• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Ridley's Cohort

    Newish Player Paladin Build Advice needed

    IMO Protection is valuable if your PC has a teammate that also has Protection, so you can stand side-by-side and gain a consistent benefit. Otherwise, just take the +1 AC.
  2. Ridley's Cohort

    Questions about Sudden feats and item usage/creation

    Generally speaking, items function independent of who is using the item (as long as they function at all). The effect generated is precisely defined by the item description. From this point of view, your wizard does not quite cast a spell from a scroll, but rather helps unleash the power of a...
  3. Ridley's Cohort

    D&D 3E/3.5 Issues that might arise from a "core book only" 3.5 campaign and possible fixes?

    Celebrim, I do not really disagree with any of your points. I am coming at the issue from an orthogonal direction: I am trying to give fairly easy to execute practical advice on how to run a successful campaign using 3.5 rules, to address the OP's concerns. So rather than delve into a laundry...
  4. Ridley's Cohort

    D&D 3E/3.5 Issues that might arise from a "core book only" 3.5 campaign and possible fixes?

    Lots of astute observations in this thread. I have a slightly different take... In 3e, the boosts are paced out over a much longer time frame, and that distorts the power curve in some important ways... In a 1e campaign, 10ish level was Name Level and it was implied that the top tier magic...
  5. Ridley's Cohort

    D&D Movie/TV What would a good D&D movie be like?

    That is a very good point, and it is worth remembering that the first Harry Potter novel/movie was extremely sparse in terms of important plot action, built on a protagonist who happened to be as incompetent at understanding the weird new magical world as the audience. Such gave us a lot of...
  6. Ridley's Cohort

    D&D Movie/TV What would a good D&D movie be like?

    Which is a pretty good reason to go with Forgotten Realms -- anything, anything, anything other than Dungeons & Dragons. To belabor the point, a "dungeon" as commonly used in modern English literally means a prison under a castle. To those who have not played the game, "Dungeons & Dragons"...
  7. Ridley's Cohort

    D&D Movie/TV What would a good D&D movie be like?

    I think the most likely reason a D&D movie will fail is the same reason the first D&D movie failed: Trying to do too much. Where did it go wrong? (1a) "This is a D&D movie right? So let's have dragons and dungeons and dungeons and lotsa dragons when we save the princess (queen) at the end!"...
  8. Ridley's Cohort

    D&D Movie/TV What would a good D&D movie be like?

    That can work, but it goes against the D&D grain. Do we really want another generic "coming of age" tale with a young underdog and a lot of gumption, set in a weirder than normal world? Did it work for you when I (Snails) died to keep Ridley in the spotlight.
  9. Ridley's Cohort

    D&D Movie/TV What would a good D&D movie be like?

    This. I would remake the Seven Samurai to launch the franchise. A menagerie of heroes learn to work together to save a simple village in a larger setting. The survivors move onto to bigger things in later movies. This approach allows the writer a lot of leeway to bring in the fantastic...
  10. Ridley's Cohort

    New D&D Movie To Go Ahead - Produced By Lego Movie's Roy Lee

    I am deeply offended. Snails (my icon) was the least sucky thing in that whole movie. But, seriously, the actors were fine. The script tried to jam too much into one movie. "Let's start with dragons, and dungeons, and more dungeons, and lots of dragons when the princes is saved at the...
  11. Ridley's Cohort

    Could the "Warcraft" movie completely over-shadow the "D&D" movie?

    We, yes, there is that. But the genre does not require it. Regarding the first movie, you can see they felt trapped into sitting dragons and dungeons front and center, and save the princess with lots more dragons at the climax. In spite of a talented enough cast and a decent budget, the...
  12. Ridley's Cohort

    Could the "Warcraft" movie completely over-shadow the "D&D" movie?

    It all comes down to choosing the writer and director. IMNSHO in this day and age, the D&D brand offers nothing compelling to the movie going audience, and WoW has the edge in buzz. It does offer Hasbro a running start to make a cash cow out of a movie success. But the genre is broad enough...
  13. Ridley's Cohort

    D&D 5E About Rolling for Ability Scores

    4d6 by cards, no replacement A dice technique that seems to hit a sweet spot between dice and point buy is "4d6 by cards, no replacement". (1) Out of a deck of playing cards, pull out the 24 cars Ace(1) thru 6 (2) Shuffle and deal into 6 piles (3) In order, reveal the piles, choosing 3 (you...
  14. Ridley's Cohort

    D&D 5E About Rolling for Ability Scores

    If we accept the common pro-rolling argument that it benefits chargen by helping PCs to be "special", then we have to also accept that the dice will force some players to play "not special" PCs some of the time. Of course, any competent player can make someone "useful" from almost any stats. A...
  15. Ridley's Cohort

    D&D 5E Dealing with a trouble player and a major blow up

    I know what you mean. "Shire!" "Baggins!" That is the best I have been able to do with getting apologies from crazy people, no matter how reasonable I try to be.
  16. Ridley's Cohort

    D&D 5E Current take on GWM/SS

    Right. The important question is not "How many and which bee-bobs would you like to pimp out your PC with?". The important question is "What is enough, that your PC feels like your own, and can we all go have fun together right now?"
  17. Ridley's Cohort

    D&D 5E 5th Edition has broken Bounded Accuracy

    I think that getting rid of the multi-buffs is a great thing. But there was no logical requirement that the mechanics are so restrictive as they are. It could be possible to cast other spells, or cast some sub-set of other spells. I think an analogy can be made with the Attunement rules...
  18. Ridley's Cohort

    D&D 5E 5th Edition has broken Bounded Accuracy

    It seems rather slow for things that fly. There are lots of land animals that can sprint to the tune of 40 to 50 mph in the Real World, and horses with skilled riders can sustain 30 mph for a while.
  19. Ridley's Cohort

    D&D 5E 5th Edition has broken Bounded Accuracy

    That is a pretty good idea IMO, but it should be baked into the concept of the dragon from the start, with abundant legends of would be dragonslayer princelings who got caught with their small armies out in the open and only those very few who were quick to flee surviving to tell the tale. This...
  20. Ridley's Cohort

    D&D 5E 5th Edition has broken Bounded Accuracy

    I agree with the gist of Celtavian's argument, even though we might quibble about the details. The way I look at it is that a certain kind of fight that should be fun and memorable pushes the Party into a certain less fun path, due to the details of the mechanics. A Dragon Fight is a certain...