• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Bupp

    D&D General Which Gods/Pantheons do you use in your D&D setting?

    I do this, as well as add a few of my own. I do separate them into two main pantheons. The Orbital Gods are sentient AIs that orbit the world, and the Old Gods. Much like American Gods by Neil Gaiman. With the two pantheons being antagonistic against each other, and rivalries within.
  2. Bupp

    D&D General other possible elements?

    I use the 5e damage types as my "elements", taking out the "mundane" bludgeoning, slashing, piercing. Acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, and thunder.
  3. Bupp

    D&D General Having your players roll their stats

    I offer a choice. If you know what character you want, standard array or point buy. If you don't know what character you want, 4d6 drop lowest in order.
  4. Bupp

    D&D General You Can Still Hone Your Craft While on an Extended Break

    I'm in much the same situation. Not actively gaming, but things are opening up, too. My mind often drifts to world building, rules hacks, or doing voices while I'm at work. Though I've always thought that D&D was played as much between sessions as during sessions, in group chats or just face to...
  5. Bupp

    D&D General Magitech and Science Fantasy are Fundamental to D&D

    I like the Car Wars type mini game of building a vehicle you have in there.
  6. Bupp

    D&D General Using Backgrounds instead of Classes

    I've rolled the Bonds, Traits, Ideals, and Flaws to flesh out NPCs
  7. Bupp

    D&D General [CC SRD and OGL] Good OGL Product Full of 5e Spells?

    I have huge lists of links to spells from all kinds of d&d creators from around the internet on my blog. https://jonbupp.wordpress.com/blog-database/players/spells-magic/
  8. Bupp

    D&D 5E What classic and/or MTG settings bring something new to the table?

    I don't play a MtG setting, but I have plenty of Magic influences on my homebrew world.
  9. Bupp

    WotC Backs Down: Original OGL To Be Left Untouched; Whole 5E Rules Released as Creative Commons

    Them releasing the SRD to CC almost has the feel of a petulant child saying "Fine, you can have it. I was done with it anyway!"
  10. Bupp

    D&D 5E Will you continue to give WotC D&D your $$$

    No more money from me to WotC for D&D products. I've put in my support ticket to delete my Beyond account. Currently a free member, but I've paid in the past. I won't be downloading any more One playtest packets. D&D has been part of my life, pretty much all of my life. I will still play RPGs...
  11. Bupp

    D&D 5E Sticking with D&D?

    This OGL and half asses apology is my jumping the shark moment, though I've pretty much not purchased anything from WotC for some time. I will not be playing Dungeons & Dragons anymore. My one game has been on hiatus, and when I restart, it will be with another system to be named. I will still...
  12. Bupp

    D&D General "Why Greyhawk?" in 2023 - grodog's thoughts

    I also fear what a 50th Anniversary Greyhawk would look like, after seeing what WotC did with Magic the Gathering's 30th Anniversary.
  13. Bupp

    WotC Ex D&D Beyond Staffers Criticize Relationship With WotC

    The union busting is certainly still there.
  14. Bupp

    D&D General "Why Greyhawk?" in 2023 - grodog's thoughts

    Greyhawk has a dear place in my heart. All of my early campaigns as DM were set there. My current flavor on worlds runs different now, but I learned so much from that first boxed set about world building, and do it much the same today as presented in those books.
  15. Bupp

    WotC Ex D&D Beyond Staffers Criticize Relationship With WotC

    This is all a reflection of late stage capitalism. Profits over people.
  16. Bupp

    D&D General Delisting titles on the DMs Guild

    I've a few minor things on the Guild that I'll be leaving there. Like others, I make maybe a couple hundred dollars a year. Usually whenever there is a pdf I want, I can get it, and cash out some when I want to buy some Magic cards. I use it as a side hustle to subsidize my hobbies. Will I be...
  17. Bupp

    D&D General Are you jumping ship? What will you be switching to?

    I currently think I'll be jumping ship, though I'm currently in "wait and see" mode. I'm curious about what MCDM and Kobold Press have in store (love the balls of them calling it Project Black Flag). Since I like some genre bending in my D&D, I'm currently looking at Worlds Without Number...
  18. Bupp

    Planescape How do people play these days?

    Discord chat with Avrae bot, and I use Owlbear Rodeo for my vtt. Owlbear is very lightweight, and super simple to use.
  19. Bupp

    D&D 5E Do you actually use "Lifestyle Expenses?"

    I use them, but do it monthly at the 1st of the month (in game).
  20. Bupp

    D&D General Henchmen watching your stuff?

    I'll roll for random encounters for the henchmen. If one comes up, I'll roll a straight d20 to determine results. If I roll high, the henchmen did well (defeated the goblin scouts that returned to the lair, or hid from the hill giants), low they did poorly. I also agree with using Loyalty scores.