• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. F

    Brazilian D&D Translators Fall Out Over Translation Rights

    @kenmarable, you got the general idea. @Morrus it's not a cancelation at will, in brazilian law you can cancel a contrat if one of the parts is misrepresenting themselves (an that is the case, all the plans and all the documents that Fire on Board presented to get the contract included assets...
  2. F

    Brazilian D&D Translators Fall Out Over Translation Rights

    I hope GF9 and WotC cancel the contract with Fire on Board, because they were cheated too. The translation tests and every other aspect of the demands to close the deal on the translation were made by RedBox and Meeple, and Fire on Board was just an intermediate that ended up as the sole...
  3. F

    D&D Translations Are Coming To A Country Near You!

    Amazingly the localization is already tainted by corruption and lies in Brazil: According to a Facebook post by Antônio Sá Neto, CEO of Brazillian RPG publisher Redbox, the negotiations for a Portuguese translation of Dungeons & Dragons began on November 28, 2015. Fábio Ribeiro acted as a...
  4. F

    D&D 5E Localized D&D coming from Gale Force 9

    Amazingly the localization is already tainted by corruption and lies in Brazil: According to a Facebook post by Antônio Sá Neto, CEO of Brazillian RPG publisher Redbox, the negotiations for a Portuguese translation of Dungeons & Dragons began on November 28, 2015. Fábio Ribeiro acted as a...