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Search results

  1. Voi_D_ragon

    D&D 5E Ship rules crafted with love for your scrutiny

    I'll start out by saying I really dislike how 5e has treated naval gameplay thus far. Most of the time, player characters will use a ship basically as a "fast travel" (in the video game sense) option and barely interact with it at all. Not to mention combat, which boils down to being normal D&D...
  2. Voi_D_ragon

    D&D 5E Putting the Heat shootout scene in my Sharn Campaign

    UNO, Kirk, Elhaz, Kora Tana, Berry, don't read this. My players have been chasing the Blades and House Tarkanan around Sharn trying to figure out what they're up to. What they're up to is a heist: they're going to break into House Kundarak's central facility in Sharn and take some documents...
  3. Voi_D_ragon

    D&D (2024) Do you think the Ranger will be put in line with the new Smite formula?

    We've all seen the treatment the Paladin's Smite spells got (and you can give your opinions on that if you wish), so I started wondering if the Ranger was going to receive similar treatment, particularly in 2 areas: Ensnaring Strike and the Horizon Walker's Planar Warrior feature. I think the...
  4. Voi_D_ragon

    D&D 5E I'm doing some research on modules for my newbie DM

    I'm looking for some fun/easy-ish modules for a player of mine who's starting to DM. Since I'm going to be a player, please at least spoiler your spoilers. I was looking around at vague outlines of published campaigns and saw that Dragon of Icespire Peak is considered pretty good. Just from...
  5. Voi_D_ragon

    D&D 5E I figured out why all 5e ship rules suck

    It's hard enough to make a passable naval combat system. It's basically impossible to make a passable naval combat system that is still recognizably D&D and is also close enough and simple enough to pick up that WotC would print it, seeing their "we want d&d to be accessible to new players and...
  6. Voi_D_ragon

    D&D 5E How much an 11th level party can take in a day?

    I'm preparing a oneshot for a group of 5 fairly experienced players at level 11. I was just wondering what other DMs would think of the day they're about to head into (ideally). All players have 2 rare magic items at their disposal, plus the Aberrant Dragonmark feat, which I've souped up for...
  7. Voi_D_ragon

    D&D 5E Official material to help character motivation/party cohesion

    I was planning the beninning of the next campaign I'm going to run the other day and started asking myself how I was going to believably bring the characters together at the start and how to make a hook that was easily tied to a fixed feature of their backgrounds (for this Eberron campaign, I'm...
  8. Voi_D_ragon

    D&D General How to make a villain not look stupid when players foil their plans repeatedly.

    Basically, I'm planning a campaign where the party immediately comes into direct contact with the BBEG's minions and from then on proceeds to keep getting dragged into the various steps of their "I'm going to destroy the world" plan and stopping them. The problem is, if the party stop every...
  9. Voi_D_ragon

    D&D 5E Tweaking the Monk's progression to help remove the impression of dead levels

    DISCLAIMER: The poll is just to see if my assumption about Timeless Body is correct, please don't make it a focal point of discussion. I am not setting out to reshape the Monk into a Fighter or Barbarian. It has different unique selling points, I hope to reinforce these while making it still...
  10. Voi_D_ragon

    Pathfinder 2E Looking for feedback on a Homebrew Class: the Puppet Master

    Here's the link: PF2e Scribe Basically this class wants to be an always-on buffer for the whole party, and offensively it takes control of enemies (or willing allies) and uses them to strike in its place. I'd love to hear feedback especially on any broken wording that doesn't interact as...
  11. Voi_D_ragon

    D&D 5E (Spoilers) Running Tomb of Annihilation up to higher levels

    So after playing through ToA as a player (with our party suffering 25 deaths throughout the course of our campaign) I am prepping to run it myself for another group. However. I like to add modules I DM to my homebrew setting, giving new flavors and explanations for things. And I wanted to add...
  12. Voi_D_ragon

    D&D 5E Preferred DM vs PC game type.

    Alright, so this was supposed to be a poll, but apparently I'm stupid with computers and didn't notice I posted it while checking the poll thing etc. Anyway. In a recent thread I started, (this one...
  13. Voi_D_ragon

    D&D 5E Players think Strahd isn't actually so bad. (Spoilers)

    So I've been running Curse of Strahd with my group lately, and the players are not very keen on going up against him. And it's not that they're scared; let me recap. -Players get lost in the mists after running away from a village attacked by a giant pack of wolves and get picked up by Vistani...
  14. Voi_D_ragon

    Scaling Nine Lives Stealer

    Wassup my dudes? I've always liked the idea of magic items that scale as the characters do, and one item in particular has always seemed ideal to me for this: The Nine Lives Stealer Now, I really dislike how it plays on the DMG, because it's basically just really useful against low...
  15. Voi_D_ragon

    D&D 5E (CoS) Getting TPK'd at Old Bonegrinder and more.

    Alright, so my group (lvl 3) reached Old Bonegrinder last session. I had prepared for this, and the hags ripped the group to shreds, but they stabilized the whole group and tied them up, then proceeded to engage in some (very one-sided) negotiation. One of my players (sorcerer) tried to get...
  16. Voi_D_ragon

    Tweaking Modules to fit you Homebrew World

    Man, I'm back with a vengeance! In this thread, I tell you a bit more about my campaign world, and how I tweaked Curse of Strahd's (which becomes Curse of Drazhan for me) story and characters to fit in it. Alright, so, Ravenloft, the demiplane of Dread. In the official fluff, the Dark Powers...
  17. Voi_D_ragon

    Modifying Old Bonegrinder to be more (and yet less) deadly.

    Alright, I'm back posting! (Though you may not have noticed or rejoiced at the absence of my too long-winded questions). Anyway, let's get to it: how do you tweak written adventures (right now I'm preparing Curse of Strahd, but you can share anything if you like -maybe not ToA, since I'm...
  18. Voi_D_ragon

    How strong is forced movement? Also, a barb subclass.

    Sup dudes. I was thinking about your classic barbarian: big, hairy, smelly, stupid, great-axe wielding, and usually a static damage sponge for the squishies out back (yes, he's fast, but he usually moves in short bursts to chase fleeing enemies or reposition quickly once his current enemy is...
  19. Voi_D_ragon

    Timelines in your Setting

    Alright, so I'm writing down a rough timeline for my campaign right now and right now: -All the races available to PCs and big bad races (orcs, goblinoids, Yuan-Ti) have been created (the others just pop up in the background at some time, I don't really care) -The elder races (Elves, Dwarves...
  20. Voi_D_ragon

    D&D 5E Class-Based Milestone Advancement (or a new look on leveling up with XP)

    Gneh, the name kinda sucks, buuuut anyway. I was thinking about how to make a world low-fantasy/low magic without limiting the starting options available to players. So I started digging around a bit on the interwebs and, after barely scratching the surface, I see this one idea, which is...