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Sale Baldur's Gate EE removed from sale; ENnies Dream Dates; NUMENERA product list; plus DARK SUN returns

Baldur's Gate EE removed from sale; ENnies Dream Dates; Most Anticipated RPG; and NUMENERA product list EN World News The first two ENNIES DREAM DATES have been posted! Paizo Publishing and Evil Hat Productions are the first two on the block. Each involves attending the ENnies with the company in question, as well as other perks and prize goodies. The proceeds from the auctions are used to...

Baldur's Gate EE removed from sale; ENnies Dream Dates; Most Anticipated RPG; and NUMENERA product list

[h=3]EN World News[/h]
  • The first two ENNIES DREAM DATES have been posted! Paizo Publishing and Evil Hat Productions are the first two on the block. Each involves attending the ENnies with the company in question, as well as other perks and prize goodies. The proceeds from the auctions are used to help fund the ENnies every year.
  • Southern Oracle discusses supplements added to his games over the years, including Oathbound: Domains of the Forge, and a couple of Monte Cook's books (Eldritch Might, and Requiem for a God).
  • Vote for your most anticipated RPG of 2013! The results of this secret poll will be announced soon! [HI][threadcm]http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?337985-Vote-for-your-quot-most-anticipated-quot-RPG-of-2013[/threadcm][/HI]
  • You're a Villain. How Would You Change the World? In the ZEITGEIST adventure path, a villainous organization is deciding just how it wants to change the world. We're asking EN World to help us make that decision and literally decide how the AP ends. You can vote for up to three factions, and the results of this vote will be reflected in the ZEITGEIST adventure path. There's also prizes - one member of each of the five main factions will win a free PDF copy of our ZEITGEIST Act One compilation, which combines the first five adventures of the campaign. Also, we'll choose one person who we feel best contributed to the event and reward them with a hardcover version of the book when it's ready. [HI][threadcm]http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?337948-You-re-a-villain-How-would-you-change-the-world-Contest-with-prizes-%28Spoilers-for-ZEITGEIST%29[/threadcm][/HI]

[h=3]Dungeons & Dragons News[/h]
  • I reported earlier this year that WotC is suing Sweetpea Entertainment (which made the two previous D&D movies) over the rights to make the next D&D movie - both have plans to do so. Sweetpea has now asked a court to reject the suit.
  • I've updated EN World's history of TSR/WotC with a couple of new articles by WotC founder Peter Adkison - Equity Distributions Part 1, and Part 2.
  • Big Beasts by James Wyatt -- These creatures have been in D&D for a long time now. What do you think about them? Here’s your chance to tell us! [HI][threadcm]http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?338002-Wandering-Monsters-Big-Beasts[/threadcm][/HI]
  • Magic Item Compendium Excerpts: Armor -- For the average adventurer, a suit of magic armor is the first and most important defense against enemies. Not much can compare with the effectiveness of a magically enhanced coat of tough leather, steel rings, or sturdy plates.

[h=3]Dragon Kings: The Return of Dark Sun?[/h]
I received an interesting press release today. I'll post it in full (I don't often do that!) It refers to a "spiritual successor" to Dark Sun called DRAGON KINGS which includes fiction, art, and music. It's a new game, it seems, not a D&D setting - "Dragon Kings is a new fantasy game world conceived and presented in fiction, art, and music simultaneously by Timothy Brown, creator of Dark Sun and 2300AD."[HI] [threadcm]http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?338051-Dragon-Kings-A-Spiritual-Succesor-to-Dark-Sun[/threadcm][/HI]

LAS VEGAS, NV – June 25, 2013 – Veteran game designer and musician Timothy Brown today announced that he intends to create a whole new role-playing game world titled Dragon Kings, the ‘spiritual successor’ to his popular design Dark Sun. This new world will be envisioned not only in fiction and art, but in music, as well.

“Dark Sun was innovative because we created the game world and its art simultaneously,” says Brown. “We imagined concepts and asked Brom to draw them, and Brom painted those concepts that we later described in game terms. I’m so pleased that he is collaborating with us on my new Dragon Kings universe. His first cover painting is already finished!”

“Tim has a really innovative idea with Dragon Kings,” says Gerald Brom, the original artistic creator of Dark Sun. “I don’t know of another game world that’s been created in quite this way. It’s exciting to be a part of!”

“By creating an epic story as a concept rock album, I can describe my new world in ways that have never been done before,” Brown continues. “I’ve always been a huge fan of albums like Rush’s 2112, Queensryche’s Operation Mindcrime, and Pink Floyd’s The Wall. I’ve often thought, ‘if those were game worlds, I’d be playing in them!’ Gaming and music are my two passions. It’s time I combined them into a single project!”

Brown is assembling a team of writers, artists, and musicians to bring the Dragon Kings world to life. “I’ve got several great, talented people on line, and I can make some announcements on them soon. My plan is to gather the team and create the world and its music. As pieces are ready – description, art, map, sample tracks – we’ll put them up on the website so people can follow our progress.”


[h=3]Pathfinder RPG News[/h]
  • World Wonders is a Pathfinder system for creating World Wonders, with examples such as the Dragon's Graveyard and The Schism.
  • Paizo's Liz Courts tweeted that Paizo now has over 40 employees.
  • You can grab a free Dragon's Demand desktop wallpaper.
  • NPC Codex Pathfinder Pawns have been released. "From rugged woodlands fighters to divine characters to spellcasters of every kind, cultists, cutthroats and more are included in this boxed set of over 300 heavy duty cardboard pawns. We didn't skimp on the townsfolk and other commoner classes either—you'll get initiates, acolytes, crafters, merchants, guards, barmaids, and lawyers for your next barroom brawl or market chase!"
  • Check out this review of Fey Revisited.
  • Kobold Press has released Advanced Races: Tieflings for Pathfinder. Its 19 pages include feats, racial archetypes, new spells, infernal powers, and new tiefling equipment and magic items.

[h=3]RPG News[/h]
  • The lastest issue of Steve Jackson Games' Pyramid magazine is out. This issue has a prehistoric theme.
  • FFG has posted a new preview of Star Wars: Edge of the Empire. Three adversaries (pirate crew, stormtrooper sergeant, and forsaken jedi). [HI][threadcm]http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?338050-Adversaries[/threadcm][/HI]
  • Charles Ryan, Monte Cook Games' new COO, talks to MTV Geek about his industry history and about Numenera. "I think gamers can expect a new title every month or two, but the pattern will be driven by the needs of the game so it may not be a "new book the third Tuesday of every month" sort of thing."
  • Here's a list of Numenera's upcoming products (thanks to Majoru Oakheart). [HI][threadcm]http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?338046-Numenera-Products[/threadcm][/HI]
    • Numenera App (Android, iOS, or PC)
    • Numenera Player's Guide
    • Numenera Corebook
    • Exclusive Kickstarter supporter adventure (The Nightmare Switch)
    • The Devil's Spine 96-page book with 3 adventures
    • The Ninth World Bestiary 160-page
    • Sir Arthur's Compendium 160-page
    • Numenera 3D Paper Fold-Up Terrain PDF
    • Numenera GM's Screen
    • Cypher, Creature, and XP Deck
    • Ninth World Guidebook
    • Thunderstone: Numenera (deck building card game)
    • Tales from the 9th World (short story book)
    • Torment: Tides of Numenera (video game)
    • Numenera Short Film (animated or live action...Monte hasn't decided yet)

[h=3]Community News[/h]
  • You can download a free beta of Mathew J Hanson's Abstract Dungeon - and a sample adventure called The Orcish Baker. [HI][threadcm]http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?337999-The-Orcish-Baker[/threadcm][/HI]
  • 11 Ways to be a Better Roleplayer is an excellent article that's been doing the rounds over the last few days. Well worth a read. It contains common sense advice on how to not be a jerk at the game table. [HI][threadcm]http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?337709-11-ways-to-be-a-better-roleplayer[/threadcm][/HI]
  • Check out Abstruse's latest Tabletop column on AICN. This week deals with Free RPG Day, Origins, Pathfinder Battles, Munchkin Legends, and EN World's own Season of Sexism video series.
  • The Troubadore is a class compatible with Swords & Wizardry or Labyrinth Lord.
  • Gnome Stew dicusses the Reaper Bones Miniatures Kickstarter payoff. "Holy #$%^& that's a lot of miniatures." Lots and lots of photos and first impressions.
  • Gaming Tonic creates a mini spellcasting language for vocal components. It's kinda cool. (As a side note, I created a random magical incantation generator using OGRE a while back - it uses craploads of words I found in old DRAGONLANCE novels strung together in random orders).
  • Check out this video review by ThatGrumpyScotsman of Star Wars: Edge of the Empire:


[h=3]Boardgaming & Other News[/h]
  • Asmodee has announced the Dungeon Twister Card Game. Dungeon Twister is a puzzle like dungeon crawl with characters having specific special abilities that affect the players path through the dungeon. The game will debut at Gen Con.
  • Baldur's Game Enhanced Edition has been withdrawn from sale over "contractual issues". Trent Oster says "We recently removed Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition from sale on Beamdog and the Apple App Store. We’ve taken this step at our publishing partner’s request as we attempt to resolve a number of contractual issues." [HI][threadcm]http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?337987-Baldur%92s-Gate-Enhanced-Edition-withdrawn-from-sale-over-%93contractual-issues%94[/threadcm][/HI]

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