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  1. jbear

    Calrifications on Moderator Comments

    Why? Because your 'red flag' comment seems to suggest you were of the opinion that you were moderating the comments of some racist. I wanted to make it clear that if that was the case, the opinion was a very much mistaken one. In any case, thank you for your detailed, open and insightful...
  2. jbear

    Do We Still Need "Oriental Adventures"?

    Probably unwise, but as you say - you can do what you like. I'll be checking out of this discussion now and get back to what I actually enjoy talking, reading and discussing on this RPG site.
  3. jbear

    Do We Still Need "Oriental Adventures"?

    Morrus asked everyone to refrain from using that term. Please follow his guidelines. Also your follow up comment seems coded. Please refrain from making coded messages towards me that are evidently meant to be insulting. Yes, it was clear from your comment that you are ignorant of Australian...
  4. jbear

    Calrifications on Moderator Comments

    Hi Morrus, As per your moderator request/suggestion, I am moving the query I have regarding your recent mod comments made on my posts to the 'meta' thread. I don't want there to be any bad feelings, just want clarification on certain things you wrote that are not self evident. What exactly do...
  5. jbear

    Do We Still Need "Oriental Adventures"?

    Likely impossible. The article is ideologically and hence politically charged. Which is my biggest issue with it actually. I was of the understanding that politics/ideological view points were not proper topics for the enworld forum which is exclusively dedicated to RPG related topics. Maybe I...
  6. jbear

    Do We Still Need "Oriental Adventures"?

    This comment is actualy kind of hilarious. So you would like an Australian themed adventure that's not full of harmful stereo types ... where the land is being flooded with prisoners who were sent to the island from a far land ... but 'most of whom are just trying to get along'? Umm ... sure, I...
  7. jbear

    Do We Still Need "Oriental Adventures"?

    Pretty sure I'm not allowed to reply to a moderator comment as one of the site rules but not entirely sure which rule I broke with my first comment. Nevertheless I'll try again with more restraint and without the sarcasm. In direct response to the article not the mod comment: I don't believe...
  8. jbear

    Do We Still Need "Oriental Adventures"?

    Yeah! I'm so sick of those gamers making ficticious, exotic figures for their ficticious exotic imaginary worlds without a properly culturally nuanced and propery politically correct vetted culturally appropriate character check! I met this gamer once who made a ninja character based on this...
  9. jbear

    Is D&D Too Focused on Combat?

    I honestly don't need any special emphasis to be put on any particular area of the game, personally. I've played D&D where there were detailed rules for every aspect of exploration you could think of. It was exciting to discover these rules, reading them in the books for the first time. But it...
  10. jbear

    D&D 5E Desperately need help, trying to catch up to party.

    NOt saying that something isn't off with the numbers of the OP's group but fwiw my level 8 half orc berserker barbarian/fighter who wields a flametongue axe (+2d6 fire dmg on a hit) easily deals between 70 -100 dmg per round while raging and crits on a 19-20 (add in half orc cit dmg dice). Add...
  11. jbear

    D&D 5E Reliable Talent. What the what?

    I think very good responses have been given regarding this issue and the type of challenges a 12th level character should be facing which align with my own views on this topic. The thread looks long, so I may just be repeating what someone else said, and if that is the case I apologise. My...
  12. jbear

    D&D 5E Hexblade build assistance requested.

    My bad. Got confused between pixie and sprite. In any case, a familiar can use the help action to give you advantage, so you don't need to waste any spells trying to get with with darkness or whatever. Sure, take Great Weapon Master if you like at 8th. With 18 CHA at 8th level Elven...
  13. jbear

    D&D 5E Hexblade build assistance requested.

    So I've just built a hex blade, but only to 4th level. It looks like fun and pretty awesome. I went Half Elf. That opens up, as mentioned above, The Elven Accuracy feat at 4th level. Drop a 15 in CHA +2 gives you 17 which you can then bump to 18 at 4th level taking the Elven Accuracy feat. So...
  14. jbear

    Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Perception is Reality

    Maui howls like a raging storm as the cowardly demon flees moments before he can trap the the evil creature. He turns his rage and frustration upon the remaining undead, turning his body into a whirling vortex and flying down to snatch up the gormless ghouls. Inside the vortex they are bounced...
  15. jbear

    D&D 5E XP tracking vs. story progresion leveling, an observation

    I have been following an adventure path since we began playing 5e: Hoard of the Dragon Queen. I never run adventure paths as written, as I prefer to build in side treks and flesh out locations for players to go off the beaten track if they so choose. I drop crumbs to tempt them off the track...
  16. jbear

    Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Perception is Reality

    Hey Scott, yes I have. My family are all okay though. Thankfully this time it didnt hit so close to a major city. The damage is substantial, but it could have been worse. Us Kiwis kind of accept earthquakes as part of life. An earthquake like this... Anywhere else thousands of people would have...
  17. jbear

    Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Perception is Reality

    Updated Map OOC: Sorry, I should have posted an updated map with my turn. Looks like JS is MIA again.
  18. jbear

    Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Perception is Reality

    Maui rumbled a deep growl that his feline companion understood. "Clear the way!" Taniwha was happy to oblige. The cheetah surged upwards and ripped out the ghoul next to him's throat, ending its unlife. Swirling about the cheetah surged towards the other ghoul near Maui. Claw and tooth tore into...
  19. jbear

    Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Perception is Reality

    I'm nt 100% sure what you mean by subdivision of natural attacks. Pretty sure natural attacks are ruled by the same rules as any attack: FULL ATTACK Seems clear to me. I can attack with left claw. See the result of the attack. Then decide what to do with my other attacks, right claw or bite...
  20. jbear

    Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Perception is Reality

    Taniwha howled as she was speared by the demons foul summonings and the ghouls touch threatened to paralyse him where he stood. The great cat shrugged off the numbing effect and set about evening the odds by tearing into the foes that surrounded him. With a powerful swat of his claw Taniwha...