• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. B

    Shadowdark looks so good!

    Got mine today in NC, was shocked to get it so fast.
  2. B

    RPG Crowdfunding News – Broken Tales, Into the Wyrd and Wild, UnFamiliar, and more

    There is also a KS for Broken Compass' 2nd and 3rd seasons (Pirates and Jules Verne, respectively).
  3. B

    Holy sheepdip - wotc to republish old editions

    I too would happily purchase (unmodified) re-prints, PDFs, or PoDs of old (pre-4e) material. There is no way, however, that I'd purchase rights to online-only viewing, whether time limited or not.
  4. B

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder outselling D&D

    No. I'm perfectly capable of writing my own tools if I wanted (and thus would have complete control, even with computers being involved). It is just that my idea of a fun night role-playing explicitly excludes computers, smart phones, etc. I have to deal with that stuff all day (and, as I...
  5. B

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder outselling D&D

    For me, at least, I stop at "computers are required to play this game." I could care less whether or not it is purely support or if it did indeed someday run the game, I don't want to ever have them required.
  6. B

    The Role of Technology in the Future of TT RPGs

    Part of it is that is the way I grew up playing RPGs. More than that, however, I think RPGs are a shared social experience and I find laptops, smartphones, etc. only detract from the experience (people surfing during others' turns, etc.). Finally, I prefer to keep the game as much a construct...
  7. B

    Tome of Horrors News--Please Read

    Was *this* close to picking up both the PFRPG and S&W versions but ended up settling for just the PFRPG. I'm assuming the book is no longer for pre-order? If so, I may trick myself into buying the S&W version too (Ooops, darn, accidentally clicked the Buy button!).
  8. B

    The Role of Technology in the Future of TT RPGs

    I'm all for PDFs, technology, etc. helping prepare for a game (though I'm still partial to physical books). During the game, however, it's paper, books, and dice. I hope that we never get to the point that we abandon those roots of the game (though I'm totally on board with VTT and the like...
  9. B

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder outselling D&D

    Personally, any system that focuses on a digital initiative will not get my financial support. This includes Pathfinder, should they go that way. Digital is becoming increasingly associated with subscription-based, throw-away, DRM, no permanence in my mind and that is the opposite of what I...
  10. B

    5E on the horizon?

    Yeah, fan-wise there isn't much support for Paizo owning the D&D brand on either side and, much more importantly, neither Hasbro nor Paizo is likely to want that either. I imagine Hasbro would rather put the brand on hiatus but keep it for the future in its portfolio than let it go. Paizo, on...
  11. B

    The Beginner Box

    I'm confused. Has Paizo actually stated that it won't be a simpler rules set? I'll be disappointed as well if it is just levels 1 through 5. But I hadn't heard that that was certain to be the case.
  12. B

    Is the Age of Hardcover Gluttony over?

    I like Paizo's approach of three or four a year. Even at $30 - $50 that is sustainable to my wallet. And that there are no splats (rules splats, that is) is great. The hardcover glut is a big reason why I dropped D&D when 3.5 came out and didn't pick it back up until Pathfinder. The game...
  13. B

    Why is the original red box so special

    Honestly it does nothing for me. I'd prefer a modern 4e look to it (and that's saying a bit because I'm not a *huge* fan of 4e art). Now if they modeled it after Moldvay with Otus art I'd be all over it. Of course I learned from that set so it probably is just a matter of what you started with.
  14. B

    I think TSR was right to publish so much material

    I've been playing D&D in some form since almost the beginning (late '70s) and while the golden age is almost undeniably in the early '80s (and yes, I was 12 then, but it really was the golden age) the '90s are a mixed bag in my book. I appreciated them branching out. For every bad there was a...
  15. B

    Did WotC underestimate the Paizo effect on 4E?

    For me the defining moment was WotC killing off Dungeon (and, specifically, removing Paizo from Dungeon). I've always been an adventure lover, in fact I play sparingly but love to read the adventures and the fluff and Dungeon was such a great addition to my hobby when it started in 1986. The...
  16. B

    Grey Region Toronto - Dead?

    That sounds great! Kind of reminds me of a now-closed Chapel Hill FLGS Cerebral Hobbies. Through a small foyer, down a spiral staircase, and off of an interior courtyard. While I don't necessarily buy into the health consequences of cell phone usage (not yet, anyhow), I like the policy just...
  17. B

    Grey Region Toronto - Dead?

    This Hairy T won't let people yap on cell phones in the store? Is this a common restriction? I'm tempted to find a way to get up there and patronize the store based on this alone. This thread has been useful -- likely visiting Toronto in the summer and I'd love to visit some of the FLGS up there.
  18. B

    Goodman Games solicits input

    I'd love to see DCC based on any version of D&D except 4e. If it is 4e I'll continue to pass on them (loved the 3.x ones). That's just my preference, of course. Edit: By this I mean I'd love the default to be non-4e as I'm not keen on having to reference non-4e material as a supplement.
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    Great Adventures: Concept and Execution

    My favorite adventure as well. I got my copy signed by Tracy Hickman waaay back in the late '80s. Still my most treasured AD&D item. Oasis of the White Palm I wasn't as enamored with but Lost Tomb of Martek really seemed to finish it out in grand style -- but Pharoah was still the best of the...
  20. B

    Easing my kids into PFRPG...

    Thanks a lot for all of the input! I may have underestimated what your average 9 - 12yo was capable of and I'm going to run with the full rules (though I'll probably still save combat maneuvers for a little later =)). I do like the idea that a couple of you posted about starting them at second...