• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Lichbeard

    OSR Dragonslayer RPG truly delivers.

    Yeah Dragonslayer is pretty dang awesome. Now that I have a couple of sessions under my belt my group and I are adding a few house rules. Some things seemed better before we tried it. not being able to mem more than one copy of a spell seemed neat at first but its proving not so good. There just...
  2. Lichbeard

    OSR Swords and Wizardry Complete Revised Kickstarter pre-launch.

    Swords and Wizardry is the Best OD&D clone. OSE is the best BX clone. Yes there is some overlap but two very different games.
  3. Lichbeard

    It is time to forgive WOTC and get back onboard.

    Well, a lot of us are saying we are not angry with them anymore. That's isn't really saying we will be buying future books. I stopped auto buying the books once it became clear to me the quality of the product wasn't really measuring up at least not on a consistent level. It just seemed like to...
  4. Lichbeard

    It is time to forgive WOTC and get back onboard.

    WOTC ended up doing exactly what we want companies to do. They dialed back horrible plans at our outrage and got better. If you don't reward that behavior, why would any company change their plans and get better? You can say "we want a company that doesn't ever get bad plans" but that is nuts...
  5. Lichbeard

    WotC Backs Down: Original OGL To Be Left Untouched; Whole 5E Rules Released as Creative Commons

    I honestly feel like WOTC fixed all my issues now. Unless something is hidden that I find out about later, I am more than happy with this move. It's been a rough few weeks for them and everyone else but in the end, it looks like we are got to a good place. I still think taking a hostile stand...
  6. Lichbeard

    WotC Talks OGL... Again! Draft Coming Jan 20th With Feedback Survey; v1 De-Auth Still On

    If the ruling came down for WOTC it would still be better. Heck I wish OGL 1.0a had never happened in the first place. It was bad for the hobby! That is the point our hobby got distorted into what it is today. Our hobby used to have hundreds of rpg's based on imaginative and truly unique ideas...
  7. Lichbeard

    WotC Talks OGL... Again! Draft Coming Jan 20th With Feedback Survey; v1 De-Auth Still On

    Will someone do a GoFundMe or something and raise a few million and just go ahead and Sue WOTC first? This isn't ever going to end until a court of law makes a ruling. As long as WOTC feels big $$ give them the ability to sidestep the protections in a legal contract they are going to keep at...
  8. Lichbeard

    D&D 5E So this is how D&D 5e dies, a beautiful start only to die in disgrace because of mismanagement. RIP 5e

    WOTC has gone cRaZy. It's all over the place now. MUCH more of their plans are out now WOTC is deader than dead. I must say, I NEVER saw this coming. I am truly impressed with the the way they destroyed themselves and D&D. I am not even mad anymore. This is a once in a lifetime view. We will not...
  9. Lichbeard

    D&D 5E Will you continue to give WotC D&D your $$$

    Turns out, what everyone is saying might only be as trustworthy as the OGL!
  10. Lichbeard

    D&D 5E Something to consider about Grognards and the OGL...

    Heck most of the time when we played Pathfinder, Mutants and Masterminds, 5E or Rifts we just say D&D. D&D to a lot of people has nothing to do with WOTC. sure, it's also a brand I guess but for a lot of people it's just role-playing games. That is a great benefit for the company that owns it...
  11. Lichbeard

    D&D 5E Will you continue to give WotC D&D your $$$

    Are you willing to bet your life on it? Prob not right? Either are a lot of other people who make a living doing it. So people are already being shut down. Kickstarters ended before even starting, entire companies trying to figure out another avenue to keep their bills paid, employees paid and...
  12. Lichbeard

    D&D Beyond Cancellations Changed WotCs Plans

    Shrug, it will be in court soon enough. That is the only place where someone's opinion matters. Lets see what the judge says. I have heard experts speak on the matter and it seems plenty easy to decide either way. Lets get it done. Either way a lot of people are done with WOTC. Is it enough to...
  13. Lichbeard

    D&D 5E Sticking with D&D?

    Most of this is all just drama. 5E is mostly dead anyway. It's on the way out with only a few more releases. Stop buying WOTC because your angry? Sure! I probably will not buy another thing.....but I probably wouldn't have anyway so that's not such a huge statement. I already paid for all my...
  14. Lichbeard

    D&D 5E So this is how D&D 5e dies, a beautiful start only to die in disgrace because of mismanagement. RIP 5e

    I kinda agree with you BUT my friend is playing BX D&D from like 1983 or something, just because someone is playing it doesn't mean it's not commercially dead. However, I think mostly that was mostly hyperbole
  15. Lichbeard

    D&D 5E So this is how D&D 5e dies, a beautiful start only to die in disgrace because of mismanagement. RIP 5e

    oh for sure, but that doesn't mean it's not dying. It should take a while to die. No game lasts forever and every one that dies is mourned by the people who used to play it. The good thing is it can just be reborn in another form. Even if D&D gets mothballed, you can still play D&D and I bet...
  16. Lichbeard

    D&D 5E Will you continue to give WotC D&D your $$$

    Not another Dime, honestly no matter what they do from now on out we are not coming back. Too many other great games/companies out there to give companies like this our money. They picked the exact wrong time for a huge corporation to mimic Darth Vader and try to stomp down on the little guys.
  17. Lichbeard

    D&D Beyond Cancellations Changed WotCs Plans

    My entire group just canceled. Three of them have been paying since for years. We are done with WOTC. For now we are still playing 5E but we are done putting money in WOTC wallet. With the money saved we are buying new ttrpg to try out.
  18. Lichbeard

    D&D 5E Casual player responses to DMs planning to avoid WotC 5e/1DnD rules

    Just make it Pathfinder Club? or RPG Club?