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  1. Colmarr

    ZEITGEIST Status of 5e Zeitgeist

    Thanks Gideon. I'm happy to see your Zeitgeist campaign is still going strong (and is amazing, as always). I'm not technically back, but I can be considered D&D-adjacent ;)
  2. Colmarr

    ZEITGEIST Status of 5e Zeitgeist

  3. Colmarr

    ZEITGEIST Status of 5e Zeitgeist

    I'm looking at D&D again after years away. I see that the 4e Zeitgeist campaign was fully published, that Island at the Axis of the World was published for 5e and that something's been happening on Patreon since then, but couldn't really figure out where its all up to. Can someone fill me in?
  4. Colmarr

    D&D 5E Would you change a monster's hit points mid-fight?

    Sorry to res a post from 7 pages back but I thought it was important to point out that it's equally valid to say "Listen guys, I was trying to make this game I spent hours and hours working on more fun for me by fudging a roll or hit point total now and again. I'm sorry for ruining everything"...
  5. Colmarr

    D&D 5E What is required to copy a spell into a spellbook?

    I don't think this sort of game is badwrongfun but I do think springing it on players without warning is sort of cruel. I once saw a painted miniature belonging to another player. The miniature had clearly had a hand removed. When I asked the player why, he told me that the character had lost a...
  6. Colmarr

    D&D 5E What is required to copy a spell into a spellbook?

    More power to you, but I'd hate that approach. If the rules of the game don't tell me that combat might cause my PC lasting injuries, IMO the DM better tell me before he imposes that as a rule. Ditto with magic item use. I'm pretty sure wizards would have figured out in-game that wands can't...
  7. Colmarr

    D&D 5E What awesome thing happened in your game recently?

    Thanks for the reply. Has anyone queried why a cult with the power to level Waterdeep was mucking around sacking a nowhere backwater like Greenest?
  8. Colmarr

    D&D 5E What awesome thing happened in your game recently?

    Ooh! As someone who hasn't read or played the Tyranny of Dragons adventures, what sort of outcome is this? "Bad guys win because you chose not to intervene in the right way"? Your comment makes it seem like helping the giant steal a dragon hoard was somehow the wrong thing to do.
  9. Colmarr

    At Least 4 Months For Conversion Documents

    And how many of them advertise the fact that the promise is broken because they can't handle one guy being absent? I'm not a 5e player so the delay doesn't bother me at all but the PR stuns me. I didn't know there were only eight people working on the brand. I can understand that losing access...
  10. Colmarr

    At Least 4 Months For Conversion Documents

    I disagree. I don't think any business in the world would have the chutzpah to tell their customers/potential customers, "Sorry, Mr X is on jury duty for four months. No one else in our organisation has the skills or time to look at that product you want until he's back, so just hang tight...
  11. Colmarr

    Gears of Revolution: Notes on my campaign

    RangerWickett, sorry for the late reply, but I received an email the other day about receiving xp and thought I'd come back to check things out. My campaign unfortunately fell apart shortly after my last post, and my group hasn't played D&D since. It was a combination of the difficulties of...
  12. Colmarr

    Gears of Revolution: Notes on my campaign

    Mine never had the chance to even see a curse. MacBannin's one attack roll missed because of a -5 penalty (his hands were handcuffed behind his back) and then he became target no. 1 once the players realised how troublesome his aura was going to be. Commentary: I knew that sooner or later my...
  13. Colmarr

    Gears of Revolution: Notes on my campaign

    Session 19: MacBannin's Manor (part 2) Session Summary (part 2): Another casting of the Detect Planar Energy ritual that Gale had given them confirmed that the trail of energy – already fading and weak - ended abruptly beneath the 6th bridge of the Stanfield canal. RT3 checked to make sure...
  14. Colmarr

    Gears of Revolution: Notes on my campaign

    Session 19: MacBannin's Manor (part 1) Session Summary (part 1): Nevard ushered the constables to the carriage that still waited for him, and together the seven rode through the bustling streets to RHC Headquarters. Along the way, he told the RT3 what else he had seen on Cauldron Hill...
  15. Cryptogram Jiese.png

    Cryptogram Jiese.png

  16. Colmarr

    Cunning Escape: Thief level 5 ability

    Cunning Escape is an immediate reaction power triggered when "An enemy attacks you". Its effect is "You gain a +4 bonus to all defences against the triggering enemy's attack. [Plus other stuff]". Am I right in assuming that for all intents and purposes I should treat this portion of the...
  17. Colmarr

    Pathfinder 1E Always on Time (Pathfinder) is here

    Although Island and Dying Skyseer are both exemplary (I've yet to look too closely at adventures 3 and 4), with only 4 out of 13 adventures published so far isn't it a bit early to be considering publishing (or pledging support to) a hardcover of the full AP?
  18. Colmarr

    Whelm reforged as Overwhelm, and other recent skill challenges

    I agree that the skill challenge framework works wonderfully when it is used only as a framework and the challenge is allowed to develop in a freeform way. Where the system breaks down (and garnered a lot of justified criticism) is when you try to prescribe what skills can and cannot be used...
  19. Colmarr

    ZEITGEIST #4: Always on Time (4E)

    Yay. Double yay for posting the maps! Quadruple yay for the Battle of Colmarr's Folly!!
  20. Colmarr

    Gears of Revolution: Notes on my campaign

    Session 18: Dawn Square Session summary: Tok, Erik and Kuri took up position near the empty stage and scanned the crowd. Two skyseer-liveried wagons stood behind the massive stage, each tended by a white-robed druid. A small knot of skyseer attendants waited on the southern edge of the square...