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Search results

  1. Fast Learner

    As an "adult" do you watch cartoons by choice?

    Steven Universe is excellent, we watch it and Rebels.
  2. Fast Learner

    GAME OF THRONES #10:Mother's Mercy ACT12 /2015-Season Finale

    I can see myself feeling that way. Fortunately I turned a corner somewhere and am enjoying the heck out of it.
  3. Fast Learner

    Mr. Robot

    It's quite good so far. Perhaps my favorite thing is, as a technically-sophisticated viewer, the tech isn't terribly far off of how things work. Just enough blurring of the details and speeding things up to ensure they don't lose non-technical viewers (I think).
  4. Fast Learner

    GAME OF THRONES #10:Mother's Mercy ACT12 /2015-Season Finale

    Melisandre is no where near Castle Black in the books, so while the showrunners might well use her for that, it's very unlikely in the books. *** BOOK SPOILER REGARDING THEON AND SANSA *** And, in the books, regarding Theon and Sansa (though the role Sansa's playing in the show was a different...
  5. Fast Learner

    My League of Legends channel

    Not a fan of League of Legends due to this BS. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/02/league-of-legends-e-sports-organizer-puts-limits-on-lgtbq-participants/
  6. Fast Learner

    Movie News: Chris Pratt is wanted by Disney to Be Indy! All Girl cast for Ghostbusters Named

    Ford was 39 when Raiders came out. Pratt will be 39 in 2018, three years from now, which is probably about the time such a film would be released. Pretty close.
  7. Fast Learner

    Smart watches

    I'll totally write one if there isn't one quickly after launch of the Apple Watch.
  8. Fast Learner

    Award Predictions

    I suspect it's just about managing the number of awards. Similarly there are separate awards for actor and actress (drama and musical/comedy) but not for supporting actor and actress.
  9. Fast Learner


    Tonight's second episode (second half) with Hugh Bonneville (the father from Downton Abbey) as the Pirate King was the best so far, with multiple actual laugh-out-loud moments. I'm fully in, now.
  10. Fast Learner

    Apps for the IPad - Recommendations?

    $1.99 is _so_ cheap. Weird how perceptions have changed.
  11. Fast Learner

    Xmas Special - "Last Christmas" [spoilers]

    Also my fave. A great Doctor Who story, well directed and well performed, with a Christmas theme. Hard to beat that.
  12. Fast Learner

    What's Happeninnnnng to the site?

    Annnnd it's fixed for me now. Weird, and thanks.
  13. Fast Learner

    What's Happeninnnnng to the site?

    Neither the Quick Reply nor the Advanced reply text areas work for me in Chrome (posting this from Safari where it's fine). Edit for more detail: I can see the QR text area in Chrome but can't click in it. There is no text area in the full reply at all, just the title text box.
  14. Fast Learner


    My fiancée and I both enjoyed it, especially the songs. The characters were plenty enjoyable, too. Not a great show, but definitely enjoyable, with pretty hilarious songs.
  15. Fast Learner

    Ant-Man (trailer)

    Surprisingly disappointing trailer. My fiancée said, "honey, we're going to see this because it's a Marvel movie, but from the trailer, that's the _only_ reason." I had to agree.
  16. Fast Learner

    Artists! What graphic tablet do you use?

    Oops, that's not what I meant. I meant this instead (price unknown, should release this month): http://signup.astro-hq.com/
  17. Fast Learner

    Artists! What graphic tablet do you use?

    If you already have an iPad as well, I've heard that Duet Display is actually pretty great for $15: http://www.duetdisplay.com/
  18. Fast Learner

    Doctor Who s8e12: Death in Heaven [spoilers]

    Just want to add that all of the hand-wavy stuff worked just fine for me, and I enjoyed the heck out of the episode, particularly in the way it pulled all of the series' strings together.
  19. Fast Learner

    Chappie (trailer)

    It's Neill Blomkamp. You can be sure this will be a unique take on the concept.
  20. Fast Learner

    "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." - Season 2

    Episode 2 was also solid. So far so good.