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Search results

  1. Ginnel

    Character Creation - I want a varitety!! (getting rid of racial stat bonuses)

    Hey all. I'm thinking of running a planescape game, this time in 4E. 2E setting 4E rules. Anyway to my question at hand, what I want is for my players not to feel compelled to choose a particular race/class combo or not to be penalized for choosing a non opitmal one. These are the...
  2. Ginnel

    Killed by your own party member!

    Well I thought this was worth creating a thread about its not even a you had to be there moment, I think its funny but then you do have mileages and variations an all ;) Our party consisting of: Dubious Tiefling Warlock Heroic Tiefling Paladin Beer loving Dwarf Cleric with a great axe...
  3. Ginnel

    In case of HIVE break glass

    Forked from: Hive For The Holidays! *turns off the radio, stares at the bowl which formerly contained a banana split, and waves goodbye to whatever force appeared to help him summon the next Hive* Phew.
  4. Ginnel

    Looking past the powers

    I ran a 4th edition game the other night total improv and lots of fun. One addition I think that helped alot with my group was that as well as power cards they had an extra card too which I wrote for them which basically went. :Schnee the Necromancer, you are a vile necromancer capable of...
  5. Ginnel

    Rogue-like Reccomendations please

    I've played Zangband quite a lot and found its artifacts and classes and unique monsters fun, but when I got to lower levels I always always seemed to die. Someone mentioned Crawl the otherday and I've been thinking about giving it a go, are there any other Rogue like games people would...
  6. Ginnel

    Link to Wiki at top of the page not working

    basically as said in the title, it just clears my cookies and thats it, the only way I got to ENwiki was by clicking on a link in someones sig instead.
  7. Ginnel

    Welcome to Digital Insider

    Heres the link an update on the progress of the DDI initiative, which many people have concerns about. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/insidernews/20080806
  8. Ginnel

    Art Review starting with, Previews: August and Beyond

    I really liked the art discussion topic of the previews we got from the MM for 4th edition thought I'd start up a similar thread for the previews we're getting now and see if anyone was interested. Now we have a few pieces here the Drow, the Gensai and the Thief running from the guards with...
  9. Ginnel

    3rd ed items in a 4th Ed World? - challenge

    Okay, there was a thread around which was let me convert your 3rd ed character concept to 4th edition, just wondering how this would work for magic items. I don't think I'll be able to convert everything but I'm willing to give it a go, also I would be more than happy for other people to jump in...
  10. Ginnel

    Hang ups: No1 Character Classes

    This is really a pet peeve of mine, when your in a game everyone knows the characters names and out of character they know the classes, someone says oh the ranger is doing that now in my opinion this is bad out of character and even worse in character. It really annoys me and breaks the...
  11. Ginnel

    Using Rods for wizard spells? Forked Thread: Swordmage Implement with Wizard powers?

    Forked from: Swordmage Implement with Wizard powers? I posted the following in the above thread, just wondering what peoples opinions are "Hang on unless I haven't read this thread very carefully, could well be true, why does a multiclassed Warlock/Wizard need to use a wand why can't he use...
  12. Ginnel

    Character Personalities, advice/suggestions wanted

    Ok, I have a problem, I play a certain type of character a lot of the time a bolschy oppionated outspoken type, sometimes more in the background, sometimes more of a leader, sometimes a romantic, sometimes someone who just likes making stuff explode. I've tried a bumbling character once, I've...
  13. Ginnel

    The idea of naming and shaming

    I'm not sure if this belongs in the meta forum, I've posted it here because this is where the subject in question seems to have the most impact. Would it assist the site at all in to name and shame those posters who receive short bans and have threads locked because of their behaviour? A...
  14. Ginnel

    4th edition Joke from the session

    Ok to put you in the picture, our group trekking through a forest, Ye Gads a bear!! (there was a bit more to it than that but hey ;)) ensuing combat and bear getting beat up a bit decides to run off by shifting and running. Question by me: hmm can he shift through that difficult terrain...
  15. Ginnel

    The Drunken Master Prestige class

    Hey people, I've got a few questions about this prestige class from the 3.5 version its a bit confusing I'm sure they've been asked before but I can't find it using the search funciton. 1st Does the drunken master take the -4 to hit with improvised weapons? 2nd Does the drunken master add...
  16. Ginnel

    The most damaging 4th edition attack by Class?

    Now this is a question rather than an answer I'm afraid, now I'm not interested in synergies with extra special magic items or set ups from other party members, I'm interested in at level 30, whats the most damaging attack for each class both in terms of maximum damage and actual average damage...
  17. Ginnel

    Flaming sphere, what happens when you get pushed into it?

    What would happen in your game if you tide of iron'd (fighter attack and push 1 square power) an enemy into a flaming sphere? the player pushes the foe back into the fiery ball, a free attack? auto damage? the enemy goes into the same square and takes automatic damage? having not read up...
  18. Ginnel

    De Klunking

    I for one think there has been too much bandying about of the word KLUNK there is of course only one *Hums the theme tune* stop the mods, stop the mods, stop those mods now! *Razzle snazzle rassazh*
  19. Ginnel

    3rd party content is it just popular in the USA or?

    I've heard a lot of talk about the GSL and the OGL about one being limiting for third party publishers and one being entirely open. My question is (And I'm trying to put this tactfully) though is 3rd party support for RPGs bought a lot? I've been in at least 10 roleplaying groups and I have...
  20. Ginnel

    New Dragon and Dungeon up, alsoKeep on the Shadowfell conversions

    as the title says please feel free to delete if this has been mentioned already http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dufe/20080606a additions includes warforged paladin and shifter cleric