• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. B

    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    That concept for Alustriel is perfect and very in-line with how Mystra often cryptically communicated with her chosen! Love it!
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    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    Additional thoughts... Lolth vs Queen of Chaos: they are one and the same similar to how Tiamat and Takhisis are, etc. She is still aligned with Vecna but not to "be by his side" as the module states. She is because she LOVES creating chaos, and while she doesn't think Vecna's plan to remake...
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    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    more tinfoil hat thoughts... Once Vecna achieved lich-hood, mortal timelines became irrelevant. Plots can unfold over centuries and/or millennia. Removing his hand and eye were part of the plan for his ascension. So was having his closest "friend" betray him. (He's a psychopath and sociopath...
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    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    Agree completely! Miska should be close to the Demogorgon in power level given that he's the OG Prince of Demons (and should be adjusted to be just that!).
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    Wizards Goes Big with Vecna: Eve of Ruin

    My party really wants to run this also and, while I wish WOTC had done a better job at architecting it, I pretty sure I'm going to have fun obliging them. I think I've re-worked every 5e campaign-length adventure that my party has played through so far to some extent and I actually kind of...
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    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    If I put my tinfoil hat on, I almost think that Vecna wants to be defeated. Maybe he knows he doesn't have enough power to complete this ritual and that he can only amass enough by being "banished" (freed?) back to Oerth. I seem to recall something in the lore (from around the time of his...
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    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    Yeah, it's useful but not essential. Most level 20 parties have decent-enough magic weapons that could be just as useful. Considering the hype around it in WOTC promotional materials (and its place in the lore), I was hoping for it to be more than just "useful". (Of course, I was also hoping for...
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    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    Sorry, I'll try to clarify what I was trying to say. The extreme linearity of the module doesn't really lend itself to showing degrees of success (other than progressing the party to level 20). The bulk of the module is spent on the players getting the pieces of the Rod. But they don't need the...
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    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    I think Miska (even with a buffed statblock) needs to be more involved in this adventure in general. I don't really like the idea of lore dumps to make some NPC seem relevant (goes for Vecna too). Miska is talked about, then you fight to keep him jailed in Pandemonium later in the adventure and...
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    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    The Rod is also quite a bit different from prior established lore. Anyone can assemble it and it only takes an action to do so. The parts of the rod don't randomly teleport either if they're attached incorrectly. Lastly, the spells in each section of the Rod are different (to "fit" this...
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    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    It doesn't appear as though there is anything to suggest that there's a different path if the adventurers DON'T succeed. The module (as written) is VERY linear. There's also not much to suggest a tangible impact from the characters succeeding either. The characters are essentially pawns right up...
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    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    Another thought.... Assuming that Vecna has enough of magic to make this possible, how could the Wizards Three hope to counteract a ritual being cast by a god, even with the real Mordy and considering how powerful they each are? It appears that he needs a boost in power to make his ritual...
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    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    Found this update to Vecna's statblock by Eventyr Games. Very strongly considering using this... https://www.patreon.com/posts/68536246
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    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    Thanks! I'll look more deeply at Strahd Death House vs Strahd CoS but after an initial pass, he looked weaker. Stand by! As for Soth, the statblock at the link below was created as a response to the one that was released as part of SotDQ and is said to have been blessed by DL co-creator...
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    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    That's a good point!
  16. B

    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    Some additional thoughts/points I'm going to work through... Thread Miska's influence throughout the campaign rather than him just being a set-piece at the end. Miska, the OG Prince of Demons, has been imprisoned for a LONG time but probably has been able to spread his influence using his...
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    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    Re-posting my post from earlier today on a dif thread... I'm working on making this adventure more open and less linear. Thankfully, my EoR campaign won't start for several months while we continue/wrap up our current campaigns... so I have time to work this out! [Apologies for its rambling...
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    WotC Vecna Eve of Ruin: Everything You Need To Know

    I forgot to mention that this also necessitates I haven't seen that Doctor Who episode, but those are some very interesting ideas! Not surprising given it was written by Adams! On the other hand, I think I'm leaning towards a more traditional depiction of the Rod in my campaign. A couple of my...
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    WotC Vecna Eve of Ruin: Everything You Need To Know

    I'm working on making this adventure more open and less linear. Thankfully, my EoR campaign won't start for several months while we continue/wrap up our current campaigns... so I have time to work this out! My initial thoughts are.. Before I get started on my thoughts, Ok... (apologies for...
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    WotC Vecna Eve of Ruin: Everything You Need To Know

    FWIW - I'm in the initial throws of de-linearizing the adventure and adding back in a bit of the lore/substance that's been taken out. I like the various set pieces but feel that the glue that holds it all together needs a bit of work.