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  1. der_kluge

    D&D General The thread where I review a ton of Ravenloft modules

    Totally doable, but you'll want to limit access to magic weapons and/or silver weapons.
  2. der_kluge

    D&D General Tangent from Vecna - How Many Actually Good Adventures Are There?

    RA is universally praised, though VERY old school. Lesser known, but also great is Tombs of Abysthor. Very similar to RA (and by the same author and publisher).
  3. der_kluge

    D&D General Tangent from Vecna - How Many Actually Good Adventures Are There?

    This thread where I'm currently reviewing Ravenloft modules from the 2nd edition era (mostly). I've found a handful I really like - Evil Eye, Spottle Parlor (from Dungeon #12), Sea Wolf (Dungeon #55), and House of Lament (from VRGtR). I might change my opinion of them after I run them, however...
  4. der_kluge

    D&D General The thread where I review a ton of Ravenloft modules

    Yes. Not sure why I didn't think of that one. I intend to modify Scarlett's Kiss so that there's no combat at all, but if I do, I'll probably use something like the vampire spawn.
  5. der_kluge

    D&D General The thread where I review a ton of Ravenloft modules

    That's interesting to me. I'm actually leaning a bit the other way. Like, one of the things that frustrates me is that the lowest level vampire statblock I can find is still like CR 8. "A Scarlett's Kiss" literally just has one fight with a vampire in the entire module, which is why is has the...
  6. der_kluge

    D&D General The thread where I review a ton of Ravenloft modules

    Thank you! My hope is that this thread continues to live for a very long time, and the next poor sap who comes along with the intention of running these modules can get some value out of the work I'm putting into these reviews. I certainly know I could have benefited from having reviews of all...
  7. der_kluge

    D&D General The thread where I review a ton of Ravenloft modules

    OMG, I LOVE the bagman. So wonderful. One of my GMs ran a scenario involving, what I can only assume was a "Hearth Fiend". We were tasked with finding a murderer, and ending up killing the town's mayor because we so strongly believed that he was behind it, even though it was a hearth fiend the...
  8. der_kluge

    D&D General The thread where I review a ton of Ravenloft modules

    Fascinating. I can't see how Blood in Moondale could be ran without the PCs just knowing like, immediately, the captain is a werewolf. That module only seems to serve as a kind of one-shot as well, because I can't possibly see how any D&D game works where the group is a militia serving under a...
  9. der_kluge

    D&D General The thread where I review a ton of Ravenloft modules

    I wanted to touch on this, because I think it's an important thing to consider. I think the 2e rules, in general, were terrible. I've no interest in recreating that experience. I like 5e, but even 5e rules are overly-powered when it comes to Ravenloft, which is why I'm choosing to use LFG (Low...
  10. der_kluge

    D&D General The thread where I review a ton of Ravenloft modules

    Let me stop you right there... :) Imagine my surprise when I see 4 new pages of posts in this thread this morning. lol You seem to have struck a nerve. Yes, I am approaching these modules as if they should make sense. Why should Ravenloft modules be above this level of scrutiny? I have 5...
  11. der_kluge

    D&D General The thread where I review a ton of Ravenloft modules

    I feel like we're going in circles here. To be clear, I didn't hate The Baron's Eyrie. I just think it has some potential loopholes that need to be thought there, and there's definitely areas where it can be improved. It's a solid module, overall. I was actually surprised by it, since I expected...
  12. der_kluge

    D&D General The thread where I review a ton of Ravenloft modules

    Mikal wouldn't object to being manacled to the bed while he slept if he knew it was for his own protection. But it's kind of a moot point, since he apparently sleeps in a separate room, where he is promptly kidnapped. I was quoting Mel Brooks' line from Space Balls, where he described Princess...
  13. der_kluge

    D&D General The thread where I review a ton of Ravenloft modules

    Circle of Darkness ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ This is a 64-page Ravenloft module written by Drew Bittner. The back cover indicates that it is for levels 5-7, but the first page indicates levels 6-8. So, I guess we’ll never know for certain. Let’s split the difference and say it’s for levels 5-8. The module...
  14. der_kluge

    D&D General The thread where I review a ton of Ravenloft modules

    My friends and I loved Masque back in the day, and ran several sessions there. I still have the boxed set, though sadly my book went missing years ago. I've always loved the setting.
  15. der_kluge

    D&D General The thread where I review a ton of Ravenloft modules

    The Baron’s Eyrie (Dungeon #58) ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ This module (for levels 5-7) takes place in an unnamed island of terror, but given that its origins are Dragonlance, it suggests that Sithicus could also be suitable. The adventure starts at an inn, where the PCs learn that several individuals have been...
  16. der_kluge

    Shrink your collection to the essentials. What makes the cut?

    I have sold D&D stuff in the past, that I knew I'd never use, and I certainly own plenty of stuff now that I'll never use. If I absolutely had to boil my collection down to the essentials: Wilderlands Boxed set 2nd edition Faiths and Avatars (because I use FR deities) 5e core rulebooks (though...
  17. der_kluge

    Shrink your collection to the essentials. What makes the cut?

    I've moved a lot, and most of my collection has moved with me. Yea, a medium-sized box full of hardcovers is pretty nightmarish. I'd recommend an even distribution of things like boxed sets to take up some of that space.
  18. der_kluge

    DC20 Kickstarter launch on June 4th

    Yea, I'd never even heard of this until like a week ago, when I saw something in passing, and now it's really blown up. People are really into bandwagons, it seems. I think it just goes to show there's a huge appetite for something that's not related to WoTC. And I think people want something...
  19. der_kluge

    D&D 5E Advanced D&D or "what to minimally fix in 5E?"

    I haven't seen the rules. When I played the game, we ended up just playing a game that was 100% exactly like any 5e game I've ever played. So, in the end, it felt completely unchanged.
  20. der_kluge

    D&D 5E Advanced D&D or "what to minimally fix in 5E?"

    I played in a TotV game at a recent convention. I sat down, all excited to learn one of the new 5e replacement systems, and the GM tells us "Tales of the Valiant is 99% 5th edition." Oh, ok... one of the players, who was familiar with the system, made a badger-man race, because the rules have a...