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  1. E

    Necrocarnate Fix

    Necro-bump Has anyone actually tried this in play?
  2. E

    Special Mount Class ability anywhere else...?

    Base Class: The Healer gets to summon a Unicorn which gets stronger I believe. It is the worst class in the game though because guess what all you can do.:.-( Prestige Classes: Ashworm Dragoon:D Skylord Alagondian(?) Griffon Rider
  3. E

    Corpse Crafter feat chain, Desecrate Spell, Awaken Undead spell

    Well depends what you turn it into. Zombies, Skeletons, and Wights will likely reduce on creatures with a CR 10+. However, the Create Undead spells plus the use of Libris Mortis templates will likely give options that increase it which could be better than what they originally have. However, it...
  4. E

    Alignmet help

    If Lawful Evil is your goal than the story should reflect the reason why she turned her back on chaos. A demon typically won't go straight to the devils unless they are trying to mess with them. I would say before she met the love of her life she saw little point in facilitating the cycle of...
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    Alignmet help

    Well, both being Chaotic Evil displays of love are going to bend to that category. This question really begs another in which do you want her with a different alignment? Look, the story you have now is that she did what Succubi do except the guy actually loved her because she is a Succubus. He...
  6. E

    Alignmet help

    Answer to your question: Chaotic Evil Also burn damage only deals 1d6 damage, it would take a while.
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    Alignmet help

    As everyone else is saying being in love and even maintaining that relationship doesn't warrant a full alignment change. Chaotic Good is an alignment and represents an ideal set for liberators and benevolent individualists. Love is a feeling which makes itself proven by acts to attract and/or...
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    Help me Build Dual Class Character!

    Well I think you need to answer to the rest of us here is this a gestalt campaign or are you simply multiclassing?
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    Help me Build Dual Class Character!

    Psionicist, you mean Psion right? Okay, one of the kickers of being a Psion is that you must choose a discipline which means you only can select powers with the discipline you choose(metacreativity, psychometabolism, ..etc) unless you chose a generalist. The only reason why someone wouldn't...
  10. E

    Help me Build Dual Class Character!

    Well, arguably you would use its physical scores as your base scores. What I mean is that your rage and items will stack on top of it. In very low levels it maybe a bit of hit but when it advances and add certain size evolutions it comes out to be more. However if you want a more scaled growth...
  11. E

    Rouge dipping into Scout

    As everyone here said they are different ways and sources to deal damage, so they stack if both conditions are met. Precision Damage is just a term to limit whether or not this damage is added, such as if the enemy has any miss chance or if they have fortifcation/non-discernable anatomy.
  12. E

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Build Ideas

    Well, like I said you could make a back story in which you went AWAL from your order for whatever reason, lots of good story potential there. If a paladin looks desirable might I suggest replacing the mount with charging smite which deals triple smite damage off a charge and get a mount through...
  13. E

    Yet another Poll

    I like both but 3.X is more streamlined and splice friendly then Pathfinder. Also their seemed to be better race choices. Pathfinder did make some great new additions to classes as well as new classes but it has a few things that really annoy me. While the idea of scaling CMB checks with BAB is...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Build Ideas

    Hmm, well a wandering knight could simply be an errant paladin or crusader. Well, what do you want to do? Do you want to lead, smash in heads, tank...etc? By the way I always loved the Kensai, just not in its usual clothes of single weapon master.;)
  15. E

    [LPJDesign] Classes of NeoExodus: Machinesmith released

    It gets good reviews because finally 3.x has mechanical themed base for steampunk adventures but its ultimate abilities especially in Pathfinder is lackluster. Its spell list is small and prototypes are mechanically identical to extracts except that there are more extracts and more modifications...
  16. E

    Mounted Leap Attack

    The skill trick Dismount Attack allows you to charge while coming off your horse. I don't see why you can't choose to jump.
  17. E

    Question on Character Build

    As N'raac says by RAW it isn't allowed as Mysterious Stranger replaces the Gun Training feature but yes if Archetypes do not replace each others features then you can take more than one. Though just talk to the DM and just ask if you can just take the one you want I am pretty sure they would be...
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    Superstitions and Spells

    I think you posted in the wrong thread.
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    Superstitions and Spells

    Well, I think it needs to be more clear on what you are asking. Are you asking to think about in how real life superstitions came into being? Alternatively, are you asking on how you can introduce superstitions in your campaign?
  20. E

    How does a club have 10ft range?

    Range increments are always for ranged attacks, so yes it is for throwing. A reach weapon usually just doubles the base threat range of a character while leaving adjacent square unthreatened(except spiked chain and kusarigama).