• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

CB's Grim Frequencies IC -- COMPLETE


Feral looked down at Garvey and then up at the roach. The world had officially gone crazy. So, might as well just go with it. He tried speaking to the roach, "Are you, um, aware? Like, do you understand me?"

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Preternatural eyes glowered down at Feral, flashing yellow in the dim fluorescent lighting of the fellowship hall. The roach bunched itself deeper into a ball and hissed.

Forged Fury

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With the giant le cucaracha cowering and the Harryhausen reject dead... Wait, do I recognize those clothes? Eh, whatever... Cyril moved over to Bukowski. "Hey man, they just killed medusa. I think we might be safe. Well, except for that giant cockroach that probably burrowed its way out of Marks."


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J.R. continues watching the roach and backs away with Feral.

"Dunt sit right to me to allsow that monstrosity to live and hurt people, but it aint being aggressive, jest defensive. Cops will be showing up soon in ferce, we need to hit da bricks. I don't want that ting attacking unaware police officers."

He raises his voice to get attention of everyone.

"Everyone in here now!"

Once everyone is nearby he motions towards the roach.


Feral shrugs, "Let's just let it go. And I think we should go, too. As in, our separate ways. This whole thing was FUBAR from the beginning. We've been working for snake-head here so this whole mess was a sham."

In the storagr and serving area, Bukowski's knitted together. "I collect insect specimens. Hobby of mine. Let's go take a look." The professor adjusted his grip on his specimen case and quietly and uncertainly moved into the fellowship hall. He kept his taser out and at the ready.

When Bukowski got inside the hall, he stopped short and whistled low. "Man. Look at that beauty," he said, eyeing the giant roach. "Never seen one like that!" He edged a little closer, peering in wonder at the roach, which hissed and spit at him.

The roach sprang forward. It took off at a dead run across the ceiling. Within a few short seconds the ginormous beetle was all the way over at the entrance to the kitchen, very near the hallway to the basement stairs.

OOC: Last call on popping the giant cockroach before it scuttles out of sight into the bowels of the church.You'll need a ranged attack or F/X.

Forged Fury

First Post
Finally pegging the outfit for one that Garvey would wear, Cyril was glad that he hadn't really put much into hitting on her given her true form. Those love bites would have been nasty, fatal really. Responding to Feral, he said, "Well yeah, but it also ate Marks... or maybe that was what Marks really was." The former lawyer shook his head in confusion. "Anyone else never going to be able to sleep again after today?"

Somewhere inside the storage and serving area, Otter yelped a stentorian oath. "Motherf-cking GOD DAMN HELL ON CHEESE TOAST!" She barged into the fellowship hall and jacked a thumb over her right shoulder, "Marks has seen better days. And I see some yahoo's put a bullet through Keihn." She eyed J.R. as the likely candidate.

The sun was starting to come up, the sky turning from black to grey to pale blue. Out on Washington Street, everyone heard the siren call of multiple cop cars; the police were on their way. Bukowski was first to react. "Look, we need to find this Tommy you mentioned earlier. After that," he scrubbed at his hair before continuing, "I think there's some things back at my lab at Mountain View that might interest you. If you're in the mood for a road trip? I don't fly." The Professor looked around at the group, letting the invitation hang in the balance.

The roach bolted for the basement, unmolested.


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