• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. xmanii

    End of an era....

    Just got an email today from WotC, which I had to use the forward using http://oracle.wizards.com/scripts/wa.exe?P1&L=dnd-l as the email addy was down Hello! On February 15, 2015, Wizards of the Coast will terminate our LISTSERV system that manages this (and other) mailing lists. We've watched...
  2. xmanii

    Remembering Gary

    Still missed by me. I wouldn't be the person I am now without him
  3. xmanii

    Who controls the Oracle.Wizards.Com mailing list?

    Pretty sure the moderator of the mailing lists (DND-L for sure) can't do anything about that
  4. xmanii

    Civ 5, just one more turn...

    I can't wait myself... I seem to remember reading somewhere that they plan on making a facebook application as well. That would be cool, if done right.
  5. xmanii

    Need some advice on a gaming rig

    Couple options here, that I am looking at getting: Case ( CoolerMaster CM 690 Gaming Tower Case Black ) Case Lighting ( Cold Cathode Neon Light Blue ) Power Supply ( 750 Watt -- Corsair CMPSU-750TX Power Supply Quad SLI Ready ) Processor ( [New !!] Intel® Core™ i7 950 Processor (4x 3.06GHz/8MB...
  6. xmanii

    TLG Tribute to Gary

    Thanks for sharing.
  7. xmanii


    Very cool of them, and a big thanks to everyone that has donated!
  8. xmanii

    What are people doing with their 3.x colletions?

    I can use ebay, and if the items I want are reasonably priced, Ill make some bids (or you can email me at patsite at calandyr dot com if you want to bypass ebay) This goes for anyone wants to sell or give away :)
  9. xmanii

    Massive EN publishing $1 sale new server fundraiser! AKA "let's buy a new server!"

    Just spent about $36 (plus the Adamant Entertainment sale which pushed me over $63), so I did my share :D
  10. xmanii

    Temporary front page

    2123 I wasnt able to load ENWorld, and i finally loaded at 2127, then it wouldn't load 3 pages, for another 2 minutes (2129)
  11. xmanii

    Temporary front page

    Couldnt load a page at 2034 to 2037 (PDT), and then it was slow loading to get to this page
  12. xmanii

    New Gord the Rogue By Gary Gygax available now!

    Looks like I will be picking this up, thanks for the heads up!
  13. xmanii

    New Gord the Rogue By Gary Gygax available now!

    Looks like I will be picking this up, thansk for the heads up!
  14. xmanii

    Wizard's 3.5 archives

    I have some/most of it as well, on my laptop (my D&D laptop), and continue to add to it whenever I get bored, or get the urge to add to it. I just don't think I can share it with anyone due to legal reasons.
  15. xmanii

    Filter ENWorld Updates in Thunderbird

    Not sure about Thunderbird, but Outlook allows you to filter by subject, can you do the same?
  16. xmanii

    NASA Spacecraft Confirms Martian Water

    Makes me wonder what the hell it could be!
  17. xmanii

    Bid on my elephant!

    EN Marketplace seems more natural, so it is my pick
  18. xmanii

    16 years, 400+ sessions, and the campaign is done!

    Grats, thats a long time for a campaign..... do you have a Cliff Notes version of the campaign somewhere?