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  1. Lorithen

    D&D General Souls and Spirits - are they necessary in order to exist?

    A question from my DM, who is also reading this but is not active on Enworld: Is anyone here (other than Lanefan and I) not playing 5e? Given the diverse range of responses so far, he's curious about whether there is some correlation with edition.
  2. Lorithen

    D&D General So how about alignment, eh?

    Outside such things as aligned magic items and evil temples, alignment has come up two different ways in the campaigns I've played in: (1) How characters are actually played in-game, i.e. part of the expression of their personalities. Are they malicious, self-centred, psychopathic, and...
  3. Lorithen

    D&D General So how about alignment, eh?

    To give some context to what Lanefan joked about in msg #133 about the party selling prisoners into slavery (which to us modern day folk does sound evil), the culture of our characters and the country they were adventuring in his campaign was based loosely on ancient Greece, so slavery was a...
  4. Lorithen

    D&D General So how about alignment, eh?

    Similarly, the other campaign we're in would likely code this as CG(CN) ["Chaotic Good with Chaotic Neutral tendencies"] or even CG(N) ["Chaotic Good with Neutral tendencies"]. Same idea. What Reynard mentioned above is interesting: "D&D wasn't by definition a roleplaying game in its first...
  5. Lorithen

    D&D General So how about alignment, eh?

    Yup, or to quote what became the informal motto of that specific character of mine: "Stop taking prisoners. Start taking inventory." :)
  6. 05.13-alignment-chart.jpg


  7. Lorithen

    D&D General So how about alignment, eh?

    In the main campaign I'm currently playing in (heavily modified 1e homebrew), the DM wants people to focus on "playing personalities" rather than "playing alignments." At the same time, our equivalent of the Players Handbook, which we call the Blue Book as it's in a blue binder), does cover...
  8. Lorithen

    D&D General How serious are your D&D games?

    Echoing what @Lanefan posted in comment #10: "All of the above." But I guess option 3 "Mostly serious, with moments of levity" would encompass this best, but still doesn't give the full picture and sounds much too mild and middle-of-the-road compared to what we do. Our campaign varies from...
  9. Lorithen

    I really don't think it should be called the "ORC license"

    Would be nice if one could maybe argue this, but I have a hunch that WotC would fight it all the way.
  10. Lorithen

    I really don't think it should be called the "ORC license"

    Then I'm likely Chaotic Evil in your eyes. :giggle: Hotdogs without ketchup and half a dozen other additions (a.k.a improvements)? No way! I follow the "Ridcully" school of thought in regards to food. Haven't yet figured out a safe recipe for wow-wow sauce though, but I'm certain that...
  11. Lorithen

    D&D 5E Buying the Farm - Claiming the Ruin - Occupying the Dungeon

    Recently, our party of adventurers cleaned out a hidden pirate base and took it over as our own, still keeping hidden from the local monarch and authorities so they don't confiscate our boat and airship fo Yeah, but they put up with us. :) And I can't recall anyone arguing that we shouldn't...
  12. Lorithen

    D&D 5E Best way to deal with greedy players and magic items in a fun game.

    In our campaign, these "spare" items that no-one can or wants to use might either get sold, traded in to cover training costs, or sacrificed by the resident Cleric. In the D&D version we play, many Cleric spells (e.g. Raise Dead, Restoration, high level ceremony spells, etc.) require sacrifices...
  13. Lorithen

    D&D General Time to divide loot, treasure, items….

    Cool coincidence. Mine was a female half-elf as well (my profile pic is a scan of a pencil-crayon drawing I did of her at the time).
  14. Lorithen

    D&D General Time to divide loot, treasure, items….

    Definitely a very different gaming style. We're doing a highly-modified 1e, with no "adventure paths" per se. The DM might design a set of two or three adventures that follow and relate to each other, but you would only gain 2 or 3 levels from those (at most). The longest set of connected...
  15. Lorithen

    D&D General Time to divide loot, treasure, items….

    Just curious: How long, on average, are your campaigns? And do they have set end-points, and if so, what are these?
  16. Lorithen

    D&D General Time to divide loot, treasure, items….

    When COVID hit, we moved the game from in-person play to online, using Roll20 for the VTT and Discord for audio (our DM bought the $US50/yr Roll20 subscription). We have a website as well where our modified 1e rulebook ("The Blue Book"), adventure logs, character log, spell lists, geographic...
  17. Lorithen

    D&D General Time to divide loot, treasure, items….

    Players have come and gone over the years. Some have moved out of town and a few even out of country. Two passed away. Some have played in the campaign since the early '80s, and some joined fairly recently. Several campaigns have "hived off" from this one over the years, when some players...
  18. Lorithen

    D&D General Time to divide loot, treasure, items….

    That's an interesting variation and I definitely like it - the idea that if an item is sold, the proceeds go back to the party and that "personal expenses" such as raise deads come from the party treasury. Question: If a character leaves the party, let's say to retire or sail back to their...
  19. Lorithen

    D&D General Time to divide loot, treasure, items….

    Interesting conversation. As some background, I'm a fellow player in the homebrew game that Lanefan also plays in (he describes our treasury division routine in message #19). As we're currently playing online, we're using a OneDrive Excel spreadsheet that all players can see and edit in order...
  20. Lorithen

    D&D (2024) Change in Charisma Description

    In our homebrew game, Charisma is defined as "a measure of persuasiveness, force of will, personal magnetism, and physical attractiveness". Willpower has come into play on a few occasions and there is a "willpower adjustment" table in our rulebook, which states: "Spells that involve charming...