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  1. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 2E Running Abomination Vaults: SPOILERS!

    Hello! First off, SPOILER ALERT! In this thread myself and others will be talking about the Pathfinder 2e Module "Abomination Vaults" from a GM's perspective! Ye be warned! So its been well over a year since I ran a game and I find myself struggling to retain the info that I'm reading in the...
  2. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 2E Sea Campaign

    Thank you so much for pointing that out! I ran and bought the pdf! :)
  3. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 2E Sea Campaign

    I decided to read your article! Afterward I came back to type this reply. I feel the need to give you some basic info about my campaign so here is my introduction... 50 years ago a strange portal appeared in The Inner Sea (see Pathfinder world map). This portal lead to a strange place unknown...
  4. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 2E Sea Campaign

    That my friend was solid advice! And what a beautiful city you've created! I'll use this for inspiration in my own Campaign! Thank you for the help! :)
  5. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 2E Sea Campaign

    Mostly above! It takes place aboard ships, on islands and in port cities. However there are portions of the world that are in fact under the water! Ex: A society of Aquatic Elves living in an underwater city!
  6. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 2E Sea Campaign

    Hello, I haven't posted on EN World in years but I've decided to come here for some help. I just decided to start a new sea based campaign and I'm already drawing blanks on random encounters. I want the sea to be a dangerous place but I also can't justify every square inch of the ocean being...
  7. Gfreak2x9

    Starfinder Mecha Rules for Starfinder?

    I love the idea of Mechs in Starfinder! In fact I am trying to home brew my own rules for them as we speak, but I am struggling to do so! I really want to implicate something similar to the APUs from the Matrix. These would be small, one man units equipped with one heavy weapon at the end of...
  8. matrix_apu_by_kehlan.jpg


  9. Gfreak2x9

    Tome of Horrors: Golden Cat! My custom build

    Hello, I recently decided to take a look at an old monster I had once thought about running. The monster is located on Page 330 of the Tome of Horrors, and is known as a Golden Cat. Now way back in my first days on DMing I thought that running this monster would be a great idea. Thank god I...
  10. Gfreak2x9

    Cheliax, Empire of Devils

    UPDATE: We have completed the first session and it went much better than expected! I did re-read the source material and I found that there were in fact some details I had missed. I appreciate those that chose to legitimately respond with their knowledge as I had requested! I will now go over...
  11. Gfreak2x9

    Cheliax, Empire of Devils

    Hello Everyone, I wanted to discuss Cheliax because I will be segwaying into a Chelish campaign shortly. I wanted to get some perspective on a few things before I dove into it head first. First off let me say that I have read the companion "Cheliax, the Empire of Devils" and it was very...
  12. Gfreak2x9

    I came back 4 years later and...

    Hello Everyone, This is my first post in quite some time! My last post was in the year 2013 and my oh my have I learned a lot about D&D since then! I started this thread as a way of looking back on what I've learned, in hopes of inspiring new players to make better decisions than I did! Find...
  13. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 1E What the heck do Roc eat???

    I replied to myself after a few years... Wow man! Did we just like post every question we ever had, right to this site? To answer your question, The Roc is going to eat what it can, and it will likely hunt the biggest game it can find! If it can't find enough food then simply tell the players...
  14. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 1E Drake mounts?

    Time for another reply to myself... Hello again! Its you from the future, three years in the future to be exact! This is YOUR game... screw what other people think! If you feel its valid, then its valid! You are the DM after all. As for the Drake being NE, that doesn't mean that its going to...
  15. Gfreak2x9

    Where to find a nerdy girl?

    I logged in after many years and replied to myself... Hello! I'm you at age 24 and I'm here to answer your questions! First and foremost try not to post these things online kiddo, you may find a 20 page thread laughing in your face when you're older. Second of all, you're 21 and complaining on...
  16. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 1E Drake mounts?

    So I came across an odd issue the other day... My party encountered some river drakes (Alignment NE) and the ranger began to wonder "Hey...can I convince this thing to be my mount?" this concept caught me off guard which leads me to a few questions for the forum. 1. What kind of check does...
  17. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 1E Best favored enemy choices

    Personally I like to go with Orc because of the fact that they are fairly common enemies. But since you are such a high level I would encourage your DM to take the time to help you with the decision. I would ask "What on this list will I most likely be fighting in the future?" if he doesn't give...
  18. Gfreak2x9

    Pathfinder 1E Resurrection

    What is the cost of resurrection in Pathfinder? If a PC dies and has a savings set aside to bring him/her back how much does it cost? It says in the spell that you need a diamond worth 10,000 GP but that is just the component, how much would a cleric charge for labor? Please help, and please add...
  19. Gfreak2x9

    Where to find a nerdy girl?

    I have no idea how to give it :(
  20. Gfreak2x9

    Why does everyone rag on Hawkeye?

    I like Hawkeye, he is cool as far as I'm concerned. Now GreenArrow...I hate! "I'm a glorified Robin hood! LITERALLY! Yaaay!" I don't rag on Hawkeye though because hes cool! :)