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  1. S

    [Players Wanted] The Dark Eye PBP Game on RPOL

    Hey folks, A slot is available over on rpol.net for any who wish to join a stalwart party in exploring the Realms of Aventuria! Its still accepting players, so if you have been hankering for a play by post TDE fix, here is your chance: Currently the group of heroes consisting of an...
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    Speciality Priests for Swords and Wizardry

    AD&D2e had spheres to differentiate priests, while 3e/Pathfinder have domains. 5e has subclasses. My problem is there is no way to differentiate clerics in swords and wizardry. I don't need anything as detailed as specific spell lists, as the spells available are already so few. But special...
  3. S

    D&D 5E How has 5e solved the Wand of CLW problem?

    So, the wand of CLW was in many games a necessary evil. I managed to avoid the problem in 3e with it by allowing auto heal for every 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep and keeping super hard encounters to a minimum. How has 5e dealt with that problem aside from full heal after long rest (sleeping)...
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    D&D 5E So, how is the Aboleth in play?

    It's challenge 10 I think (away from book atm) which means a party of 4-5 level 10 pcs can beat it. Right?
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    D&D 5E So, how is the Aboleth in play?

    I am planning an adventure/mini campaign with an aboleth as the big bad and the final climatic battle. I was wondering if anyone has played it or played against it as a PC, and how it went. Any tips/advice would be appreciated. What is the minimum level PCs can take on an Aboleth and hope to...
  6. S

    The Biggest RPG Story of the Year?

    It will be Wheel of Time folks, and it will be HUGE news to many people, due to the richness of the setting and the vast character and background types as well as the type of games that can be run in that setting. You can have games with tons of intriuge where no sword is ever raised, or you...
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    Covers Preview for Elemental Evil Adventurer's Handbook and Princes of the Apocalypse!

    So will we be seeing new character options in the Adventurers Handbook? Who is it being written by, WOTC or a 3rd party?
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    D&D 5E Gold Guidance

    Starting at a higher level can net you a magic item as per the DMG if you follow the guidelines, especially for high magic campaigns, but you get the magic items along with money. You don't have to deduct the cost of the items from your gold. Also, again, does anyone have an idea how much...
  9. S

    D&D 5E Increasing the power of spells?

    How exactly? Can you provide concrete examples? If yo mean save or die spells or the fact that only 1 spell can be concentrated on at a time, these are good things. No more spending rounds and slots on buffs and buffs; that was utterly ridiculous. Have you ever read a fantasy novel or seen a...
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    D&D 5E What is WotC working on now?

    I have a friend whose 3rd cousin on his mother's side works in the building just a few squares away from WOTC head office. He says they have begun work on D&D 6e. It will be totally digital and has been designed to work best on the occulus rift.
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    D&D 5E Gold Guidance

    Now that folks have the DMG, are there any guidelines on what PCs can spend gold on, aside from Keeps and Followers? I am starting a game with the PCs at a higher level, so they have plenty of extra gold as per the preview page of the DMG. They also have an uncommon magic item each which I...
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    D&D 5E Boons?

    So, does the DMG have any boons for DMs to grant to pcs as rewards? If not are there any tips on what to reward PCs for something extraordinary, instead of just magic items?
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    Pathfinder 1E Playing alone in my first game

    Get 'Sex, Dice and Gamer Chicks' by Mongoose. It will teach you how to game when you are alone with your girl. Take a free tip from me, make sure she sees you reading the book. You're welcome.
  14. S

    D&D 5E NPC creation rules

    So the review of the DMG by Neuroglyph confirms NPC creation rules are in. While i was a big fan of D&D4e's unique monsters approach, something which has been kept to a large extent in 5e, one thing I really do miss from 3e was the simple NPC classes, for making humanoid enemies and NPCs, like...
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    D&D 5E I have the DMG!

    Same day the Star Wars trailer comes out.... OMG! Disney is going to buy D&D!!
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    D&D 5E How are the Monster challenge ratings matching up in game?

    For those with some playing experience with 5e now, how are the monsters from the official Monster Manual (5e) holding up with respect to their challenge levels? Now I know there will never be 100% accuracy because too much can change depending on party makeup- for instance as an extreme example...
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    D&D 5E DMG excerpt: Carousing!

    So what are Bonds & Flaws as mentioned i this preview?
  18. S

    D&D 5E Wizard Cantrips: Which are the best early on?

    Which Wizard cantrips are the best early on, say levels 1-4 in your opinion? Another thing, is there any reason to take any other attack cantrip aside from Fire Bolt? The only reason I can think of to have a backup available is in the case you come across a critter with resistance to fire. Ray...
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    D&D 5E Feats removed from the PHB, for the last Playtest !

    Yeah Arcane Archer was the only one that does not have a 5e equivalent, renamed/merged/nerfed/amped or otherwise. I think this is because the abilities of the feat were merged somewhat into the Ranger's spell list, with Lightning Arrow and the like. Also, while the feat was flavorful, it was...
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    D&D 5E I have the DMG!

    I haven't read the entire thread after this and I get the feeling this may have been discussed, but can you please tell me why you think this is so? Not being sarcastic, I an genuinely curious. How is an AC of 28 possible and for what characters? From what I know, Bounded Accuracy was mainly...