• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    Huh. Well, that was unexpected! Had they interrupted something trying to get its hands on a meal? "Think it's a wood elf? I've heard they're made of wood," Metea offered. Either way... what was the plan here? Were they going to fight to free the fox? "Could you put it down?" Metea asked...
  2. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    Metea was... welll, 'close on the heels' was the wrong turn of phrase, as she had darted out of Jeovanna's clutches quickly enough, but she wasn't getting lost in the brush. As exciting as the unknown was... there were thorns in those bushes. She'd already lost some tail feathers! Said tail...
  3. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    Metea perked up a bit as Dain rushed off- following the dog. Was the dog seeing a rabbit? Because most dogs chased rabbits, didn't they? She'd stand up, ever so gracefully- maybe the tail helped with that- and snatched her staff. She'd follow Dain- but at a good distance! After all, she had...
  4. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    The smell of Otiroth's cooking was amazing. Then again, Otiroth did always tend to smell good. How did he do it? Well... she knew how. And maybe she was biased, too. She was tempted to reach out and take a little pinch of the sorcerer on offer, but he looked quite obsessed with his current...
  5. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    "There might be a fine line between cowardice and discretion, but it's even finer between bravery and idiocy," Metea seemed to be distracted as the others gathered around the fire- she was looking for- ah! A nice place to prop up Magaw's staff, so that he could see the proceedings. She...
  6. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    "Hello!" Metea called back. "Your dog is a fine beast!" She was clearly greatly enjoying appearing like a scary demon mage, with Magaw perched proudly on the top of her walking stick. Metea was not even trying to hide that fact. And maybe in a dark tavern or spooky cave she would've turned up...
  7. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    "Aww," Metea fussed, though quietly. "What a cutie!" She was definitely looking at the dog, not Dain's bum, but one could protest too much. Metea, in general, wasn't pro animal- especially not compared to Dain, she was sure. And she didn't fully get what he was doing, but could grasp the arcane...
  8. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    "Sure thing, Magaw," Metea replied. She clearly saw no problem- he was on their side, right? As they walked along, Metea falling a bit behind the rest of the group though still in front of Carthum, she'd demonstrate mage hand for Magaw on Otiroth's undefended backside. Although honestly, if...
  9. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    "Magaw! Such a romantic," Metea whispers back, while they started across the river. "Maybe we can teach you mage hand?" She crosses the river with the others, enjoying the novel sensation of the icy chill. The ice is magical, so does not immediately melt, but she imagines in this punishing...
  10. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    "Hey, I like snakes too- but I also have flesh I enjoy having not-poisoned," Metea replied. Dain and Jeovanna were in their element here, it seemed. And the river was becoming a hot-bed of activity, "is it mating season or something? Or just feeding time?" The tiefling turned her attention to...
  11. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    Mm, the wilds were certainly providing! So far, at least. Metea carefully plucks a leaf from the Yarramberry bush and tucks it into her book like a bookmark- but actually, it is just so she can sketch the leaf later. Even esoteric herbalism knowledge is useful knowledge. Metea is not generally...
  12. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    Metea had read plenty of stories in her times in the church's library, and there were some about mortal men and women, disciples of Suru or other gods in some cases, with wild beasts that acted tame. Most of them were eagles or lions, though. A burrowing animal was maybe not very sun-god like...
  13. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    The heat wasn't so much the problem. It was a different sort of heat than in the mines, though. The humidity was what got to her! Metea's tail swished back and forth a bit- she could not imagine anybody wanting to eat anything after a hard day on the trail, but maybe her stomach would feel a bit...
  14. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    "Hear that, Magaw? We're to have company, so behave yourself," Metea remained unphazed by the slightest hint of a scolding! Were any of them surprised? Metea watched the rat scramble, actually, while Dain flirted with the fox. They were a strange group to encounter in the woods! "Are we close...
  15. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    Metea spent a good bit of her time with her nose in her tome as they walked- one hand with the tome out, one with the walking stick. She seemed to be relying on this a bit- hiking out in the woods was much different from dungeon delving. A lot more walking, less resting... Metea was not made for...
  16. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    If they failed, it had to be known. So that whoever had chosen them knew to move on to plan B. Oh... who was Metea kidding? They were definitely already well past plan B. So, the tiefling had- unless the others had protested- given Annit one of the seeing stones. The other, they'd keep safely...
  17. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    Metea & Otiroth: Afterparty It was strange, being back in the city. Metea watched the streets below. Lit only by moonlight and the flickering lights of businesses that had not yet put out their road sconces, the cobbled streets of Kalair's merchant district were quiet and serene. A few people...
  18. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    The others are a bit somber- forcing Metea to pull back a bit herself. A part of her could not understand why Annit would not accompany them; the restraints of duty aside. Certainly, the others were perhaps thinking such a quest was a duty all of its own. But Metea? This was opportunity. A trek...
  19. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    Metea went to the well with a clarity of purpose. Knowledge. Secrets. Understanding. All of it was too wonderful to pass up, and more beautiful than any gemstone. Lorica's sacrifice had brought beauty of the highest order; something that made cut gems pale in comparison. As for the visions...
  20. M

    The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six

    Metea does not hesitate in the slightest. "We will not speak of your people to those above," she replies. A pitiful fate indeed, for the pitchlings. But Metea can appreciate their position, can appreciate the concept of persecution, even if she herself had not experienced the worst that could...