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D&D 2E Anyone have numbers for 1/2e monsters?


Shirokinukatsukami fan
I'm afraid I haven't updated any of the unconverted creature lists since the beginning of the year. My work has been extremely demanding this year, and I just haven't had much time to spend with the monsters.

And now that I do have a day or two to spare, it seems as if the Creature Catalog is out of action :eek:

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First Post
Thank you for the information.

The reason I asked was, well, I wanted to see when I might beat those numbers with my Mutant Future designs. I have no idea if any of you are reading them over on rpg.net's forum or Skirmisher's forum. I have posted 700-800 so far and my notes indicate I have a little over 1550 total. And I don't see any end to it. In fact, I can see that I have written just the dusting snow on the tip of the iceberg (makes my head hurt from time to time).

So I should beat 1e by Xmas and 2e in a year or three.


First Post
Sigh, I should have done this a while ago.

Mutant Future (mutations, critters and more)

My mutant Future critters - RPGnet Forums (big thread of critters)

If you want to convert any of them to d20, go right ahead. I put them online for others' use (obviously).

And a couple examples to show what I am doing (selected from my favorites file):

Name Giant Phorid Fly
No. Enc. 2 (2)
Movement 10' (3') fly 150' (50')
AC 7
HD 1 hit point
Attacks 1 (implantation)
Damage special
Save L0
Morale 11
Hoard Class none

These insects are 6" long and are greatly feared by most sapients. Only the female can attack and she implants a few dozen eggs into the victim (save versus poison to negate). After 24 hours, the eggs hatch and the maggots swim and crawl to the brain. There they eat a small portion of the brain, inflicting d4 points of intelligence drain (i.e. it is permanent) and removes 1 mental mutation, if any. After a week, the maggots pupate and the new adults leave the heat via the nose or back of the neck.

Because they are not lethal to most creatures, phorids can use the same host multiple times. It is only when the intelligence score is reduced to zero does the host die. Creatures with the regenerative capacity mutation regain their points and mutation after a week and some populations of the flies target these creatures because of that (it may be due to odor).

Mutations: gigantism

Name Grampa Beetle
No. Enc. swarm
Alignment Neutral
Movement 10' (3')
AC 8
HD 3
Attacks contact
Damage d3
Save L0
Morale 12
Hoard Class I

These insects have a very long lifespan- 20 years, thus the name. During the growing season they aren't pests and are solitary (i.e. they aren't found as swarms but may be found in groups on food). Come late fall, they congregate in ruins, logs and walls and may attack those people who disturb them. The swarm doesn't have the capacity to fly because of the effects of cold weather. What makes the beetles very unusual isn't the beetles themselves. They collect plants for food for the winter and slowly consume them during warm snaps. Because they are not in hibernation, the beetles have normal biological functions through out the winter and it is because of this they are a serious danger. Their biological waste during the winter collects and eventually turns into grey oozes. Each swarm produces an ooze that may consume the swarm that spawned it. But that isn't likely as the beetles are much more cold resistant than the oozes and will leave the nest long before the ooze can move.

Mutations: alter atomic composition, special

Voidrunner's Codex

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