• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. G

    D&D 5E There's A Platinum Vecna: Eve of Ruin From Beadle & Grimm This Summer

    Oh oh I know what is in the box ... the Hand and Eye of Vecna!
  2. G

    Build A Strange City By Going Into The Cess And Citadel

    Is there anywhere to buy a physical copy?
  3. G

    D&D 5E Players think Strahd isn't actually so bad. (Spoilers)

    OK several routes One of the player characters wakes later than expected in the morning and the sun burns very bright only to him. Inspection shows fang marks. Is he on the road to becoming an NPC? Does Strahd see something of a kindred spirit in these darker PCs. Make it clear any PC that goes...
  4. G

    D&D 5E "House" Rules

    House Rules First let me say I have never met a game system I didn't tweak or edit. And I really enjoy 5E, but there are tweaks. Bard ability that let's you gain any class spell, is limited to full casters, not paladins, rangers, etc. Because they can gain spells earlier than say a paladin who...
  5. G

    D&D 5E "House" Rules

    In response to the Magic Resistance portion of your post, how do you handle non-damaging spells like charm person which are usually save based? Best regards
  6. G

    Back after about 29 years

    Some things I do is at the start of every session I hand out a physical inspiration card for them to use. If they do something heroic or memorable I may give an extra or return a used one. Sometimes I let them redeem an inspiration for the I need a spell slot or something. I mod'ed the Hit Die...
  7. G

    Back after about 29 years

    I have always hovered in and out of D&D but I agree 5e for me is the best since I began with basic and 1e. 3.5 ruined it for me for a while, from AoO to Grappling. If I never see skill ranks or half-ranks again it will be too soon. I saw some improvements in 4e but it didn't feel like D&D...
  8. G

    WOIN can you design a space station?

    Aerotech for Battletech has some very advanced ship building rules up to and including stations. But only as statstics. You could also take an existing module or known item like Babylon 5 or DS9 and rebrand it. Just make sure to make it your own or the feel will always be that show... I think...
  9. G

    Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within

    I love the creative flavor of Kevin Siembieda, his settings, options, Rifts, Palladium, Heroes but the rules bother me. I wonder what the average length of a game turn for 1 player with 7 attacks is? I do agree the system has not changed drastically in many years. SDC (100) vs MDC (1). Best regards
  10. G

    Pathfinder 1E Spike Stones - Vs Undead "Cure"

    Found it A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifer. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by1d8 for each slot level...
  11. G

    Pathfinder 1E Spike Stones - Vs Undead "Cure"

    This spell is written mainly for humanoids or living creatures, but undead are sometimes the enemy of the day. I have been gaming with every edition of D&D through 5e and I love 5e. Important point for, 5e and most games if it doesn't say it don't add it. Do if cure wounds doesn't say it heals...
  12. G

    Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within

    Are open to non d20 systems? If so Trinity Continuum setting Story Path system by Onyx Path Publishing releases this year and later with Aberrant. Also free or nearly free pdf floating around the web called More Than Human MtH simple and great. Champions, Mutants and Masterminds, Heros, Gurps...
  13. G

    D&D General I Do Declare! Do you? (POLL)

    Here is the Storypath system by Onyx Path Publishing which I really enjoy. INITIATIVE In action-adventure round-by-round conflicts, the action can get pretty chaotic. Storypath uses an initiative system that’s a mix of traditional and collaborative means to make sure everyone gets their...
  14. G

    D&D General I Do Declare! Do you? (POLL)

    I have been playing since D&D basic with every version of D&D in between as well as WoD, CoD and more games than I can list. The prominent game I remember this from was Vampire the Masquerade. You rolled initiative each round and declared action in order from worst initiative to the best. This...
  15. G

    Not your average HIDE questions

    Also on the topic of stealth and passive perception. I think passive values were created as a GM mechanism so players could roll and the GM could keep the values secret as to if they hide or dont hide. It is only partially successful, I used to secret roll players stealth or used a pregens roll...
  16. G

    Not your average HIDE questions

    Don't forget that advantage and disadvantage alter passive values by +/- 4 or 5, I think I have seen both used in examples. So if you have disadvantage on passive perception of 15 your passive perception is 10. For example stealth vs a single sleeping opponent. GM "may" grant Mr stealthy a...
  17. G

    WotC Considering NPC Stat Format Change

    Ok here the deal D&D is and always will be Cruch and Fluff, we need them both at different times and for different reasons. Not all entries need a lot. We need the stats as crunchy stats many times to be washed in the blood of battle and combat. We need the soft and graceful fluff for the...