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Gods of the Island Realms


World of Kulan DM
While Kulan is dominated by several continents, there is also a great deal of ocean in between. Ocean that is filled with islands. Most of these islands are fairly small but some are larger and well known -- Arek, for example.

Arek is the largest of the Isles of Valossa, which includes dozens of islands. The denizens of these islands often worship there own set of unique gods such as the Gods of Freeport, which are venerated throughout a subset of islands known as the Serpent's Teeth.

There are also the Gods of the Olmans, who live on the Isle of Dread and the Wakuna Isles; although, the Olman people exist as far south as Merria. (There are rumors that they live on the island chain south of the continent of Triadora as well but those are unconfirmed rumors.)

Merria has it's own small panthon of gods, but the truth is that almost any deity could be worshiped in that group of islands.

There are also the deities of the Isles of Valus, which are almost exclusive to that group of islands located in the North Sea west of Harqual and north of The Fallenlands.

The island chain known as Ryaith likely has its own unique gods; although, those deities might simply be the deities of Janardûn (or possibly even Kanpur) with altered names.

The Vol Isles west of Triadora and the islands of the Crowded Sea, located south of Kanpur, definitely have unique gods worshiped in those regions. However, those deities might simply be powerful spirits or angels/fiends that have been banished to the Material Plane. Certainly there are a few of these deities that are true gods but sometimes truth means little to people wishing a powerful being's favor.
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World of Kulan DM
The Island of Arek has its own unique set of deities that are rarely worshiped anywhere beyond its shores; however, it's not unheard of for these deities to be worshiped elsewhere amongst the Isles of Valossa with different names.

Note: I didn't create these deities. These are the deities of the Arekoz Campaign Setting designed for the d20 System by Dark Portal Games. Arekoz was a short lived campaign setting that had one softcover adventure book published for it called White Robes, Black Hearts: Enigma of the Arcanexus. (I co-wrote that adventure with Darrin Drader and Tony Bounds.)

While DPG soon went the way of the Dodo Bird, Arekoz continues to exist on my campaign world in the form of the Island of Arek and several of the other islands that became the Isles of Valossa (combined with the Freeport Campaign Setting).

I have modified the deities somewhat to fit them into the World of Kulan. They have the same names as done for Arekoz, but they are slowly becoming integrated into my campaign setting.

God of Dwarves

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A blond-haired dwarf working at a forge
Home Plane: Celestia
Godly Realm: The Silver Forge
Alignment: Lawful good
Portfolio: Dwarves, craftsmen, storytelling, some halflings
Worshipers: Dwarves, bards
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Domains: Dwarf, Earth, Good, History, Law, Protection
Favored Weapon: Warhammer

Goddess of Valor

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A brilliant shining blade
Home Plane: Celestia
Godly Realm: Valorheart
Alignment: Lawful good
Portfolio: Valor
Worshipers: Fighters, paladins, monks, barbarians
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Domains: Good, Law, Nobility, Protection
Favored Weapon: Longsword

God of Strength

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A naked wrestler
Home Plane: Ysgard
Godly Realm: Ring of Strength
Alignment: Chaotic good
Portfolio: Strength, courage
Worshipers: Barbarians, fighters, gladiators, soldiers, wrestlers, giants, those wishing to become strong
Cleric Alignments: CG, NG, CN
Domains: Chaos, Courage, Good, Luck, Strength
Favored Weapon: Unarmed strike or gauntlet/spiked gauntlet

God of Learning and Knowledge, The Learned One

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Ink and quill
Home Plane: Mechanus
Godly Realm: The Library of the Learned
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Portfolio: Learning, knowledge
Worshipers: Inventors, librarians, scholars, wizards, elves, gnomes
Cleric Alignments: LN, LG, LE, N
Domains: Invention, Knowledge, Travel, Healing, Sun
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

God of Death

Greater Deity
Symbol: A black skull
Home Plane: Gray Waste
Godly Realm: The Dark Guild Hall
Alignment: Neutral evil
Portfolio: Death, power, wealth
Worshipers: Assassins, merchants, those wishing power and wealth
Cleric Alignments: NE, LE, CE, N
Domains: Corruption, Darkness, Death, Evil, Trickery, Wealth
Favored Weapon: Dagger
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World of Kulan DM
God of Humanoids, The Beast

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A snarling fanged, bestial face
Home Plane: Kin-Li’in
Godly Realm: Gorashmu
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Portfolio: Evil humanoids
Worshipers: Goblins, orcs, evil giants, hunters
Cleric Alignments: CE, NE, CN
Domains: Bestial, Chaos, Evil, Hunger, Strength, War
Favored Weapon: Greatclub (claw)

God of the Sun

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: The sun
Home Plane: Elysium
Godly Realm: Hurm's Light
Alignment: Neutral good
Portfolio: Sun, light
Worshipers: Sentinels, druids, rangers, sun lovers
Cleric Alignments: NG, LG, CG, N
Domains: Good, Healing, Light, Renewal, Strength, Sun
Favored Weapon: Longsword

God of Slaughter

Greater Deity
Symbol: A grotesque looking demon
Home Plane: The Abyss
Godly Realm: Slaughterhell (on the 273rd layer)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Portfolio: Slaughter, demons
Worshipers: Demons, tieflings, assassins, anti-paladins
Cleric Alignments: CE, NE, CN
Domains: Chaos, Demonic, Evil, Secrecy, Trickery, War
Favored Weapon: Longsword (claw)

Goddess of Nature

Greater Deity
Symbol: A tree/An elemental of any of the four elements
Home Plane: Upper Outlands
Godly Realm: The House of Trees
Alignment: True neutral
Portfolio: Nature
Worshipers: Druids, rangers
Cleric Alignments: N, LN, NG, CN, NE
Domains: Air, Earth, Fire, Protection, Strength, Water
Favored Weapon: Club

Patron of the Elves

Greater Deity
Symbol: An androgynous elf holding his/her bow high in the air
Home Plane: Arborea
Godly Realm: Alvandemor
Alignment: Chaotic good
Portfolio: Elves, ambiguity
Worshipers: Elves, half-elves
Cleric Alignments: CG, NG, CN
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Good, Protection, War
Favored Weapon: Longsword
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World of Kulan DM
Goddess of Beauty

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A beautiful face
Home Plane: Arcadia
Godly Realm: Fashionsense
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Portfolio: Beauty
Worshipers: Bards, lovers, midwives, those that love to be fashionable
Cleric Alignments: LN, LG, LE, N
Domains: Charm, Sun, Luck, Healing
Favored Weapon: Dagger

God of Secrets

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A piece of burning parchment
Home Plane: Carceri
Godly Realm: The Hidden Vault
Alignment: Neutral evil
Portfolio: Secrets
Worshipers: Rogues, assassins, merchants, sorcerers, some authority figures
Cleric Alignments: NE, LE, CE, N
Domains: Evil, Knowledge, Magic, Secrecy
Favored Weapon: Dagger

God of Wellness

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A white headpiece
Home Plane: Elysium
Godly Realm: Moral Ground
Alignment: Neutral good
Portfolio: Athletics, health, wellness
Worshipers: Athletes, healers, those who are moral
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, LG, N
Domains: Community, Good, Healing, Strength
Favored Weapon: Unarmed strike

God of Death and Magic

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A black staff burning with white fire
Home Plane: Acheron
Godly Realm: Lab of Death
Alignment: Lawful evil
Portfolio: Death, magic, the undead
Worshipers: Necromancers, sorcerers, blood magi, the undead
Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE
Domains: Death, Law, Magic, Necromancy, Undeath
Favored Weapon: Scythe

God of Vengeance, The Lord of Gems

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Unworked precious stones embedded into a wall where a man is crucified
Home Plane: Deluer
Godly Realm: The House of Vengeance
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Portfolio: Vengeance, the earth
Worshipers: Those seeking vengeance, neutral barbarians, elementalists, gem cutters
Cleric Alignments: LN, LG, LE, N
Domains: Earth, Law, Protection, Retribution, Strength
Favored Weapon: Longsword or warhammer

Note: I added "the earth" to this deity's portfolio.
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World of Kulan DM
Goddess of the Woodlands, The Green Nymph

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A nymph
Home Plane: Bytopia
Godly Realm: Wanders
Alignment: Neutral good
Portfolio: The woodlands, fey creatures
Worshipers: Brownies, dryads, nymphs, sprites
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, LG, N
Domains: Animal, Fey, Forest, Good, Plant, Sun
Favored Weapon: Club

Note: This deity is also a World God.

God of Magic

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: The Arcanexus
Home Plane: Spirelands
Godly Realm: The Nexus of Magic
Alignment: True neutral
Portfolio: Magic
Worshipers: Wizards, sorcerers, elementalists, some bards
Cleric Alignments: N, NG, NE, LN, CN
Domains: Knowledge, Magic, Protection, Spell, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

God of War, The Storm of War

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Blade barrier spell
Home Plane: Ouno
Godly Realm: Battlestorm
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Portfolio: Battle, war, storms
Worshipers: Anarchs, fighters, adventurers, sailors, tacticians, warriors
Cleric Alignments: CN, CE, CG, N
Domains: Chaos, Courage, Destruction, Storm, War
Favored Weapon: Greatsword

God of Lightning

Lesser Deity
Symbol: Bolt of lightning
Home Plane: Elemental Air
Godly Realm: Lightning Soul
Alignment: Neutral good
Portfolio: Air, lightning
Worshipers: Barbarians, elementalists, shamans, some wizards
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, LG, N
Domains: Air, Storm, Water, War
Favored Weapon: Shortspear

God of Tyranny, The Black God

Greater Deity
Symbol: An enormous eyeball suspended in a swirling black mist
Home Plane: Baator
Godly Realm: Tyrant's Black Wound
Alignment: Lawful evil
Portfolio: Tyranny
Worshipers: Blackguards, despots, megalomaniacs, those who wish ultimate power
Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, LN
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Law, Madness, Suffering, War
Favored Weapon: Light or heavy flail


World of Kulan DM
The Trickster

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A grinning blue and white mask
Home Plane: Limbo
Godly Realm: Chaosmask
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Portfolio: Trickery
Worshipers: Anarchs, bandits, rogues, bards who like to steal
Cleric Alignments: CN, CG, CE, N
Domains: Chaos, Luck, Skullduggery, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

God of Gnomes, The Clockwork King

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Spectacles
Home Plane: Beastlands
Godly Realm: Hall of Clocks
Alignment: Neutral good
Portfolio: Gnomes, invention
Worshipers: Gnomes, clock makers, inventors of any demihuman race
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, LG, N
Domains: Gnome, Good, Invention, Protection, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Light hammer

God of Justice

Lesser Deity
Symbol: Scales of justice
Home Plane: Celestia
Godly Realm: Law and Just
Alignment: Lawful good
Portfolio: Justice
Worshipers: Fighters, paladins, judges, justices, mediators, sheriffs, soldiers
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Domains: Good, Law, Thought, War
Favored Weapon: Bastard sword

God of Corruption

Greater Deity
Symbol: Any monstrous form
Home Plane: Gehenna
Godly Realm: Sholulemax
Alignment: Neutral evil
Portfolio: Corruption
Worshipers: Assassins, corrupters, rogues, blackmailers
Cleric Alignments: NE, CE, LE, N
Domains: Corruption, Darkness, Death, Evil, Shadow, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Short sword (claw)

God of Darkness and Evil

Intermediate Deity (Trapped)
Symbol: The night's sky with blood red stars
Home Plane: Unknown
Godly Realm: Unknown
Alignment: Neutral evil
Portfolio: Darkness, evil, power of nature
Worshipers: Druids, assassins, corrupters, evil rangers and rogues
Cleric Alignments: NE, CE, LE, N
Domains: Air, Darkness, Evil, Earth, Fire, Water
Favored Weapon: Scythe (bite)

God of Prosperity

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A circle of coins
Home Plane: Lower Outlands
Godly Realm: The Counting House
Alignment: True neutral
Portfolio: Prosperity
Worshipers: Bards, merchants, nobles
Cleric Alignments: N, NE, LN, NG, CN
Domains: Luck, Protection, Travel, Wealth
Favored Weapon: Short sword
Next up... my version of the Gods of Freeport.
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World of Kulan DM
Ever since the first hardcover book came out, I've had Freeport as a part of World of Kulan. And it was a simple choice to put that city and the Serpent's Teeth near the Island of Arek since the Arekoz Campaign Setting included Freeport as port o' call on its world map.

Now that I have the Pirate's Guide to Freeport (and the d20 Freeport Companion), I've updated the gods I'm going to use for Freeport to include the revised list in the two books. However, I've modified that list for my own purposes and included several other deities.

God of Pirates, The Freebooter

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A skull & crossbones black flag
Home Plane: Material Plane
Godly Realm: Bottle Island
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Portfolio: Pirates, privateers, swashbucklers
Worshipers: Pirates, rogues, swashbucklers
Cleric Alignments: CN, CE, CG
Domains: Air, Travel, Ocean, War
Favored Weapon: Cutlass

God of Songs

Symbol: A wooden lute
[B]Home Plane: Ysgard
Godly Realm:[/B] The Amphitheater
Alignment: Chaotic good
Portfolio: Songs
Worshipers: Bards, tavern owners, good rogues
Cleric Alignments: CG, NG, CN
Domains: Chaos, Good, Music
Favored Weapon: Short sword

Goddess of the Night, Sister of Thieves

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A sword on a black field
Home Plane: Pandemonium
Godly Realm: City of Eternal Darkness
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Portfolio: Night, darkness, thieves
Worshipers: Assassins, rogues
Cleric Alignments: CN, CG, CE
Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Secrecy, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Short sword

God of Warriors, The Warrior

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A greatsword
Home Plane: Material Plane
Godly Realm: The Warriors' Island
Alignment: True neutral
Portfolio: Warriors, strength
Worshipers: Fighters, rangers, soldiers, wrestlers
Cleric Alignments: N, LN, NG, NE, CN
Domains: Destruction, Protection, Strength, Sword, War
Favored Weapon: Greatsword

† An official Freeport god, given a name for my campaign.
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World of Kulan DM
God of Knowledge, The Traveling Scholar

Greater Deity
Symbol: An open book with a quill laying across it
Home Plane: Elysium
Godly Realm: Scholar’s Retreat
Alignment: Neutral good
Portfolio: Knowledge, protection, travelers
Worshipers: Bards, scholars, loremasters, wizards
Cleric Alignments: NG, LG, CG
Domains: Good, Knowledge, Protection, Thought, Travel
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

God of the Sea

Greater Deity
Symbol: Waves crashing against the shore
Home Plane: Material Plane
Godly Realm: Hallian Sea (Deep Shoal)
Alignment: True neutral
Portfolio: Sea, sea travel, sailors, waves
Worshipers: Merfolk, shoal elves, pirates, sailors, traders
Cleric Alignments: N, NG, NE, LN, CN
Domains: Destruction, Luck, Nautical, Ocean, Travel, Water
Favored Weapon: Trident

God of Luck, God of Victory and Fate

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A hand balancing a dagger, point down, on the index finger
Home Plane: Spirelands
Godly Realm: Balance Point
Alignment: True neutral
Portfolio: Fate, luck, victory
Worshipers: Bards, diviners, druids, fighters
Cleric Alignments: N, LN, NG, NE, CN
Domains: Balance, Fate, Luck, Trickery, War
Favored Weapon: Warhammer or Dagger

† An official Freeport god, given a name for my campaign.
‡ This god is from D&D Complete Warrior. I've combined that deity with the Freeport God of Luck.
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World of Kulan DM
The Cannibal Spirit

Symbol: An evil spirit
Home Plane: Material Plane
Godly Realm: Wanders
Alignment: Neutral evil
Portfolio: Cannibalism, spirits
Worshipers: Cannibals, cultists, intelligent undead
Cleric Alignments: NE, CE, LE
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Dagger

Goddess of Ships and Sailors, Patron of the Tritons

Lesser Deity
Symbol: Sailing ship on waves
Home Plane: Upper Outlands
Godly Realm: Shelluria
Alignment: True neutral
Portfolio: Tritons, architecture, sailing
Worshipers: Builders, elementalists (water), sailors, shipwrights, tritons
Cleric Alignments: N, LN, NG, CN, NE
Domains: Air, Nautical, Ocean, Undersea, Wall
Favored Weapon: Trident

God of Murder, The Killer of All

Lesser Deity
Symbol: A black mask dripping blood
Home Plane: The Abyss
Godly Realm: Death of All
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Portfolio: Murder
Worshipers: Assassins, barbarians, murderers, pirates
Cleric Alignments: CE, NE, CN
Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Death, Evil
Favored Weapon: Dagger

∆ An official Freeport god.
† An official Freeport god, given a name for my campaign.
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World of Kulan DM
God of the Wind and Sky, Lord of Thunder, The Stormmaker

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Raindrops falling from a gray cloud with a golden lightning bolt streaking down
Home Plane: Ouno
Godly Realm: The Storm Citadel (floating fortress on a storm cloud)
Alignment: True neutral
Portfolio: Air, rain, storms, weather, wind
Worshipers: Elementalists (air & water), barbarians, cloud giants, druids, pirates & sailors, storm giants
Cleric Alignments: N, CN, NG, LN, NE
Domains: Air, Obscuration, Storm, Water, Weather
Favored Weapon: Spear

Unspeakable One
The Great Old One, The Mad God

Unknown Status
Symbol: Swirling storm of chaos
Home Plane: The Abyss
Godly Realm: Unknown
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Portfolio: Evil, madness, the Yellow Sign
Worshipers: Serpent people, devil lizards, Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign, madmen
Cleric Alignments: CE, NE, CN
Domains: Chaos, Death, Destruction, Evil, Unspeakable
Favored Weapon: Sickle (bite)

The Sleeping Serpent

Symbol: A serpent coiled around several islands
Home Plane: Material Plane
Godly Realm: Unknown
Alignment: True neutral / Neutral evil
Portfolio: Serpent people, reptiles
Worshipers: Serpent folk, spirit lizards, lizardfolk, kopru
Cleric Alignments: N, NG, NE, CN, LN / NE, CE, LE
Domains (Hitthkai Sect): Knowledge, Magic, Scalykind
Domains (Sskethvai Sect): Evil, Strength, War
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff / Dagger

∆ An official Freeport god.
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