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Esthara Preview - The Estharan Harlequin


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A bit of preview from the Esthara d20 campaign setting - the Harlequin Prestige Class. Enjoy. There may be a few formatting issues, but it should be readable.

The Harlequin

The universe holds secrets that no mortal man was ever meant to discover. Sometimes, those secrets call on the back of whispering winds - a faint voice with the rustling of dead leaves in an old oak, an agonized scream accompanying a howling winter wind. The Harlequins, dark and misbegotten, are the men and women that have trained themselves to unlock those secrets, to learn the things that mortals were long ago forbidden to know, and to listen to the world around them. They are unnerving, with their otherwordly balance, nigh-omniscient insight, and ghastly masks, and they are detached from all sense of reason and reality. The wise quickly learn to give them a wide berth.
Harlequins serve as entertainment to courts of lordlings whose tastes lean towards the macabre, seers to those willing to sift through their maniacal ravings, assassins to those willing to stomach their company, and companions to any and all that would listen to them. Their most telling mark are their masks - mouthless, full-facial coverings of enameled white steel marked with short vertical black lines above and below the eyes. Some Harlequins choose to show variance in their masks, altering the lower markings to resemble tears, broadening the markings into triangles, or foregoing the markings at all, though these Harlequins are a rare breed. Most Harlequins, though they loathe the steel discs, take pride in the reaction their masks elicit and wish to be easily identifiable as a Harlequin by every man and woman they come across. The reputation of the Harlequin proceeds him, breeding fear and dread in common folk, and they enjoy observing the reaction that comes along with being recognized as a Harlequin; Harlequins are fascinated by intense emotional displays, due to their being so far removed from their own feelings.
Harlequins tend to dress lavishly, wearing layers of elaborately-tooled and richly-tailored clothing, reflecting the odd sense of elegance they adopt. Most Harlequins walk a fine line between lunacy and dignity, which they feel adds an element of pinnache to their showmanship. At the heart, despite the warping of their minds, Harlequins remain performers - actors, dancers, singers, buffoons, storytellers, musicians, and other thespians - and it is a lifestyle they are loathe to forfeit. Most refrain from openly carrying any weapons they may own, as they feel it detracts, somewhat, from the appearance an entertainer should have. To a Harlequin, every moment should be as dramatic as possible, though that dramatic flair is warped by their nature. Instead of the glowing presence of a master bard, viewers are treated to a brooding, dark sort of exhibition, dark and tasteless jokes, and the Harlequin enraging those around him just because he can. Harlequins have been known to perch for hours, seeing fit to be the center of attention just with their body language, presence, and occassional quips.
The Harlequin's calling card is his knowledge. They are aware of all things both near and far, of things that affect them and don't. They have knowledge of things witnessed by single men and told to none. They are aware of plots and espionage in motion around them, of the presence of dangers and visitors, of the location of any given thing at any given time. It is said that there is no secret a Harlequin cannot know, and that only the Harlequin's discretion and madness prevent him from revealing all hidden information to any that would listen.
The mental awakening the Harlequin undergoes pushes his mind to the brink. The madness intensifies with time - fledgeling Harlequins are said to be merely absent, while well-travelled Harlequins walk such a fine line between coherence and insanity as to make the contemplation of their dance with madness impossible. Assuredly, they are quite insane, but somehow, someway, they always seem to exhibit just the right amount of discretion, wisdom, and comprehension needed to keep them from being absolute psychopaths. However, that reserve doesn't keep them from being labeled just that by most of those that come into contact with them.

Game Rule Information
Requirements: The ability to use Bardic Knowledge, 9 ranks Perform (any), 7 ranks in two Knowledge skills, 4 ranks Craft (metal).
Brought To The Brink: At some point in the Harlequin's life, she must have come under or fought off the effects of the spells confusion or insanity.
Forge The Mask: The character must have created her own mask at some point before becoming a Harlequin. Thereafter, she must spend at least one week's time wearing the mask before taking on any levels in Harlequin.

Harlequins have the following game statistics.
Alignment: Any chaotic.
Hit Die: d6

Class Skills
The Harlequin's class abilities (and the key abilities for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (all skills) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), and Tumble (Dex).

Skill points at each level: 4 + Int modifier

The Harlequin
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1 +0 +0 +2 +0 Whispering Voices, Awaken The Mask
2 +1 +0 +3 +0 Harlequin Knowledge
3 +2 +1 +3 +1 Trick Up The Sleeve
4 +3 +1 +4 +1 Perfect Balance
5 +3 +1 +4 +1 Murmuring Voices
6 +4 +2 +5 +2 Opportune Revelation
7 +5 +2 +5 +2 Precognitive Senses
8 +6/+1 +2 +6 +2 Chaotic Manifestation
9 +6/+1 +3 +6 +3 Screaming Voices
10 +7/+2 +3 +7 +3 Horrific Revelation

Awaken The Mask: The Harlequin undergoes a mental change; her mind cracks, allowing madness to slip in. The character inherits a psychosis, that being an unnatural attachment to her mask. The Harlequin views the mask as an awakened entity, the focus which gives her the knowledge she inherits and the only thing preventing her mind from slipping completely away. She loathes and fears the mask, but at the same time feels as if she has to wear it. The psychosis is so strong as to affect her abilities - if the Harlequin is not wearing her mask, she no longer suffers from her bouts of dementia, meaning that she is sane, for a time, but does not have access to any abilities granted by becoming a Harlequin. However, if seperated from her mask for more than 24 hours, the Harlequin falls to madness, as if she were under the effects of an insanity spell. The effect lasts until she once again places the mask on her face. If the Harlequin goes mad due to being seperated from her mask for over 24 hours, after reuniting with it, she may not remove the mask for another week.

Whispering Voices: The Harlequin's dementia slowly claims her mind as she becomes more and more aware of the world around her. The Harlequin begins to constantly hear voices whispering too low to fully understand. Thereafter, she is permanently protected from mind-detecting effects as if she were wearing a ring of mind shielding, due to the constant chaos of her thoughts. Any attempting to Sense Motive against the Harlequin does so at a -4 penalty, as her insanity makes her body language, facial expression, and the inflection of her voice fluctuate randomly. The Harlequin also receives a permanent +2 insanity modifier to all Will saves against mind-affecting effects. At times the voices can be more than the Harlequin can bear, however. The Harlequin receives a insanity penalty of -1 for every level of Harlequin she possesses when using the following skills: Animal Empathy, Appraise, Concentration, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Innuendo, Intuit Direction, Listen, Scry, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.

Harlequin Knowledge: The Harlequin's mind awakens to the world around her. Her Whispering Voices grow loud enough to fully understand, and the Harlequin discovers that the voices share information of all sorts. In addition, the Harlequin begins to continuously have visions of the world around her. The Harlequin is considered to be permanently under the effects of the spells detect magic, detect thoughts, discern lie, identify, and know alignment. However, because of her madness, she must make a Harlequin Knowledge check. Harlequin Knowledge functions, for all intensive purposes, as Bardic Knowledge, except where noted above. When rolling a Harlequin Knowledge check, the Harlequin rolls 1d20 + her Intelligence modifier + her level in Harlequin + her bard levels. If using her scrying ability, the Harlequin may use the result of her Harlequin Knowledge roll in place of the Scry roll required for those spells. The spell-like effects of Harlequin Knowledge are considered to be inherent and as such are not subject to any spell that dispels or negates magic or magic effects. Using Harlequin Knowledge requires the use of a full-round action.

Trick Up The Sleeve: The Harlequin may fully conceal a weapon of a size category equivalent to her own, or smaller, on her person, no matter how large it is, or any item other than armor or a shield weighing up to 15 pounds. Readying the weapon from concealment is a free action. The Harlequin may conceal the weapon or item indefinately, until she chooses to reveal or ready it. When concealed, the weapon or item is undetectable by any means. Concealment requires the use of a full-round action.

Perfect Balance: The Harlequin's knowledge of the world around her allows her to unlock the physical capabilities of her own body. Thereafter, any time the Harlequin is required to make a Balance check she is considered to automatically succeed unless an outside force affects her balance - i.e. being pushed or grappled, a slippery surface, a strong wind, etc. Any time the Harlequin is forced to make a Balance check, she does so with a +4 competency bonus. Furthermore, if the Harlequin does fall, she always has the option of landing on her feet.

Murmuring Voices: The Harlequin's voices grow louder and serve more purposes. She is now completely immune to mind-influencing affects. Her Harlequin's Knowledge will now allow her to make full use of the spells analyze dwoemer and identify. Further, anyone attempting to use Sense Motive against the Harlequin does so at a -6 penalty.

Opportune Revelation: During battle, the Harlequin can spend one full round to reveal embarassing and infuriating secrets about her opponents. The Harlequin's opponents receive a -2 penalty to attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, and saving throws for the remainder of the combat. The Harlequin can use Opportune Revelation once per day per every level of Harlequin she possesses.

Precognitive Senses: The Harlequin's visions intesify, allowing her to see a few moments into the future. She can no longer be caught flat-footed or flanked. When prone, the Harlequin still applies her Dex modifier to her Armor Class, instead receiving a -2 penalty to AC.

Chaotic Manifestation: The Harlequin's dementia is so frighteningly strong as to actually be somewhat beneficial, at times. She receives an inherent +1 insanity bonus to all Will saving throws, is considered to be permanently under the effects of a nondetection spell and is now immune to the spells discern lie, zone of truth, and know alignment.

Screaming Voices: The voices within the Harlequin's head now scream constantly, revealing tiny snippits of information whether she wants to hear them or not. Those standing near her hear faint, whispering cries. Anyone attempting to Sense Motive against the Harlequin does so at a -8 penalty. The Harlequin may now make use of the spells divination, legend lore, and greater scrying when using her Harlequin Knowledge.

Horrific Revelation: The Harlequin may spend a standard action to begin speaking aloud the secrets revealed to her by the voices in her mind. Any that can hear the voice of the Harlequin when she begins to use her Horrorific Revelation must make a Will saving throw, DC 25, or come under the effects of the spell insanity. This ability can be used once per day.

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First Post
Looks good, but...

It looks good, but have someone do a spelling and grammar check. For instance, someone's reputation "precedes" them, not "proceeds," which describes monies collected. And the phrase is "for all intents and purposes," not "...intensive purposes."

But these are minor editing issues. The flavor is great. I like the "superhero/villain" aspect of not being able to use special abilities unless wearing the mask. It brings a sort of twisted pulp fiction aspect to medieval D20 that's been missing.

Have you checked out the balance of this PrC, gotten community feedback on it?

I look forward to seeing your other material. :)

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