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  1. da chicken

    Was AD&D1 designed for game balance?

    1E, as a game system, was not balanced at all. The entirity of game balance was established at the most basic level by class restrictions (fighters can't use wands, etc.) but the sole balancing "mechanic" of the game was DM intervention. The game system itself was pretty ridiculous. 3d6...
  2. da chicken

    Quick Healer question

    Wow, you're right Basin?. Sorry about that. :) Gee. Healer just totally sucks. I'm no longer certain that Warmage is the worst class ever! However, to answer you original question, no, Healers do not have spontaneous curing. If they did, the entry would explicitly state so. Yes, the...
  3. da chicken

    What the hey? Abishai and spell like abilities...

    But that spell was explicitly removed from the game for being bad game design. It encourages alignment as a straight jacket. It's primarily bad because it can actually return "neutral". I'd say changing it to detect good and detect chaos is the most appropriate solution.
  4. da chicken

    Quick Healer question

    Er, actually, that's how they work. Healers do not prepare spells. That can cast any spell from their list. They're like sorcerers, except that they automatically "know" every spell on their list. Warmages are the same way.
  5. da chicken

    Is there a feat or special ability that grants Evasion to a mount?

    Or 3 levels of Druid if you're small and have a riding dog.
  6. da chicken

    D&D 3E/3.5 New D&D 3.5 FAQ at Wizards!

    Aid another: "[Y]ou can attempt to aid your friend as a standard action." Bull Rush: "You can make a bull rush as a standard action..." Charge: "Charging is a special full-round action..." Disarm: "As a melee attack, you may attempt to disarm your opponent." Feint: "Feinting is a standard...
  7. da chicken


    Feh! I produce a dark, glass vial and smash it at my feet. A black, rumbling cloud spews forth and rises above the battlefield, unleashing furious bolts of electricity at those I select. Well, the power words and arcane eye are all over 3rd level, but I do get the distinct image of a...
  8. da chicken

    D&D 3E/3.5 New D&D 3.5 FAQ at Wizards!

    It's rather irrelevant what the table says. The text of the PH contradicts the table: "You can use a melee attack with a slashing or bludgeoning weapon to strike a weapon or shield that your opponent is holding." Primary Sources say text entry > table entry.
  9. da chicken


    Seeing as there's nothing inherently broken -- mechanically speaking -- with a potion of fireball or a potion of summon monster, all the restrictions and limitations for potions are entirely flavor-based. In short, your DM should judge what is and is not brewable. Seeing as Brew Potion is...
  10. da chicken

    Keeping racial benefits when Feral?

    Er, yes there is. Feral is an inherited template, not an acquired one. The only way to get an inherited template is to be born with it.
  11. da chicken

    AoO 'refresh' help!

    Yeah, but it also says that per initiative is the universal default. So unless it says otherwise (and it doesn't) you use that definition. A DM disagrees. When I DM or when one of the other guys do, it's the other way. "Easier" is his only rationale. Nevermind that it's actually more...
  12. da chicken

    AoO 'refresh' help!

    AoO should refreh per initiative, not per actual round of combat. So in your example, the centipede would get no AoO until it gets another chance to act. The proof you have is right there in the quote you have from the PH. I've got a DM who plays by the per round refresh, and refuses to...
  13. da chicken

    How would you defend against this?

    Easy solution: Cast daylight. People with low-light vision can now see 120', shadowy illumination out to 240'. If you still can't see, cast see invisibility or purge invisibility. This is why people like bullseye lanterns. As far as determining where the arrow came from, the guy who got hit...
  14. da chicken

    Shield Spell Rules question.

    Against most touch attacks, it protects you no more than a real shield would. Which is not at all. Against incorporeal touch attacks, however, the spell still functions because it is a [Force] effect. The same is true for mage armor, for precisely the same reasons.
  15. da chicken

    Rumors from Player's Guide to Faerun

    Heh. Persistant is just a wasted feat, now. I remain of the opinion that it would be fine as a super-Extend. +4 levels for x10 duration and no restriction on what spells you can use it on.
  16. da chicken

    Traps with location/proximity triggers = Rogue killers?

    If it can't be searched and disarmed, then it isn't a trap. It's a hazzard.
  17. da chicken

    Epic Vassal of Bahamut

    Looks pretty straightforward to me. BAB, saves, and spells/day progression stop. Caster level continues to increase. Platimum armor creation time, stupidly enough, continues to increasae. The bonus feat list should include relevant feats from the ELH in addition to those from the BoED. Take...
  18. da chicken

    Adamantine Tower Shield + Cleric = Gnarly, dude

    Well, the only reason metal tower shields don't exist in the PH is because they would weigh 100 lbs. It has nothing to do with the fact that metal can't be shaped into the form of a tower shield. As they say, the tower shield is essentially a portable wall or a door. No reason realistically...
  19. da chicken

    How does one go about becoming a Good Lich (baelnorn)?

    Realize I could answer some of these. :) Baelnorn don't have an ECL, but I can tell you in general what happens when you gain and ECL template. Say you're 11th level with 60,000XP. Normal lich has an LA of +4. If you aquire the template, you become a ECL 15 character with 60,000XP. You...
  20. da chicken

    How does one go about becoming a Good Lich (baelnorn)?

    There are no rules for becoming a baelnorn. It is entirely up to the DM. However, the fact that only elves can do it suggests that it involves Elven High Magic... which according to Races of Faerun (and some implications of Magic of Faerun) means that it requires epic level spellcasting.