• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Sale Emergency Funds Sale from Ennead Games


A bit of a bad news/good news situation this week for me/Ennead Games.

First, the bad - Last week my work machine suffered a catastrophic hard drive failure. Whilst I do have back-ups, the latest couple of items that were ready to be released were not able to be saved. I have the notes for two out of three of them, they still need to be recreated, have the background pages format etc. In essence, I am having to start again from scratch with this and the other projects as well as purchasing a new machine.

So what does this mean? Well this week, and probably next, there will be no new releases - That and the above "bad" news.

Now for the good

Instead of the planned releases I am, from now until Christmas Day, running a sale on the larger bundles EG has on sale

One is everything that EG put on sale on DT in 2016
One is everything that EG did in 2017
Another is EVERYTHING EG has on sale on DT (inc both the above bundles and everything else before that)

Now, you may be thinking - "..but I already have a large portion of the items in those bundles...!"

But here's where things get even better (for you) - If you have an item in a bundle, then that bundle is reduced in price even further - Drivethru calls this the "Previous Purchase Discount". The more items you have from a bundle, the greater the discount will be.

2016 Collection Bundle (Total Individual Selling Price: $87.92 Normal Bundle Price: $66.72) - On sale for $15
2017 Collection Bundle (Total Individual Selling Price: $68.36 Normal Bundle Price: $50.00) - On sale for $25
Everything Bundle (Total Individual Selling Price: $445.52 Normal Bundle Price: $317.79) - On sale for $35

No, that last value is NOT a typo or misprint - I really am selling the bundle of EVERYTHING released on DT for $35 as I urgently need to replace the emergency funds I had to spend on getting the work machine.

Be aware, these silly prices will end December the 25th.

By then I should have either had the lost data recovered or been able to recreate from my notes what was lost. There will be some changes to formatting and so on as it would be impossible to recreate everything, but I am seeing this is a chance to bring in some behind the scene changes and try out the new layout and so on.

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