn't presented clearly enough? Clearly you knew the APs existed (because you asked about them) so at least some info is being communicated.

Jan van Leyden

Now I'm scratching my head again... In this thread you said there would be no difference between Bronze and Silver subscribers. Yet on the Zeitgeist page it says under Buy:

"ZEITGEIST™ is available to EN World Silver subscribers from Spring 2011. The twelve adventures will be released every other month throughout 2011 and 2012.

You can become an EN World Silver subscriber for just $5.99 a month. Click here to subscribe.

You will be able to download the adventure path as the adventures are released in the EN World subscriber content area."

What gives?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Now I'm scratching my head again... In this thread you said there would be no difference between Bronze and Silver subscribers. Yet on the Zeitgeist page it says under Buy:

"ZEITGEIST™ is available to EN World Silver subscribers from Spring 2011. The twelve adventures will be released every other month throughout 2011 and 2012.

You can become an EN World Silver subscriber for just $5.99 a month. Click here to subscribe.

You will be able to download the adventure path as the adventures are released in the EN World subscriber content area."

What gives?

When we originally decided we wanted to spend more making these and make them even better than WotBS was we announced (via the news page and a thread in this forum) that that would entail an increase in a price in subscriptions. People objected strenuously to this, saying that those of them who simply wanted the search function etc didn't see why they should subsidise APs they would never use.

That was a reasonable complaint. So instead of increasing the bronze subscription price to the current price of a silver and the silver to something even higher, we moved the new APs to the silver subscription. It means that if you are using the APs you pay the same price you would have done, only now it's called "silver". And if you aren't using them, you're not paying for them.
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Hm, I never really payed attention to that discussion, figuring paying a little extra for those adventure paths was only fair. But now I looked what it would mean to get those two adventure paths and I must say I'm not happy.
Right now I have the four month copper subscription. So for 30 bucks a year I get War of the Burning Sky and support this community. A fair deal.
But the silver subscription does not have the 4-month option and costs twice the copper subscription. So suddenly I'm looking at 72 bucks a year. I pay less for my yearly DDI subscription!
This begs for the old DDI subscriber approach. Get a one month subscription once or twice a year and grab anything available.
I know pricing is a difficult issue, and I know developing those adventure paths and maintaining the website cost money. But with your current offerings I'm more inclined to cancel my subscription all together once War of the Burning Sky is finished, then go for the silver subscription to get those two new adventure paths I am really interested in (I especially subscribed for WotBS).
My suggestion would be to offer a silver year subscription at a substantial discount, say for 50 bucks. But hey, it is your call of course.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I'd love to cut the price in half. Hell, if I ever win the lottery, I'll do all this for free and get rid of subscriptions altogether! Unfortunately, it's simply impossible.

That said, only you can decide if the adventure paths are worth the price to you; their value will be different to different people. Fortunately, we'll be supplying free intro packs for both so you can look at them and make an informed decision as to whether you think they're worth it.

Like with WotBS, there will be a variety of alternative ways to get hold of the adventure paths, from individual purchases at sites like Paizo and RPGNow to softcover versions, to RPGNow subscriptions to individual APs and so on. So you'll be able to choose from a number of different formats, methods, and prices.
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Morrus, thanks for your answer. As I said, pricing is a difficult issue. I just posted to let you know that pricing is the reason I probably won't go for the silver subscription, not lack of interest in Santiago and Zeitgeist.

I saw the offer for Zeitgeist on RPGNow today and will think about it. But I'll probably stick with my copper subscription till I have finished my WotBS (which will probably take more than a year) and only then decide whether I will pick up the other two.

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