• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. N

    D&D 5E Wandering Monsters: Monster Mashups

    Also, Araneas have a very detailed and specific history in FR. Which has nothing to do with ettercaps ofc.
  2. N

    D&D 5E Wandering Monsters: Monster Mashups

    TBH the lamia/Grazz't connection is nothing new.
  3. N

    D&D 5E L&L 1/7/2013 The Many Worlds of D&D

    Why solve the issues when you can hand wave them!
  4. N

    D&D 5E L&L 1/7/2013 The Many Worlds of D&D

    Morrus, your version doesn't really leave a spot for the outlands though, does it? What I am curious is what will they do with Eberron. Will they change its cosmology yet again to fit the Great Wheel? Why can't we just agree to let different worlds be in different cosmologies?
  5. N

    D&D 5E Wandering Monsters: Big Beasts

    hehe never thought of it that way but really, the scientific names ARE CoolWord WierdName, just in latin or greek:)
  6. N

    D&D 5E Wizards: Evokers *and* Illusionists?

    If the necromancer can bring an army of zombies and the summoner can bring an army of celestial animals or small elementals, why can't the fighter bring a military unit or the thief bring his subordinates from the local guild? The problem is not having an army of minions, it is having super...
  7. N

    D&D 5E Wizards: Evokers *and* Illusionists?

    Honestly I think what the game needs for illusionists and the like is a lot more examples of play. I remember when I first picked up my AD&D core books and I was trying to understand how the game was played. The rules were fine and all but what got my attention was those 2-3 pages on the PHB...
  8. N

    D&D 5E Wandering Monsters: Big Beasts

    Btw don't hate me for saying this, but what Warcraft has done with dinos, at least in imagery, is awesome. The massive armored T-rex (devilsaur), triceratops (direhorn), and pteranodon (terrorwings) just look cool and reinforce the idea that dinos are cool for the new generation of gamers (ofc...
  9. N

    D&D 5E Wandering Monsters: Big Beasts

    Actually FR did that for the deinonychus in my example. The Yuan-ti call them Ti-Khana, and it stuck among the other locals as well. Actually this could be a solution, at least for Eberron. The humans are of Sarlonan descend and have not seen a dino before they arrived. So you could come with...
  10. N

    D&D 5E Wandering Monsters: Big Beasts

    I couldn't agree more on the hatred of compound nonsense names. I have to say though, keeping the scientific names of dinos does not suit me. If we had living dinosaurs among us today, they would have common names. We'd have Tyrant Lizards and ThreeHorns. I have to say, I'm Greek so to me most...
  11. N

    D&D 5E Wandering Monsters: Big Beasts

    We will eventually have that article you know. We need a definite survey on the crucial issue: should crystal construct creatures and reptilian females have double Ds or can you be a girl in the world (of D&D) without :):):):)?
  12. N

    D&D 5E Wizards: Evokers *and* Illusionists?

    But how would you ever balance that? They did that once (AD&D Skills & Powers). It did not go well.
  13. N

    D&D 5E Wizards: Evokers *and* Illusionists?

    That is why it might be better from the start to say that this limited spell selection is the core, what every wizard can do, and then go forward from there. If DDN went ahead and said some spells are common, some uncommon, some rare and some legendary, it would make defining what each wizard...
  14. N

    D&D 5E Wizards: Evokers *and* Illusionists?

    There is an easy way to do this ofc. Limit spell selection. But every time I talk about spells as treasure and spell rarity some people go ballistic . . .
  15. N

    D&D 5E Wizards: Evokers *and* Illusionists?

    3.5 did split it in two. Warmage and beguiler. Indeed if you are one of the DMs out there who restricted rules that were T1 or even T2, that was all the wizard you had. The thing is, wizard NPCs do not map out to that divide. They do both. Even those who love plots within plots will want to use...
  16. N

    D&D 5E Wandering Monsters: Big Beasts

    Heh, and it turned around. This is not a thing that is reasonably debatable I suppose. It's a matter of taste. The poor latin scientific names have no place in my fantasy but I've seen people attached to them. It's not as it really matters pragmatically (only it does cause when it comes to style...
  17. N

    D&D 5E New Wandering Monsters - Hulking Out

    Yes pemerton. Yes he is . . .
  18. N

    D&D 5E Legends and Lore 6/23: System vs. Content in D&D Next

    All this? It's been like this from the first revision of the rules, only then there was no internet (well no real internet).
  19. N

    D&D 5E Legends and Lore 6/23: System vs. Content in D&D Next

    If there is one lesson any company should learn from Paizo and Pathfinder it should be this; strong adventures make a system (and make you cash as well).
  20. N

    D&D 5E Legends and Lore 6/23: System vs. Content in D&D Next

    I am curious, if the game is designed to be modular, what will happen to adventure modules. What would be a challenge for one group would be a walk in the park for another. Making the adventures themselves modular would make writing one up a nightmare.