• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Evil_DM

    WOIN Capping Your Dice Pool

    As an addendum, after playing to what I would call a fairly high level party (grade 14), we've found that Exceptional Quality Gear is not necessarily rewarding for those players who have invested in their skill. Example in part, a good rogue'ish character with a stealth maxed (as befitting a...
  2. Evil_DM

    WOIN Firearm and grenade damage in NEW

    Even more addendum: we ignored the rules update that said you can exchange 1 hit die for 1 damage die and kept the original 2 for 1. However, being able to exchange 1 for 1 became a feature of the auto trait, representing you can either spray an area or focus on one target: Auto (houserule)...
  3. Evil_DM

    WOIN Firearm and grenade damage in NEW

    The vehicle and normal tactical rules are clearly not meant to be mixed, but we like putting them together on the battlefield anyway. Hence, we made that distinction between vehicles and AT weapons, and 'normal' weapons. We also had to make some houserule regarding SPEED of vehicles versus...
  4. Evil_DM

    WOIN Firearm and grenade damage in NEW

    The rules say that every 6 you roll on the damage dice, inflicts at least 1 point of damage regardless of SOAK (p. 167 of the NEW book). Additionally, if you have a fair MDP (say,7d6) it is relatively easy to get a 5D6 or 6d6+3 damage with a pistol versus a DEFENSE 10 target. Doing the math, you...
  5. Evil_DM

    WOIN Firearm and grenade damage in NEW

    Addendum: we made a distinction between 'normal' weapons and AT weapons, to prevent PC's using high damage AT weapons as one-shot weapons versus other (non player) characters. AT weapons do a lot of damage, but are harder to hit targets smaller than an armored car or tank. Conversely, 'normal'...
  6. Evil_DM

    WOIN Firearm and grenade damage in NEW

    We found the same, especially with grenades, and significantly diversified damage, as well as introduced some new concepts. Grenades (HE grenades that is) do 5D6 damage with us but cascade (each square beyond the impact square reduces the damage by 1d6). Also, for all grenades we have...
  7. Evil_DM

    WOIN Question: speed of vehicles in tactical combat.

    Ok, so different scales indeed. Check! Not necessarily for those vehicle to blink by, but I love creating encounters on very large maps, that also involve APC's, Quads, dirtbikes and ambushes at long ranges where people can actually use their sniper rifles with scopes..... so I'll work something...
  8. Evil_DM

    WOIN Question: speed of vehicles in tactical combat.

    Hi Morrus (and others), I was wondering if (and how) you ever work with vehicles in a tactical combat situation? Since the SPEED values for characters and vehicles seem somewhat incompatible. Character Speed A character with a speed of 9, moving twice moves 90 feet (18 hexes) per round...
  9. Evil_DM

    WOIN Moving through an occupied square

    Hi Mac, we created a houserule (again) that if you fail a check by more than half (so if the DC is 20, you roll a 10 or lower) you have some kind of very detrimental effect. We use that for generic skill checks mainly. We played with the idea of doing it when rolling 3 1's, but the silly thing...
  10. Evil_DM

    WOIN Grenades

    Yes I do. Since we play a fairly hard sci-fi setting that resembles the Xenomorph setting (we actually used that to kick off the campaign) we pretty much always have humans as enemies; so essentially we make lightweight characters as NPC's. Though we do have some more elite enemies, they are...
  11. Evil_DM

    WOIN Grenades

    Mainly because grenades did not do anything useful against moderately well equipped enemies - though you could hit them in the center of a blast with a grenade (hitting DC 10), they would still get no damage if you would not beat their VITAL DEFENSE, which becomes progressively harder if they...
  12. Evil_DM

    WOIN Does the hardy skill apply to the Vital Defence?

    We, as a player group, agree with you. So, we've taken the time to create a fixed list of skills. Also, any skill either gives a fixed bonus (to HEALTH, MOVE or a certain DEFENCE, ór it is used in skill-checks. Not both. Survival is a great example, and so was acrobatics. We use dodging for...
  13. Evil_DM

    WOIN Moving through an occupied square

    This is something that came up in our game regularly, we've houseruled it as follows: Tumble past opponent: As part of a move action, you may try to squeeze through an opponent's square. Make an AGI + acrobatics or a STR + carry versus the MELEE DEFENSE of your target, or make a CHA +...
  14. Evil_DM

    WOIN Is there a Skill for psionics which increases the PP like hardy increases HP?

    We have houseruled 2 skills: - mentalism adds to Power Points exactly the same way hardy adds to HEALTH; - rejuvenation allows you to add to the WIL roll to regain Power Points after an hour of rest.
  15. Evil_DM

    WOIN Capping Your Dice Pool

    As with toolkits, you could also argue that if you do not wear proper camouflage clothing, you get -1D6 or -2D6 is you try a stealth check. If you try to stealth in a business suit for example, it will give you penalties (unless you try to blend into a crowd). A generic camouflage uniform...
  16. Evil_DM

    WOIN Grenades

    Searching for rules regarding grenades, I came upon this topic and thought I'd share some of our experiences. We're playing mid-level now in a pretty long running NEW campaign (grade 9-12 now) and we've thoroughly reworked the grenade rules. First off, we've upped the damage of most damaging...
  17. Evil_DM

    [W.O.I.N.] N.E.W. and Somerset rules questions

    Geez, you're fast... :D Check! And the Battlepsyche Psi-Blast exploit can be used an unlimited time per day, since it does not require PP's, correct? Sorry, I mean to improve your PSI check, versus mental defence, as the universal exploit. But I think you answered it below with '3' :) Yes, I...
  18. Evil_DM

    [W.O.I.N.] N.E.W. and Somerset rules questions

    Hi Morrus, some more questions for you regarding the rules :) Psionics Is my following interpretation of the Psi-Blast exploit (from battlepsyche) correct: - it can be used every round (for it does not cost PP's) - it can be improved by investing in the Telepathy skill (as per the Psi-Blast...
  19. Evil_DM

    WOIN NEW - Reverse Engineering the Aliens and Foes

    Heh. Duh. That's why I'm novice... :blush:
  20. Evil_DM

    WOIN NEW - Reverse Engineering the Aliens and Foes

    Hi there, in preparation for our start, I've been going through the book and been trying to find logic in some of the Aliens and Foes, how they are built, but there seems to be some inconsistencies. Or not everything is mentioned in their stats, of course. For example, the Human Bounty...