• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. R

    D&D 5E (IC) Vault of the Dracolich (Infiltrators)

    Kurzon strode forwards to engage the leader, he needed to distract them while his companions could attack. "Come uglies and face me!" he called out as he drew his sword and strode into them. Dodge Action! :)
  2. R

    D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Princes of Elemental Evil II

    Now that the sneaking was done with and glorious combat had ensued, Kubeba roared with laughter as he savagely attacked the guard. [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]
  3. R

    D&D 5E Ironfang Invasion (IC)

    Vin shrugs helplessly, "It is not in me to hunt them down, I find myself in agreement with Harb. The manner in which we survive is just as important as surviving itself."
  4. R

    D&D 5E Lost Mine of Phandelver - CG

    Brother Lantern nods in agreement. "We shall see how our luck holds."
  5. R

    D&D 5E EB's ToEE and RttToEE Campaign - IC

    "With any luck the old crone has used her acid tongue on them and they are ready to surrender." Bekah smiles as she follows the reptilian warrior into the courtyard. "I'm joking of course....... mostly."
  6. R

    D&D 5E EB's ToEE and RttToEE Campaign - IC

    Bekah favoured the dwarf with an affectionate glance. "I'm fine Emmyr my dear, thank you for asking." Looking around for the old witch she frowns, "Surely, she didn't leave us high and dry?"
  7. R

    D&D 5E Ironfang Invasion (IC)

    Vin shudders in mock horror and rolls his eyes at Flint. "It is a good idea, I am sure Fluffy would be up to the task."
  8. R

    D&D 5E EB's ToEE and RttToEE Campaign - IC

    "Captain!" Bekah calls out as he falls prone. She summons a quick healing spell to counter the nasty bite of the creature and throws another dart at it. Healing Word [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] She smiles as the healing takes effect and then grins as her dart sink home into the giant frog!
  9. R

    D&D 5E EB's ToEE and RttToEE Campaign - IC

    Bekah shakes her head at Rana, the old girl was quite impressive really. The frogs were dirty and frankly icky creatures and the thought of touching one was more than Bekah could bare. Resolutely she advanced forwards to be in range of a dart throw and hurled it at small one close to the...
  10. R

    D&D 5E Return to The Temple of Elemental Evil - (full, at the moment)

    I think it is because as a ranged weapon you use your DEX stat, by being finesse it allows you to use either Str or Dex attribute.
  11. R

    D&D 5E Ironfang Invasion (IC)

    Vin takes a look at the blade, studying the runes and sigils. [roll0] "If we have some time, I can conduct a ritual to determine if it is magical?" he offers. lol, sorry
  12. R

    D&D 5E EB's ToEE and RttToEE Campaign - IC

    Bekah was a little tired, this demands of the previous night and then an early start made her wish for the persona of Lady Rebekah again. Just so she could lay in bed for a little longer this morning. Added to this, Emmyr was looking at her oddly. She had noted that her change to Bekah had...
  13. R

    D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Princes of Elemental Evil II

    Kubeba attacks the guard next to hit, eager to get ready for the inevitable reinforcements that would be coming soon. [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]
  14. R

    D&D 5E Ironfang Invasion (IC)

    Vin smiles at Flint, "I feel your pain, any advice for me?" he asks. "As I don't seem to be able to hit the broad side of a barn from five paces."
  15. R

    D&D 5E (OOC) Vault of the Dracolich 5E (Full)

    thanks for the super heal! I was thinking Kurzon would have to sit this one out.
  16. R

    D&D 5E (OOC) Vault of the Dracolich 5E (Full)

    sorry, I assumed we were. If not, Kurzon will go ahead on his current hit points.
  17. R

    D&D 5E (OOC) Vault of the Dracolich 5E (Full)

    Kurzon will use his HD to gain 36 hp
  18. R

    D&D 5E A New Frontier [IC]

    Thren blushes furiously at the implications.
  19. R

    D&D 5E Ironfang Invasion (IC)

    Seeing the threat, Vin starts to pray to all those elven gods that he no longer really believed in. It can't hurt, he thinks to himself as he launches a bolt of fire at the creature. cast firebolt [roll0] [roll1] He watches it hit, and is momentarily excited but the flames seems to...